I am sure this has been discussed here before but it seems as if so many individuals are so hung up on being rationals of some sort (particularly INTJ or INTP). It seems as if that is the popular "in" sort of thing to do.

The personality theories class I took for my masters seemed a lot different than the discussions that go on here. My Professor said that a lot of people (especially males) seem to find a sense of feeling superiority by laying claim to the INTP or INTJ label or type. He has a masters in online teaching and told me that many people in online communities often lie about their personality types and employment to fit in and feel a sense of importance. This theory however conflicts with most what I have read about the NT personality, I get the impression most could care less about what other thought especially the guys.

I personally am related to an INTJ (father-in-law) and he is nothing like many of the people on this forum (not that I personally know any of you) or at least it seems so from the posts that I see. He knew little or nothing about personality types until 2 years ago when his job sent him to a confrence about personality types and the workplace. He works for an extremely large utility and is the manager of operations. He is very outgoing and beloved by his employees and family (I am a huge fan of his personally). When I was in my class a few semesters back I gave the test to many of my family members for a project and he came out to be an INTJ as well. His wife is an ISFJ and they get along famously. I envy their relationship and hope that my marriage is as good as theirs when I am married 38 years.

I also have a close female friend who said that an INTP who was really attracted to her soft of asked her out through her friend in another department. He tried to get her frind to give her a personality test on the sly and she told her friend that she would never date the type of insecure, pompus loser that would judge her by a personality test without getting to know her or judging her base on the thories of imperfect research results. She by the way is an ENFJ. My cousin who is an ISFP and the woman I measured a lot of my dates by felt the same way.. She told me in college that a group of people in her dorm went around trying to "type" people for a campus dating ring (mostly for rationals looking for idealists). Any guy who passed up a date with her becase she is an Artisan made a huge error as she is beautiful, hard working and so very creative (Kindergarten Teacher and Interior Decorator). Her husband is an ESFJ and she said she wouldn't trade him for anyone in the world.

I guess in the end it really only matters who you are when the computer is off and who you are with your man or woman. Keeping it real is something we usually have to do with them. I was just wondering what most of the people here though on the subject. For the record I have only been on this board once and no nothing of anyone here so I am accusing none of you "NT's" of anything. I do find that the females here seem to be more "real" and down to earth than the males though.