Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I try to take what is positive from every type and I have low expectations for the rest.

What helps me a lot in ITR's is that when I meet someone with whom Socionics predicts a less-than-stellar relationship, I can count on the fact that they don't know that some parts of the relationship will most likely be bad. They are going to be optimistic on first meeting (in fact, they are subconsciously expecting to meet their dual), and the first impressions that they get from me can set the tone for the relationship for a long time.

Yesterday I was doing a deal with a guy who was recommended to me through mutual (Beta) acquaintances. I'd never met him in person before, only talked to him on the phone, but when I met him in person, I thought he might be ESE, which is a type that I find less easy to get along with. This probably showed in my face, because his initial friendly enthusiasm turned darker the longer we spoke.

When I saw this happening, I disengaged my negative thoughts and spoke only about positive things and how much I admired our mutual acquainances, and things turned all positive again. We did the deal and, fortunately, the only times we will interact in the future are when he sends me money.
I feel like I know what Singu would say to this:

"Well, see Socionics "knowledge" negatively influenced your expectations and relationships when it didn't even have to"