Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
It's not based on 'my perception' that you are ethical, the tangible evidence is clear in your writing style and content. Your posts are super-saturated in it, so much so, I don't think you realize the full impact. In in an utmost condescending and obviously superior ethical fashion, you've implied that all the members who made attempts to help in this thread were ethical idiots. I didn't find your entry into this thread very open minded. This is all I have to say. Have a nice day.
It has nothing to do with being ehtical or not. Everthing has to do with the credibility of the sources of what everyone is providing and the credibility of the information being given. The only ethical conflict of sorts would be my exchange with Crispy, and that's about it. You're projecting triats onto me that aren't there. But I see that you have to end things on your own terms, because that's the open-minded way to do things.