Another brilliant display of what happens when siblings fuck under power lines....

Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
Mueller didn't indict anyone over Russia collusion, because there was nothing in the report that suggest that there was any.
Did you work for the special counsel and/or do you now work for the DOJ? Are you now or have you ever been Professor Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Darth Vader, Lord Voldemort or a slew of other fake ass telepaths? No? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP because you don't know what's in the Mueller Report; you only know what Barr doctored and manipulated. I don't understand why some of you risk looking (and exposing yourselves as) positively STUPID for something so easily verifiable--that being, you don't have all the facts. PERIODT.

Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
So what, Mueller was this savior who was going to charge Trump, and now he's too stupid and cowardly to do so?
Regardless of what others may believe, I never saw him as some savior--sorry, not sorry, but I don't trust SLIs with things that involve too much foresight and connecting the dots; they are adept at amassing and organizing the data but beyond that, many of them refuse to look down the pipeline and venture a decent fucking guess about things not directly in front of their stiff ass faces. And, IMO, that's at least part of why we're now in this mess. Some pale Slimer looking MFer wrote a 19 page memo about the suspect shittiness of Mueller's investigation, and then went on to refuse to commit to releasing the full report during his confirmation, and yet Mueller didn't think to give a recommendation FULL STOP in light of this, especially considering how unprecedented of a situation (CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS) he had been operating within--and that's the thing, SLIs tend not to fare well with "unprecedented" shit. I don't think Mueller is stupid or cowardly; he just lacked ample foresight and stuck too closely to that honorable, dutiful, "keep your head down and press on" bullshit that works well when you're some middle manager at Office Depot but not so well when dealing with corrupted, unscrupulous sociopaths of the highest order.

Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
I guess some people aren't going to shut up until they see the report, but it's just wishful thinking at this point. There are much worse things to go after than this dubious Russia collusion.
Agreed, like the 16 other open investigations into Trump's WTFuckery, ultimately related to matters of National Security seeing as how most of them involve the extent to which a hostile foreign power possessed (DOJ did find that Russia meddled in our election) and continues to possess undue influence over our democratic process/institutions, which directly contributes to WHO RUNS THE GOVERNMENT, which directly relates to the policies put forth and enacted, which then either positively or negatively (usually this) impacts those living under its dominion--took me a fucking second to connect all those dots. The point being, THIS SHIT MATTERS. The MFers in power, and how they got there and might continue to get there, MATTERS. Would I MUCH rather be focused on climate change? Of course, but 1.) I believe that it is, in fact, possible to walk and chew gum at the same time and 2.) as long as we have unabated shills who, directly or indirectly, work in ways that undermine the will of the people (*FUCKBOY REPUBLICANS*AHEM*), things like climate change will not get the attention it so urgently demands; therefore, these bastards and all their puppeteers/enablers MUST. GO. the sooner the better, and that means getting to the bottom of who "sold us out." And cracked voices like yours and the chromosome depleted peon that created this thread, do NOT help.