A few things that I should note ...

We are both Extroverts, meaning that we are energy expenders and therefore are prone to becoming energetically anxious in social atmospheres.

We are both intuitivly based, because of extroverted intuition we especially like to note patterns and the relations of two diffrent concepts to one another.

We are both introverted thinking based ...

When both I and Joy express feeling, the feelings are always extroverted feeling. Neither I or Joy have ever demonstrated a consistent enough degree of introverted feeling to say it is not a weak function.

We are both very very sporatic and forgetful ... we have both almost gone homeless from being so mentally unfocused and not doing what we should be doing.

We both thought that we were XNFj types before we found out we were ENTps ...

When we speak to each other, it is VERY VERY obvious we are identicals. Not only that, Joy looks like she is related to another female ENTp I met, who was very obviously an identical. So identical we could predict what other were about to say midsentance!

Neither I or Joy are ENFps, ISTps, INTps, or xNFjs, and it is totally obsurd to think that.

We can not be ENFp, because ENFp are both extroverted thinking oriented and also introverted feeling oriented. It is impossible that either one of us are those types. We can not be INTp or ISTp for the same reason, and no way in heck are we XNFjs ...