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Thread: Straight men turning for companionship to gay men b/c women this era suck

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    Default Straight men turning for companionship to gay men b/c women this era suck

    Women are supposed to be the feminine gender and are supposedly built/hard-wired to support and give emotional companionship to men. The other day I needed a hug so I went on an IRC channel, and none of the women there gave me a hug, only two gay men offered to give me the hug (and one gave me). Women have really become crap in this era. People are crap, but women have really really lost a lot value-wise. What do you think of this phenomenon

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I don't know, I think I usually clash with people no matter their gender or orientation lol but I do think there is a form of almost spiritual affection a gay man and straight man can have with each other. To me it's not all that sexual- but it is more warm and loving, which is better since sex can be so overrated - and yes, then I get all confused and get the typical 'crush on a straight man' thing that annoys me. It doesn't work if the straight guy is a dick- but that is kind of like a stereotype, many straight guys are just nice and protective.

    Women don't always suck- but they do tend to withhold their affection more in a Fi way for people due to biological reasons. Try not to take it personal or get pissed at them that they aren't as huggy. It's like this in other mammals too lol - male tabby cats are more affectionate than the female ones etc. When a bunch of guys get together it tends to be more lighthearted and "gay" - if they aren't competing for female attention where they have to str8 male compete to get access to her sweet pussy. Because there is a natural pecking order- and even if you are the submissive non-Chad omega male, you aren't looked down for it and you just know your place. i've seen males in all-male atmospheres be really kind to each other- but it changes as soon as one female enters the room. It's bizarre that this happens but I've noticed it A LOT growing up.

    I've seen many women in authority be especially cruel to any guy that isn't some 100% GigaChad - and that's what they are picked on for a lot and people are cruel back to them as revenge. They attempt to gaslight reality to make it where the guy must not really be sweet or innocent or huggy as he appears - but he really actually is for the most part - they are just guilty and butthurt that's not their own preference. Also the sweeter guy can effectively call them out on their manipulations too and they really loathe that- so they must play a game where he must really be some evil misognist that hates women - when in reality it's more like they are just upset that they are every cliche the 'dark interweb' pokes fun of them for. Not 'all women' though, there are still some nice sweet girls that won't look down on you for not being a GigaChad or whatever so it's not a good idea to generalize but I think that's what it is you are describing? Even the alpha males that get to fuck these women don't even like or respect them either though because it's like blah lol. But they are using them and not getting their heart involved with it like beta/omega males do - that's why.

    and yeah I mean many gay men know what it's like to be severely bullied so we can sometimes be a bit more understanding to people's vulnerabilities in a sense- not that we're better or perfect angels or anything (yeah right lol), just we often know what it feels like to be the kicked/looked down upon loser a lot you know lol.

    but yeah ahh bro don't give me nice warm hugs that feel so good and then push me away and say 'no homo' that is just wrong. If it feels good just hold me longer. =/ lololol.

    yeah it's weird, the "gay energy" between males tends to be more loving/affectionate and the hetero-erotic energy tends to be more chokey and rapey- like it's very sexual and heated to me but not very heartfelt, and kind of sadistic- even though I know that quite obviously there are gay relationships that are sadistic/unhealthy and straight relationships that are more loving. To be perfectly honest I've really wanted the more intense str8 rapey energy with another male without losing the affection ((like best of both worlds ya know?)) but it's weird because men usually don't hate each other as much as society wants us to or something lolol. And I guess they cancel each other out- how can really hatefuck somebody in a way where the fires aren't extinguished via pure spiritual brotherly love you know- but that is sort of the perfection I try to reach lol.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    i hate this devaluation of women, which this is at least the second thread u've done about now. so far i have failed to discern women being worse than men or the way around in general. everyone can be a cunt. women are distant affection wise because... men are distant affection wise, and the other way around. they have some pretty good reasons and im getting a nasty vibe off of you.
    targeting women as something more specific yet general to devalue signifies what? ESI broke up with his GF, started watching videos about how lame modern women are and lost cultural values.
    you are still valuable and you dont need to devalue someone else for it.
    ppl feel entitled to their truth, react as if ther reaction is already justified instead of trying to understand first. for women, they have presumptions about what men should be, that are not founded on compassion and understanding but on entitlement and personal gratification. This could be having no right to emotional expression, being tired, overwhelmed, no right to rest, no right to want to be understood or to give & receive too much affection, while simulatenously having no right to be too detached and cold (ppl need to be left alone sometimes and maybe crave affection in others and this wont always match with ur partner, u also have rhythms). "no right" meaning more of the sense other things having priority like work and chores, which also goes on both sides, and for some reason both insist they have it harder than the other and the other isnt trying hard enough. if u really cared about someone u'd voice ur concerns, but u wouldnt push them to harm themselves to serve you. relationships seem like mutual parasytism instead of love and understanding most of the time. is that due to stupid Sp firsts?
    people legitimately do not love anyone. they base valuing someone on how good they are for their gratifiaction and survival. this is external. shit wont always go ur way, and when it doesnt u ned to blame ur partner for being too weak to handle it. this is what every institution, law and society is founded upon. narcissists. whoever isnt so focused on their own survival and gratification gets abused and selected out by those who are.
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    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    built/hard-wired to support and give emotional companionship to men
    men need to reciprocate
    women get exploited, they dont want too give themselvse in to someone abusive. people perceive others mistakes, and mistakes that arent there too. women are mad at men for good and bad reasosn, and the other way around. ppl are not tools for ur own emotional gratification that u can just push all of ur demands on. many men like power/authority figures like parents to their children think themselves entitled to abuse their women/children, which is the women/child's repaying them for feeding them, and this is supposed to be fair. at the same time some women do think themselves as trophies that the man can stay with if he "deserves" them, based on being their provider slave. children can treat their parents like that as well.
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Women are supposed to be the feminine gender and are supposedly built/hard-wired to support and give emotional companionship to men. The other day I needed a hug so I went on an IRC channel, and none of the women there gave me a hug, only two gay men offered to give me the hug (and one gave me). Women have really become crap in this era. People are crap, but women have really really lost a lot value-wise. What do you think of this phenomenon
    People generally don't value others deeply until they've been in certain kinds of hardship that's taught them the importance of this with suffering. Modern living is depriving people more and more of this lesson, and it's part of why people are becoming so alienated, unhappy, and apathetic or hateful. Those who do learn are most often men, because we bear more of the hardships of life. And part of that is because we seem to have an impulse to give free shit to women. Well, I have little doubt that the elites and feminists will kill us men off once technology reaches a certain point, so women might have to change back eventually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i hate this devaluation of women, which this is at least the second thread u've done about now. so far i have failed to discern women being worse than men or the way around in general. everyone can be a cunt. women are distant affection wise because... men are distant affection wise, and the other way around. they have some pretty good reasons and im getting a nasty vibe off of you.
    targeting women as something more specific yet general to devalue signifies what? ESI broke up with his GF, started watching videos about how lame modern women are and lost cultural values.
    you are still valuable and you dont need to devalue someone else for it.
    ppl feel entitled to their truth, react as if ther reaction is already justified instead of trying to understand first. for women, they have presumptions about what men should be, that are not founded on compassion and understanding but on entitlement and personal gratification. This could be having no right to emotional expression, being tired, overwhelmed, no right to rest, no right to want to be understood or to give & receive too much affection, while simulatenously having no right to be too detached and cold (ppl need to be left alone sometimes and maybe crave affection in others and this wont always match with ur partner, u also have rhythms). "no right" meaning more of the sense other things having priority like work and chores, which also goes on both sides, and for some reason both insist they have it harder than the other and the other isnt trying hard enough. if u really cared about someone u'd voice ur concerns, but u wouldnt push them to harm themselves to serve you. relationships seem like mutual parasytism instead of love and understanding most of the time. is that due to stupid Sp firsts?
    people legitimately do not love anyone. they base valuing someone on how good they are for their gratifiaction and survival. this is external. shit wont always go ur way, and when it doesnt u ned to blame ur partner for being too weak to handle it. this is what every institution, law and society is founded upon. narcissists. whoever isnt so focused on their own survival and gratification gets abused and selected out by those who are.
    I will respond to your blather this time, in blather-style way (to see if you like it):

    When I say "devaluation of women" or that they "have lost value" I mean that the women of this era are not like the women (I presume since I have known no other) used to be. They have nearly completely lost positive qualities inherent to their gender that made them IMO to be commended and possibly superior. I have had a veil over my eyes regarding women for a long time, idolizing them, but after several negative experiences, I am now seeing the full reality of what the adjetive "women" has become in our present day. Harpies, gold-diggers, and shallow beings. You could argue that this is the fault of men, same as sometimes the argument is used that the way men are is the fault of women (their mothers) and it would be true, since by my own estimation, a large percentage of women have daddy issues, that cause them to perform very poorly on their interpersonal relationships and their love life in general. So society is fucked, in essence. There's a submerged iceberg that pertains to the psychological issues people have, that has to be brought to the surface and dealt with (and I'm glad I'm coming to this conclusion as I'm writing these words). Take note that this experience I narrated, happened in a lesbian IRC channel, where I didn't expressely identify myself as a male, however, I had an androgynous nickname and attitude was telling that I was probably not a lesbian. On another place, I'm sure some good, empathethic woman would have agreed to provide me the hug I needed. But what are the odds of finding such woman? Abysmal. Moreover, this hypothethical woman would probably have other issues which would make her a broken human being, such as being unfaithful (in case you haven't noticed, I have another woman I know in mind while I'm describing this). One more thing, don't say that I have a nasty vibe as if I'm a danger or whatever you are implying, because I'm going to punch a hole in your face ^^ .
    Btw, I agree with your estimations that nowadays, nobody loves nobody (but I wouldn't blame it on Sp-firstness, rather on what I have aforementioned).

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    People generally don't value others deeply until they've been in certain kinds of hardship that's taught them the importance of this with suffering. Modern living is depriving people more and more of this lesson, and it's part of why people are becoming so alienated, unhappy, and apathetic or hateful. Those who do learn are most often men, because we bear more of the hardships of life. And part of that is because we seem to have an impulse to give free shit to women. Well, I have little doubt that the elites and feminists will kill us men off once technology reaches a certain point, so women might have to change back eventually.
    I am not sure this you are describing has to be "taught". Rather, I believe, the dehumanization of current society has to be unlearnt. Humans, I think, come pre-equipped with empathy and understanding towards their fellow beings, and love, it is negative experiences that mold us and harden our hearts for the worse, losing our innocence we had when we where children. I bet indigenous populations (like for example, south american indians) don't suffer from these problems.

    It is said in some prophecy (I think it is the Kalki one) that in the world of the kali yuga, when the current civilization will end, that there will be more women than men. That doesn't seem the case from the most recent estimation, but after covid (which I believe kills more men than women) that might become true.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I will respond to your blather this time, in blather-style way (to see if you like it):

    When I say "devaluation of women" or that they "have lost value" I mean that the women of this era are not like the women (I presume since I have known no other) used to be. They have nearly completely lost positive qualities inherent to their gender that made them IMO to be commended and possibly superior.

    trigger warning for women.

    this makes no senes. what are those qualities again. gender is a social construct, that takes biological roots. those are not separate, AND they are inseparable. whatever qualities a gender has, it has been socially conditioned and selected for over time. this doesnt mean its ineherently good.
    One more thing, don't say that I have a nasty vibe as if I'm a danger or whatever you are implying, because I'm going to punch a hole in your face ^^
    and this is the kind of men who have been selected. abusive, assertive, irrational, presumptive, misunderstanding, resorting to impulsivity and violence so easily. u are entitled to being strong and used to, so u can use that threat, instead of actually adrressing the issues with urself, which is exactly what men did to women in old times, which by default is proof those women couldnt have been healthy. yet, the fact that they've been obedient is somehow revered today, again, by those men who've been used to forcing their way through instead of loving someone.

    why do you think someone who's been abused especially, owes someone they don't know, thats a potential abuser, a hug?
    "can i have a hug" has the implications of "im a nice guy". if u get bitter when rejected it shows it was about forcing urself on someone else instead of understanding why they refuse.

    i dont know anything about daddy or mommy issues, besides it seeming to be an excuse to devalue, mistreat and neglect someone's needs. like people saying "im not your mom" when refusing to love someone. this again can be unfair attitude of women towards men, but also the other way around.

    do you know what is a danger? the unknown, fear of the unknown. it implies a danger. by default u are perceived as dangerous by someone who doesnt know u. by following ur mindset i can perceive the implications. u said u would punch a hole in my face, just for me implicating danger. when others see me as potentially dangerous, i know myself to be so in the first place, and my mind is processing possibilites about how to conduct myself without putting whoever im dealing with in unfavorable position, where i push myself over them, e.g. some guy being clingy after he receives the first hug, then feeling like his feelings have been betrayed, if she was leading him on, he becomes fixated on her, bc shes the only one who let him, but doesnt pursue things further with him, he thinks theres nothing wrong with him so she's being negligent of him (which can be true to varying extents), he starts stalking and threatening her. however the story goes. and theres possibility of him groping as they are locked together, which according to some theres nothing wrong with either, because it doesnt "hurt" her.
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I think, come pre-equipped with empathy and understanding towards their fellow beings, and love, it is negative experiences that mold us and harden our hearts for the worse, losing our innocence we had when we where children. I bet indigenous populations (like for example, south american indians) don't suffer from these problems.
    the yanomami kill each other out of jealousy for women, tho some of them share them. plenty of them are fcked in the head.
    innocence? ignorance is not a virtue. koalas
    each other because they are too stupid to communicate.
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I am not sure this you are describing has to be "taught". Rather, I believe, the dehumanization of current society has to be unlearnt. Humans, I think, come pre-equipped with empathy and understanding towards their fellow beings, and love, it is negative experiences that mold us and harden our hearts for the worse, losing our innocence we had when we where children. I bet indigenous populations (like for example, south american indians) don't suffer from these problems.

    It is said in some prophecy (I think it is the Kalki one) that in the world of the kali yuga, when the current civilization will end, that there will be more women than men. That doesn't seem the case from the most recent estimation, but after covid (which I believe kills more men than women) that might become true.
    Well, I'm not sure either. Though children aren't really innocent. Freud should have taught people this, but we seem to have collectively forgotten. And I'm not sure if all children come with similar degrees of empathy/love. I've known a few that seemed psychopathic. But, yeah, most people are a lot kinder and loving when they're young.

    Negative experiences don't necessarily result in negative outcomes. I think generally ones which foster introspection can be good. Depression is linked to creativity, for instance. And primitive tribes have constant negative stimuli from hunger, discomfort, bites, and so on, yet are often quite well-adjusted. I'm tired and a bit drunk right now, so I might be overlooking something, but it seems to me that the stimulus that hardens people's hearts is generally stress + inability to relax or sleep, and I'd assume that's because they reduce your ability to process information.

    About the Kali Yuga, I believe it. If not for countries like China where female babies are aborted or killed, we'd already be there, but we're heading in that direction. Women are doing better then men in school (and it's clearly not a matter of them being more intelligent) and going to university at higher rates than men. Then they migrate into larger cities and try to climb the professional ladder. Meanwhile men get left back in their home towns with few opportunities for love or work. We don't really tolerate women being homeless as we do with men, and there are endless efforts to get women into high-paying jobs (which they are nevertheless reluctant to take) while if you're a man out of work you get a collective "fuck you." And all of this preferential treatment would be fine except that women consider this their right and rarely acknowledge these advantages, let alone feel any sense of social gratitude or indebtedness for it.

    Not that women don't have problems of their own, many of them caused by men, but the ideology of the times doesn't seem to have any place for men in it except as unacknowledged slaves. You hear often how terrible it is that men are more violent than women and more dangerous and such losers that they don't do well in school or such losers that women are becoming less interested in them. So you have to wonder if the people who say these kinds of things see any reason to keep the sex around.

    Anyway, it's not like men tend to be that great either, so it's not good to let yourself resent women too much. You just need to figure out how best to look after yourself in this age of darkness, since it's unlikely anyone else will.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 12-02-2021 at 08:34 AM.

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    I blame Cardi B.

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    Have you explored the possibility that you are the one with the problem in this scenario.

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    Well…the only people I hug are my friends and that’s rare. Besides I think hugs from strangers are kinda weird ngl.

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    Take note it was an internet hug that holds no significance, but even that, they were unable to give.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    Have you explored the possibility that you are the one with the problem in this scenario.
    How so?
    Last edited by roger557; 12-03-2021 at 03:05 AM.

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    Useless prediction time. Socialists and progressives will win the argument for big government, which leaves sexual politics as the thing we talk about.

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    I'm sure you're lonely and I feel bad for you for that, but no one owes you their affection.

    Expecting women as a whole to give you affection, then declaring that they are worth less than they were in the past when they don't give it to you is probably not a great way to get the affection you're looking for. In fact, it will almost certainly reduce your chances DRASTICALLY. It's a major red flag. If a guy was acting this way or saying these sorts of things around my sisters then I would advise them to distance themselves from him. I don't have any hard feelings towards you personally, but I would encourage you to drop this line of thinking sooner rather than later. For your own sake too. You're not doing yourself any favours at all with this kind of entitlement.

    I wish you well, and send my virtual hugs
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    I'm sure you're lonely and I feel bad for you for that, but no one owes you their affection.

    Expecting women as a whole to give you affection, then declaring that they are worth less than they were in the past when they don't give it to you is probably not a great way to get the affection you're looking for. In fact, it will almost certainly reduce your chances DRASTICALLY. It's a major red flag. If a guy was acting this way or saying these sorts of things around my sisters then I would advise them to distance themselves from him. I don't have any hard feelings towards you personally, but I would encourage you to drop this line of thinking sooner rather than later. For your own sake too. You're not doing yourself any favours at all with this kind of entitlement.

    I wish you well, and send my virtual hugs
    If somebody who has issue with the group "women", due to bad happenings, the solution is not to "cancel" this person, but rather to try to understand why the person has come to that view, and/or what has happened to him. This demonstrates that you are probably one of the crappy people of this age I'm referring to. Assuming, labeling, and acting like an automaton. I'm still waiting for some woman to pop up in this thread and say "I'm not crap!", and as you can see, that doesn't happen. Why would that be?

    Btw save your hugs and your hypocrisy for someone who can stomach them
    Last edited by roger557; 12-03-2021 at 06:46 AM.

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    I'm a woman and I can testify on behalf of my wife that I am crap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    If a guy was acting this way or saying these sorts of things around my sisters then I would advise them to distance themselves from him. I don't have any hard feelings towards you personally, but I would encourage you to drop this line of thinking sooner rather than later. For your own sake too. You're not doing yourself any favours at all with this kind of entitlement.
    For some reason, if you were talking to a woman complaining about how callous men were, I suspect your response would be different.

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    The thing is, the men are crap too, so I personally have no problem with women who want to criticize the men of this age. But being as objetive as I can, "women" has become crappier than "men", from what I observe around me. They have really really lost a lot of positive qualities, the majority, they're nowhere to be found. This is reality, without any misoginia, and this is what I want people to discuss about.

    Tbh, I am not happy with this misoginia I have developed (I used to like women) I want to get rid of it, and since I'm a magic psychologist (and auto-magic psychologist too) what my intuition has brought me to do, is this; criticize women. Hopefully it serves as a therapeutic avenue. The truth is that the poor beings, most of them, have issues, because covert abuse is rampant in our society. So they're to be pitied, more than hated.

    I'll get over it.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Tbh, I am not happy with this misoginia I have developed (I used to like women) I want to get rid of it
    Have you tried not generalizing about 50% of the human population based on what a few people around you do? Understanding the reasons behind peoples' actions (instead of just, "because they suck") also goes a long way. You appear to be caught up in your own confirmation bias.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Have you tried not generalizing about 50% of the human population based on what a few people around you do? Understanding the reasons behind peoples' actions (instead of just, "because they suck") also goes a long way. You appear to be caught up in your own confirmation bias.
    I preferred your photo instead of that SEI-Fe you have now (although she is kinda sexy).

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I preferred your photo instead of that SEI-Fe you have now (although she is kinda sexy).
    My photo?

    FYI, I have never used or shown my photos here.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 12-03-2021 at 05:29 PM.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I preferred your photo instead of that SEI-Fe you have now (although she is kinda sexy).
    What I said really was more of a stance coming from observing and then speaking bluntly about some things you should examine about where you're going wrong in this, or why you are having a hard time with this. I was sincerely trying to be nice/gentle about it. If you don't like your misogyny, why are you trying to weaponize it? I wasn't trying to attack you despite the fact that misogyny is fucked up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Women are supposed to be the feminine gender and are supposedly built/hard-wired to support and give emotional companionship to men. The other day I needed a hug so I went on an IRC channel, and none of the women there gave me a hug, only two gay men offered to give me the hug (and one gave me). Women have really become crap in this era. People are crap, but women have really really lost a lot value-wise. What do you think of this phenomenon
    u wot?

  27. #27
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    I don't know how to address the points in the OP, but it seems something is wrong with heterosexual relationships and flirting in this society.

    We live in a very narcissistic era. Social media is to blame for that. Narcissism is inherent in humans but social media amplifies that.

    We live in a very shallow era. Again, inherent stuff but social media amplifies it.

    We live in an era of ghosting, which has always happened, but personally I find most relationships I have with the opposite sex are very unstable and the women I meet are unreliable in terms of contact. And this is pretty systematic too.

    Social media is all about making money, and if you think people like Mark Zuckerberg have your best interests at heart in the way his company runs Instagram or Facebook, you're a fucking idiot. It's all about the money, at the expense of the harm done to society, and there is alot of harm done by social media. I would even argue social media is a threat to civilization. Perhaps worse than climate change even. I know that sounds dramatic but I have no doubt these platforms and they way their algorithms incite us to communicate is destructive. But it doesn't matter to big tech companies that social media is destroying human relationships any more than oil companies care about the planet - they just want to make a little more $.

    That said, there are still good people out there. But quality people seem to be becoming rather rare, quality women even more so than men imo.
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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    It seems to be that many women nowadays are scared ( ? mistrustful?) of men, kinda weird even if I get that some women have been victims of bad experiences. But it seems rather common, so I wonder how much the feminist narrative in msm has to do with this, since it tends to emphasize violence done to women as women more than it does violence done to men as men (which, if you count all types of violence, men are more often the victim of, actually).

    I don't know, if some women want to chime in and enlighten me. It's likely this impression is based on subjective factors too: where I live, the fact I haven't travelled lately due to restrictions, personal filters.
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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    What I said really was more of a stance coming from observing and then speaking bluntly about some things you should examine about where you're going wrong in this, or why you are having a hard time with this. I was sincerely trying to be nice/gentle about it. If you don't like your misogyny, why are you trying to weaponize it? I wasn't trying to attack you despite the fact that misogyny is fucked up.
    Why do you say he is trying to weaponize his misogyny?

    To me, it sounded more like a rant albeit a hostile one.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I don't know how to address the points in the OP, but it seems something is wrong with heterosexual relationships and flirting in this society.

    We live in a very narcissistic era. Social media is to blame for that. Narcissism is inherent in humans but social media amplifies that.

    We live in a very shallow era. Again, inherent stuff but social media amplifies it.

    We live in an era of ghosting, which has always happened, but personally I find most relationships I have with the opposite sex are very unstable and the women I meet are unreliable in terms of contact. And this is pretty systematic too.

    Social media is all about making money, and if you think people like Mark Zuckerberg have your best interests at heart in the way his company runs Instagram or Facebook, you're a fucking idiot. It's all about the money, at the expense of the harm done to society, and there is alot of harm done by social media. I would even argue social media is a threat to civilization. Perhaps worse than climate change even. I know that sounds dramatic but I have no doubt these platforms and they way their algorithms incite us to communicate is destructive. But it doesn't matter to big tech companies that social media is destroying human relationships any more than oil companies care about the planet - they just want to make a little more $.

    That said, there are still good people out there. But quality people seem to be becoming rather rare, quality women even more so than men imo.
    Dating absoloutely sucks nowadays. I often critique modern women re: their relational ways, especially when it comes to sleeping around in spite of being female and such. Yet at the same time i have just about as many complaints about most men i've stumbled upon (not being interested and/or trying to coerce me into sex when i say i don't approach intimacy casually and won't sleep with anyone until i truly love them.. which is why i stayed a virgin until marriage).

    People have their goals completely messed up and the global sexual revolution has most definitely contributed to a sense of everything being seemingly arbitrary and meaningless when it comes to sex, dating and the sort. Sex doesn't almost always lead to babies anymore and even if that happens, there's abortion. Whereas people in the past understood that if a man knocked up a woman - he'd have to marry her in order to not bring shame to both his and her family. There were certain societal structures set that made sense and didn't tolerate degeneracy. And so people were much more careful in choosing their sexual partners and mostly would resort to sex only if a serious approach towards the relationship with the person they'd be sleeping with (especially if female) was present, knowing the potential risk.

    I will say that i understand why females seem to be on the receiving end of an abnormal amount of criticism among the so-called "manosphere" however, knowing that many get numbed out of their natural intense pair bonding instincts if they sleep around (which is the majority of women nowadays). There are certain studies no one wants to cite because of them being scared to get called misogynistic but for example the more sexual partners a woman has had before marriage, the more likely it is that she'll incite divorce and so on. But generally speaking we live in an awful climate where not wanting to adhere to that (sleep with just about anyone) makes you a "prude" and alienates most of the dating pool. It's probably the same for men, don't get me wrong. But all i am saying is that women aren't build to fuck and act like men and treat relationships as such.

    Men on average will always seek sex due to hormonal and evolutionary reasons (there's always exceptions to the rule, of course) and in spite of acknowledging that they should be responsible too given that they have agency, i feel like it's largely a female responsibility to not turn access to the female body into a casual commodity. And in reality hookups lead to a lot of mental health issues and disturbances in women that then lead to even more problems with their relationships with men. In all surveys i've seen re: people being friends with benefits - women disproportionately state that they wish the relationship could progress into something further than that. And that's a reality a lot of girls don't want to acknowledge because it goes against the popular narrative they've been gaslit into. That they don't "need" secure relationships with men or to have families and et cetera. Supposedly we should all be independent and sleep around since it's more acceptable when men do it and so why shouldn't we too?

    It's all very stupid because i don't typically condone promiscuity in any gender. And if you don't like men sleeping around, don't give them access to your body unless they're really serious about you and/or want to marry you. That'd solve a lot of things. But a lot of men in these circles are just as asinine given that they complain about "whores" and modern degeneracy in that aspect, yet sleep with them. A large sense of responsibility when it comes to relationships in general is required of both sexes and it's mostly missing these days. As for the thread title - no truly heterosexual man would end up sleeping with another man, even if they're frustrated with women. Maybe they were bisexual to begin with and in denial. There's always masturbation.





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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    I'm sure you're lonely and I feel bad for you for that, but no one owes you their affection.

    Expecting women as a whole to give you affection, then declaring that they are worth less than they were in the past when they don't give it to you is probably not a great way to get the affection you're looking for. In fact, it will almost certainly reduce your chances DRASTICALLY. It's a major red flag. If a guy was acting this way or saying these sorts of things around my sisters then I would advise them to distance themselves from him. I don't have any hard feelings towards you personally, but I would encourage you to drop this line of thinking sooner rather than later. For your own sake too. You're not doing yourself any favours at all with this kind of entitlement.

    I wish you well, and send my virtual hugs
    Yeah. It's indeed true that women are idiosyncratically the "softer" slash more emotionally supportive gender, but threads and mindsets like this always make me laugh given that they take on a pseudo-traditionalist stance in the sense that they're comparing how women acted back in the day versus how they act now. While entirely missing the fact that men approached women differently too. Promiscuity was not as common and women were taught to be more selective in order to not get deemed a slut and/or fall pregnant by a loser not ready to take responsibility for a family. And that type of strict, inherent feminine selectivity wouldn't exactly lead to these aforementioned women fawning over and/or offering emotional support and softness towards any and every man.. which is what he seems to be bitching about. That was typically reserved to their men at home, which would also do things like financially support their wives (and as if such an expectation is brought forward to people that bitch about "modern women" they won't be automatically ready to call the woman a gold-digger) and the whole approach to relationships was different and more serious. Flourishing femininity might not be as present these days in women if we need to be honest, but it can only be brought forward by actual masculinity and responsibility too. Very few younger men are ready to have serious relationship with women and settle down with one until potentially the end of their lives, far too many are only interested in having a fun time with hookups and such.





  32. #32
    Ding dong your opinion is wrong Teslobo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    How so?
    Holding women to expectations they shouldn't be and projecting any expectations at all onto an entire grouping of people where there is very little in common between individuals within that group.
    Last edited by Teslobo; 12-03-2021 at 03:58 PM. Reason: Quote vanished

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    Here are my tentative theories:

    * Women are having more casual sex and regretting their decision. They feel used, and that translates into hostility against men. Many of the feminists who started the sexual revolution were explicitly polyamourous (by their own admission). Many (most?) women are not and don't share that emotional profile.

    * Hardcore porn offers a depraved glimpse into male sexuality. Women see this and are viscerally repelled. It carries over into all their interactions with men.

    * Because of an atomized culture, or because they're afraid to violate women's boundaries, or for whatever other reason, young men are less likely to approach women. The ones who do approach never had a strong sense of shame in the first place, don't care about boundaries, and are mainly after sex. Those become the men that women interact with. Social media aggregates random grievances, and social media gossip reinforces the image that men are predatory. The increasing loss of mixed male-female groups makes it harder for men to be properly vetted.

    * Women are now more casually sarcastic towards men. Men interpret this as hostility because sarcasm can be used to couch real hostility.

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    The best cure for any "ism" is to treat people like individuals even when the stereotypes are campy and obvious to your personal experiences. Representation is important but u need all kinds of representation or it doesn't feel natural or authentic. A rainbow of humanity really is well, a rainbow- and not a tacky sticker on a car. Ppl need to be shown there are gays that are annoying and stereotypical and the delta kind that just wants to bake cookies for his husband and the evil dahmer kind and the kind you really should keep ur kids away from. What happens when you meet the gay men that aren't affectionate and won't hug you for example... will you start being a homophobic prick and devalue us? Or will you just logically realize it's because the person is a dick, not because they are X.

    IEEs with their Ti polr are often the generic SJW for 'everypony' (LOL) cuz of that reason I think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Here are my tentative theories:

    * Women are having more casual sex and regretting their decision. They feel used, and that translates into hostility against men. Many of the feminists who started the sexual revolution were explicitly polyamourous (by their own admission). Many (most?) women are not and don't share that emotional profile.

    * Hardcore porn offers a depraved glimpse into male sexuality. Women see this and are viscerally repelled. It carries over into all their interactions with men.

    * Because of an atomized culture, or because they're afraid to violate women's boundaries, or for whatever other reason, young men are less likely to approach women. The ones who do approach never had a strong sense of shame in the first place, don't care about boundaries, and are mainly after sex. Those become the men that women interact with. Social media aggregates random grievances, and social media gossip reinforces the image that men are predatory. The increasing loss of mixed male-female groups makes it harder for men to be properly vetted.

    * Women are now more casually sarcastic towards men. Men interpret this as hostility because sarcasm can be used to couch real hostility.
    This is extremely accurate.

    And media encourages these behaviors too, i.e. casual short term sex among young women, and holding negative views towards/from both sexes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    Why do you say he is trying to weaponize his misogyny?

    To me, it sounded more like a rant albeit a hostile one.
    Read it out of context and it's not that hostile seeming. Only in context is the hostility noticeable. There's a reason for that.

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    LIEs need both a virtual hug and someone to tell us that we are alright because, sometimes, it doesn't look like we are all right.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-23-2022 at 11:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    did you want a virtual hug or did you want someone to tell you you are alright?
    To be honest, it was just an experiment. I've had varying degree of success on that IRC channel, in fact I've made several friends and had a romance with one of the girls (note that I was not seeking any of this, I went on that channel to investigate). I'm actually an Oldham "Solitary" person that needs very little interaction (not to mention too that I'm a demi-sexual). I was actually needing a hug though, for once, because I've been through some really strange stuff and this lesbian girl romance didn't end well (and I gave it all and exhausted myself) and I'm still putting myself together. I have a pattern in my romantic relationships, that I fall for girls who are very damaged and then I attempt to fix them, and then they leave me, and I've grown tired.

    I'm okay now, thanks for your concern

  39. #39


    Women are supposed to be the feminine gender and are supposedly built/hard-wired to support and give emotional companionship to men. The other day I needed a hug so I went on an IRC channel, and none of the women there gave me a hug, only two gay men offered to give me the hug (and one gave me). Women have really become crap in this era. People are crap, but women have really really lost a lot value-wise. What do you think of this phenomenon
    The thing is, the men are crap too, so I personally have no problem with women who want to criticize the men of this age. But being as objetive as I can, "women" has become crappier than "men", from what I observe around me. They have really really lost a lot of positive qualities, the majority, they're nowhere to be found. This is reality, without any misoginia, and this is what I want people to discuss about.

    Tbh, I am not happy with this misoginia I have developed (I used to like women) I want to get rid of it, and since I'm a magic psychologist (and auto-magic psychologist too) what my intuition has brought me to do, is this; criticize women. Hopefully it serves as a therapeutic avenue. The truth is that the poor beings, most of them, have issues, because covert abuse is rampant in our society. So they're to be pitied, more than hated.

    I'll get over it.
    Men: objectifying women and acting entitled to their bodies all around the world, generation after generation; so heavily that in Africa there is a problem with mothers ironing daughters' breasts, and so prominently that it is still normalized in media all around the world, in present day societies

    Women: preyed upon (used via deceit) for sex, pressured into having it, and so forth, so much throughout their lives (especially targeted if considered to be attractive) that they go around guarded, defenses up, untrusting of mens' motives when it comes to physical contact, etc.

    Incels: "women have lost their value, and I am a misogynist because a few of them didn't hug me when I was sad."

    Have you said some douchey things around them due to being prejudiced against females? I mean, it is your pattern to play the victim card unjustly. Hell, you're even playing the victim card about the presence of your misogyny. Examine your own language, speech patterns: there's no responsibility taken, you consistently use phrasing that distances you from accountability; you're evidently not searching for ways to change your misogyny, in spite of saying you don't want to be one (if you were, this thread would say something more along the lines of "how do I stop seeing things this way?"); this thread's original post isn't searching for ways to stop being one, but rather, it inquires for whatever is going to provide you with more confirmation bias and validation of your toxic views of women (paraphrased OP: "why are my sexist views valid/accurate?"); it postulates based on traditional, but sexist, feminine roles ("built to support men and be companions for them" and according to you, if women don't do that, they're "bad"); you make passive-aggressive comments toward anyone who offers a little insight into where or how you're going wrong, aka how you are forming these views.

    If you're going to be a dick, at least be honest about it and don't claim you're a victim to your own perspectives; that's ridiculous, given that your actions obviously paint a different picture. The statement that you don't want to be a misogynist is merely revelatory of your cognitive dissonance. You create that distance from your own beliefs so that you don't have to feel responsible, but just so you know, everyone else around you sees through it and knows you're accountable anyway. You're only fooling your own self.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 12-03-2021 at 08:59 PM. Reason: added another quote I was saying things about

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    It seems to be that many women nowadays are scared ( ? mistrustful?) of men, kinda weird even if I get that some women have been victims of bad experiences. But it seems rather common, so I wonder how much the feminist narrative in msm has to do with this, since it tends to emphasize violence done to women as women more than it does violence done to men as men (which, if you count all types of violence, men are more often the victim of, actually).
    I kind of agree. I think that feminists are complicit in creating a man-hating society, although not nearly to the hegemonic extent that conservatives love to claim (you may disagree, but I feel it obvious that men's failures are mostly attributable to the corrosive effects of capitalism).

    I say this because I understand why second wave feminists would hate men. A lot of them (by their own testimonies) were raped, sometimes by husbands that they were forced to have sex with. Those women learned to hate men and tried to imprint those feelings onto their granddaughters. I can guess this because that's what I'd be tempted to do.

    Another fact is that avant-garde lefties, which are especially likely to be feminists, are artsy, intellectual bohemians. And artsy intellectuals can be somewhat narcissistic, crave relations with other selfish narcissists, and will consequently frame male-female relationships as competition rather than cooperation. This is NOT true of other feminists, who are very sincere in simply wanting an egalitarian society. But the existence of that avant-garde strain of leftism, especially in academia and entertainment, is nevertheless conspicuous.

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