Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
Cool stuff, these old machines seem to live forever. They were built to last. I've seen some old ones still running Commodore 64. And why not, they do the job. You don't need to twitter with them.

Yeah, Fi PoLR does make sense to me, issues with Fi is the reason I got into socionics. I have a hard time figuring out how someone feels about me unless they put on a very clear display.
I've never had a best friend or even very close friends, interactions with friends remain limited to doing stuff together and never getting into any personal conversations. I tend to simply forget about people when I'm no longer in constant contact with them. I do have sx in my instinct stacking though, so this is very different with women I'm attracted to. With them I can be very intimate if they're acting in a compatible and non-judgemental way, otherwise not. But even if the relationship goes south, I don't have any lingering bad feelings.

The same disinterest goes with enemies, I can get angry at someone momentarily but it doesn't take long for me to forget them altogether. I don't hold grudges because I pretty quickly forget the people even exist. Being called a bad person or ethically judged makes me angry or arrogantly dismissive depending on how it's done, but it definitely doesn't make me change my ways, more like the opposite. I'll try to continue being "good" if I'm already seen as being so.
Looks like you have found your type. Clear Fe? (well as clear as Fe PolR can get): you are cool dude in my book. The description sounds like the production manager where I work. For a hardass he is such a softie with his own kid lol. Good man.