Quote Originally Posted by Baby
- be perfect in every way
So you think like every person ever?

- be poetic
So they also need to be an IEI?

- have amazing eyes
I think it's harder to find a woman WITHOUT amazing eyes.

- make me laugh
*Rocky jiggles some keys until Baby starts laughing*


- love music
Ni dominant.

- be cuddly
Se dual-seeking?

- enjoy my complete and devoted adoration
Fe creative function.

- understand me even if I say the complete opposite of what I mean
Fe creative function.

- find me impressive, charming, and otherwise adore me
Fe creative function.

- make love like an underfed Roman gladiator
Se dual-seeking.

- feed me
Se dual-seeking.

- let me hold you for long stretches at a time
ahh... introversion....

- leave me alone for at least 10 of the 24 hours of the day
... and again!

- welcome my clinginess

--- Baby, after looking through this, I don't think it is physically possible for one of these women to exsist.