View Poll Results: what type is JK Rowling?

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    1 2.56%
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    0 0%
  • IEI (INFp)

    4 10.26%
  • EIE (ENFj)

    1 2.56%
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    0 0%
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    0 0%
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    2 5.13%
  • LIE (ENTj)

    5 12.82%
  • ESI (ISFj)

    2 5.13%
  • IEE (ENFp)

    0 0%
  • SLI (ISTp)

    1 2.56%
  • LSE (ESTj)

    1 2.56%
  • EII (INFj)

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Thread: JK Rowling

  1. #81
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    I was trying to make jokes along the lines ‘all the good guys (Hermione) are estj, all the bad guys are estj’ which is in mbti-infp direction. And then I got a flash that she is mbti-intp and then I got immediately confused. (I guess because mbti-intp female is so rare. I don’t know about them.).

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I don't see her as Fi-ego either. The way she… 'is humanistic' about things is how I often saw Fe-egos, not Fi-egos. Fi-egos are more 'individualistic' in their judgement, and keep to it.

    This is not something EXIs do:

    The way she hid 'true side' and 'opinions' (negating it or claiming 'those likes were accidental') before she felt 'yeah, now I can out myself with those and spread it' it's.. Ugh. All with a mask of 'I'm a humanist' and 'I've been attacked by woman-haters' she tries to cultivate to this day. The hidden maliciousness realized towards certain groups while building an image of someone saint…

    Moreover, people seem to forget in general that there is not only 'wild partying, doing whatever we want, loud loud drama' side of beta (which I sus Rowling as of now, tho she still can be alpha SF as I can't see her outside of Fe-ego), but also this:

    You have many 'holier than thou' pretty 'conservative' betas who get /very triggered/ (to use their own language) if you question them or their motives (as above). Those more Fe can play a charade of 'being a nice Samaritan' - and they are nice, as long as you conform to their Fe/Ti norms and don't question them.

    And oh boi JKR loves those good ol' systems, as seen in zero critique of any hierarchies among wizard and witches in HP universe… In the end, 'we just replaced some bad people and made some tweaks', nothing has really changed in structure, all bless the Ministry. (in general look for any common HP critiques, they all point out this; also coughcough and yeah, I think you are allowed to include those things in your books /if there is some element of reflection on it and deconstruction/, like in GRRM's books)

    Nice listening:

    (the person - SarahZ - speaking was typed LSE in the chat btw., imho she is at least Te)

    Something else:
    Maybe she's not bring malicious so much as just disagreeing with some types of trans politics. It's not always about some plot or scheme in someone's mind so much as someone just having their own thoughts and taking a while to feel comfortable coming out with them.

    Also you don't know if she knew about all the details of everything available in that store.

  3. #83
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    Type issues aside, she doesn't even seem to think trans people exist. It's that low. She claims to have 'trans friends' but then genuinely thinks being a MtF trans is about wanting to be able to perv on women in public bathrooms and get away with it. The logical statement of that right there proves she doesn't even view trans as a 'thing' or about real human beings but that they're all really just pervy str8 male sex offenders instead.

    Bigots have always treated GLBT as 'sexual predators' instead of seeing the complexity and multi human dimensionality of us.

    tbh it wouldn't even cross my mind that a T person would do that.... maybe it's some weird fantasy she has that she's projecting onto others? Writers are in their heads too much I guess.

    How stupid can you be anyway. A real sexual abusing str8 male wouldn't risk the public humiliation and social shame/ostracization real trans people face just to be able to perv on women in bathrooms- they would just sexually offend/rape women anyway. Straight males stereotypically crave being in control and not being a "victim" in most of their social and romantic relationships. They wouldn't go through all that just to perv on women in bathrooms lol. It's like some dumb story that seems 'interesting' in a really bad early 80s Lifetime movie way but has no bearings in reality.

    I've met some hateful Karens who liked silence of the lambs so much because it kinda gave them a scapegoat for their own hatred of gay males and transfolk. We were all Buffalo Bill and they were all just 'innocent and normal.'

    Yet Jk Rowling told us all to fork over our hard earned cash for her stupid series. Thou shall place the cash in the basket!!! THOU PLACES THE CASH IN THE BASKET!!

    No. Fuck off Karen, you crazy trans-hating freak!!!!

  4. #84
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    im gonna defend Rowling here because why not, I do vibe with her same ideas about transexuality, which are very complex and deep to explain and phrase, so that a shallow tagline, "funny"/"cheeky" tshirt, tone, etc can easily sum up an entire idea more briefly, at the expected risk of being offensive, because that's just how things are.

    since things started when she showed her support to a woman who had been fired for sharing her own personal views about how a person can't change sex into another (which are correct to me even if it's not very popular), it would be interesting to know if all those people that are accusing her of incivility and hate and require her permaban from bookshelves and public opinion are against freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

    considering that freedom of speech doesn't have to become = hate speech, i ask where is the hate in supporting an opinion that, to my personal idea, is mind-freeing and quite revolutionary for its outdated simplicity, and just probably clashes hard against a world of appearance and sexual stimuli.

    also what bugs me, and to grasp the seed of the matter briefly, is the hypocrisy i see in those that want an official recognition of "WOMANHOOD" or wtv they want, while at the same time requesting a "NON BINARY" view of sexuality, which is exactly what 'trans-woman' term stands for.

  5. #85
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    I dont see a real problem in any of these comments. this forum is far more hateful, racist, sexist, rude in general and it's all accepted fine because no trans is involved? nice humanist logic.

    sharing opinions about each other's type, calling names, insulting each others and all is accepted but hey, dont touch gender conformity or else,,, terf!

    sorry but it makes no sense.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    directed at me? I have never said I accepted racism, sexism etc.

    Sharing opinions on types is alright and prob contextual as to if something is "wrong." Anyways I have never implied I accepted those other things so there is no comparison between "me accepting [...] but "don't touch gender conformity."

    I don't think her opinions are well thought-out at all, and lack depth. Not to mention cruelty - but all that is in the court doc anyway (they came to the conclusion that the way she behaved harassed violated basic human rights and they are correct).

    I don't say anyone is accepting these behaviors here, but they're left running and it equals accepting them, they're frequent and basically nobody is ever saying anything, you included. but touch gender and it's a sensitive spot. i get it, but it's hypocrisy.

    also you think that one's ideas on gender are subjected to scrutiny to decide whether to hire o fire someone, and although in some scenarios yes that can be the case ok, in this as in most others it's just fascist. not correct. especially because theyre not disrespecting, harmful views. which should be shown further by how Mrs Bounce defines herself "fluid" and "non-binary", but then we all have to agree that she falls in age old male/female dichotomy, or else!

    this logic sux

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    ok, I don’t read everything on here. I also avoid reading stuff that is 1) violent or 2) not particularly interesting to me. Because it makes me miserable. It has nothing to do with what I do or don’t support. And not everyone can fight off aggressive people, I certainly can’t. And I stay away from abusive people because they can abuse me (and forums do nothing about it generally).

    In my view she got fired because she was harassing people (look at her actual statements not the clever ones her lawyer likely came up with). Her behavior basically to me said she doesn’t understand trans people therefore she has the right to harass them instead of leaving them alone

    so I see the court decision as ethically correct.
    fine, although I'm sure you've stumbled on these kinds of aggressions here, not to say in everyday life, and I bet that the tones were far higher than these, because tbh the tones used by this Maya dude in person were legit, not aggressive nor condemnatory.

    so my concern is that we're all sensitive to defend "genders diversity", but we're not ready for the same in most occasions of our daily lives, with very different people, people for example with different views, and they can't share their opinions about ideas and society, or we condemn them as people... and this is really far from an humanistic approach, if this was the main matter, the ways to reach it are failing.

  8. #88
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    don't really care about statements on trans people, just another dumb celebrity the world is obsessed with whether negatively or positively, no real change will occur from it.

    completely separate from the author, i remember reading Harry Potter and finding it bland and unoriginal, especially for a fantasy novel. no new perspectives or ways of thinking, feeling, knowing was introduced personally.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this Ursula K Le Guin statement on JK
    " She didn't plagiarize. She didn’t copy anything. Her book, in fact, could hardly be more different from mine, in style, spirit, everything. The only thing that rankles me is her apparent reluctance to admit that she never learned anything from other writers. When ignorant critics praised her wonderful originality in inventing the idea of a wizards’ school, and some of them even seemed to believe that she had invented fantasy, she let them do so. This, I think, was ungenerous, and in the long run unwise."

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    I thought the whole drama was so silly. She was clearly making the point that menstruation is about someone's sex (yes, it is not perfectly cut dry) rather than their gender, so why are we being PC about gender in this situation? Reasonable point. Probably terrible decision to make that tweet from a purely business perspective, but people acting as though she said that trans-women don't exist or some bullshit are just being silly.

    I remember when I heard she was "transphobic" I thought she deleted the tweet, because I went looking and everything I found I was like, "meh, I can see where you are coming from to a degree."

  10. #90
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    I just woke up, so sorry if I'll make little sense, and a heartfelt thank you anyway for the exhaustive reply which tbh I was hoping would come from you.

    Yeah, well I thought about it before going to sleep and I felt a bit silly for my standing up before of this issue, as I said and as you explained, it's far from simple and the complexities which it entails go beyond our reasonable understanding, regardless, I want to reiterate my view, which sadly or not, supports some of Rowling's views, and not all of hers, that I haven't read ALL that she thinks and said about transexuals but I think I got the gist of it in her letter of explanations that came out when she was accused of being trans-phobic;

    the matter she brought up is a matter that I find relevant in our society because people are more confused than ever, culturally, about sexuality and gender roles, and the young kids exposed to these realities can more easily fall in situations which I wouldnt recommend, like starting taking hormones just to look like that part of ourselves that we don't recognize in the gender identity we're born with. But who said gender roles have to be as they told us? As the media shows us? Nobody, they're cultural expedients, mostly to sell.

    I do recognize the spectrum of sexuality and I'm more than happy to call people as they wish to be called, because I want to respect the individuals and their struggels, their sense of self and everything a priori. But this doesn't mean that I can accept everything as they tell me. Now sorry for the dumb examples I'll make, they might come out as offensive but it's just to give a term of comparison, so: let's say I am born Italian from caucasian parents and have slightly dark features and I start identifying myself as a negroid (it's the scientific term ok), should I ask people to accept me as a black person and identify myself as one? Or let's take those people with a young, springful spirit that at a certain age start going through surgery to get a younger appereance and act it out as if they were teens, because they don't feel their current age, so should we grant them that they're 18 years old, because they feel so?

    I can accept these behaviors, doesn't mean I recognize them objectively when they ask me. In the case of transexuality, sex is a key factor. A trans woman is not a woman, she's a man that feels like a woman, and in some cases decides to become one. But she was born a man, and although she might have a different wiring than most men, a more feminine side in the spectrum of "normal" sexuality, still she's a man to its biological core made of flash, sexual organs, brain and hormones.

    So what I ask is why do trans people need to be recognized as something specific that identifies something specific that they don't completely fall into, why can't we just call them with a different term, as the currently used one for them? I'm not saying this to lower them, but their identity is far more complex and layered than a normal "woman" or "man" etiquette, and wanting to fit in in a group that has little to spare with all they've been through wouldn't be in benefit of all.

    Now the term exists, maybe it's an ugly, derogatory one, so let's work to make it better, to make this diversified gendered reality better, but please let's not impose to groups an alteration that doesn't belong to their essence. As crude as it is, we're made of flash (and thoughts), and many cis people wouldn't want to be with a trans person because of their biological sex, and not because they don't like the person infront of them; this says quite a bit about how fundamentally biological the topic of gender is.

    Anyway, I'm not submitting to all Rowling or Maya said, I didn't even read all of their tweets luckily lol, and yes, I agree that many of those quoted here are over the top and even offensive (Maya not calling people by their preferred pronoun), but as we're talking civilly here, I hope that such matters can be discussed, without accusing anyone of a racism that is not there in the first place.

    Identity passes through an acceptance of what we are, I think that if we want to really start to respect for real all these layers of sexuality, so tied to identity as the body is, we need to recognize what we are to the core, and not expect everyone to accept a facade that we want to be recognized with, i.e. transsexuality should become a recognition of non-binarity, and not applied to the old dichotomy woman/men because it's really a non dualistic situation and even more, women and men could rightly be bothered by this.

    pretend I said flesh ok bye xoxo
    Last edited by ooo; 10-23-2020 at 06:38 AM.

  11. #91

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    She's an INFJ (MBTI), she confirmed it on her twitter.

    I can also see this from her similiarities to my INFJ friend (similiar face).
    Also in the first interview from the start she shows that preventative Ni - "I don't want to spoil too much", she says it right away and this is how INFJ mind works.
    Last edited by jakub8; 10-23-2020 at 11:59 AM.

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    I agree that her look is very IEI. I actually think that her worldview is so idiosyncratic, in a way. At least, I felt that at the time that she was very big (~2000-2010). She is political, but I felt that her primary focus in terms of opinion did not really touch that heavily on to any political issue at that time; it was not dependent on the culture, but rather seemed like she focused on "inherent truths" which seems Ni > Ne (Ni-Ti to be precise). The story itself is also so symbolic and archetypal, and she is very aware of this (and talks about it in interviews quite a lot). I cannot see an Ni-polr or weak Ni seeing the story in this light.

    She is not EII. She is an LII well before she is an EII, and if she is Fi/Te at all then she is some sort of Gamma NT.
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  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by mightylizard View Post
    She is not EII. She is an LII well before she is an EII, and if she is Fi/Te at all then she is some sort of Gamma NT.
    This is the comment you are looking for

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post

  15. #95
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    you're playing mrs perfect now so no, i dont believe u. racism is not strictly about "race", it's a term used to define all kinds of categories that can be subject to discrimination.

    i'm glad uve dug into the matter btw, one never stops learning

  16. #96
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    mrs perfect is due to the fact that you harshly reject that ure a human and humans well, they fail, because oh sure, u never take part in any act of injustice, god forbid. but that's impossible.

    pls note that i used WE in my sentences about the acts of injustice we all let go because i'm very much in it too.

    and ive noted "you included", because yes, to my understanding you partake in these acts too, directly or indirectly, so that the entire premises of your post before this last one look just wrong to me.

  17. #97
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    anyway @Ania, sorry if I offended you including you in some reasonings, above. what I meant is that we ALL are culpable of some acts that we don't even realize, we think we're just and then we act it out and become wrong for example, or we side with something/someone that is right in our eyes but it's really not from another and maybe more "objective" point. and yea, i've noticed this behavior in you, sorry but i saw it like that, my judgement told me what you did was a bit irky, and so yes, just to confirm my original thought...

    i appreciate that you try your best to keep out of arguments, but pointing it out so vehemently is hypocritical because want it or not, you're human too.

  18. #98
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    alright Ania you're right, godspeed.

  19. #99
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    I have a tendency to be pretty blunt so that the intricate motives you're seeing behind my comments are really convoluted, as you accuse me of, ironically : )

    I'm fine by the way, if you want me to exclude you from my very shallow analysis of how humans are subjected to fail, that's perfectly ok to me ; )

  20. #100
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    Fairly positive she is ESI. Introverted. Stable attitude. She's relatively the same in every interview. Principled, not emotionally expressive. Focused on how things make HER feel. Doesn't seem to contribute to the emotional atmosphere. She doesn't have the airy-ness of EII as she is grounded and can come off as aggressive during her interviews.

  21. #101
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    "Everything I do is written on a list" Signs of rationality. Looks Fi valuing.

    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

  22. #102
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    Ah yes, the imaginative sensing types. the people who focus almost entirely on reality and concrete things at hand, but also somehow invent an entire new universe with magicians for some reason. That's totally not what intuitives do when they dream all day. "Wait a minute... there's a type called 'Lyric' in socionics? Nah she can't be it".

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    Ah yes, the imaginative sensing types. the people who focus almost entirely on reality and concrete things at hand, but also somehow invent an entire new universe with magicians for some reason. That's totally not what intuitives do when they dream all day. "Wait a minute... there's a type called 'Lyric' in socionics? Nah she can't be it".
    You. Are. Joking. Sensing types can be imaginative? That's not what Intuition is. HOLY SHIT.

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellohellohello View Post
    You. Are. Joking. Sensing types can be imaginative? That's not what Intuition is. HOLY SHIT.

    Sensory Types have poor imagination. Their brains are too attached to the details of reality to allow themselves a breakthrough into an unknown, untenable experience. What sensory types come up with is a simple combination of already known elements.

    Gulenko's book, page 36. you know, the person that you payed more than a hundred dollars for to get his opinion. you literally don't know what you are doing and the idiotic stuff you write is actually harmful for people who want to understand the theory. you treat your own, amateurish observations that contradict socionics theory as actual facts which is mind-boggling to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post

    Sensory Types have poor imagination. Their brains are too attached to the details of reality to allow themselves a breakthrough into an unknown, untenable experience. What sensory types come up with is a simple combination of already known elements.

    Gulenko's book, page 36. you know, the person that you payed more than a hundred dollars for to get his opinion. you literally don't know what you are doing and the idiotic stuff you write is actually harmful for people who want to understand the theory. you treat your own, amateurish observations that contradict socionics theory as actual facts which is mind-boggling to me.
    Poor imagination, not NO imagination. Compared to intuitive types, sensing types have less imagination, yes. That is because, like Gulenko said, they use previous experience to 'imagine' things, not completely revolutionize the world. Get typed by him, find out you are not LII, then we can actually have a discussion.

  26. #106
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    I’m going with EII
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    I’m going with EII
    I think this is a bit of a slam dunk.

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    IDK for sure, seems introverted and NOT Se ego except maybe ESI. I'd rule out Alpha NT, SEI, LSI, SLE, EIE, SEE, LSE, and IEE. She's a complex character.

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    It's weird, ever since the whole Transgender thing she went on about on Twitter, I don't hate her like a lot of people do, but I find it disappointing and hard to respect her when she can't even seem to respect other people being who they are. She's another person that thinks transgenders somehow bring down women and their issues by existing. Like, who gives a shit, you can still be you and do the feminist stuff...just weird.

  30. #110
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    I had originally thought EII--her imagination seems more Ne than Ni, and she's very focused on morality like an Fi-ego--but she seems a bit too confrontational to be Se-PoLR, so I'm not really sure anymore.

    Regarding her views on transgenderism, I can empathize with some of them to an extent but find many of them to be ill-founded. An example of one that I find ill-founded is the idea that biological women are at greater risk of being sexually assaulted if transgender women are allowed to share spaces with them. It's probably at least as likely that some lesbian or bisexual woman born a woman will assault other women they share spaces with as it is that a woman who was originally a man will do so. I do share her concern, though, that some people, particularly young people, are being placed on sex reassignment therapy with insufficient basis. I know that I went through a brief period as a teenager when I wanted to be a female. I remained a male, and I am thankful that I did. Some doctors out there would have tried to change my sex, and I would have been a miserable grownup as a result.

  31. #111
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    I think the point is more that all a man needs to do is claim that he identifies as a woman.
    We have incidents like this one:
    Also, trans women being incarcerated with biological women.
    Or a less controversial topic: trans women participating in womens sports.
    Honestly, it's not about "self-identification" or "right to be yourself" but about the physical biology: men are BIOLOGICALLY the stronger, more impulsive, and more aggressive sex, with higher libido. Sure, it happens, but no, it is NOT as likely that a lesbian/bisexual woman will assault other women. And if it does happens, the physical dynamics are very different.
    Call me transphobic, but it's my common sense and self-preservation as a woman that I never want a biological male to be in my shared private spaces.
    (especially when there are little girls around? how about this: imagine you are a father, and you learn that biological men are allowed in the same restrooms, changing rooms, as your daughter.)
    I'm sure most trans woman are not ill-intentioned, but it's about the 1% who are.
    Same concept with the death penalty, we don't do it for the 1% who are innocent.

    @Nunki my brother went through the same thing as you did. i'm glad you eventually found your way on your own with little damage. forgive me, I get a bit heated on the topic, but I don't mean ill.

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    See, the thing is, I don't think anyone with a sane mind really disagrees with you. There are definitely cases of men dressing as women for some kind of fetish and would make women uncomfortable in a bathroom. Or men that transitioned later in life and probably are more non-binary, rather than actually transgender, and it can be a bit off-putting to expect them to be treated strictly like women. And people, especially kids, can be confused or just say they are the opposite gender because it let's them prey on women (there's a case of an inmate doing this to rape women...) or just get something from it. South Park is really funny at addressing all this.

    But the people that aren't confused, transitioned early, are attracted to men and have a lot of natural feminine qualities are not any of these things...and they exist too. So it's sort of annoying (because it's disingenuous, but then again that's everything in politics, which is why I can't stand it anymore) that these political talking points seem to shadow and ignore the fact that transgenderism can be a very real and valid thing. But they never talk about that.. Maybe JK Rowling doesn't understand this or maybe she doesn't care, or maybe she thinks transgenderism is just mental illness, or maybe she's a victim of the modern day political rhetoric that likes to get people riled up and focus on the negatives, not sure. Just disappointing that she has to be one of the reactionaries that focuses on the negatives.

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    The level of world-building over the course of long, several books leans N leading, and she also exudes Fe in her videos (not that someone can't do x or y, it's what's predominant and natural)

    EII is confusing to me for her, aside from I guess a superficial similarity to a "humanitarian" person, but not necessarily on a cognitive level

    IEI is my guess

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    if one can find an older video of her, she has got an interestingly blase look in her eyes which cosmetics conceal, rendering her heavily made-up face a lot friendlier, and plainer

    quadrant-related character traits lack universal prominence, so I'd be cautious of typing her by them. She's become rather a controversial figure, hasn't she...

    I'll consider the matter further. Everyone appears to be basing their opinions on her children's books, although in recent years she's written detective novels which I think disprove certain suppositions
    Last edited by theum nathair; 11-11-2023 at 05:31 PM.

  37. #117
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    how about we take the type that writes entire books in the first place, the one that relies on a function with high imagination that can create worlds that are entirely different from present reality. how about we type her IEI, the type with Ni as base function
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Asleep View Post
    worlds that are entirely different from present reality
    Fiction authors mainly mix traits of known life and of other stories by new ways.
    To operate by "entirely different" the brain can't, as it's made only to support your life in the existing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Asleep View Post
    how about we take the type that writes entire books in the first place, the one that relies on a function with high imagination that can create worlds that are entirely different from present reality. how about we type her IEI, the type with Ni as base function
    How about no

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    How about no
    another insightful comment by the guy who doesn't care about typology. seems most people debate between IEI and EII anyway

    how is your self-typing process going? SLE, SLI, LSI who knows what you are
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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