lol I haven't been keeping up with the news all that much. So I first saw this video and it's like I hated them. Nobody is that happy or fake- what narcissistic crap was I watching? I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings- but it just Then yeah, I dug deeper- I read the police report and the Te news. lol figures. Makes a lot of sense. Behind the veil of every narcissistically perfect image lies something evil. Whether it be Starr Commonwealth, Oprah or... this.

I don't like people who do handstands on beaches. It's douche-y. Quadra related? I don't know- but stop it.

Heterosexuality is a mental disorder lol. j/k

/tries to be serious. You know it's like.... people need to talk through shit and be normal and real and not narc handstand-on-beachy. A true healthy relationship takes so much self-honesty and realness and and.... like I would know. I don't have one. But maybe I do? So what if I want to kiss ..from his toes up to his lips. It don't mean that he has me yet. He's gonna be good, I bet. But I'd like to think it would be better than this... this is why it's so dumb and fake to do preppy str8 things with people and spend too much time together and I fucking hate this shit. Healthy couples don't do this crap anyway. "Live life fully in the real world and pretend the world is your oyster!" = FAAAAAAAKE.

idk to me it almost seems like a douche-y LSI trying to date a very naive Delta or something. He wanted to stay in the abyss. She wanted to walk away from it, so he struck her. lol I have no idea I'm just talking shit there- but maybe? At any rate I do like Beta for him and Delta for her.