Quote Originally Posted by heathiep
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
My shyness is strange.

I can easily start up a conversation with a stranger when I'm alone. Like, I'm on the train coming back from uni, with no people I know, and I almost always start up conversation with strangers.

On the other hand, when there are people I know around, I'm terribly shy in reagard to new encounters.
i have the same problem(but i've recently overcome it and started making friends with everybody/anybody, and my long lasting friends have come to expect it), and as a result i'm always making new friends and moving about socially. Does this inhibition you force on yourself when those friends are around you really bother you? I hate it. I usually am thinking about and trying to figure out how my friends are reacting to these new people, and guess their next line/subject, whatever. i think it may be due to having introvert friends, who when meeting new people tend to talk about themselves and present themselves to the new people, whereas I would rather get to know the new person. THOUGHTS GUY?
Exactly. My friends are all introverts, and I can come off as introvert too (NT). However, when I'm around people I don't know, I like to make new friends but....I find out that I'm usually the one that does all the talking. And maybe then my friends criticize me for something I said, or they think I'm interested in the chich I've talked with when I don't give a fuck about her romantically, and so on.

Yes, I hate it.