What exactly does this mean for INTj/INFjs? I tried to explain to my INFj friend what I've been told this means, as in being physically healthy, but he can't really understand that. I mean, yes, I have seen his "anal retentive" side, i.e. always wanting to be clean, telling me to wash my hands before I touch food, picking out the parts of the food that could be harmful, even though they never cause any illness. But he seems to have another idea about it. He proposes that it may have to do with being not just physically healthy, but also spiritually healthy.

In the description of Introverted Sensing, one of the adjectives that describes it is "harmony". Thus, it being a hidden agenda, it strives to find that "harmony" through physical and spiritual means. The spiritual means may embody being at peace with one's surroundings or believing in God. Maybe you guys can elaborate on that one.

Here's the big thing that I've noticed about certain INTjs on this forum: they keep reiterating the idea of imitating other's behaviors. They say that they like to assimilate other people, perhaps in order to find an appearance that they like. Of course, the whole idea is to sort through all of these appearances in order to find your true appearance. Perhaps that's the INTj's life-long goal?

And another thing: how do you verbally "attack" an INTj's or INFj's hidden agenda? It's very easy to attack an INTp's hidden agenda of "to love" (which must be the worst hidden agenda you can have!) All you have to do is to first find out who his secret crush is, and then threaten him to reveal who it is to people. Also, simply mentioning his crush's name can send his adrenaline into a frenzy. Oh well...

Anyway, I hope you guys know more about the hidden agenda, "to be healthy", than I do.

Your Quasi-Identical INTp friend,
