ILEs are pretty boring to me. Safe but boring.

Identicals can be boring but also can be spicy and interesting.

Dual- I have found typically very boring a lot of the time then I realize how much I miss them when they are gone in a pathetically cringe-y Disney romantic way.

Mirrors can be boring because you realize you essentially are seeing the exact same thing just in a slightly different way, with your creative function being their dominant and vice-versa. Not boring tho cuz the opposite temperament can cause fire and heat.

LIEs are pretty boring to me. It's like I want to make them SLEs a lot of the time but they are not- they are just boring businessmen who want to smell Bill Gates' farts. Then they supervise me and are like 'being boring is how you get ahead in life.' Which I just go ...

Ni polrs are boring because they need too much physical evidence for something I can easily decipher just by a simple snapshot. So they need these Te or Ti lists of tedious tandum over a conclusion I could have already told them, but they rarely trust my conclusion when I console them on something even when I always end up being right. lol.