I have seen this behavior more in Fe bases, to be honest. My ESE mother is notorious for this, and I have seen Jordi and also a guy named Hussar do it.. They both are EIE. I have seen a user named Gian Carlo do it, who also is EIE.. Jordi and Gian are E6 and Hussar is a 3. my mother is a 2. Image triad (excluding 4) and 6 make sense for shit talking. 6 pressures by community and feels attacked and reacts back, and 2 and 3 deal with others more and manipulating them to have a good image...

I think IEI is less likely than the other Fe types to do of this, because we have Se as suggestive and seek to be assertive, and our Fi (like in an SEI) is 4D. We also with our Ni may see how in long term this can backfire. I am also generally speaking, pretty nonjudgmental. I can be judgmental over some things, if I am emotionally triggered, but.. I see the roots of things, and it makes it harder to judge, since I see the true issue and it is just a symptom of the root, of what presents.