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Thread: Types and Handling Money/Finances

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    Default Types and Handling Money/Finances

    Many type descriptions mention about difference in how different types handle money.

    Some types can't resist spending. Some types never spend. Some types can invest successfuly. Some types can't. Some types can't keep their money but are good at making more of it. Some types are bad at making money but are good at keeping it and making it grow. Some types love to thing about financial matters and some types delegate it to other people.

    I wonder if these stereotypes in the descriptions are accurate and reliable. How well can you type someone based on their relation to and ability in financial things? How about

    What is your relationship to money/finances and can you figure out how to type based on financial "attitudes" and skills.

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    I would say that good investing has to do with XNTx's.

    The gamma quadra seems to be more focused on investing.

    when it comes to handling money, however, I honestly do not thing this is strongly type related
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    ENTj's do have the rep of being the geniuses at handling money. They seem to enjoy spending it alot aswell.

    My ISTj dad has been investing since he was about 15 and hes very frugal. Its definately payed off
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  5. #5


    my ESTj dad does pretty well... I think slow and steady would be the best description. We've never been balls out rich but he's managed to fund the raising of 5 boys to adulthood and retire with regular yearly cruises and bi-monthly trips to Laughlin to play blackjack for a few days (while mom plays penny slots (not because she has to but because that's what she enjoys the most))

    anyways... yeah... slow and steady... last time I cared enough to look at "the books" he was worth around three and a half million all together but even now he doesn't spend it willy nilly... kind of tight... but in a comfortable sort of way. He's aware of every dollar he spends might be a better way of putting it.

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    I'm a penny pincher, Daniel's a spending freak, but he does really well with bills so I let him take care of that part while I convince him why making a big purchase is a bad idea.
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    I'm very conservative, but I only purchase quality things (if possible) when I do.

    One thing I do love about being LII - I don't really need anything to entertain myself. Got a local library? That's more than enough.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    It depends on the person, obviously, but here's my opinion as far as Gamma is concerned...

    ENTjs are great with large purchases, investments, businesses, and any other plans for making money in the future, and they're quite capable of writing personal budgets... but not so great at sticking to them. ENxjs have a tendency toward excess... or at least they're not a great judge of what is or isn't "excessive". ISxps see ENxjs are being careless. An ISxp maybe criticize an ENxj for putting all of his money or taking out a very large loan for a business or investment because if it doesn't work out, there's a potential that the ENxj could end up lacking the funds necessary to live comfortably for a period of time. Also, ENxjs, according to my understanding, do not have much "willpower" when it comes to Si matters. If they decide they want a certain dish at a restaurant, for example, it is difficult for them to deny themselves that item. They aren't very "reasonable" about that kind of thing. Now... let's say this Si impulse spending happens in some form or another a few times a week... it can add up. Attempts to micromanage spending leave them very frustrated because they're constantly confronted with their weak PoLR. ENTjs are great at seeing the big picture, but they appreciate their dual's attention to detail and ability to strictly manage daily spending and paying bills according to the budget. It's not that the ENTj can't do those things... it's just something that their dual is better at, and they very much appreciate this. Let's not forget the purpose of the Se Hidden Agenda... if the ENTj has a ridiculously large amount of money coming in, he'll never have to deny himself or his family anything. No matter how much he spends, there will always be enough to cover his family's needs and comforts.

    INTps are probably better at micromanaging their personal finances, and one reason that comes to mind is their negativism. Where an ENTj will think, "I want to go out to eat. It's probably not the wisest way to spend that money... that's okay, I'll make it up with extra profits/earnings," and INTp would assume the worst and use better judgment. Plus INTps don't have a Si PoLR. Also, INTps have ESFps for a dual... so they have to be the one in the relationship who is strict about impulse spending and avoiding excess.

    So yeah, there are a few functions that come into play where money is concerned.

    Se: Money = Power
    Ti: sees and understands complex economic structures and models
    Si: Careful/Caregiver types... able to see what is needed and what is excessive (may choose to live in excess anyways, but they're quite aware of it nonetheless), and they're probably less likely to take financial risks than Ni types as they are more concerned with the present and immediate future than they are the long term (I'm not sure how Si dominance plus a Te PoLR works in ISFps as I have not known any well)
    Se PoLR types: Money = Power booooooooooooooo
    Te: understand business structures and finances
    Ni: more interested in the future than the present... more of a focus on the long term than the short term or immediate future

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    ENTjs are great with large purchases, investments, businesses, and any other plans for making money in the future, and they're quite capable of writing personal budgets... but not so great at sticking to them. ENxjs have a tendency toward excess... or at least they're not a great judge of what is or isn't "excessive". ISxps see ENxjs are being careless. An ISxp maybe criticize an ENxj for putting all of his money or taking out a very large loan for a business or investment because if it doesn't work out, there's a potential that the ENxj could end up lacking the funds necessary to live comfortably for a period of time. Also, ENxjs, according to my understanding, do not have much "willpower" when it comes to Si matters. If they decide they want a certain dish at a restaurant, for example, it is difficult for them to deny themselves that item. They aren't very "reasonable" about that kind of thing. Now... let's say this Si impulse spending happens in some form or another a few times a week... it can add up. Attempts to micromanage spending leave them very frustrated because they're constantly confronted with their weak PoLR. ENTjs are great at seeing the big picture, but they appreciate their dual's attention to detail and ability to strictly manage daily spending and paying bills according to the budget. It's not that the ENTj can't do those things... it's just something that their dual is better at, and they very much appreciate this. Let's not forget the purpose of the Se Hidden Agenda... if the ENTj has a ridiculously large amount of money coming in, he'll never have to deny himself or his family anything. No matter how much he spends, there will always be enough to cover his family's needs and comforts.
    Having said that, I would like to point out that the community had (has?) an inaccurate concept of Te as far as money goes. Somewhere along the line Te was equated to handling finances and all matters involving money. For example, I remember someone saying, "An ENTj would never have to file for bankruptcy," or "a Te type would never forget to pay his bills on time," etc. I think this was partially due to mistypings of members. Anyways, I just wanted to point this out in case this notion is still lingering around anywhere.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    A lot of your ENxj description sounds ENTp Joy.
    Yes... both ENxps and ENxjs have weak Si. The difference is that ENxps welcome help in this area while ENxjs do not (to put it mildly).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    It depends on the person, obviously, but here's my opinion as far as Gamma is concerned...

    ENTjs are great with large purchases, investments, businesses, and any other plans for making money in the future, and they're quite capable of writing personal budgets... but not so great at sticking to them. ENxjs have a tendency toward excess... or at least they're not a great judge of what is or isn't "excessive". ISxps see ENxjs are being careless. An ISxp maybe criticize an ENxj for taking out a very large loan for a business or investment because if it doesn't work out, there's a potential that the ENxj could end up lacking the funds necessary to live comfortably for a period of time. Also, ENxjs, according to my understanding, do not have much "willpower" when it comes to Si matters. If they decide they want a certain dish at a restaurant, for example, it is difficult for them to deny themselves that item. They aren't very "reasonable" about that kind of thing. Now... let's say this Si impulse spending happens in some form or another a few times a week... it can add up. Attempts to micromanage spending leave them very frustrated because they're constantly confronted with their weak PoLR. ENTjs are great at seeing the big picture, but they appreciate their dual's attention to detail and ability to strictly manage daily spending and paying bills according to the budget. It's not that the ENTj can't do those things... it's just something that their dual is better at, and they very much appreciate this. Let's not forget the purpose of the Se Hidden Agenda... if the ENTj has a ridiculously large amount of money coming in, he'll never have to deny himself or his family anything. No matter how much he spends, there will always be enough to cover his family's needs and comforts.
    granted, i'm 17, but what's written here is very very similar to how i view the situation. my dad, despite having an annual income of about $20-25K (as he's a freelance musician, it varies), has made solid investment choices and lived very frugally for the past twenty or thirty years, and has amassed a significant amount of money. sufficient so that any college tuition that i might have to pay will be paid off with a great deal of spare change.

    this sort of thing has led me to be very lackadaisical yet very frugal at the same time with money matters, and my dad (who i've flip-flopped on in the past but i now believe to be LIE) is pretty much the same way; if a product is deemed to be useful, necessary, or strongly desired, it will be purchased without delay. however, the extraordinary penny-pinching of both of us is readily apparent in such things as purchasing food; where he is not involved, i buy whatever the hell i want, but most of my food comes from large shopping trips in which most of the things i eat are purchased in bulk whenever they are on sale, using his credit card which gives him 3% back or something like that. any unnecessary monthly fees are also strictly forbidden by his standards.

    enough rambling.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    my dad, despite having an annual income of about $20-25K (as he's a freelance musician, it varies), has made solid investment choices and lived very frugally for the past twenty or thirty years, and has amassed a significant amount of money. sufficient so that any college tuition that i might have to pay will be paid off with a great deal of spare change.

    most of the things i eat are purchased in bulk whenever they are on sale, using his credit card which gives him 3% back or something like that. any unnecessary monthly fees are also strictly forbidden by his standards.
    that's awesome

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    my dad, despite having an annual income of about $20-25K (as he's a freelance musician, it varies), has made solid investment choices and lived very frugally for the past twenty or thirty years, and has amassed a significant amount of money. sufficient so that any college tuition that i might have to pay will be paid off with a great deal of spare change.

    most of the things i eat are purchased in bulk whenever they are on sale, using his credit card which gives him 3% back or something like that. any unnecessary monthly fees are also strictly forbidden by his standards.
    that's awesome
    That's badass, too.

    Might explain why you have Fe polr, ( ), but really, that's the way to go.
    I want to buy everything I can in bulk... I really dislike buying individual items. For the sake of the environment, even....
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    I want to add though... to the ENTj thing... that they only want their dual to be strict about budgeting or spending when it's necessary to accomplish the ENTj's long term goals, and even when this is the case, if there's something that the ENTj really wants... exceptions can be made on occasion, as long as they don't interfere with the goal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III

    Might explain why you have Fe polr
    what do you mean by that?

  17. #17
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    That was an off color remark/joke
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    That was an off color remark/joke
    even so, i think there might be more truth to it than you realize.

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    Yeah I know, that's why I said it.
    Fi role dictates that I write it off as a partial joke.

    There was a possibility there that I was curious about, a structural issue you could say.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  20. #20
    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    I'm ENFp and very good at handling money. I bet you're underestimating the other types.

    First, I'm quite conservative about spending money. For example, I'm quite reluctant to spend money on services. I'm good at fixing things, so when there is an electrical failure, for example, I simply go and fix it, saving a lot.

    When I'm going to make a purchase I always think about the practicality of what's being purchased (I only purchase "tools"), if it's of good quality so it lasts, etc. I also think a lot about the value of things. For example, I never purchase new goods when I can buy used ones just at a fraction of the cost, and which, at the end, will provide the same service. I care only about the usefulness of stuff, not really how they look. Also, I always purchase things thinking about what the sell price could be later, so in case I have to sell something, I lose very little. I sometimes manage to purchase something quite cheaply, use it for a while, and sell it for profit.

    Also, I get most of my pleasures from creativity and learning, thinking and such is quite cheap.

    I'm also good at earning money. I'm skilled in several areas and can do specialized work, which is highly profitable. For example, I have a perfectly clear pitcture on how computers work (so much that I'm in the process of designing my own hardware platform) and that gives me quite an edge over other people who say they are skilled about computers but they are really not. I'm familiar with the publishing process and since I'm fluent in english I can perform professional translations from english to spanish. I'm also in the process of learning german and probably will learn other languages later as well. I'm also quite good at mechanical engineering and have lots of knowledge of electronics in general.

    However, if there is a job at which I excel it is to be a merchant. Combining my knowledge about economics, this is, having a clear picture of how wealth is produced and distributed and my people skills, I can quickly find a way to make a deal which at times can be insanely profitable. For example, I once purchased a laptop and a broken video card for $1,000, fixed the video card, installed it on the laptop and sold it for $2,000. The whole process took me about an hour.

    This is, by the way, worlds apart from all the ENFp I know. So don't put so much weight on types, because I think, on this matters, it varies a lot from person to person. Probably people who always have had easy money do not build strong strategies to earn money because they don't consider it neccesary. But I come from a family with lots of monetary problems and I've spent a good deal of my life refining my strategies.
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
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    As usual, mikemex shows us how he is good at basically everything, especially in comparison to everybody else. Everybody bows down!

    I'm average at handling money. I don't like to deny myself things, but if there are other priorities, I'll prioritize.
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    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    ENFPs have an unusually broad range of skills and talents.
    ESTp seem to have the skill to annoy anyone in sight. Just a few hours ago I saw a demonstration of such skill.
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    ENFPs have an unusually broad range of skills and talents.
    ESTp seem to have the skill to annoy anyone in sight. Just a few hours ago I saw a demonstration of such skill.
    Somebody called it projection. I agree with him.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  24. #24
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    FDG, you never miss a good opportunity to talk about yourself in scrutinizing detail. Oftentimes leaving us with outlines of your greatness. Mikemex-- I'm awfully proud of you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by heath
    FDG, you never miss a good opportunity to talk about yourself in scrutinizing detail. Oftentimes leaving us with outlines of your greatness.
    Yes, it is possible that I am fauly of my own accusation.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex

    I'm also good at earning money. I'm skilled in several areas and can do specialized work, which is highly profitable. For example, I have a perfectly clear pitcture on how computers work (so much that I'm in the process of designing my own hardware platform) and that gives me quite an edge over other people who say they are skilled about computers but they are really not. I'm familiar with the publishing process and since I'm fluent in english I can perform professional translations from english to spanish. I'm also in the process of learning german and probably will learn other languages later as well. I'm also quite good at mechanical engineering and have lots of knowledge of electronics in general.

    However, if there is a job at which I excel it is to be a merchant. Combining my knowledge about economics, this is, having a clear picture of how wealth is produced and distributed and my people skills, I can quickly find a way to make a deal which at times can be insanely profitable. For example, I once purchased a laptop and a broken video card for $1,000, fixed the video card, installed it on the laptop and sold it for $2,000. The whole process took me about an hour.

    This is, by the way, worlds apart from all the ENFp I know. So don't put so much weight on types, because I think, on this matters, it varies a lot from person to person. Probably people who always have had easy money do not build strong strategies to earn money because they don't consider it neccesary. But I come from a family with lots of monetary problems and I've spent a good deal of my life refining my strategies.
    You seem to be living the Delta ST dream.

  27. #27
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I'm not awful with money. When I was living alone, I didn't make much money and I was pretty frugal, but then I'd sometimes kind of forget my frugality and buy something I didn't need. Then I'd wallow in guilt for a while. But I managed to keep my head above water. Barely, but I had very little debt because I kept my expenses light.

    My husband is great with money and plans for the future. But he loves to buy car parts, tools, old cars he can work on, etc. What he likes best is to buy like an old car, fix it, and then sell it for more.

    I don't like dealing with money. I'd rather he just tell me how much is available and then not mess with me about it.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    <-- Not particularly good with money.

  29. #29
    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    It depends on the person, obviously, but here's my opinion as far as Gamma is concerned...


    INTps are probably better at micromanaging their personal finances, and one reason that comes to mind is their negativism. Where an ENTj will think, "I want to go out to eat. It's probably not the wisest way to spend that money... that's okay, I'll make it up with extra profits/earnings," and INTp would assume the worst and use better judgment. Plus INTps don't have a Si PoLR. Also, INTps have ESFps for a dual... so they have to be the one in the relationship who is strict about impulse spending and avoiding excess.

    So yeah, there are a few functions that come into play where money is concerned.

    Se: Money = Power
    Ti: sees and understands complex economic structures and models
    Si: Careful/Caregiver types... able to see what is needed and what is excessive (may choose to live in excess anyways, but they're quite aware of it nonetheless), and they're probably less likely to take financial risks than Ni types as they are more concerned with the present and immediate future than they are the long term (I'm not sure how Si dominance plus a Te PoLR works in ISFps as I have not known any well)
    Se PoLR types: Money = Power booooooooooooooo
    Te: understand business structures and finances
    Ni: more interested in the future than the present... more of a focus on the long term than the short term or immediate future
    I am INTp and my dual hubby (ESFp, of course) fit the above "INTp/ESFp" description about money to a big-fat-T.

    It's actually a bit of trouble for us though, he is the one who works, and I stay home -no 'job' that pays me- --> so it's a Man being ESFp and Stay-at-Home Wife/Mother Homeschooling INTp Lady dual-marriage.

    I make decisions, sure, but can't possibly keep him from making bad ones when he's out alone, which is way more often than I am out with him to steer him, unfortunately.

    I do quell his excitement to "go and do ..." frequently though, and make quality over price decisions frequently when it comes to household things, understanding heavily myself how more money on something that is better, will last, or be better for us, is better than throwing money away on junk ... low quality being cheaper, and cheaper meaning to him "we can get more other things" all cheap and worthless, in my book.

    I used to work, and I'd Save money and save-up for purchasing things in the future, and hold onto money generally, for reasons. My hubby, once he was that, used to use his ATM card to take out money from my/our savings account "just to get this or that, or have pocket money" ... urgh! So finally I closed the savings account out so he couldn't do that anymore.

    He fly's by the seat-of-his-pants about paying bills too. I used to pay the bills, but when he was down-sized from his job some years ago, he went Independent and money was too tight for me to do anything much with and I grew weary of it and "gave the job of paying the bills to him" stupidly.

    I paid things as they came in the mail, way before due date usually, when I used to pay the bills for our family.

    He plays games with things, even though we have more money now, he still plays games with the money and it's trouble when it comes to electricity and water, getting late notices and "we are going to turn off your ... by ... if we don't get $ by ..." just cause he didn't pay it on time. He gets himself into trouble with other things and buys junk food atimes, when he doesn't need to, and generally is just plain LAX when it comes to what money is and what you can do with it if you take the time to listen to your INTp wife and do what she says.

    So we have things that need fixed and can't afford to get them fixed because of money, but ... lately he's coming around and giving me "supposed control" over hunks of money for projects I deem worthy in the house, new flooring, and gardening materials, and someday getting my car repaired so that I can actually drive it (it's been sitting dead for a few + years now, with "promises" of getting it fixed up to a very nice state ASAP the whole time, and it's a project that won't start until later this year at the earliest, finally ... due to me prioritizing needs and projects and setting them up to really get done. )

    My ESFp dual hubby does understand how bad he is with money compared to me and accepts it more than he used to just lately (hence him giving me absolute control supposedly of chunks of money, instead of it all just disappearing into nothingness mysteriously.)

    When I met him 15 years ago I saw how he "reconciled" his bank account one day and laughed at him and told him "no way you can do that". He "estimated" how much ATM money he took out once a month, and put that down in one lump sum in his check register, and then couldn't fully reconcile his account and never cared that it didn't balance and said "It's all in my head, I know what I have and what I need to do with it"

    So then I took over doing his statements and for years I did "ours" and then when I stopped dealing with the stuff a few years ago he didn't reconcile accounts and all that ... and it's crazy to look at the bank statements, little charges here and there and it pittles the money away and is so crazy, so very crazy.

    He will go to a "pocket money" weekly amount soon, and when it's gone, it's gone. Period.

    Just a few examples of how troublesome something like how a dual couple has what it takes to use strength instead of weakness, but gender differences based on cultural living can mess it up and put the weak one into control ... shudder.

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    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

  30. #30
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    entp: not good with money. good at making it good at spending it, not good at saving it.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy
    Just a few examples of how troublesome something like how a dual couple has what it takes to use strength instead of weakness, but gender differences based on cultural living can mess it up and put the weak one into control ... shudder.
    boooooooooooooooooooo don't stand for that "cultural norm" gender role bullshit >:|

    Tell him that your family will be able to make better financial decisions and investments and retire very comfortably one day if he allows you total control over the finances. Then set up a separate account just for him... you may not want to explain it this way to him, but it will be his allowance, or spending money. A certain amount will go into it every week/month, and he can do with it as he sees fit. Other than that, his checks will be deposited directly into an account that you hold the checkbook and debit/check cards for. Again, he may need to be reminded of the rewards of doing so... I have a hunch that it would turn out quite nicely for your family though. (:

    Anyways, have you seen any of the Rocky movies? There's a scene in the second one that you reminded me of. He's ESFp and she's INTp. They're looking at a home to buy and she's asking if the plumbing is copper and other such things... and then without even going upstairs he's like, "Yeah, it looks real nice, we'll take it." She asks to speak to him privately and says they're moving too quickly, talks about the rate of the first mortgage, etc. (I don't remember it word for word). They end up buying it, but that whole scene was sooooooo ESFp/INTp. It was great.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by diamond8
    entp: not good with money. good at making it good at spending it, not good at saving it.
    Hi! :wink:

  33. #33
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    awwwwwwwwww look at the duals... how cute!


    Check out my Socionics group!

  34. #34



  35. #35
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    Shees. I thought I was bad but I could never throw away money that was needed to pay the bills.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  36. #36



  37. #37
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    It would be bad news if a leading was having money problems in terms of spending too much. You know he's fairly insane at that point.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  38. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    awwwwwwwwww look at the duals... how cute!

    I'm high... I probably wouldn't be good for Blaze

  39. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by diamond8
    entp: not good with money. good at making it good at spending it, not good at saving it.
    The same. I am somewhat better at saving and investing now but I had to develop a system to make my money easy to save and difficult for me to withdraw. Shortly before I became a bit better with money, I had a good long talk with an ISFp girl about how to manage my habits without a feeling of depriving myself. I can say that this conversation helped me a whole lot. I actually think a lot of ISFps are quite good with saving money.
    Socionics: XNFx

  40. #40
    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    I know one ISFp who worked for years, always saving, and now she has her own house, car travels out of the country often and such. And all alone, because she never married.

    I like to tease her saying that she's rich.
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    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

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