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Thread: PoLR Moments

  1. #41
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I don't have polr
    You can't have a PoLR function if you don't know your PoLR looks like in the first place.
    You can't have a PoLR moment if you never feel being vulnerable in any situation.
    Last edited by Metaphor; 12-27-2021 at 09:39 AM.
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    Psychology BSc and statistics MSc Armitage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    I don't know whether it was your intention to bring humour but this made me smile knowingly.
    You're absolutely right.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Since writing my original post I had an even better idea of a room divider/office credenza with planter boxes along the top. With one of those you can combine filing/storage with a living breathing component and even wheel the room divider around to different locations to catch more light or create a different layout.
    To give a sneakpeek behind the workings of Te, my first thoughts to this proposal are: "This sounds complicated. Who's going to cart the divider around all the time to optimize the plant's sunlight? Will their labour hours not better be spend actually doing their work?
    Speaking of costs, would it not be cheaper to simply go for the potted plants? It sure sounds a lot simpler and they don't require carting around. Especially if I don't assign someone to do the carting, then probably no-one will, and the whole "the plants acquire more sunlight this way" argument falls through. Also, I thought that the entire reasoning was to make the employees more comfortable at the workplace, because the divider sounds like it will benefit the plants more than the workers.
    I just Googled the thing, this looks like I actually have to use a budget for it and perhaps request permission from upper management for. They will ask me what's wrong with the previous file drawers that they have to be replaced. In contrast the potted plants I could just purchase from the small extraneous budget and I won't have to justify a thing, because of their low price."

    If I'd be the manager, my reaction would therefore be: "That's a very nice idea, Thistle, yet a bit above budget. I'll note it down as a proposal for the next time that we'll change the floor plan and refurnish the office ( , because then I don't have to justify any purchases to upper ). Thanks for your input, though."

    Te is not about hammering down any creative ideas, it's about solving problems by leveraging the system. Having to ask upper permission for anything is creating a problem for me as a manager, instead of solving one. Generally your best bet at finding an opening to a counter-argument is by asking "Why?", if the manager hasn't given a reason. Most Gamma NTs will happily engage you in discussion to elaborate their thinking up to a reasonable point, yet they are likely to provide an explanation from the start. Delta STs on the other hand are far less likely to explain their position, but that's largely because they dislike explaining their reasoning at all, since they experience this as an attack to their "aristocratic position". My LSE-Si Father's: "Because I'm your Father and I said so." is the ultimate example of this.

    Te combined with Si tends to be rather uncreative and boring at times. They tend to trample on every novel and unconventional idea out of a fear of the new. This is especially the case when they cannot imagine something being lucrative, and due to their low Ne and their Ni-polr this applies to most things outside of the ordinary. Most of the male population consists of Delta STs and especially management, it seems.
    I wished a LSE-Te pal in his late twenties a Merry Christmas this weekend and he started talking about the Top 2000 music numbers chosen every year around this time. I know nothing about it, because it's all old men's music, and I thus rather listen to my own songs on Spotify. To evade his question, I instead asked him what he thought of the third highest song in the ranking. I namely read in the newspaper that there was an action to get the murdered crime journalist's favourite song to be the uppermost one for a change, but it ended up being third instead. Queen's Bohemian Rapsody was once again the number one. It always has been ever since Freddy Mercury died, except for last year when it was Danny Vera's Rollercoaster, which ended up on second place this year.
    Literally translated from Dutch, his opinion of the third song was: 'Special, despite me not knowing the song before. This proves that, besides established songs and golden oldies, Top2000 voters are trendy.'
    I said nothing, but all I thought was: "Yeah sure, that you didn't know one song of the entire 2000 proves that the Top 2000 is trendy. Especially since this song came from the youth of a 64 year old LIE-Te reporter. Very modern and trendy indeed."
    The LSE has more old-fashioned habits like these. He also has the tradition of re-re-rewatching the Lord of the Rings movies every single year, since he saw them almost 20 years ago. By now he remembers every single detail that happens in them, and still he rewatches them just to savour the feeling of nostalgia. I don't get it.
    He is an active centric Christian-democratic conservative, like my LSE-Si Father. It's an old men's party and they do nothing for the youth, like myself and the LSE-Te pal. They don't focus on building more affordable starter houses and they abolished the study financing, in order to replace it with an expensive student loan scheme. Instead they focus on enforcing elementary school teachers to make their pupils sing the national anthem every morning, even though our already scarce teachers should focus on resolving the deplorable arithmetics skills of their pupils. This lack of basic skills has become even more urgent now, due to the repeated COVID-19 lockdowns, during which more and more pupils fall behind. But instead we're going to spend the limited classroom time they have on singing some old ass song about how the Dutch are of German blood and used to honour the Spanish king over 400 years ago! Can you imagine that people song this line about German descendage right when we were liberated by the Americans, the British, and the Polish from those very Germans! For me this is the prime example of unquestioning loyalty to traditions, which can provide very ironic results.
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-27-2021 at 12:10 PM.

  3. #43
    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    ...He also has the tradition of re-re-rewatching the Lord of the Rings movies every single year, since he saw them almost 20 years ago. By now he remembers every single detail that happens in them, and still he rewatches them just to savour the feeling of nostalgia. I don't get it.
    Watch it, treading hard on my heals.

    I have close to 200 or more movies that I re-watch a lot. Lord of the Rings gets many, many views every year since the inception.
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    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy View Post
    Watch it, treading hard on my heals.

    I have close to 200 or more movies that I re-watch a lot. Lord of the Rings gets many, many views every year since the inception.
    Lol. I think I’ve watched about five movies in my life more than once. And them, only twice.

    I have between three and four thousand books, but I have them so I CAN reread them, not because I do. The fiction books rarely get a reread, but the technical books are referenced all the time.

    I’m working with an ESI-Se who says she has read three non-school assignment books in her life.

    She says that I’m a hoarder (she might be right), and that all of those books are available online. Lol. They are not.
    Still I’m getting rid of the ones which either aren’t worth rereading or which are no longer likely to be useful.

  5. #45
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    Any particular Science-fiction books that you'd recommend, @Adam Strange?

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Most Gamma NTs will happily engage you in discussion to elaborate their thinking up to a reasonable point, yet they are likely to provide an explanation from the start. Delta STs on the other hand are far less likely to explain their position, but that's largely because they dislike explaining their reasoning at all, since they experience this as an attack to their "aristocratic position". My LSE-Si Father's: "Because I'm your Father and I said so." is the ultimate example of this.
    Hm, this is not accurate in my experience. Or, perhaps only partially accurate. One way I determine if someone has Te in a strong position is to ask them a question and see how detailed and complete they get in their answer. Most strong Te people *love* explaining things, especially the rational ones. That said, if they were stronger in their introverted function then I could see any of the Te types being a little less wordy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Te combined with Si tends to be rather uncreative and boring at times. They tend to trample on every novel and unconventional idea out of a fear of the new.
    Sometimes Si types are afraid of new things (or new ways of doing things), but in general they are built to be receptive to their Ne counterparts. Again, subtype might play a role. If you provide motivation (cue NFs / someone they care about) and enough supporting information, they'll try new things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    This is especially the case when they cannot imagine something being lucrative, and due to their low Ne and their Ni-polr this applies to most things outside of the ordinary. Most of the male population consists of Delta STs and especially management, it seems.
    "Lucrative" seems like you're looking at it through a Gamma perspective, which makes sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    The LSE has more old-fashioned habits like these. He also has the tradition of re-re-rewatching the Lord of the Rings movies every single year, since he saw them almost 20 years ago. By now he remembers every single detail that happens in them, and still he rewatches them just to savour the feeling of nostalgia. I don't get it.
    This sounds like some Alpha SFs I know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    He is an active centric Christian-democratic conservative, like my LSE-Si Father. It's an old men's party and they do nothing for the youth, like myself and the LSE-Te pal.
    Yes, here subtypes seem to play a role, too. LSE-Si / ESE-Si is sort of peak social decay in some ways, at least in their temperament.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  7. #47
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    Per thread topic, here's a personal example:

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    I think I would categorize the following as a "PoLR hit":

    A few days ago, I was driving my car in the far left of a two-lane lefthand turn onto a highway. It was quite crowded because of an accident further up the road, so the lines started to form in the median lane. I had maybe 10 cars ahead of me and a bunch more lining up behind me.

    Suddenly I see movement out of the corner of my eye, look to my left, and there's a car less than two feet from me *on my left*, maybe a foot further back than I was. Technically she was not quite in oncoming traffic, because the the median was very wide, but it was close, and I could see the oncoming cars swerving a bit. No one else was behind her, so I think she was just attempting a shortcut.

    The car in front of me moved up a bit, so I did, too, and she moved up closer to me. I started feeling panicky, pressured, and very annoyed. She didn't let up so to preserve my car's paint I finally let her in. As I was doing so, LSE next to me says, "Either let her in or go for it, don't play the middle ground."

    After she had wedged her way in, LSE says, "That would have been a great time for a long, loud car horn blast." They were right, of course.

    As I finally turned onto the highway, my hands were shaking and I held back tears. Internally, I berated myself for being weak, not just in letting the car push me around but for being so upset about it. A former SLE boss's voice came echoing back to me, "You cry too easily."

    LSE laid back to take a nap, and for the next hour I tried to process why that whole situation bothered me so much. Interestingly, I also became increasingly sleepy, though I'm not sure if that ties directly in or not...
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Thanks for your input, though. Te is not about hammering down any creative ideas, it's about solving problems by leveraging the system.
    Ok. When I read your response it really sinks in for me that I would never make a good manager - a position I was offered and turned down at one of my jobs. For a start, it's too risky and stressful to make decisions on behalf of your fellow workers. Further to this, what you believe is good for wellbeing is not necessarily a concern someone else shares even a tiny bit. Some people would rather have an end of year bonus in the form of a generous gift card/voucher than attend a Christmas party at a venue with catering and a live band.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    To give a sneakpeek behind the workings of Te, my first thoughts to this proposal are: "This sounds complicated. Who's going to cart the divider around all the time to optimize the plant's sunlight? Will their labour hours not better be spend actually doing their work?
    Your point immediately reminded me of how cleaning is handled at a small office I work at. There is no hired cleaning company because there are 5 members of staff (7 including the directors) and the office is compact with no adjoining bathroom (the bathroom facilities are in a separate building that is shared with other businesses). What this means is that we rely on one of us volunteering to clean when someone recognises the need for it. That person is usually me, because my colleagues primarily work from home and I'm a neat-freak who doesn't want to spoil someone's mood by asking them to clean.

    Similarly, if you were to ask "Who will cart the plant divider around?", I would say: "Me! I don't mind looking after the cart. Hopefully someone else who is on board with the idea would be happy to share this role." I would reassure you that my work would be completed as usual, but during my downtime it would be easy for me to tend to the plants - whether those are potted plants or a group of planter boxes. From a Te-perspective I can understand that "Me" is not a reliable source of labour, because if plant care is not listed in someone's official job description they won't be trained in the task, therefore they should not be expected to take on the responsibility. Essentially, when I move on from the organisation who will take over what I volunteered myself for? That's a problem I did not foresee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    I just Googled the thing, this looks like I actually have to use a budget for it and perhaps request permission from upper management for. They will ask me what's wrong with the previous file drawers that they have to be replaced. In contrast the potted plants I could just purchase from the small extraneous budget and I won't have to justify a thing, because of their low price." If I'd be the manager, my reaction would therefore be: "That's a very nice idea, Thistle, yet a bit above budget. I'll note it down as a proposal for the next time that we'll change the floor plan and refurnish the office ( , because then I don't have to justify any purchases to upper ). Thanks for your input, though." Te is not about hammering down any creative ideas, it's about solving problems by leveraging the system. Having to ask upper permission for anything is creating a problem for me as a manager, instead of solving one.
    Further proof that Te is my blindspot is that I would never predict your precise responses to my proposal. Having this knowledge ahead of time would allow me and my "half-baked ideas" to be taken seriously. *The "half-baked ideas" comment comes from my dad - it would be uncanny for both of our dads to have LSE type, don't you think?

    The reason why I thought planter boxes could be more practical than individual potted plants is that it would mean the plants become an integral part of a wall/room (visual impact), and being grouped together means that you don't need to keep tabs on watering individual pots. A purpose built piece of furniture is more costly, but I thought (once again) that I could convince you with the idea because it can provide storage while it makes our shared surroundings brighter and lively.

    Aforementioned is an example of me trying to show someone (manager, for our example) that I am invested in a plan and that it is not just a whim. You suggested that I could open a successful counter-argument by asking my managers "why", but I have not tended to do so during my working life. I usually offer up my own reasoning - and then experience embarrassment and shame when I am turned down.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    I wished a LSE-Te pal in his late twenties a Merry Christmas this weekend and he started talking about the Top 2000 music numbers chosen every year around this time. I know nothing about it, because it's all old men's music, and I thus rather listen to my own songs on Spotify. To evade his question, I instead asked him what he thought of the third highest song in the ranking. I namely read in the newspaper that there was an action to get the murdered crime journalist's favourite song to be the uppermost one for a change, but it ended up being third instead. Queen's Bohemian Rapsody was once again the number one. It always has been ever since Freddy Mercury died, except for last year when it was Danny Vera's Rollercoaster, which ended up on second place this year. Literally translated from Dutch, his opinion of the third song was: 'Special, despite me not knowing the song before. This proves that, besides established songs and golden oldies, Top2000 voters are trendy.' I said nothing, but all I thought was: "Yeah sure, that you didn't know one song of the entire 2000 proves that the Top 2000 is trendy. Especially since this song came from the youth of a 64 year old LIE-Te reporter. Very modern and trendy indeed." The LSE has more old-fashioned habits like these.
    Because LSE have low Ne and Ni-PoLR, do you think this makes them less inclined to speculate on subjects not within their wheelhouse - compared with LIE, who are also Te-leading? e.g. For your example, is your LSE-Te pal unlikely to speculate on the reasons behind the popularity of a Top 2000 song beyond a brief judgment: "trendy"?
    I presume him to have memories woven into his favourite songs; the times these songs transport him back to deem them "golden".

    Your responses have been very helpful for me in understanding Te better, by the way. Hope you do not mind my rambling commentary and that it remains on topic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    It was the day of my Grandpa's ( SLI-Te ) funeral. After a long and arduous negotiation with my mathematics uncle ( SLE-Ti ) my Father ( LSE-Si ) was able to draw a funeral plan that my uncle, my Aunt ( ESE-Si ), and my side of the family all agreed on. Nevertheless, my mathematics uncle and mathematics cousin ( ESE-Fe ) made some last-minute changes to the plan that they didn't discuss with us and that screwed everyone over, but suited them better.
    My Mother ( ESI-Fi ) was picking up my Grandma ( ESE-Si ) from Mother's side and would meet up there with my Sister ( ESI-Se ) and her boyfriend ( EII-Fi )

    typical socionics person behaviour exhibited here
    lmao, everything must have a type
    Last edited by heptayooooooo; 12-28-2021 at 07:13 AM.

  10. #50
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    I have some curious moments I think could be related to PolR, but I can't decide if they are related to Se-PolR, Si-PolR, Fe-PolR, Fi-PolR... Probably unrelated to TIM and more related to social skills than anything.

    For example, once I completed a couple of formularies with red pen after not sleeping the whole night, I really didn't knew that wasn't "acceptable". When I was a teen I didn't notice bad ills nor the amount of knowing the other person, so I would try to salute people who either hated me or didn't knew me. When I was a teen and had a "group of friends" there was the periodic routine of fucking things up and making someone among them either cry or not want to talk to me, though I always managed to fix it.

    I didn't noticed what was the correct way of behaving and I'm usually insecure about what is the "appropiate" behavior, speech or general state of being, and what most if not everyone on social situations notice (What goes below the "veil" in conversation) I cannot notice unless it is a correlation between speech and events I'm very aware of.

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    @RBRS, this kinda sounds like Fe-PolR or -inferior, because you have a difficulty gauging the appropriateness of certain behaviours and picking up on social decorum.

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    @RBRS , I thought you typed yourself LII. Are you questioning it?

    If you're into DCNH, I'm probably an H-subtype, so that might account for the difference, but while I've made several faux pas, I've never accidentally made anyone cry. I don't think that kind of thing is common for LxI in general. Knowing little else about you, that sounds more Fe PoLR than suggestive to me, for what it's worth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Further to this, what you believe is good for wellbeing is not necessarily a concern someone else shares even a tiny bit.
    Good leaders do care for the wellbeing of those they lead.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Some people would rather have an end of year bonus in the form of a generous gift card/voucher than attend a Christmas party at a venue with catering and a live band.
    I would go for the Christmas party with the whole crew, as long as it's a small gift card that I would be giving up for that. If the so called "entrance fee" for the Christmas party is over a €100,- that I'd be giving up for that, well, then it's a different story. I'd probably propose instead asking a diskjockey friend of mine to take care of the music, instead of a live band. Heck, I'd propose inviting the DJ friend anyway, because he's good and I'm happy to land him an extra gig.
    But yeah, your statement probably does apply to the people who value money first ( SP ), in contrast I undervalue it, as my interests are SX/so. Though that doesn't mean I won't be prudent with my money ( Te ), I am more likely to deem a Christmas party worth its value in the social bonding and fun that we'll have that day.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    That person is usually me, because my colleagues primarily work from home and I'm a neat-freak who doesn't want to spoil someone's mood by asking them to clean.
    This sounds unfair, if I would notice this pattern I would propose making a roster instead during the next meeting.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Similarly, if you were to ask "Who will cart the plant divider around?", I would say: "Me! I don't mind looking after the cart.
    The thing is that all those things I wrote down are thought that I have in a split second and wouldn't even bring up, because it's so much at once. Only the final conclusion and the main argument I would therefore voice: "That's a very nice idea, Thistle, yet a bit above budget. I'll note it down as a proposal for the next time that we'll change the floor plan and refurnish the office. Thanks for your input, though."
    Everything else I would only bring up if you would ask me "Why?" and continue the discussion. Then I'd know that you're interested in my reasoning, because some people want merely a simple yes/no and then move on with their work.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    I would reassure you that my work would be completed as usual, but during my downtime it would be easy for me to tend to the plants - whether those are potted plants or a group of planter boxes.
    This is what I love to hear, because it presents a problem occurring. "Alright, that's a good argument. I'll buy some potted plants first to see how everyone reacts to them, I think that it would be fair for everyone to take care of those plants nearest to their desks. If the potted plants work out and there's concensus with the group that plant dividers would be a good idea, I could then try to get a budget from upper for a few of them, in order to replace the old plastic cubicle walls with. The plant dividers are a reasonable idea, because they make the cubicles a nicer workplace and the plexiglass walls that we now have didn't cost too much. Whereas the file drawers would be impractical, because we already invested too much in our current ones. There's still a high chance, though, that upper would want to purchase the dividers in bulk, in order to get a discount from the manufacturer. So probably they'll make us wait for the next floor plan change, so they can redo the whole office building. Still, I'll make a case for them at the next board meeting, if the potted plants work. I was thinking of something like this:" [ Shows smartphone ]
    "Though maybe there are equivalent cheaper ones, but that's a concern for later."

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    From a Te-perspective I can understand that "Me" is not a reliable source of labour,
    That totally depends on if you have previously showed yourself to be trustworthy ( Fi ).

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    because if plant care is not listed in someone's official job description they won't be trained in the task, therefore they should not be expected to take on the responsibility.
    I get the intuition that you're being serious, but it reads like sarcasm? Nobody would namely expect that to be part of one's job description, unless you would be hired as a professional landscape gardener. I'm neither professionally trained to make a cup of coffee, nor is it part of my description, still I'm allowed to use the coffee machine in the kitchen. For anything that doesn't amount to a very costly liability, a spoken agreement should be enough, if the person showed themselves trustworthy before.

    Trustworthiness is very decisive. Perhaps you read some of my other messages on the forum, perhaps you did not, but I got in trouble with the dual I was dating, because he asked me to borrow €220,- so he could pay back his best friend for the money he borrowed for a flight ticket to visit his family. The problem was that we had only been dating very shortly, so the money question took me aback. If money becomes a point of discussion that early in a relationship, it's generally not a good signal, because it makes it seem that someone dates you for your money, instead of for who you are. Moreover, I did not have any previous experiences with him borrowing smaller amounts of money, and thus could not know if he would actually pay me back or not. In addition, he wanted to borrow money from me to pay back a loan he had with his best friend. How many more people would get involved in this Ponzi Pyramid Scheme before it would topple?

    At first I tried explaining him that I'm only a student, so I cannot easily miss money myself. The next time he brought it up I told him that it's not custom in my culture to discuss financial matters. The third time that he insisted on it I asked him to call, so we could discuss it. Over time he grew more and more frustrated that I didn't give in to his Se dominance and that I didn't trust him ( Fi ). But my Te wasn't convinced that I could hand him the reigns without problems, because my Ni foresaw problems and my one-dimensional Fi didn't have the experience to know if he was trustworthy or not. Since he kept pushing me for money, I asked my friends what I should do, who told me to break up with him. I kinda regret this now, but still don't know if we would have fared any better, if I hadn't done so, since he didn't respect my boundaries at all. It's after all very easy to spend someone else's money.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Essentially, when I move on from the organisation who will take over what I volunteered myself for? That's a problem I did not foresee.
    If the whole team enjoys the potted plants, we can make a roster who waters them or agree that everyone takes care of the plants closest to them. Then when we potentially purchase the plant dividers this problem is tackled from the get-go. Not all responsibilities in the world have to solely rest upon your shoulders, Atlas.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Further proof that Te is my blindspot is that I would never predict your precise responses to my proposal. Having this knowledge ahead of time would allow me and my "half-baked ideas" to be taken seriously.
    You could always ask for feedback first from us before you officially pitch your proposal. Gamma NTs enjoy discussing ideas, and Delta STs love the opportunity to help, assist, and mentor. All of us Te-users appreciate it when our Te is valued for feedback, and all people like it when they are being involved within a plan, instead of mere sollicited as arbiters.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    The "half-baked ideas" comment comes from my dad - it would be uncanny for both of our dads to have LSE type, don't you think?
    Hahaha, yeah, this definitely sounds like a comment from someone who feels close enough to you to not sugarcoat their Te-opinions at all. I just think that you need some more time and Te-information to make a good case for your ideas, then you'll have fully-baked ideas. Maybe your Father is better at explaining than mine, so it would perhaps be nice to ask him how he reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    The reason why I thought planter boxes could be more practical than individual potted plants is that it would mean the plants become an integral part of a wall/room (visual impact), and being grouped together means that you don't need to keep tabs on watering individual pots.
    Those are fair arguments, I just prefer testing the waters first before I commit to the larger investment, so a trial with the potted plants would have to come first. Otherwise if all the plants wither away, it would be an unncessary loss of money. In the case of the potted plants it would be easier to recover from this, because it's a smaller loss.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    A purpose built piece of furniture is more costly, but I thought (once again) that I could convince you with the idea because it can provide storage while it makes our shared surroundings brighter and lively.
    Yes, but we have the sunk costs of the current file drawers already. If we're going to replace them, how do we get any return of investment on our current ones?

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    You suggested that I could open a successful counter-argument by asking my managers "why", but I have not tended to do so during my working life.
    Yes, but do so with caution, because some authoritarian leaders do not like their reasoning questioned, because they experience this as an attack to their position. They especially feel like this when they lack proper reasoning to back up their judgement in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    I usually offer up my own reasoning - and then experience embarrassment and shame when I am turned down.
    I get your feeling, but there's not really a reason to feel like this. Te is impartial and judges ideas, not people. Every time we make a new ad hoc judgement about the current case put before us. Ti, on the other hand, tries to infer the underlying theory behind the cases and in my experience is thus more inclined to make a judgement about someone's competence. Whereas we are more inclined to judge someone's trustworthiness.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Because LSE have low Ne and Ni-PoLR, do you think this makes them less inclined to speculate on subjects not within their wheelhouse - compared with LIE, who are also Te-leading?

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    For your example, is your LSE-Te pal unlikely to speculate on the reasons behind the popularity of a Top 2000 song beyond a brief judgment: "trendy"?
    He wasn't speculating on the popularity of the songs when he called them "trendy", instead he was hamhandedly trying to use Te-logic to make the point that what he values ( Fi ) isn't an old men's pasttime ( who still listens to radio, instead of Spotify anyway? ). He damn well knows it is extremely old-fashioned to listen to the music of the Top 2000, so he was more trying to prove it to himself that it is "trendy", than to me.
    The problem here is that he actually cares about other people's opinions regarding his hobbies. But that's the plight of Si-users who desire to do what is deemed "normal", instead of doing what they enjoy. So he starts rationalizing everything he does that is not "normal", as being so.
    In my opinion, if he wants to listen to old music, he should feel free to do so. It just isn't wise to try persuade me that old music isn't in fact old music, but "trendy", because I won't be convinced by that. Though I don't mind that he wants to listen to it, as I don't care what it is in or not, I for instance already listened to Bastille before they were popular. This sounds so hipster, LOL. And I infected my whole Family with a love for Bastille... Except my LSE-Si Dad who still listens to the 70s music from his youth and calls any of our "newfangled" music "noise".

    It's that my Mom always joins him when he goes buying new clothes, as otherwise he would still dress himself in 70s style. ( I wish I was kidding. )
    My deceased Grandpa was just like him, any new clothes my Grandma bought for him he kept in the packaging and instead continued wearing his suits with shoulder pads.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    I presume him to have memories woven into his favourite songs; the times these songs transport him back to deem them "golden".
    He wasn't even born back then, these songs are called "golden oldies" by his Parent's generation.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Your responses have been very helpful for me in understanding Te better, by the way. Hope you do not mind my rambling commentary and that it remains on topic.
    I'm happy to help you and am enjoying our conversation!
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-30-2021 at 01:36 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @RBRS , I thought you typed yourself LII. Are you questioning it?

    If you're into DCNH, I'm probably an H-subtype, so that might account for the difference, but while I've made several faux pas, I've never accidentally made anyone cry. I don't think that kind of thing is common for LxI in general. Knowing little else about you, that sounds more Fe PoLR than suggestive to me, for what it's worth.
    I didn't type myself LII although I'm realizing could give that impression in the Dune thread... I've been typed every Ni-Ego type plus LII and tentatively ILE (These last two by a "vultologist" who did it for free) but I don't further any self-typing, as I think I might have wrong self-image (I don't spend enough time reflecting on what I am or what I'm not nor self-observing to be sure of it) and typology fans often take such things so seriously that they could either fight you for your self typing, or fight you for their self typing. I believe that on a matter as abstract and lacking in empirical grounding like typology, these things should be treated more liberally and casually, as there's no empirical method, sign or behavior we can directly attach to TIMs, only divergent theories over something that could even be a lie supported on confirmation bias.

    If you want more details I can give you a couple examples of that "making cry" events;

    -In my friends group there was a couple, once I went out with them and started talking to them. I guess I gave her the impression that what I was saying went along the lines that she was fat and ugly and her partner might prefer other women but stayed with her because she was on his league, so she directly went home crying and my other friend didn't talked to me in a week.

    -A very young family member (around 11 years old) was found by an ambulance alone and on a state of ethyl coma, the whole family was on vacation and on the same house, and for some reason I couldn't stop laughing all night.

    - As I said sometimes I start laughing for no reason on inappropiate situations, or remember some joke and start laughing out of nothing. In this case I was with two of the closest to me in that friends group and started laughing, one of them asked me why I was laughing, and my mind really thought it was appropiate to tell him that I was because he was called some animal name for being bad playing some game, this made him cry his lungs out calling me every insult and ruining the night.

    But it is true that after I got my girlfriend (which was pretty soon) and eventually only interacted with her these behaviors started causing problems, for which she would later explain me the reasons and to this day these things are very mitigated, and although I cannot realize a lot of social standards that are a given for most, I no longer create such situations for very long periods of time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    I didn't type myself LII although I'm realizing could give that impression in the Dune thread... I've been typed every Ni-Ego type plus LII and tentatively ILE (These last two by a "vultologist" who did it for free) but I don't further any self-typing, as I think I might have wrong self-image (I don't spend enough time reflecting on what I am or what I'm not nor self-observing to be sure of it) and typology fans often take such things so seriously that they could either fight you for your self typing, or fight you for their self typing. I believe that on a matter as abstract and lacking in empirical grounding like typology, these things should be treated more liberally and casually, as there's no empirical method, sign or behavior we can directly attach to TIMs, only divergent theories over something that could even be a lie supported on confirmation bias.

    If you want more details I can give you a couple examples of that "making cry" events;

    -In my friends group there was a couple, once I went out with them and started talking to them. I guess I gave her the impression that what I was saying went along the lines that she was fat and ugly and her partner might prefer other women but stayed with her because she was on his league, so she directly went home crying and my other friend didn't talked to me in a week.

    -A very young family member (around 11 years old) was found by an ambulance alone and on a state of ethyl coma, the whole family was on vacation and on the same house, and for some reason I couldn't stop laughing all night.

    - As I said sometimes I start laughing for no reason on inappropiate situations, or remember some joke and start laughing out of nothing. In this case I was with two of the closest to me in that friends group and started laughing, one of them asked me why I was laughing, and my mind really thought it was appropiate to tell him that I was because he was called some animal name for being bad playing some game, this made him cry his lungs out calling me every insult and ruining the night.

    But it is true that after I got my girlfriend (which was pretty soon) and eventually only interacted with her these behaviors started causing problems, for which she would later explain me the reasons and to this day these things are very mitigated, and although I cannot realize a lot of social standards that are a given for most, I no longer create such situations for very long periods of time.
    @RBRS, laughing at inappropriate times is probably not type-related, but is more likely due to emotional damage.

    My mother did not love me and she hit me a lot when I was a child. When she was striking me, I never cried. Instead, I would laugh at her, which enraged her even more, but that was the only way I had of getting back at her.

    When I became an adult, I discovered a strange thing about myself. I laugh when I’m in pain.

    Once, I fell badly in my garage and split all the bones in my foot. The pain I felt started at my hip and got worse as it approached my ankle, and at that point it was off the scale. I hopped into the house in one foot and sat down and my wife asked me why I was laughing. I said I sprained my ankle. She said, “We’re going to the hospital for X-rays.” Well, it was not a sprain. Instead, all the metatarsals were split lengthwise. I was on crutches for months.

    It seems that I laugh when it hurts too much to cry.

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    If you don't know your PoLR, then probably ILI.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @RBRS, laughing at inappropriate times is probably not type-related, but is more likely due to emotional damage.

    My mother did not love me and she hit me a lot when I was a child. When she was striking me, I never cried. Instead, I would laugh at her, which enraged her even more, but that was the only way I had of getting back at her.

    When I became an adult, I discovered a strange thing about myself. I laugh when I’m in pain.

    Once, I fell badly in my garage and split all the bones in my foot. The pain I felt started at my hip and got worse as it approached my ankle, and at that point it was off the scale. I hopped into the house in one foot and sat down and my wife asked me why I was laughing. I said I sprained my ankle. She said, “We’re going to the hospital for X-rays.” Well, it was not a sprain. Instead, all the metatarsals were split lengthwise. I was on crutches for months.

    It seems that I laugh when it hurts too much to cry.
    I agree with what you have mentioned here, that any type is capable of this response.

    It might not be true to your precise experience with your mum, but I believe that uncontrollable bursts of laughter can come from pent up fear. The events taking place may not even register as funny but maybe just a messy/blurred sensation of being pressed upon or demanded of a certain "reaction". I'm sorry that you mum did this to you and that there was no one present to stop her and protect you. If your mum understood your laughter to be dis-respect or you not being serious, that is not fair because I can't imagine that being what was going through your mind at the time. The situation would have felt deadly serious and when you can't get away unscathed the better option can be "freeze".

    Perhaps if you cannot seem to access or let through the tears or despair due to a learned response, your laughter has come to protect you by releasing endorphins that reduce your pain.

    That's what I have read about the laughter response/endorphins, anyway. I can imagine the motion has a purpose of releasing tension from the body, at least.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    I'm sorry that you mum did this to you and that there was no one present to stop her and protect you.
    I share Thitle's sentiment, @Adam Strange; this should never have happened and I'm sorry that you had to go through this.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    It might not be true to your precise experience with your mum, but I believe that uncontrollable bursts of laughter can come from pent up fear. The events taking place may not even register as funny but maybe just a messy/blurred sensation of being pressed upon or demanded of a certain "reaction".
    Perhaps if you cannot seem to access or let through the tears or despair due to a learned response, your laughter has come to protect you by releasing endorphins that reduce your pain. That's what I have read about the laughter response/endorphins, anyway. I can imagine the motion has a purpose of releasing tension from the body, at least.
    This is true, as laughter actually stems from our ancestor's tendency of apologizing to more dominant counterparts when having offended them. It was to display one's subservience to the dominant other, in order to avoid attacks. This is why laughter evolved to be a sign of innocence and friendly relations in human culture. Laughter also has come to release endorphins, as a reward for avoiding further casualties and to clear the tension from the body. Later on it became a displacement activity for when people are confronted with such craziness that they cannot make sense of it, but to laugh it away. This way they can release stress in the face of life's absurdity.
    All in all, it is thus not that uncommon a psychological response to start laughing when the default expression of crying has been blocked. It obviously is socially inconvenient, however, since it sends conflicting singals in modern-day culture. Because you have had to go through quite a lot and because attachment is so pervasive, as a psychologist I would recommend finding a good familial/systemic therapist with whom you can work through your youth traumas. It might provide you relief and extinguish dysfunctional behavioural patterns from the past. It's well worth the time investment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    he also had a kid that died at 8 and a wife that cheated on him. he has prolly been depressed for decades.
    That's very painful, developing depression as a consequence would be far from unusual. The mind and body are two sides of the same coin, so it might become easier for him to get in shape when he gets therapy for his depression, and it might become easier to address his depression when he starts living healthily.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    half the food he eats is junk food bc if it was really that bad then it wouldn't be allowed to be sold
    What I understand from this is that the food he eats is junkfood and shouldn't be sold, correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    and on top of that his body will deteriorate from age anyway, its no use to protect it.
    Well, everyone's body will eventually deteriorate over time, yet this does not discourage me from exercising and maintaining it.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    that said he has tried to lose weight and eats very little in general. he has lessened it further multiple times but every time he doesnt lose enough and has too little energy.
    Yeah, it makes sense that he retains too little energy to function properly when he eats too little. Despite him eating less, if he continues eating unhealthily, then he will not lose weight in the long-term. Fat cells have showed to produce hunger hormones when reducing the food they receive, which causes one to quickly regain one's original weight after dieting. Instead one should not necessarily eat less, but healthier. Instead of giving fat cells the fat and sugar that they're used to, they're also happy to accept proteins from healthy beans and other legumes, and then they do not produce these hunger hormones.
    Fat cells are surrounded by protein skeletons. When their fat shrinks a gap between them and their skeleton emerges and the vacuum begins pressuring the cell. In order to reduce this pressure the fat cells start producing hunger hormones to quickly regain their normal size. When you eat legumes you resolve this problem not by regrowing the fat cell, but by allowing them to fill the gap with the legume proteins you feed them. This way the pressure on them is solved, their pain ends, and they thus stop producing the excess hunger hormones. In addition, the fibres in legumes will also decrease your sense of hunger, in contrast to ultra-processed foods. This way you can actually start losing weight and retain your shape long-term. @End recommends the book: Stay Off My Operating Table by Philip Ovadia. It's written by a heart surgeon and may be a nice gift for your father, especially since a fellow medical expert may be more convincing to him.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i couldnt eat some foods as a kid bc they made me choke. i literally couldnt swallow it on top of it feeling really nasty in my mouth. multiple times i'd tried some of them losing breath just wont cut it. other foods i refused due to nasty sensation. i was feeling really bad in general. it really doesnt make sense for the thing supposed to give u energy and perpetuate ur survival to make u feel like shit, and to have to go through majority of life that way.
    i force fed myself butter to gain weight despite it releasing too much bile that burnt my insides.
    i force fed myself bread and potatoes despite them ruining my teeth. and i did force myself to brush cosnistently despite it proving ineffective and the toxic compounds anyway, and that it makes no sense to have to do this at all.
    i have both refused and accepted processed meats later to only learn my innitial disgust with them was validated by salt and nitrate toxicity when cooked, maybe even nitrite as a reaction during digestion.
    and i later learned leafy greens are actually toxic.
    My Sister turned out to have food allergies for both milk and eggs, with either one of these being mixed into almost every processed food. For a long time the doctors in hospital told us that she had no such allergies, until our general practicioner ran some tests on her and found out. It really changed her life when we started avoiding these ingredients for her. She regained her energy, could concentrate again, and after a period of almost two years not being able to go to school, she could finally join in class again.
    Now she is living with her boyfriend on her own, however, and both are generally too tired at the end of the day and too easy-going to cook for themselves. They regularly order ready-made meals, pizzas, and Chinese food, causing her moods to be all-over the place again and her sleep restless. My Parents are concerned, but she does not want to listen, because she claims to be an adult now... An adult who doesn't take care of her diet to stay healthy.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i forced myself through mad gulag by LIE teacher that destroyed my sense of self and reality as it got replaced by math and frustration.
    A good teacher would try and make mathematics fun or at least understandable, and would try to avoid his or her pupils from experiencing frustration, because that undermines any and all motivation.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    im anti vax and anti chemo anti medication.
    You're free to do with your body as you please, I just hope that you're so kind to wear a mouth mask, because without one a cough may cause the elderly and infirm to lose their bodily freedom, and it is best if everybody has bodily freedom, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    doctors have been known to be rather stubborn, opionated and dismissive as well, resulting in worsening many people's problems, on top of the industry being fallacious, on top of how people approach "understanding" and "learning" in general is wrong. ppl's illness not being recognized bc its not a thing yet so they are delusional lazy attention seekers.
    Trust me, I'm not a fan of Big Pharma either, instead I deplore the profit model behind the healthcare system. My Sister's food allergies could have been found much earlier if the doctors had actually listened to her. And my Cousin was referred to a psychologist, because the doctors did not believe there to be a physical cause for her symptoms of exhaustion, growing neck pain, and shortness of breath. In the end it was found that she had thryoid cancer and that her hormone levels were far too low. But it took the doctors very long to discover this, because they did not expect this to be the case for someone who's only 23 years, as thyroid cancer almost exclusively happens to 65+ year old people.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    feelings/instinct is something to investigate.
    It's always good to keep investigating and to keep thinking with an open-mind. This open-mindedness applies to both the information one researches, as well as to the knowledge of experts, because both have value. It helps when the expert who one consults also listens in return.
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-29-2021 at 08:33 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    What I understand from this is that the food he eats is junkfood and shouldn't be sold?
    some of what he eats is junk food, and he thinks its ok to eat junk food bc if it was really that bad for ur health it wouldnt be sold, bc people wouldnt allow something that bad to be sold as food.
    A good teacher would try and make mathematics fun or at least understandable, and would try to avoid his or her pupils from experiencing frustration, because that undermines any and all motivation.
    she did try to make it understandable really hard. she was trying to push everyone to their limit, and mine was much higher than superficially advertised by me, according to her. her efforts also warranted my efforts that took a toll on me. doing things by force, which especially means there are other things preventing me from doing them, or if not outright preventing - being such that it would be improper resulting in consequences and missed opportunities in the future. that can sound very not important but it is extrmely important. big things come from small things. big things are actually a lot lot of really small things. tho i believe what she did she was existentially and spiritiually put there so it can help me get my shit together. people usually have pressure from their parents to account for motivation, and if they dont, its their problem < thats the mentality prolly.

    i sometimes wear masks. my grandma hates masks, she's ready to die anyway (according to herself), and now they are another reason for her to not go out bc she's struggling to breathe in them.

    legumes, beans, lentils are toxic. my cousin has some issue with them and cant eat them. they are fake processed food similar to nato. ive had to go through a lot to figure whats what, and almost no one's willing to consider it, esp since its by someone who's not "qualified". people have cured various illnesses and conditions indlucing blood cancer.
    "we want to live" and "the recipe" books

    my father also wants to die early it seems. his body has already deteriorated on top of him not wanting his kids taking care of him, esp now that he feels he fucked them up, and his parents also prolly pressuring him too much that has prolly influenced his mindset. he wants to leave me inheritance afaiu. he spent most money on himself and now i will have to figure out how to sell his shit that he kept piling up supposed to be my inheritance. im Te PoLR AND irrational ethical. this is a disaster.
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    Well, everyone's body will eventually deteriorate over time, yet this does not discourage me from exercising and maintaining it.
    why? u need to think about why someone doesnt care. if u dont care for it u will deteriorate more and faster resulting in more problems in various aspects of ur life and lost opportunities. LSE is Ni PoLR he doesnt see this or care and maybe caring and perception are the same thing as the mind connections are made out of meaning. he doesnt care bc that would be "blowing things out of proportion" "just enjoy ur life" and "u cant control everything" thats why LSE like to push shit on others. they think others catch every moment someone's not pressuring them for personal enjoyment like themselves @Armitage
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    You're free to do with your body as you please, I just hope that you're so kind to wear a mouth mask, because without one a cough may cause the elderly and infirm to lose their bodily freedom, and it is best if everybody has bodily freedom, right?
    This might be the case if cloth masks reduced transmission. They don't.

    If you look at the advice of any health authority given before March 2020, you'll see that they did not recommend wearing cloth masks/anything short of an N95 to protect against any disease. The reason for that is because it was scientific consensus that, at best, masks provided marginal transmission at best and increased transmission if worn improperly, and pretty every much study conducted before that time supports this conclusion. Here's a CDC meta-analysis from as late as May 2020: link

    In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks
    So what changed with Covid? What makes Covid different from all the other viruses out there?

    This link may also be of interest, as well as this one.

    In any case, if you're socializing with people so fragile that a cough could kill them, you probably shouldn't be around them at all.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 12-29-2021 at 09:40 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    some of what he eats is junk food, and he thinks its ok to eat junk food bc if it was really that bad for ur health it wouldnt be sold, bc people wouldnt allow something that bad to be sold as food.
    That sounds like an extreme trust in the system. Ask why the United Kingdom has implemented a sugar tax and the rest of Europe is planning on doing so, if everything was rainbows and sunshine?

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    she did try to make it understandable really hard. she was trying to push everyone to their limit, and mine was much higher than superficially advertised by me, according to her.
    So she believed in your potential more than you believed in yourself?

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    her efforts also warranted my efforts that took a toll on me. doing things by force, which especially means there are other things preventing me from doing them, or if not outright preventing - being such that it would be improper resulting in consequences and missed opportunities in the future. that can sound very not important but it is extrmely important. big things come from small things. big things are actually a lot lot of really small things.
    You mean that you couldn't do what you wanted to do, because she made you do mathematics exercises instead?

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    tho i believe what she did she was existentially and spiritiually put there so it can help me get my shit together. people usually have pressure from their parents to account for motivation, and if they dont, its their problem < thats the mentality prolly.
    How do you mean exactly?

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i sometimes wear masks.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    my grandma hates masks, she's ready to die anyway (according to herself),
    Then it is a mutual agreement between her and you to not wear masks at her home, which is perfectly fine by me, because everyone involved is a consenting adult and bodily freedom is thus retained. I'm all for mutual consent.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    and now they are another reason for her to not go out bc she's struggling to breathe in them.
    You don't have to wear them outdoors only inside, right? At least that's the case here, outdoors there's enough natural ventilation to take care of everything, whereas inside the air is stagnant and it's hard to keep distance in tight spaces.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    "we want to live" and "the recipe" books
    I've browsed through them. These are called paleo diets, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    my father also wants to die early it seems. his body has already deteriorated on top of him not wanting his kids taking care of him, esp now that he feels he fucked them up, and his parents also prolly pressuring him too much that has prolly influenced his mindset.
    Does he have someone with whom he feels safe discussing these and other emotional problems that he has?

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    he wants to leave me inheritance afaiu. he spent most money on himself and now i will have to figure out how to sell his shit that he kept piling up supposed to be my inheritance. im Te PoLR AND irrational ethical. this is a disaster.
    Perhaps you should discuss this with him calmly and openly?

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    why? u need to think about why someone doesnt care. if u dont care for it u will deteriorate more and faster resulting in more problems in various aspects of ur life and lost opportunities. LSE is Ni PoLR he doesnt see this or care and maybe caring and perception are the same thing as the mind connections are made out of meaning. he doesnt care bc that would be "blowing things out of proportion" "just enjoy ur life" and "u cant control everything" thats why LSE like to push shit on others. they think others catch every moment someone's not pressuring them for personal enjoyment like themselves
    I never looked at it in this way before. The ironic thing is that my LSE-Si Father often pressures others to perform, but hates being pressured himself. Quite the double standard, if I may say so.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    If you look at the advice of any health authority given before March 2020, you'll see that they did not recommend wearing cloth masks/anything short of an N95 to protect against any disease. The reason for that is because it was scientific consensus that, at best, masks provided marginal transmission at best and increased transmission if worn improperly, and pretty every much study conducted before that time supports this conclusion. Here's a CDC meta-analysis from as late as May 2020: link
    I fully agree that many people wear their masks improperly and that governments should inform their citizens about this better through public campaigns. I also agree that the Deutsche policy is best, since they readily provide their citizens with certified FFP2 masks. Nevertheless, due to the high infection rate of the COVID-19 virus the CDC has reached the scientific conclusion that mask wearing is beneficial to reduce the transmission of this particular disease ( ). Probably with other diseases that are either less infectious or less hazardous, the benefits of mask wearing do not outweigh the costs, especially in the case of the limited cloth masks. But because presently there exists the risk of all Intensive Care ( IC ) units being filled with COVID patients and other urgent patients thus not getting their heart operation or chemo treatment in time, everything that even reduces transmission rates to a limited extent will thus already save IC beds and thus lives.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    This link may also be of interest, as well as this one.
    Thank you, these are interesting reads. I in turn have two articles from PNAS ( ) and Stanford Medicine ( ) for you, if you're interested?

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    In any case, if you're socializing with people so fragile that a cough could kill them, you probably shouldn't be around them at all.
    I understand your reasoning, but just like VewyScawwyNawcissist pointed to regarding her Grandma, there is a balance between safety and living a dignified existence. Being barricaded from all social contact for a period spanning already two years would exert a draconian toll on everyone. It is not without reason that solitary confinement is a penal measure. This is why I believe mutual consent to be important in cases where all parties involved can come to an agreement to what balance of measures both protects their physical, as well as their mental health.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    I never looked at it in this way before. The ironic thing is that my LSE-Si Father often pressures others to perform, but hates being pressured himself. Quite the double standard, if I may say so.
    he thinks himself to have been pressured before and is being pressured now potentially. he knows himself to be performing and others to be incompetent so he needs to push them in his mind. others have no business pushing him
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Thank you, these are interesting reads. I in turn have two articles from PNAS ( ) and Stanford Medicine ( ) for you, if you're interested?
    I am linking this to you again. It discusses the first link of yours:

    A German study, published in PNAS, claimed that N95/FFP2 masks are highly effective against coronavirus infections, but the study consisted only of a mathematical model without any real-world or lab data (see section D above).
    As for the second -- the conclusion that masks are effective contradicts decades of research, and must therefore pass a high bar if it's to be used to justify upsetting the entire world. This DailySkeptic article discusses the weaknesses of that study.

    I fully agree that many people wear their masks improperly and that governments should inform their citizens about this better through public campaigns. I also agree that the Deutsche policy is best, since they readily provide their citizens with certified FFP2 masks. Nevertheless, due to the high infection rate of the COVID-19 virus the CDC has reached the scientific conclusion that mask wearing is beneficial to reduce the transmission of this particular disease ( ). Probably with other diseases that are either less infectious or less hazardous, the benefits of mask wearing do not outweigh the costs, especially in the case of the limited cloth masks. But because presently there exists the risk of all Intensive Care ( IC ) units being filled with COVID patients and other urgent patients thus not getting their heart operation or chemo treatment in time, everything that even reduces transmission rates to a limited extent will thus already save IC beds and thus lives.
    A) Once again, masks do not reduce transmission rates.
    B) Do hospitals exist for the benefit of society, or does society exist for the benefit of hospitals?
    C) Governments have had every opportunity to construct emergency hospitals. This has rarely been done, and in instances where they have, they largely went unused. IC units are almost filled every year, Covid or not.

    I understand your reasoning, but just like VewyScawwyNawcissist pointed to regarding her Grandma, there is a balance between safety and living a dignified existence. Being barricaded from all social contact for a period spanning already two years would exert a draconian toll on everyone. It is not without reason that solitary confinement is a penal measure. This is why I believe mutual consent to be important in cases where all parties involved can come to an agreement to what balance of measures both protects their physical, as well as their mental health.
    Yes, dignity is important, which is why people should not be forced to wear face coverings, especially face coverings that don't work. Yes, mutual consent is important, which is why people should not be forced into donning a mask in public. If someone wishes for you to wear a mask when you visit them privately -- well and good for them; you can either wear the mask and see them or not visit them. But that person cannot demand that all society change to accommodate them.

    I'm assuming you're American. Think back to the "war on terror" and how many useless measures were promoted by the "counter-terrorism experts" of the government. Remember for a time that all these measures, as well as the Iraq war which as sold in this light, were greatly popular, though few care to admit now that they supported them. Today is similar; the majority will do anything to fight the "war on Covid," no matter how ineffective or misguided, and the majority will also look back on this period some day, when reality asserts itself, and they will claim they always had doubts; they were always skeptical; etc., just as now most people claim they never supported invading Iraq. But like the "war on terror," one of the main reasons this "war on Covid" is dangerous is that it's going to see many "temporary" government measures become permanent, even once their public support and seeming justification dwindles.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 12-30-2021 at 05:24 PM.

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    So she believed in your potential more than you believed in yourself?
    kind of yes but the potential she saw was more like what she "wanted" be to be. she thought i was wasting it while what i did for humanity is one of the most major things, that's widely unappreciated.
    what her idea of me being would be would be inferior to what i achieved, and also contrary to my conscience.
    I've browsed through them. These are called paleo diets, right?
    paleo is something more superficial. those books are something that no paelo doctor or whoever the ppl dealing with this know. its the most imporatnt information u can find on health, thats not widely recognized, bc the guy doesnt conform to corrupt standard, and is seen as a charlatan.

    tho i believe what she did she was existentially and spiritiually put there so it can help me get my shit together. people usually have pressure from their parents to account for motivation, and if they dont, its their problem < thats the mentality prolly.
    mauybe to challenge my mind in ways that wouldnt have happenned otherwise that would have allowed me to figure out what i figured out in the future.
    if u mean how she was put there, afaia u can influence reality through manifestaiton, that i was questioning a lot during the past of course, but a lot of things happenned that all came together as evidence. i was asking the thing to give me awareness that it is for real and not some bullshit people calm themselves with. i hate that .... see if i say im struggling to explain, i manifest myself struggling to explain, but if i dont, i may be still struggling. thats Ne and Ni clashing now. i kept understanding it and losing the understanding. but i know its for real. i was trying to understand psychopaths, mental illness, why our brains sometimes work and sometimes not, why do we sometimes get ideas and sometimes not, why dont they stay, why cant we control that, why do we have good days or moments where everything aligns performance wise, why can u clearly imagine something one moment and not another, why are some people consistent with it, and why did my abilities i used to have go away. i can feel/be aware somewhat of what my cognitive abilities in a moment are, i would have memories of what they were, and then i started losing the memories. there are missing days from my life as well. apparently a guy's my friend but i dont rememberr him at all besides him telling me that we met and spent a day together.
    u cna say everyone has performance gaps but as severe as i had?? i know what my mind should have been capable of.
    i figured the physiological cause of psychopathy, BPD, schizophrenia, other various cognitive states/disorders including low IQ, poor imagination, difference in cognition and personality between people. a missing piece u cant scientifically "prove", especially by digging in and exploring neurons.. its downright idiotic. science is about reality and in reality everything is related to everything else. its not something u "prove" but "understand". its like someone showing u a math proof of something, but u saying "prove that ur proof is proof". or defining a word with words u need to define.

    You don't have to wear them outdoors only inside, right? At least that's the case here, outdoors there's enough natural ventilation to take care of everything, whereas inside the air is stagnant and it's hard to keep distance in tight spaces.
    she msotly goes outside to go shopping.
    to be continued.
    Perhaps you should discuss this with him calmly and openly?
    i dont want to put any more pressure on him tho. and it would be talking like he's already died
    Does he have someone with whom he feels safe discussing these and other emotional problems that he has?
    i dont know if its safety he needs. he's been emotionally stunted his whole life i think. do u know how much it takes to change how someone like that thinks? he's in part doing it to himself in the first place, on top of cognitive issues. he devalues his own feelings, then devalues others and gets mad at others for not understanding him. his emotional problems he was discussing was long winded ted talks of a bunch of things that didnt make sense together that was about how i wronged him by making him wait 5 minutes for eaxmple. parents dont usually talk to their children about their own problems. my observation has been that children are generally alienated from their parents, and children with weak introspection are alienated from themselves, which makes them seem as if they are less alienated. ppl are alienated even in relationships and act liek they "know" and "love" each other, while they dont even know themselves.
    You mean that you couldn't do what you wanted to do, because she made you do mathematics exercises instead?
    kind of yes, because the time i was not doing them still i was unable to function due to them taking place in my mind that i couldnt use for something else if that makes sense. thats how it felt. if i tried to challenge my mind with something else it was stressful and like my thought couldnt flow. this may be my Te PoLR. or weak Ti. @Armitage
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 12-30-2021 at 06:14 PM.
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    Paleo is just the idea of eating was ancestral people ate, nothing processed, in other words.

    Eating a certain way can work, not eating a certain way seems to work for some. Most people would do better to look into intermittent fasting and eating KETO, and good sources. At the least. Sugars, Carbs, processed foods bye bye.

    Magnesium flakes for the bath. Heavenly.

    I've only recently started KETO, I was already good about understanding and actually doing intermittent fasting, and had mostly reduced and nearly quit all sugar eventually through the years. Sourcing meat, dairy, quality over price. So I was ready to change my destination with KETO.

    Eating KETO gives your body a chance to become better, not being insanely hungry, feeling satisfied, burning fat for energy.

    Eating meat, poultry, cheese, cream, lots of stinky veggies, green salads ... so many textures and flavors, spices, herbs; it's easy to start KETO and easy to not miss those sugary meals, snacks, crunchies. KETO sweet palates are varied, each person has their own preference, but needing something sweet, such a reduction of the palate for that. Sensitivity to sweet. The subtle sweet in savory things, mmmmmmmmm.

    Please forgive my KETO hijacking of the thread.
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    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
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    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy View Post
    Magnesium flakes for the bath. Heavenly.
    Wait, you're bathing in magnesium? Shouldn't magnesium not be consumed for it to have any effects on the body?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Wait, you're bathing in magnesium? Shouldn't magnesium not be consumed for it to have any effects on the body?

    Your skin is a living organ. It can absorb anything it's submerged in.

    Magnesium in food is good for the body, as a supplement you ingest as a pill, or what-have-you, it can upset your stomach.

    Some people find that Magnesium soaks are wonderful, and much nicer than an epsom salt soak.

    The Wellbeing feeling afterwards is energizing and also help you relax, reduce anxiety, sleep better.

    1 to 3 times a week does me good.

    About bathing water: Warm bath absorbs, hot bath draws out. Living organism information for every body living.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
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    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Any particular Science-fiction books that you'd recommend, @Adam Strange?
    @Armitage, I hear great things about the works of Octavia Butler and Ursula Le Guin. I've yet to read any of their works (beyond small glimmers) myself, much Ne being required for such an endeavor and being up to my ears in more urgent reading needing attending to. But I plan to one day

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    I said something Te polr ish in front of my mom about eight months ago that made her do a funny face. Even though ESEs only have 2D Te I think polr is a thing where even if you are only one higher dimension than the polr offender it makes you recoil at them.

    This is also very old news, anybody who knows me knows I'm like this- but I also loathe people who are too bureaucratic or overly authoraitive like. And they also clearly dislike me. It's kind of hypocritical that I'm this way because I easily get promoted at work and I'm often drawn to power positions myself- but it's more like a "deep state" Delta government type of Te that I loathe, not really the Gamma career kind. (that kind of Te I feel helps me more than hinders me as Gammas are supposed to help Betas improve, anyway.) I refuse to follow rules I think are bullshit or don't make sense or are cruel/unfair even if it gets me in trouble sometimes. ((not about the COVID thing- there are some things I feel Te is actually right about, or I don't want to take chances with my health like that or be one of those dumb rednecks that get sick from not taking the proper precautions.)) I feel it's hypocritical though- as even the Liberals who are very strict about masks end up going to large social gatherings unmasked... or even when masked they still get it. We're living in a time where everybody has AIDS.

    It's funny but Te often makes me feel like the Miley Cyrus 'Can't be Tamed' song lol. I feel it's not nice or respecting of my animal qualities enough- Te is the Illuminati System that can't ever really respect individuality. Guarded and upheld by the world's worst Umbridge-types.

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    Wow, this thread derailed hard​.

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    hm... hanging out with my Activity partner make me aware of my Ne polr. ILI has so much Ne running in the background; what they see and what i see, or how quickly we're able to reach a similar conclusion anyway, seem like galaxies apart. sometimes they ask me a question mid-conversation, 'is it like this?' and i say 'yeah' and continue onto the next point, later to realize that my response wasn't fully accurate, but they ask me too fast for me to think, and i don't feel like actually fully answering their question, it's just too much clarification.

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    i ate butter that made me nauseous and burned my intestines
    walked outside barefoot that allegedly did something to my kidneys that i need to recover
    whose burning i felt in my back was also due to only eating cooked meat at some point that forms uric stones
    that burning was also merged with back pain from sitting too long that i sat to keep track of learn about and exercise my cognition, psychology, health and drawing skills
    slept 14 hours a day in part due to undersleeping before due to not having enough time for everything
    cut off friends and other things from my life bc i needed to focus on my health and skills
    pushed super hard the back of my tongue up intermittenly that stopped me from breathing bc i needed to open my upper palate bc i didnt have enough space in my mouth for my tongue and i needed to fix by overbite bc it was getting painful and my skull was squished
    got TMD because of that in part, because of eating hard food in big bites to improve my facial mucsles whihc would allegeldy help my tongue, and in part bc i used to eat super slowly before and barely anything bc eating made my head hurt and made me feel heavy
    lost eyesight due to sitting and cranial/vertrebra pressure + the tongue pushing that i recovered, i also struggled with reading bc it gave me vertigo and nausea
    exercised beyond what i should have while underweight bc i was tired of being weak and... tired. and it as too long without progress which is why i also started eating the butter but me having to keep it down from puking made be black out during exercise, plus the tongue pushing up, whihc also made me nauseous and lose my cognitive process due to brain lacerations caused by all that + undersleepng which made me more tired whihc made me exercise more
    ate maggots out of rotten meat i put in a jar
    stopped brushing my teeth, then brusehd them bc they got infected, then the infection spread to my brain despite dentist fixing that tooth 3 times so i wasnt going back there again, he also messed with it without anesthesia bc i thought it was toxic but i felt nothing, the infecion caused headaches incerasing and cognitive loss for a month until i stopped eating starches like bread and potatoes at which point it decreased and thats wyh i started overeating on cooked meat then switched to raw meat, also couldnt drink tap water without pissing it out immediately and getting incredibly thirsty so i switched to some spring brand
    dont shower bc i get vertigo due to mucsle issues that no one believse me about that caused the overbite
    which is why i also was trying to not wear shoes as i need my body to readjust properly
    this all sounds like Si PoLR
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    In lieu of input to my type I'll just go with what I suspect my PoLR may be, so let's see...

    -I've lost my work RSA token twice (almost 3 times) in less than 3 years.
    -I've walked up to my office building without noticing I didn't have my mask on my face several times, and then after getting back to my car finding out I forgot it at home.
    -Drank too much in the morning and didn't realize I should hit the head until I had held it long enough that my kidneys were hurting
    -Knocked ice and snow off my car and fumbled with my keys for several minutes to start the thing at which point "maybe I should have worn gloves, and not used my hands" occurred
    -Had a cavity that got to needing a root canal, which I tried to not deal with for two weeks because the pain wasn't constant so I thought it might go away, even though it was putting me on the floor every 20-30 minutes
    --Put off getting the crown for that posted root canal tooth until the temporary cap started to crumble cause I hate dealing with that shit
    -Cameras give me panic attacks almost because I remember the minor asymmetries in my face and I'm not in as good a shape as I once was
    -Running with a group until I got heat stroke, threw up, and passed out. Got very confused when yelled at for not knowing that was about to happen and speaking up. Like, you can just know that stuff?
    -Prone to headaches, and each one makes me wonder if this is the one that's caused by a tumor
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    I think I'd love it if those with whom I chose to share information out loud understood my meaning, or most of it, instantly and I never had to attempt to explain things in a different way, use different language, etc.

    Some say they hate repeating themselves. Frankly, I don't think I'm thoughtful enough before I speak to be able to claim such a dislike of repeating myself.

    It's the being challenged (which is putting it in a strong way, I can see) to *clarify* my meaning that can tire me out. I realize this view may very well sound like I think all the world depends on my perception. Like I said, the tiredness with explaining further* is more of a passive wish, and for some reason I do notice tiredness with explaining myself when interacting with ILIs. It's almost like I feel like they get 'hungry' or 'greedy' to get deep into the (low) Ni and Ti that inhere in the statements I produce, and they want to understand it perfectly. It's sweet of them, honestly, and I wish I didn't feel as resentful or tired of how to respond. It probably sounds like I grew up as an only child who didn't talk much with others; I had a sibling, but we were very different, and I held few close friendships, so my social skills, developmentally, were surely stunted.

    *especially on topics where I feel vulnerable or incomplete in my understanding; "non ego program" communication, in Strat's terms.

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    I'm not self aware enough to remember any PoLR moments.
    Bound upon me, rush upon me, I will overcome you by enduring your onset: whatever strikes against that which is firm and unconquerable merely injures itself by its own violence. Wherefore, seek some soft and yielding object to pierce with your darts.


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    My mother in law seems SEI. She got a puppy without having any idea how to train it so now the puppy is my problem. It just seems like a Te polr thing to get a puppy without doing any research on what it requires and weighing whether a puppy is something one can realistically handle or not. It's not like getting a new kitten which can figure most things out on their own like how to use the litter box.
    No. A puppy is going to be an absolute goddamn headache.

    I'm hoping she will want the dog back when it's better trained and because we have too many animals anyway in addition to caring for two of my sister in law's cats for way too long (she may be IEI fwiw but is dealing with legitimate bs because of her ex husband who is a total POS).

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