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Thread: Approximately how long did it take you to be sure of your socionics type?

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    Default Approximately how long did it take you to be sure of your socionics type?

    I'm still pretty new to socionics and right now I have a type that I'm just going with, not 100% sure if it's me.

    How long did it take you guys to figure out your type? And did you find it on your own, or did you require the help of a professional or someone more experienced?

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    It took me maybe 30 minutes at the most. I don’t even relate to most of the SEI descriptions but arrived there through process of elimination. It’s clear to me that I value Fe/Ti > Te/Fi and have stronger sensing and feeling over intuition or logic. So Alpha SF it is for me.

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    It was pretty quick initially for me. Of all the descriptions, INFj fit me the best. Over the years, especially early, I did do some exploring, digging into functions, dichotomies, quadra values, information elements, etc., seeing if anything might fit better. But EII/INFj still fits best.

    I think what helped me is that I never took any of this (or typology in general) as being equivalent to my identity. It's a map, a human-derived abstraction of reality with a particular purpose. Subtypes, the Smilexian idea of sliding around your temperament, other typologies (e.g. enneagram), just an awareness that my history, makeup, and self will of course be different from anyone else in the world, all of that can create room for acceptable variation within the 16 types.

    I'm not saying that anyone who has trouble settling on their type is being "too serious" about it or anything. Just that for me it helped to hold it somewhat loosely.
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    About 5 years, which means I've been pretty sure of my type for the past 12 years more or less.

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    This depends what you do, not only how long.
    If you read theory, then type people - you understand it better. If what you notice in behavior of people fits good to the theory - you understand and use the theory correctly. Correct part of the theory, as not anything should be so (as doubtful Reinin traits, for example).
    To be sure in own type it's important to check it by IR effects with people IRL. The more - the better. If what you see fits to the theory - that your and other people types are correct. It's the best way to understand own type and do not doubt in it further.

    After I've started systematically by books study the theory and try to understand types of people in my life it took ~1 year to accept my type. Also helped that some people said this type before and tests often gave close types to it, so some types' traits were more assured. Without IR I'd could doubt longer.

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    When I first got into typology with the horrible 16personalities quiz, I got ENTP every single time. Transferring to socionics it didn't really change, I've basically taken my basic type for granted.

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    A few days. I had to bone up on the initial literature and all so that I felt I "got" what each function was and what it meant and what it meant if and when it fell within a position on the stack. Once I got that though? Pretty damn easy and quick. ILI- so hard it hurts.

    The MBTI side pretty much confirmed it. INTJ on that side which translates to ILI here. Did the same thing. Though I will say this side is more nuanced and interesting.

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    I came from MBTI not terribly long ago and most of what I knew of MBTI came from Michael Pierce's YouTube channel. Initially I typed in MBTI as INFP (roughly INFj/EII), but as I learned more about the elements (functions as MBTI calls them) I realized that I was definitely an NiFe ego type. That didn't seem to change in moving to Socionics, though I was pretty careful to double check the common other types that often mistype as IEI. I relate to the IEI-Fe descriptions very strongly and just by process of elimination I really don't know what else I could possibly be. I've had myself typed as MBTI INFJ (~ INFp/IEI) since I was in my teens though. It didn't take me longer than a couple months of digging into the functions/elements to realize my actual type. Though if anyone cares to argue my type is something else I'd be curious to hear reasons why I'm not IEI lol
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    5 years, I believe. And as for my enneagram, I’m still not totally sure because I change my personality / my entire personality changes me (it’s a dichotomy ) so very frequently that it can take a lot of careful introspection to truly decipher wether a change was an offshoot of some reoccurring idea from my subconscious or simply something I invented to make an impact in whatever scene I’m tied up with (just far too many to recall collectively off the top of my head and more often a seedy underbelly than anything built to last Lol...)

    Shit, it requires a lot to even remember some of my costumes to begin with.

    As for MBTI, I have just entirely discarded that player in this current chapter of my journey. I do not think it is a legitimate or logical system with as much credibility as the other two systems spoken of. Pure Jung is pretty delectable for me at times, however.
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    Tbh, I still wonder how much I may be lying to myself in hope of buying peace.
    At the end of the day, I guess it doesn't matter.

  11. #11


    Either a really long time, or a really short. I think the first time I heard about socionics and took a test, I got an accurate type. That was a long time ago, and I didn't understand the system at all. When I started getting into the system, I had some doubt. I also had a detour in MBTI and other typology, which really confused things when I tried to understand socionics, and had some people type me that really through off my understanding.

    Part of it was attempting to understand all the parts of the system and how they manifest in reality, and part of it was testing myself to figure out what traits were most apparent. SHS/Model G helped me make sense of a lot. I feel like he has one of the most consistent structures in socionics, and that helped me remove a lot of the doubt and inconsistencies in typing myself. I also think his conception of what socionics is measuring is quite different than "classical" socionics, but there are a lot of issues with classical socionics, and a lot more with a lot of socionics as it has been changed in the west.

    It probably took me about a year of solid understanding to figure out my type. Most of that was figuring out what socionics "type" is, what traits should be looked for. Then it was a matter of seeing how they applied to me. I still have doubts here and there, which is fine. An archetype will never be a perfect fit, and Model G is a fractal model.

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    I will never be sure.

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    Almost a year because of bad self-awareness and people shoving a different type down my throat. Honestly though, if I just did more research earlier I would've landed on it quicker.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zyan View Post
    Almost a year because of bad self-awareness and people shoving a different type down my throat. Honestly though, if I just did more research earlier I would've landed on it quicker.
    If you don't mind, what type was it?
    You can flatly ignore this if you wish, lol.

  15. #15
    Aster's Avatar
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    About 6 1/2 years for me to be about 99% sure...

    Back in my late teens, I thought I was INFP. I got deeper into it through finding personalitycafe, and that’s also where I discovered socionics. I had this idea of Fe being fake and followers (the people that jump on board any trend) and was really annoyed by the idea, so I thought I had to be, had to be base Fi. People saw a lot of Fi on my online I thought that’s it. But some things didn’t add up. For example, I’m much more IP temperament irl and I’ve said this over and over (people would say, well you are E9). Then there was the matter that I was more interested in Ni/Se things than Ne/Si. Some people thought ESI, but I couldn’t see myself being Se creative. It just didn’t make any sense to me at all. And as much as I would say so and why, people would try to rationalize it with still more things that didn’t line up to me. I was even trying to be as honest as possible. Eventually I got really frustrated, and just said, whatever, I’m just base Fi. For one, I was tired of defending myself, and another, neither ESI or EII added up to me. IEI had been brought up a few years back. and I did consider it, but I couldn’t see myself being a part of beta Quadra. Some self typed betas told me I’m not beta. Not that I blame them lol

    Then I saw people being typed by gulenko. And I had heard of one person that had done it a few years back, but I didn’t know English speakers could do it for sure and so easily. Well as soon as I found that out, I didn’t even really think that much into was like I was going to do it no matter what, just a matter of when I could get the money together...and that was that.

    So before I got typed, I knew that gulenko’s opinion would hold a lot of weight for me, because he’s gulenko (Geezus), and that since I was so open with everyone about it, I was probably going to get stuck with it by a lot of people and expected to get a lot of shit from the naysayers. Because I had been on here for so long, for one, and people had formed an opinion, or just taken mine, and if it turned out different...well people don’t generally like being wrong lol. See I don’t mind being wrong. Being wrong is good sometimes, because it gets you on the right path. But first you have to own up to it, or you are stuck. Anyway, IMO

    So Gulenko typed me IEI, normalizing subtype. And right after I made my last video, before I got my results, that typing just hit me. Everything clicked. Really weird moment. It was me being directed by his questions, questions that directed me to answers that explained a whole bunch, I thought.

    The more I thought about it, the more sense it made. Then I realized, I have to change my whole understanding of socionics, because I’ve been thinking about it wrong.

    Then, due to life circumstances, I took about a 3 month? break from typology, of thinking about it. And just lived. Saw my psychiatrist, tried getting myself back to my old self. Traveled a lot. And when I came back here, I realized how distorted I had been looking at myself, how I had listened to people I shouldn’t have, how badly spending too much time on the internet and depression had distorted things for me, too. And my typing became even more clear to me at that point. I was like 99%sure at this point- recently, probably.

    What makes a lot of sense to me is being an IP temperament with a rational subtype, particularly normalizing. I think it explains a lot of my neuroticism and how I feel I’m constantly fighting myself to be responsible and organized. I never felt like I 100% fit in delta (I felt too dark), but also didn’t feel like I had what it took for beta. Evidently it’s common IEI don’t feel like they fit into beta, and I have accentuated Fi. Without learning or using subtypes, or if one were to think gulenko theories are heresy (lol) I could see how I could be placed as a different type by people. But adding DCNH has cleared up a lot for me. And I think I’m definitely normalizing subtype, and if you were to say I’m EII, or ESI- I don’t think it would make sense for me to be a normalizing subtype of these types. It just doesn’t make any sense. So I think IEI-N fits perfectly. I feel like I finally found exactly where I fit in this system. And I’ve decided to own it and ignore the negative Nancy’s lol. Because why should I have to justify myself to others? It’s a part of me becoming stronger and healthier, this realization and setting some serious boundaries.

    Of course I realize there are other views, but I’m owning this one
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    @aster Online people have been trying to put me into delta forever too. Beta quadra has a "rebellious teenager" kind of reputation, and I never fit that even when I was a teenager. I also think that Gulenko's typing of me makes a lot of sense. Even though I'd already typed myself into LSI, the subtype solidified things more. I agree that your typing of IEI-N makes a ton of sense as well and ties up a lot of loose ends.

    One thing that I'm trying to wrap my head around since I have used temperament pretty heavily for typing is when using Gulenko's system things I attributed to type temperament are often subtype things instead and I'm rethinking my approach there.

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    It was like I had to omit descriptions especially Beskova ones. Because I can see myself being in flux in all Gulenko's ILE/ ILE DCNH descriptions it seems quite correct one (there are partial hits in other types but the overall coverage is not so great).
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrightDemonSheep96 View Post
    It was like I had to omit descriptions especially Beskova ones. Because I can see myself being in flux in all Gulenko's ILE/ ILE DCNH descriptions it seems quite correct one (there are partial hits in other types but the overall coverage is not so great).
    I’ve always thought the Beskova male/female portraits were a little odd lol.

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    90% confidence took about an hour. The remaining 10% was derailed by my confusion about the theory's assumptions and underpinnings and I'm still there

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    I still have no idea

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    Months, with an even longer hiatus in between those months. For the first half before the hiatus, I thought I was Ne base (ILE, before people began suggesting ethical>logical). This is because I came from MBTI and had typed as ENTP for a long time. And the reason for even typing as ENTP? A lot of compensation for stressful circumstances shaped me at the time.

    Then when I came back to socionics after hiatus, I still thought I was Ne base (and strongly thought I was Ti valuing as well, so had a hard time agreeing with IEE), but this time I sought out a live session for more confirmation. The typists in the session unanimously came to an IEI typing for me. This threw me off balance because I never considered Fe ego let alone introvert, but at least the Ti valuing made sense to me. I wasn't at all sure on Ni base because I'm not someone who cared much about analyzing past to apply to future so often, but I decided to just ride with it until I see issues arise because I felt that my perception of myself was incredibly clouded. And so some issues did arise, people who've gotten to know me better didn't see Ni ego for me, rather Si would make better sense. But all of my long time friends also felt that same cloudy perception of mine, thinking I was both intuitive and logical.

    This is a really specific scenario so if you think you were stressed out a lot, outside perspectives with strangers might be a good way to distinguish type.
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatgurl View Post
    I'm still pretty new to socionics and right now I have a type that I'm just going with, not 100% sure if it's me.

    How long did it take you guys to figure out your type? And did you find it on your own, or did you require the help of a professional or someone more experienced?
    It takes years of introspection/bouncing off your experiences with reality to really see what you're made of. Also read the theory when u dont understand something. Ive asked family members what they thought fit me best. For me its hard to really ''know'' if youre introvert or extrovert for example because you are in your own head. but others can easily see your introversion or extroversion. it also helps to ask your parents how you were as a child. very outgoing, or introverted and reserved, calm. What were your interests then? As a child our personality is at its purest, untainted yet by life experiences, upbringing, shame and trauma.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    I still have no idea
    Are you Ne PoLR?
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    I started reading on socionics in 2004. So it's been like 17 years and I'm kinda liking my current typing lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cyberpunk View Post
    I started reading on socionics in 2004. So it's been like 17 years and I'm kinda liking my current typing lol.
    Yea SLE the best type to get pussy on here since every girl is an IEI wannabe

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Yea SLE the best type to get pussy on here since every girl is an IEI wannabe
    They better be virgins!

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    SLEs = Beta males
    ILEs = Alpha males

    'Nuff said

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    i was leaning towards LSI-Ti, LSE, and ESI-Fi, not necessarily in that order, from when I first started reading about it (ESI because I always had strong emotional reactions to people and things, LSI-Ti because I was perfectionist about things and LSE/Te because I like learning facts). Talking to my dad about differences in Fe and my Fi seemed to clear it up. I want to give a special thanks to @Northstar for concluding/thinking that I was ESI in another thread. That removed all doubt in my mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    I think I knew from the first descriptions that I was IEE, but I had a lot of phases with doubt that in retrospective were tied to me not liking/accepting myself for who I was...(ENF male sucks?!)
    Had much more actual trouble with enneagram!
    i like being an ethical male, but then it's not that great because I think i was too INADVERTANTLY masculine anyway and because I think most ILE-Ti are females anyway. i've always had trouble with figuring out the enneagram and instinctual variants too, i'm either a 1w2, 4w3/5, or a 6w5/7 the latter two being more likely (, i thought 6 when i first read on the enneagram institute website then i also thought 1 because I'm perfectionist, often angry, and generally sick of what's going on at present and thinking that things need to change, but i don't really desire to be a good person, haven't really ever). i've always wanted comfort, chemistry, good intensity with things and people and no boredom even if it meant being evil.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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