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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Raven Song)

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    Haikus Raven Song's Avatar
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    Default Member Questionnaire (Raven Song)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (Raven Song)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty and love are the ultimate synchronous expressions and receptions of one another cooccuring (combined as necessary opposing forces to their respective shadows) within the perception of both the collective and the individual experience - somewhere along the spectrum of dark and light where an impactful vibration is induced into perceptive reality, thus simultaneously emitting reactive vibrations required to continue the inevitable cycle of beauty/ugliness, light/dark, love/hate, etc.
    What are your most important values?
    Expression, love, desire, intensity, passion, authenticity, transcendence, intellect, progression.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    The realm of spirituality lies first within the collective unconscious of dreams - which then emits it's symbols into the nature of reality. When events, symbols, and images from the subconscious align in reality, it creates a mystical effect on the subject which heightens their consciousness and taps into the coexistence of the psychic, spiritual, and physical realms - thus strengthening one's dimensional perspective. Awareness of the recurring themes of one's spirit reflects into the vastness of the collective. When you become one with and aware of the myths you emanate, they no longer control you. You can instead harness their various powers within each of these realms and transcend from ancient generational curses.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    Like it or not, war is necessary in humanity's cyclical nature. Birth, death, rebirth. Not just in the physical or collective realms, but also within the journey of every living thing. You're either aware or unaware of this process, but it's inevitable. If you at least recognize this process, you can then forecast the direction in which it's headed based on the past destruction and divert the course to a more desirable outcome. Power is awareness of subtext which will lead to certain events - allowing you to take the reigns.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Mysticism, philosophy, psychology, history, trends, nature. I think the reasoning is apparent in my other answers.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    No, though I should be because I'm probably dying due to the lack of bodily awareness. The topic irritates me and I zone out.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    A nuisance. Same as above.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I'm interested in reading the philosophies/theories of Frederich Nietzsche and Carl Jung. I recently finished Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche and I'm currently reading Man and His Symbols by Jung. I also enjoy the works of Franz Kafka, Shakespeare, Stephen King, and HP Lovecraft. I plan to read Metamorphoses soon! As for film, I am a huge fan of the Silent and Pre Code Eras. I love horror, fantasy, scifi, and psychological thrillers. I love media that invokes epiphanies and mystical experiences. I recently finished the Netflix series The OA and Sense8 which both deal with themes of consciousness, dimensional realms, and unity.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Everything and anything. I cry and smile very easily. I'm highly sensitive and emotional to the atmosphere. I took my daughter to a live wrestling event and the pyrotechnics, music, and emotion of the crowd moved me to tears.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I feel somewhat alien unless I am in my head. I don't really feel that I belong in many places in the outside world because I feel misunderstood. I have to pretend to be someone I'm not and lose my identity (which is everything to me). Idenity very essence of everything. I try to minimize my time with others and only to those I feel I can maximize my time with. Those who understand me. My tribe. My time is very valuable to me. I think my ultimate happy place is within my dreamscapes. In reality, secluded places like forests are optimal for my thoughts to flow in synchronicity from one to the other.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Inability to follow logical reasoning, due to my head in the clouds. I can't function well as a responsible adult. Money management, health, news, cooking... these things don't register on my radar whatsoever. It's as if they I'm living in another place and time where these necessities aren't so necessary. I think I dislike my lack of motivation to complete my big goals because I'm so indulged in my fantasy world.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My ability to see beyond the veil. To get to the heart of the issue and foresee future implications. I like that I am unique and weird. That I invoke interesting feelings in people.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    I suppose, but I pay attention to the lead up of events and can foresee how and when I will need to get out of such ruts.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I HATE BOSSY MOTHERFU.... I mean, overbearing people that tell me how to live my life properly in the conventions of society. I loathe convention and practicality and coziness.
    I get along with people who go against the grain and also protect me.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I am an intense lover. I want to become one with my partner. I literally want them to ingest me. I need drama, intensity, proclamation!
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    That they became the pure essence of what it was that they wanted to become. I'd allow them the freedom to discover who they are and administer guidance along the way.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Inwardly annoyed, mostly. Trying to portray a neutral reaction outwardly, but most likely not fully succeeding at it.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I dislike societal convention. I am mostly attracted to things that defy convention; therefore, I feel alienated from most of society. I stand on the outskirts watching in. I view society as a malleable dimension of mostly sheep that I can impart ideas on. I am have been working on an artistic/philosophical venture which incorporates an algorithm that I would like to impart on society in the hopes of creating a meaningful change... Stay tuned!
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I'm pretty picky about who I befriend. I pick up on nuances about certain people over time which enable me to see how the relationship will pan out for both parties. I like to be around strong people who can propell me and whom I can guide and propell in return.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I kind of ignore strangers. I try to hide and remain invisible to the public, but I smile if they notice me. It's kind of a contradiction; though, because I dress in such a way that would be considered expressive and may call for attention.

  2. #2
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    you can be my dual m8

  3. #3
    Haikus Raven Song's Avatar
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    I have a hard time choosing between IEI and EIE-Ni

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    Haikus Raven Song's Avatar
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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raven Song View Post
    Leaning EIE because of the phrasing and drama in your first post.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raven Song View Post
    I have a hard time choosing between IEI and EIE-Ni
    Since you have narrowed it down to those two you could look closer at introversion/extroversion and the rational/irrational dichotomies to start. Welcome to the forum.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Leaning EIE because of the phrasing and drama in your first post.
    I was attributing that to them being an sx (sx/so?) first E4. lol Maybe they aren't. If they aren't then I will have to reread with "new" eyes.

    The questionnaire read more like poetry to me, which was really cool, so I can't say much more than I think they are Beta NF.

    If IEI then IEI-Fe > Ni sub. If EIE-Ni sub, probably


    EIE (ENFj) Subtypes

    EIE-Fe: The ENFj Ethical Subtype

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    The ethical subtype tries to behave according to the rules of good form in society. Are internally emotional, but usually modest and constrained in their emotional expression. Sensitive and vulnerable, alone in a shower may often experience dramatic emotions, but in front of strangers they restrain themselves. Find it difficult to relax due to internal strains, wounds, and overarching ambitions; while internally suffering from a set of complexes, externally they appear proud and aloof. Usually cautious and prone to think actions through beforehand; nervous with themselves but patient and persistent they are able to achieve their goals. Exacting in enforcing that their associates observe ethical standards of behavior and prone to rashly provide remarks and advice when they see people conflict with these ethical standards. Mood varies: cold, haughty, obstinate and exacting, then soft, sincere, affable and seemingly defenseless. Movements are smooth, sometimes demonstrative, when they want they can dress effectively, yet modestly for the occasion

    Description by Victor Gulenko

    Emotionally excited, sharp. Demonstrates fervent feelings, is decisively artistic. Easily yields to flattery. Characterized by aristocratic manners. Frequently a good speaker or a political leader with patriotic leanings. Is internally dramatic and spontaneous, loves to demonstrate his opinion. Outwardly they can shock those around them by extremes in clothing – a hobo with soiled sleeves. They can, on the contrary, dress in vivid or aristocratically choice clothes.

    Sexual behavior

    Are not confident in themselves; subjected to doubts and fluctuations. Erotically do not enjoy displaying initiative. Inclined to analyze the behaviour of their partner. With those, whom they love, are sensitive and thoughtful. Tires quite quickly from routine. Internally are particularly sentimental and romantic. Aim for stable relations and display constancy in their attachments. Not likely to pardon roughness and/or incorrect behaviour. Need a serious, imperturbable, proper and self-possessed partner. This subtype commands the will to learn how to scatter human doubts.

    EIE-Ni: The ENFj Intuitive Subtype

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    An original and creative person, they’re both extravagant and unpredictable. Very inquisitive and talkative; emotional enough to be impressionable. Internally intense/strained, frequently they doubt their decisions. Emotionally liberated and artistic, they easily express their feelings. Aware of the moods of others and are skilled in positively manipulating them. Speaks with feelings and enthusiasm, yet prone to irony and criticisms they sometimes project a venomous and haughty image. When in a good mood can command the center of attention within any company. Though able to fulfill practical obligations, often lack confidence in this regard. An active and social person, can switch between dressing unusually/extravagantly and simply/modestly. Movements are gusty and impulsive, lacking in restraint.

    Description by Victor Gulenko

    Predisposed to reflection, internal fluctuations and doubts. Thinks descriptively, is inclined to philosophy. Not very critical of external appearances, not exacting of their food. Reserved, sensitive, fragile, speaks out unobtrusively, They are popular and punctual. A good educator and teacher; can entice their listeners. Outwardly calm. Eloquent when recounting material.

    Sexual behavior

    Inclined to idealize their object of love. Are very touchy and emotional, especially when wounded. Strongly express enthusiasm and frequently dramatize events. For them sexual reciprocity occurs in a contradictory fashion not predictable by their behaviour. While they, at one time, appear original, passionate and sexual, at another time they will express haughtiness, coldness and a tendency towards inconstancy. Their different nuances inspire strong expressions of opposing emotions. Their tendency towards jealousy and distrust leads them to accumulate emotions, which must be periodically discharged through quarrels, reconciliations, etc. Have need of a moderately emotional, thoughtful, persistent and initiative-taking partner who knows how to quiet them, encourage them, and inspire them with confidence in their feelings.

    IEI (INFp) Subtypes

    IEI-Ni: The INFp Intuitive Subtype

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov


    The intuitive subtype appears as a calm, tactful, languid and diffident individual. He seems torn from reality, inert and poorly adapted to life. However, such impressions are erroneous, for he possesses a fine intuition, which aids his in establishing useful connections and obtaining support from influential people. Externally he seems serene, but in his heart he is sentimentally predisposed, has bouts of moodiness and melancholy, and regrets his mistakes and misfortunes for a long time. His mimicry is somewhat monotonous, often shows an expression of light amazement or full interest in his conversation partner. His gaze is dreamy and pensive, slightly strained, with a bit of luster, often expressing melancholy, attentiveness, or sardonic irony. His speech is measured, smooth, and intimately heart-felt. On his face there is almost constantly a polite half-smile that easily predisposes towards trust. Gestures are modest, timid, undemonstrative. Gait is unhurried and smooth.


    Soft and considerate person. In his heart he is a dreamer and a romantic. Has figurative, associative memory, and can recall experiences from the past down to the smallest detail. Somewhat unsure in himself, inclined to doubt and hesitate in cases he has to speak or act decisively. He does not like to hurry, can delay carrying out tasks and finding solutions to problems to an indefinite period of time. Reminiscing about the past, he recalls all the mistakes and mishaps, then extracts from them lessons for the future. Thanks to a strong intuition sees short-term prospects of affairs and relations, but because of the tendency to idealize everything may also overestimate them. Under any circumstances does not lose hope that in future everything will turn out for the better than in the present situation.Usually does not aspire to leadership and finds it difficult and tiring to handle organizational functions. Gravitates more towards intellectual sphere of activity than towards hands-on management and production. Dislikes routine, monotony, stereotypes, conventionality, strict order, having to follow rules and regulations. Likes to talk about various unconventional and mysterious phenomena, seeks new experiences, feels attracted to interesting and unusual people. Willingly accepts and promotes unordinary ideas and innovative approaches, but shows caution in new ventures; in such cases prefers to yield initiative to those who are more assertive and energetic. However, if necessary, exhibits outstanding diplomatic skills, achieving success where others, more straightforward and impatient partners who do not attribute much value to flexibility in relationships, would usually give up. Does not know which of the two disputants he should favor, therefore, will try to reconcile them.In work can become distracted by irrelevant details, and thus run out of time to accomplish the more important tasks. In his apartment or at his workplace may allow for creative mess and disorganization. Being practical, thrifty, and calculating is not in his nature, due to which he misses some major opportunities. Respects strong, influential people. Needs moral, physical, and material support. Due to absentmindedness sometimes forgets to fulfill his promises, but then does his best to make up and make amends.Sensitive and attentive to other people, tries to maintain even relations with everyone. Exhibits tolerance towards the flaws and weaknesses of others. Does not break immediately those relationships that have been exhausted for he grows used to people. Knows how to patiently wait and how to adapt to any circumstances. For the sake of good relations with those close to him, tries to meet their requirements for him, to develop practical skills, to perform at school and work, and to fulfill his family responsibilities.

    Description by Victor Gulenko

    Facial expression is typically interrogative. They seem calm, dreamy, and contemplative. Their line of behaviour is frequently passive. Romantic spirits. They live in the world of illusions, and they attempt to avoid negative emotions. They can be optimistic. They shrink away from conflict situations and support compromises. They are restrained in their clothing, elegant and refined. They can fulfill the functions of an abstract thinker, work in psychology and psychotherapy.

    Sexual behavior

    Act slowly, are patient and shy. Romantic, elevate themselves in feelings and dream about a great and prolonged love. Yielding in everyday demands (will try to be economically practical if their partner desires). Appear sexually timid, but their aim is for sexual harmony and the reaching of spiritual and physical perfection. Often act somewhat unsure of themselves. Require a volitional, decisive, active and energetic partner, whom possesses feelings of humor and inspiring confidence.

    IEI-Fe: The INFp Ethical Subtype

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov


    The ethical subtype makes an impression of a soft, charming and emotional person. Usually looks inspired and optimistic. Possess a fine sense of humor. May talk of his problems and failures with a smile. Ironic, crafty, unpredictable and inconsistent in behavior and conversation. Creates original contrasts, can unexpectedly jab at someone and then just as quickly embrace and kiss his conversation partner. Artistic and charming; unconstrained in conversation, occasionally even with shades of familiarity and impudence. Knows how to bridge the distance. Considerate, tactful, and caring; at times he is simply charming, so great is his talent at positively predisposing others to himself and being liked. Talented at persuasion: states requests in such a manner that it is difficult to refuse them. His movements are refined ; his gait is graceful, hasty. Speech is full of emotion, rich with shades, sometimes melodious.


    Emotional and charming, easily and naturally comes into contact with unfamiliar people, predisposing them towards trust with his warmth and sincerity. Able to cheer others up, make them laugh with his unusual antics and utterances. Well versed in feelings and moods of people, able to establish and maintain useful contacts for reaching his goals and to find best suited candidates for implementation of the conceived. To each person he is able to find an individual approach. Often puts his requests in such a form that it is difficult to turn him down. Independent by nature, impulsive, unpredictable in his actions; given to impromptu acts and improvisations. Unobtrusive with his feelings - if he does not see reciprocity, he will distance. Consults with others before making important decisions, though does not always follow their advice.Elegant, skillful in becoming liked, readily gives out compliments. Enjoys being at the center of the attention. Figuratively and with a refined sense of humor retells stories of his experiences. Enjoys and knows how to reconcile those who are arguing. Sometimes he is given to irony and ridicule, but says even unpleasant things as if in jest and with a smile.Very much in need of praise and encouragement. Sensitive of criticism of his work or investing effort that has not been appreciated; this lowers his productivity. While if he is praised in advance, this encourages him to strive to overcome difficulties and aid him in gaining confidence. In his heart he is very vulnerable and acutely aware of his failures. Internally contradictory, prone to abrupt mood swings: from laughter to tears and in reverse. Easy lights up with a new idea, but can quickly lose interest if it requires a lot of patience and effort for realization. Passionately tries to prove his correctness; accepts advice only after he has calmed down, and even then only until the next emotional outburst. Needs support of a strong-willed, capable, energetic person.Somewhat distrustful and suggestible. Readily shares his problems with others, seeking their sympathy, understanding, and support. Inclined to demonstrate his physical or personal sufferings. Sensing danger, he transmits his apprehensive and restless mood to those around him. Nonchalant and imperturbable, but this is only a tactic that allows him to make a good impression. Sometimes he evokes awe and admiration in others by demonstrating fearlessness in dangerous situations. His composed serene state is transmitted onto others, allowing them to distance from their everyday worries and problems.Graceful in his movements, shows refinement, good manners, dresses tastefully. Fastidious in his household. Possesses an aesthetic taste, appreciates ornaments and decorations. Enjoys comfort. Cares about his own appearance as well as appearance of others. Wasteful and uneconomical; can purchase needless things; dislikes those who are frugal over minor purchases. Does not attach much value to material things, and thus can be careless with them. Borrowing or lending something, may forget about it for a long time.

    Description by Victor Gulenko

    Flatters and is charming and communicable. If they see negative emotions in the people around them, they will try to arrange things so that people will calm down. They will mobilize well in dangerous situations. Loves to be in the centre of attention and dramatize proceedings, possesses a sense of humour. They easily manipulate by intonation and voice; can work successfully as a journalist --- They easily succeed in enticing the person they talk to. Outwardly they can appear extravagant; frequently takes a bohemian and bright form.

    Sexual behavior

    Strongly emotional and they express their emotions easily. Are coquettish, enticing, and dress with taste. The aesthetes in relations, they value good manners. Know how to provoke their partner’s initiative. Usually remain diplomatic but sometimes become capricious, exacting and easily agitated, however they are easily appeased. Love sexual games and prolonged preparations. Need a strong, loyal, practical, sensitive and initiative-taking partner; and sufficient support in their lives.

    Please don't give too much weight to subtype description since they overlap. I would focus more on what I suggested above.
    Last edited by Aylen; 10-14-2019 at 01:27 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    TIM: smart enough to befriend the bullies

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    *gets SLE friend to shove hag into locker*

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    * I’m special * flames's Avatar
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    IEI. A real one!
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

  12. #12
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Intuitive subtype EIE.
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

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    Yeah, EIE-Ni.

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    Thanks, all!

    By the way, I wasn't talking to myself in the comments above. I was responding to someone with the username "hag" who deleted their comment which said:

    "TIM: didn't get bullied enough in highschool."

  15. #15



  16. #16
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Beta NF for sure. Your answers give me the impression that you're my identical.

    I feel like the beauty question is the Ni-Fe shit test lol.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  17. #17
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    Dynamic, Positive, Declaring, Result, Beta NF, Aristocratic, Humanitarian. Probably Introverted, Reactive > Proactive, and Ni subtype.

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