Good topic. I like a clean house but I don't like constantly picking up after people to keep it that way. The biggest bummer about housework is the fact that when you have a husband and kids, the thing you just cleaned becomes instantly dirty again, so you feel like you wasted your time. My tolerance for dirt has increased exponentially since being single. Who wants to spend every second of their free time cleaning?

I enjoy cooking when I want to do it. The constant daily routine of cooking is a pain, though. Especially when you go through all that and then your kids won't eat.

I like to decorate even though it can be expensive. I love when a room is freshly decorated and painted. It's like a breath of fresh air. I like to re-arrange furniture, too.

Shoveling snow sucks the big one. Cutting the grass, too. I'd rather shovel than cut grass, though.