Quote Originally Posted by Scapegrace View Post
By the way Gilly (not that this has anything to do with Marquez or my astounding pretense), anything anyone says is (intentionally or not) casts their "person in particular light."

You -- for example -- usually come off as an arrogant, ignorant, asshole. I don't know what your problem is with me. If you find me intimidating or "pretentious" or any number of fun adjectives. I'm not going to play myself down anymore than I already am just so you feel better.
Intimidated? Play yourself down more than you already are? Please, quit trying to make yourself feel better.

I just notice that you, whether consciously or not, passively/implicitly promote yourself in a lot of what you say, to the point that it feels forced to just watch and not say something. If it pisses you off that badly that I think this about you, then put me on fucking ignore.

Oh, and there's a difference between someone saying something that says something about them, and saying something that is supposed to say something about them. In your case, the things that the things you say are supposed to say about you, is what says the most.