Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
I’m not one to shy away from any questions or personal information if that wasn’t obvious. I’m 19 and soon to be 20. Et tu? No worries - Si is my endless nightmare. It was just my Ti acting up.
I asked because:

1.) when I was your age, I could've also been easily mistaken for some "wild child" ESXp. First off, the functions in your ego block are still forming. Jung believed that it took the first half of someone's life to fully develop the superego (fwiw, when he was alive, the average life span was about 52 years); others say that it isn't fully formed until the first quarter of one's life, at the very least. At 19, I wasn't as concerned with foreseeing and envisioning how things might develop over a long period of time, which is how I allowed myself to get caught up in situations that, had I been looking further down the line, I might not have done or at the very least, reconsidered. But I will also say that my Ni was usually sidelined for things that I really wanted in the moment, which brings me to...

2.) my thinking that, alongside our sociotypes, being sx first and sp last can inspire a certain "wild abandon (or what others might call RECKLESS behavior lol)"; the result of being so focused on chemical bonding, on intensity, on merging with the object of one's desire and the need for these things in order to truly feel alive/whole/fulfilled is that we will more often do whatever allows those things to happen, which can seemingly manifest as "doing whatever the fuck we [really] want to do," other concerns (like "self preservation" lol) be damned. Sx can push us to only do shit that we truly desire to do, because those things magnetically drive/compel us towards them, and when thinking about Jung and the subconscious, wouldn't we be most chemically attracted to things that somehow represent our Super-Id functions (Se + Ti or Fi, in the case of *IEs)? And if Sx motivates you and I, in particular, towards Se type fuckery, how do you think that might play out in our lives? For me, it was bathing in the sensory (accumulating "shiny" things, impulsiveness, fighting, "sex, drugs, Rock N Roll") and my abstracted perception of the sensory (wealth, power, respect, desirability). I was running around Te+Se-ing (mimicking an ersatz Beta ST) the fuck outta life, similarly to how I'd imagine one could also do with Fe+Se (mimicking a Gamma SF).

I'm just speaking to how your surface level behaviors might portray a certain type, while your base cognition is still something different.