Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
I criticized you for:
1. Making unreasonably negative assumptions about a particular woman's intentions (presumably on the basis of her gender since you know nothing else about her)
2. Referring to women as "cunts" and "bitches"
3. Implying that you would tell a woman to go to a bar and get bent (regardless of whether you wanted this implication to be taken seriously or whether it was intended to be "your point," it's clearly there)

Your response to this criticism? Basically, "I have too high of an IQ to bother with being gentle."

Dude, I was not criticizing you for not being gentle; I was criticizing you for speaking in a way that demeans women and thus promotes misogynistic attitudes. You can be intelligent and blunt without shamelessly assigning negative traits/intentions to a woman you know nothing about, referring to women in dehumanizing terms, and implying that you would verbally degrade a woman you deem "lost" by telling her to go to a bar and get bent.
Danger hair assumption pretty much confirmed. Point 3 is the clincher. See, I never told anyone to go to a bar and get bent in the objective sense. I instead stated that if you somehow found yourself dating a "Kaguya" you'd be far better off just dumping their ass and trying to do better at a local bar over trying to please them/pass planet-cracking nuclear shit tests. Now, again, this is a bad idea. Looking for good life partners amongst borderline/actual alcoholics is likely to end badly for you. Your chances aren't Zero however and if you're trying to get Princess Kaguya to take you seriously instead of rolling those terrible dice well, 1 percent chances beat absolute zero percent chances every damn time.

I'd tell the "Kaguya" women I may meet in the future of the legend and point out how she never really opened herself up to the possibility that someone might just want to make her happy in an ordinary sense. A simple gesture, a thoughtfully considered gift, they can be just as beautiful as a jeweled branch or as unique and interesting as a cowry shell. Context matters after all. Genuine gentile kindness given not out of an ulterior motive or goal but because it's just the right thing to do can and does speak volumes.

I may not know you or anything but say we're both in a cold house and I have a thick blanket that is sadly only big enough for one. The cold isn't enough to end either of our lives but it's obvious I can endure it far better than you. I'd just hand you the blanket and endure a shiver or two in that case.

If they get where I'm coming from they can likely be saved/fixed/repaired. It'll be hard from both ends but if success can be had it will and we'll both come out the other end of it all with a bond so strong nothing anyone could ever hope to throw our way could ever hope to damage it. We saw each other at our worst, believed in what we could become at our best despite that, went all in, and got a payout beyond our wildest expectations.

All it takes is allowing yourself to be truly open with other people. Again, a concept that is easy as fuck on paper, but requiring Herculean courage and strength of will in practice. I speak from experience now. Even now I'm still fucking it up but at least now I'm learning from them because I'm now catching myself in my mistakes...