Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
Why not? "Natural" just means we understand it as part of nature. "Supernatural" just means we don't understand it as part of nature and it is somehow beyond nature -- but it's circular because the only reason that is is because we don't understand it. Granted, there are things we can't really get evidence for... but still even if it's this person who claims to be psychic and there is evidence of this person a high percentage of the time predicting things or knowing things about someone's recently deceased loved one they seemingly couldn't possibly know... there is still evidence (that is the evidence). If there were "another realm" superimposed upon this one that most people can't see, it's still part of nature, it's just most people can't see it. It's mainly I feel like the difference hinges upon what humans can understand, and since that's where it starts it ends up defining how everything is thought of thereafter.
I already said I think things like clairvoyance and other realms aren't beyond nature. I do think things like consciousness and morality are beyond nature, however. There's a good reason to call ghosts and things like that supernatural even if ghosts are largely physical because how do you become a ghost? You're a restless spirit, you don't want to move onto the afterlife, you want revenge or a proper burial or something. Floating, glowing, and going through walls isn't supernatural, but the whole ideal of revenge and ultimate destinies and good vs. evil is. You can split the atom and square the circle, but you still aren't going to find the type of restlessness of the human spirit that creates literal restless spirits.