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Thread: Ryan's Type

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    Default Ryan's Type

    type me yo

    i'm not gonna answer anything if it's long, seriously, i have posted enough shit about myself already, so give me easy questions

    (no polls for now)

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    what does that have to do with anything

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    i will EAT you

    edit; guess my type then

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    i have no idea, you are still kind of amorphous to me as far as impressions go

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    tell me why I should stop taking lii for granted?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    tell me why I should stop taking lii for granted?
    because i'm TOO STRONG

    because i'm falling for you

    because i said so

    because why are you taking lii for granted

    how about dat

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    Quote Originally Posted by felafel View Post
    you don't exist ryan, how can you eat anything?
    ps: i'm just keeping up with the spirit of the forum here
    who said you can't eat if you don't exist? i'm gonna eat you eitherway, falafel

    if i eat you and you exist, do i exist by eating you or does me eating you confirm my existence? riddle me this

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    Quote Originally Posted by octo View Post
    I don't know much about you as a person, but every time you post something about socionics it's inevitably wrong, so I wouldn't be surprised if you self-typed incorrectly too.

    You do spout horseshit with an air of arrogant infallibility though, which makes me think alpha NT.
    Well, I noticed that you don't like me much, which I never understood the reason for and likely never will - you have been a bitch but I'm an asshole so there is much to hate me for. But yeah, I also see you trying to discredit me everytime you get the chance, which is a whole different deal I pretty much don't care for. Maybe one of us is mistyped, but this isn't totally out of the norm in terms of my relationships with IEIs: one in particular actually had your attitude, although she did type INFP (MBTI) to be exact, and later ESFP (MBTI), so I'm not sure if it's a good example. Take it with a grain of salt.

    I do appreciate the vote of confidence though. One vote for arrogant alpha NT. lol

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    My impression of you so far is that you do not like to give a lot of detail and that you are fair.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    because why are you taking lii for granted
    you self type lii and i've never seen anything to contradict it and i'm lazy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by octo View Post
    Not discrediting you, just trying to clear stuff up. Sorry if I come across as a bitch but it's irritating when you "correct" things people write that don't need correcting, and your tone (which I'm not sure you're conscious of... are you?) is really arrogant. The understanding of socionics that you've shown through your posts is pretty bad IMO - I don't know if that lack of self-awareness is type-related, but I've known some LIIs like that, and Maritsa also comes across that way to me.

    Other typings I'd consider for you: delta NF, ILI.
    That doesn't sound so bad lol. There is obviously a disconnect in terms of culture, which I'm quite conscious of. The rest is better left unsaid.

    I don't relate to either of these typings.

    The only type I've actually considered besides LII is SLE. I never felt like I'm quite creative in the way LIIs are said to be. If you asked me two years ago, I would not have rated creativity as one of my strengths. I always thought I was just blessed with smarts and I still do sometimes, like I never worked for it. Yeah, I was always interested in growth and self development: my internet bookmarks from 6 years ago are evident of that but I don't know if that's enough to type as LII.

    People praise my aesthetics all the time, even though most of them I'd consider much more interested in it and practice it more than I am. Like, I'm prone to dress poorly if I don't feel like putting an effort. Yet I've always felt confident in my aesthetics. I don't remember anyone actually giving me shit for that, except when I let my hair grow and don't style it. I'm drwan to a more natural, messy styles of aesthetics. I try to get haircuts that would instantly look good on me even if I just woke up and didn't groom it.

    But maybe I'm just more receptive to compliments? It's probably not a big deal and the people who comment on these things are just being nice.

    I was always stubborn, but that's obvious. People around me have this opinion of me that I always think I can't be wrong lol. I always thought I was more of the open minded types. If something doesn't make sense to me, I will not be convinced of its rightness easily, especially if the person talking to me isn't capable of answering my questions. I'm more likely to read a book than argue with people though. I do have my own opinions on things, which I consider much more important, but I also think like that with other people as well. Their opinions are theirs, and mine are mine.

    I consider myself conflict averse most of the time, but I've grown to be more tolerant of confrontations, which made me ruthelessly tackle any kind of restrictions and expectations people put on me. I live in a very religious society (you're born religious) but last year I grew tired of people imposing themselves on me and just stopped practicing. That kind of worked. Now people know that I don't give much shit about them and I'd rather be left alone. Of course I got a lot of shit from people, but it matters less and less with every day goes. I consider it as a personal desicion so I've only talked briefly about it with a few people. I didn't expect much tolerance anyway, so I just keep it to myself. My close family respect my desicion but not all of them are happy about it.

    I've never had much issues with authority (not a thoughtless rebel), but I don't consider anyone above me either, so that always gets me into trouble. Yet, I'm more likely to follow the rules if there isn't a reason to cross them. So I'm considered to be much more compliant than I preceive myself to be.

    If I'm walking into a place it wouldn't take more than a few second for me to know who is the boss, but I'm more likely to give that authority to someone else (who isn't likely to cross me) just to fuck with them. If I walk into a store and one of the guys working there invites themselves as a spokeman, I'd just ignore them and pick someone else, especially if they have shown that they don't know shit. Sometimes people just cut their co-workers off just because they are speaking slowly, it doesn't matter to me, even if the other guy gave me an answer I'll keep addressing the one I've picked.

    Gotta go.

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    How old are you, that can mean a lot in this circumstance. You definitely sound young.

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    Yeah, I also connect this kind of "arrogance" with LIIs. I think you are LII - Ti but it's just the vibe you give.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    How old are you, that can mean a lot in this circumstance. You definitely sound young.
    I'm 23. Probably younger than most of the active members on this forum, from what I can tell, yeah.

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    i thought that was about the average age here.

    anyway, i see the introversion + Si values, but you don't seem all that analytically active to me. where are the theories, where are the complex musings. i don't see a lot of it.

    so might i alternatively suggest ISTp?

    idk, i like to just go with self typings until there is a reason to stray from them so take this with a grain of salt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by labster View Post
    i thought that was about the average age here.

    anyway, i see the introversion + Si values, but you don't seem all that analytically active to me. where are the theories, where are the complex musings. i don't see a lot of it.

    so might i alternatively suggest ISTp?

    idk, i like to just go with self typings until there is a reason to stray from them so take this with a grain of salt.
    why si values? just curious

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    Quote Originally Posted by labster View Post
    i thought that was about the average age here.

    anyway, i see the introversion + Si values, but you don't seem all that analytically active to me. where are the theories, where are the complex musings. i don't see a lot of it.

    so might i alternatively suggest ISTp?

    idk, i like to just go with self typings until there is a reason to stray from them so take this with a grain of salt.
    I considered ISTP (MBTI) for a while, just as an alternative typing, but it never clicked. I don't know. I've always gotten INTJ when I tested and I can understand LIIs and relate to them just fine. I pretty much get along with any LII I find, especially on the net, and I can type them just from a few exchanges. I do relate to ISTP and SLIs a lot though, from a distance. But I can tell we are different.

    You're right about the theories part though. I've never thought much of it. I don't even know if I have many theories and if I'd like to share them.

    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    why si values? just curious
    I'm curious too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    I've always gotten INTJ when I tested and I can understand LIIs and relate to them just fine.
    I get that result, too (in MBTI). In socionics tests, it's mostly LII+ILI, rarely an extroverted NT and sometimes SLI. All in all, don't mind those tests, you most likely know better than they do by now. Tests are for typology newbies.
    „Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants.“
    – Arthur Schopenhauer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
    I get that result, too (in MBTI). In socionics tests, it's mostly LII+ILI, rarely an extroverted NT and sometimes SLI. All in all, don't mind those tests, you most likely know better than they do by now. Tests are for typology newbies.
    That is more or less my take on it, yeah.

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    Photo of yourself posing and showing off with an insolent expression on you face as an avatar... Se base
    Ti creative only because Fi is unlikely to risk relations because of believes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    why si values? just curious
    general air of mellowness, unobtrusiveness and lack of strong language. you know. non-controversial stuff to look for when trying to identify Si.

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    Quote Originally Posted by labster View Post
    general air of mellowness, unobtrusiveness and lack of strong language. you know. non-controversial stuff to look for when trying to identify Si.
    my impression is different, I think he's kind of mouthy and bratty (this isn't an insult, its usually amusing)

    esaman not only is your analysis bizarre but thats not him in the avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    my impression is different, I think he's kind of mouthy and bratty (this isn't an insult, its usually amusing)

    esaman not only is your analysis bizarre but thats not him in the avatar
    i sort of see what you're getting at but it seems to me that whenever he does something like that he immediately throws a "lol" behind it as if to apologize or to communicate that he's being facetious. so i'm more inclined to view that as some kind of foray out of the natural comfort zone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Esaman View Post
    Photo of yourself posing and showing off with an insolent expression on you face as an avatar... Se base
    Ti creative only because Fi is unlikely to risk relations because of believes.
    As other member(s) pointed out already that's just a fake photo so you can fall in love with it. This is Ryan's true visage:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Esaman View Post
    Photo of yourself posing and showing off with an insolent expression on you face as an avatar... Se base
    Ti creative only because Fi is unlikely to risk relations because of believes.
    that's not me

    your second point could be true

    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    my impression is different, I think he's kind of mouthy and bratty (this isn't an insult, its usually amusing)

    esaman not only is your analysis bizarre but thats not him in the avatar
    ha, you do a good job of hiding your impression

    I'm generally much more approachable but this forum is just unhealthy, it's over the top, or at least used to be at some point

    I've never been to forum like this one before, and I've seen plenty. Even the +18 sections where the mods are more likely to be forgiving of misconduct because the users are older and much more comfortable with each other, are not like this. Some people here are borderline crazy, and modding here is almost non existant. I think there is a general lack of respect around these parts, some people excuse themselves because of what they go through in their lives, but I've seen plenty of shit on the net and befriended a lot of people, and this prevalent attitude on this forum is just inexcusable to me.

    It reminds of 4chan and the like, and I don't frequent these places.

    Quote Originally Posted by labster View Post
    i sort of see what you're getting at but it seems to me that whenever he does something like that he immediately throws a "lol" behind it as if to apologize or to communicate that he's being facetious. so i'm more inclined to view that as some kind of foray out of the natural comfort zone.
    I won't deny this. I do try to communicate a healthy emotional state. I don't want people to feel like I hate them regardless, because I don't.

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    I don't try to hide it and I find you perfectly approachable. reading that made me think yeah si though. low tolerance for shenanigans lol

  27. #27


    I do think you're one of the smartest members of the forum, Ryan. You were keen enough to figure out the game of my type-switching, generally realize what I was doing, and call me out on it. Not to inflate your ego, or anything.

    I have suspected that LII felt 'off' for some time. LII's aren't that attuned to the 'real world' or people's underlying motivations. I do think SLE could be a valid consideration for you.

    I don't think ILI is right, you seem more open to considering new things than Ni-leading; and I doubt Delta NF fits you either, since you seem clearly logical to me.

    As others have mentioned, I have gotten an underlying feeling of arrogance from your posts in the past. It's hard to accurately type you anything, when you aren't revealing yourself honestly, and things feel contrived. However, on this thread alone, you seem to be more open and honest than I've seen you before, which shows you're growing and changing for the better. You're being more open about yourself to us, and more open about your own feelings to yourself.

    For now I'll go with Ti-creative with you, as opposed to Ti-leading. EXTp, depending if you want to go to SLE or stay Alpha NT. You don't seem as strict with your logic, but seem to use your logic/reasoning to support whatever theory or motivation you choose.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    that's not me
    Well, LII and SLE is really weird to be both considered(as you said you did). LSI is kinda in between. Are there reasons against that?

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    Your avatar makes me think you're an Fe valuer. Idunlike idun... like.

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    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    Your avatar makes me think you're an Fe valuer. Idunlike idun... like.
    hahaha I remember another fi valuer saying that too but I think its cute.
    I wonder if it adds to the bratty impression cuz I picture him talking.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snaps View Post
    I do think you're one of the smartest members of the forum, Ryan. You were keen enough to figure out the game of my type-switching, generally realize what I was doing, and call me out on it. Not to inflate your ego, or anything.

    I have suspected that LII felt 'off' for some time. LII's aren't that attuned to the 'real world' or people's underlying motivations. I do think SLE could be a valid consideration for you.

    I don't think ILI is right, you seem more open to considering new things than Ni-leading; and I doubt Delta NF fits you either, since you seem clearly logical to me.

    As others have mentioned, I have gotten an underlying feeling of arrogance from your posts in the past. It's hard to accurately type you anything, when you aren't revealing yourself honestly, and things feel contrived. However, on this thread alone, you seem to be more open and honest than I've seen you before, which shows you're growing and changing for the better. You're being more open about yourself to us, and more open about your own feelings to yourself.

    For now I'll go with Ti-creative with you, as opposed to Ti-leading. EXTp, depending if you want to go to SLE or stay Alpha NT. You don't seem as strict with your logic, but seem to use your logic/reasoning to support whatever theory or motivation you choose.
    Not sure about being good at reading underlying motives is a more of a Se thing. Also, my readings of people are generally off. I may know what they are doing but I can't understand why they are doing it, so the implications of their actions are not always readily visible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Esaman View Post
    Well, LII and SLE is really weird to be both considered(as you said you did). LSI is kinda in between. Are there reasons against that?
    Same reason why I don't relate to SLI. I know LSIs and I'm not like them, although they are one of the most admirable types. They are typically much more involved in society than LIIs/SLEs. Not the type to refuse an invitation or do things alone. Much more mindfull of authorities. They are part of the system and a pretty easy going bunch. Male LSIs are generally better with women as well. The typical intoverted casanova.

    I did consider SLE but LII resonated with me much more.
    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    Your avatar makes me think you're an Fe valuer. Idunlike idun... like.
    Haha, first time someone said that. Guess what? I'm not a big fan of it either lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by felafel View Post
    you mean from just this thread alone? that would be a stretch.

    labcoat's suggestion makes some sense. other one i'd consider would be estj. intp crossed my mind briefly, but what you wrote about recognizing 'who's in charge and who's not" (or sth like it) etc seems more of an S thing (i think ...?).

    briefly considered gamma sf but is off. infj crossed my mind too but that too seems off.

    i don't notice 'arrogance' fwiw.. maybe 'detached' (?).
    I kind of exaggerated that part. Most authority figures make their preceived positions known immediately, it's hard to miss them, so it's not exactly an impossible feat to pull off.

    Detached is a much nicer word, I will go with that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    hahaha I remember another fi valuer saying that too but I think its cute.
    I wonder if it adds to the bratty impression cuz I picture him talking.
    Picture aside, I think a lot of personal detestation and assertions of arrogance seem to revolve around individuals' unfamiliarity with Ne, on this forum specifically and a lot of intellectually based discussions and forums (and I think it reflects onto certain individuals', like Ryan's, type.) To me it often feels like a number of Ni/Se individuals are unwilling to constructively think and contribute to a theoretical subject matter (this is how I end up feeling), and instead trivialize it, mock it, dig it away, like it's unworthy of being published in a book, as though they keep their own impressions concealed until they're just right or have a certain ring to it. So Ne to an Ne valuer like myself just comes across open-minded and speculative, in calculating a conceptual frame of mind, and I guess Se/Ni can view that as arrogant, annoying, unproductive, and will criticize about short-sightedness instead of making improvements. Ne wants to search for the objective answer no matter if it breaks any preconceived boundaries, and it's ongoing like it needs feedback and thoughtful people to help build it together.

    And I think a very similar and mirrored depiction can be said about how Ni types think of Ne.

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    Not SLE, unless I'm drunk again even though I haven't been drinking.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    i will EAT you
    edit; guess my type then
    inappropriate clowning relates to F
    what supports your results of IR test as F type
    more for Fe, based on your style. also seems P due to chaotic text in own typing theme

    by IR test the most possible was SEI. so there is a fit

    anyway, videointerview stays as the main source. you'd need to make it in case want to get a help with your type

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    Continuing to post in this type thread from 7 years ago because God bless the internet

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Continuing to post in this type thread from 7 years ago because God bless the internet
    I saw examples with more time
    the more interesting is after how many years people may read our texts
    try to imagine this flood mb read after thousands of years

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    inappropriate clowning relates to F
    what supports your results of IR test as F type
    more for Fe, based on your style. also seems P due to chaotic text in own typing theme

    by IR test the most possible was SEI. so there is a fit

    anyway, videointerview stays as the main source. you'd need to make it in case want to get a help with your type
    That was a reply to a poster named felafel (Middle Eastern dish) or something similar, which is why I made that joke. He deleted his post.

    I'm a clown btw, or at least used to be when I was younger, but only on the internet. Which is why I always said I value Fe. I used to mod on a small forum the equivalent of r/funny back in 2005-2006. I resigned after a month I think.

    I think I said this before, the way I carry myself on the internet is way different than how I act offline. I just feel more comfortable here. It helps that I don't have to react immediately.

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    let's apply socionics crystall ball to your avatar and the nick
    it's how you represent yourself to others, expresses important in you for them

    the nick "COOL AND MANLY" describes emotional objective relation - Fe, of how great you are. witten in up letter case - Fe types are the most loud people

    the dude on the pic rests alone, in sensory pleasant state - Si, introvertion. the content and colors are not aversive, not dark, not abstract - just a common life situation, the natural kind of life beauty closer to Si valued

    fits to SEI possibility

    your senseless emotionality as
    "type me yo"
    "TIM Your daul"
    points on F type

    I'm rather sure in your F. which is seen in IR test and your communications. then lesser clear. more for Fe
    you described yourself as much introverted, but I lesser trust to what people say about themselves than to what I see. especially when they know the theory and can be selective. nontypes factors also may change the behavior significantly

    it's good to have a video. when you'll think yourself as wishing to know the correct type instead of playing in the typology and flooding on the forum, - you may do this sometimes. you may also understand your type by IR effects with people near

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    let's apply socionics crystall ball to your avatar and the nick
    it's how you represent yourself to others, expresses important in you for them

    the nick "COOL AND MANLY" describes emotional objective relation - Fe, of how great you are. witten in up letter case - Fe types are the most loud people

    the dude on the pic rests alone, in sensory pleasant state - Si, introvertion. the content and colors are not aversive, not dark, not abstract - just a common life situation, the natural kind of life beauty closer to Si valued

    fits to SEI possibility

    your senseless emotionality as
    "type me yo"
    "TIM Your daul"
    points on F type

    I'm rather sure in your F. which is seen in IR test and your communications. then lesser clear. more for Fe
    you described yourself as much introverted, but I lesser trust to what people say about themselves than to what I see. especially when they know the theory and can be selective. nontypes factors also may change the behavior significantly
    I chose the picture, but @BandD chose my nickname. It's a joke. I think my humor is too subtle for you.

    If you noticed, I spelled dual incorrectly, intentionally. I'm usually a very serious and perfectionist person so small things like this remind me that it's okay to be imperfect and take things lightly.

    I wouldn't say I aim to mislead people, but I don't try hard to present my very authentic self so that any idiot on the street can tell where I come from and who I hang out with and what do I do in a second. I don't think outward appearance and expression matters in the large scheme of things. I'm rich enough to wear only brands but I don't do that because I don't actually want to attract the attention of people who do care about these things. Does it make sense? I don't like labels, so to me wearing something that says "this is me" is dumb. Most people who buy brands can't actually afford them so to me there is no point in playing that game. I don't enjoy it.

    I may let people think of me in a certain way because I don't care to change their perception and it's a sort of a test to see who can actually see behind the facade. But I don't control that perception or attempt to change it. So I enjoy it when someone like you can't read me. It's obvious you have a very shallow assessment of people. By the way, according to socionics LSE are the worst psychologists of all types. I understand why you don't trust what people tell you about themselves.

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    Sol you are a horrible typist. Using people's avatars? Do you realize how many different types of art people can be interested in? Using someone's avatar and username to type when there could literally be a plethora of reasons behind the choosing of such. You suck.

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