Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
wow. XSI-Se's house's look like mine only looks when I clean once a year

whoa, I gotta clean for my duals.

my bed has an airconditioner sitting on it and three travelbags and clean laundry. the floor is littered with dirty laundry. the garbage is overflowing. the kitchen sink has bleach rinsed dirty dishes waiting in it 4 me. and what am I doing? writing research for the county on a systemic govt issue and about to get in a Zoom meeting. gotta love that audio only feature..

i need to get my domestic life together. i bet i sleep on the couch tonight
Lol, I am on the opposite end. Maybe my initial ESI typing was accurate My home is is never messy and I don’t comprehend how people can have it this way... it’s not immaculate, but definitely tidy. Clothes on the floor is a completely foreign concept to me. I wasted a lot of energy getting errands done yesterday on my day off, but then just HAD to get the cleaning done for my sanity...which honestly I don’t think most people would have noticed there being much of a need. It’s finally done though and I can relax, sort of (still laundry, hanging some items up, and organizing my new pin board alphabetically to be done). I am constantly updating weekly lists on my phone. x.x And before you say SEI Sol, my EIE father is similar (though I know of others who are total slobs).