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Thread: Jemez Typing Thread 3000

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    Default Jemez Typing Thread 3000

    I have done a questionnaire, which admittedly was made for the Enneagram, but I am looking into my Socionics type. Its advantage was its efficiency - covering a lot while still being able to get it done in one sitting, because if I don’t, I’ll never finish it. While I have model A down and can discuss its terminology with you as we go, applying it to myself is another story. I’m particularly bad at determining my base function, as silly as that is.

    if you can’t type me because you don’t know me well enough yet, that’s completely fair. If you give it a stab anyway, thank you.

    1. Establish a "baseline mood"--when you're at home with nothing to do, where are you at mentally and emotionally? What do you notice in yourself? (Note, this is not a mood you inhabit "frequently", but your psychological baseline).
    Mental noise - in a good way. Upbeat music snippets, wordplay, aesthetic design, background development of storylines I am writing. A friend has described my process of creating fiction as the construction of a social network of people who don’t exist - they’re a dominant Fe user in MBTI and say that it’s like what they do with real people.

    A cross between tuning out of the body, and physical hypervigilance. A massive store of unspent energy - constantly wanting to move and see, until I finally sit down, at which point I get as absorbed in mental activity instead and don’t want to get back up.

    Emotional distraction interrupted by spikes. More thinking about feelings than actually feeling in the heart and gut, and yet actually being pretty emotionally sensitive.

    2. Describe yourself--
    a. What's it like to be you?
    Inside looking out - most of my experience and activity is internal, and I’m not content with that. I’m actually a very external processor - speaking and writing about problems, feelings, and ideas, or creating visual representations, is how I organize them and get into their logic. Internally, I can’t do that so well. When I am inside my head, impacting the environment doesn’t come naturally, and it is too easy to be impacted by it - I have to make an uncomfortable effort to extend my figurative limbs, but it pays off in self-respect. I like to think in and of itself, and resent being told to think less or that thinking is a waste.

    b. What have others said about you?
    That I am quiet or soft spoken (fuck you), cerebral, intensely feeling, delicate and gentle (fuck you fuck you fuck you), that I keep others on task and on schedule, am self-absorbed and obsessed, am prideful, seem uncomfortable as a baseline, am insightful (which I could argue against - I am not original, but cobble together and riff off of ideas that already exist) and self-aware (which I could argue against a lot - the mimicry has to be this good because of how false it is), that I am smart, that I am honest, that I am driven and goal-oriented.

    c. What do you think of yourself?
    I think I seriously fall short in action of what I know is right. There’s a drive in the opposite direction, which pops up and gives a sudden push right when it is time to act - like I don’t deserve the dignity, like I’m not good, so I shouldn’t pretend. If you’re thinking this is about big life decisions, FYI it’s so much more granular to me. How close do I stand to this person? Did I speak up? Did I let them interrupt me? Am I doing something that encourages them not to listen? Are we both showing respect? The character implications of deciding not to buy a piece of furniture. Of looking at this or eating that. The littlest actions and reactions say things about who I am, more information the more immediate they get.

    3. What are the issues you've dealt with in life? List some recurrent themes, and tell us a little about each one.
    What is good and bad about me - a felt sense of being tasked with becoming a good person and of learning how to love, rather than starting out with either of these things. This was my first obsession as a child. What does “good” mean in the eyes of common knowledge - what moral philosophy is this book or this group putting forth? What world do their actions and words imply they want to create? What does “good” mean to me? Where do I fall short, and why?

    Accuracy and implementation - driven to seek the knowledge that is necessary to act on a vision or directive, with specific certainty and integrity. What information is relevant to the plan, and what isn’t? I honestly feel better at determining this than most people, but it comes with a weakness of being annoyed by attempts to broaden the scope of relevancy when we already have a working model.

    Sorting out purpose from pride - Being driven toward technical and scientific disciplines, but becoming too passionate and burning out. Being a creative writer who has never accepted an opportunity to publish their work.

    Anxiety - mainly physical phobias, body hypervigilance. The sense that humanity is an unfinished work - that our consciousness is outsized for our physical situation. The horror of being capable of knowing exactly what is happening as we decay and die, and in being able to contemplate so much more than we can actually do in the time our bodies have (I suspect that “brilliant” ideas are actually very common, only seeming rare because most people fail to actualize them in time). This is a huge source of creative inspiration - cosmic and body horror.

    4. You're not good at everything--
    a. What personality traits and/or ways of being are impossible for you to adopt?
    This question reads the same as the next question, so I’ll interpret the two differently to cover two areas. This one, I will read as traits I struggle to develop and because I don’t honestly care about them. Receiving advice on them will irritate me or cause anxiety:

    The arts of food and comfort, non-aesthetic attention to the body, focus and quieting the mind, maintaining lists and scheduled routines, acceptance of personal limits and ugly physical realities.

    b. What are qualities you'd like to have, but can't seem to develop?
    This question, I will read as traits I struggle to develop but painfully wish to have. Receiving advice on them might feel hopeful and empowering, or cause shame, depending on the tone of the advice:

    Giving and receiving affection, applying force and taking command when it is necessary to make my values a reality, open protectiveness of self and others, trust in my gut feelings, comfort with walking away from a conflict once it has begun.

    5. Why have you left friends and other relationships in the past and/or why have they left you?
    The point where I will finally snip a crumbling relationship is when it appears that there is nothing I can say or do anymore that won’t cause them pain. Best to do this one last thing, and then no more. Obviously this is an extreme, rare situation.

    6. They claim enneagram type is a hidden love need. What are your attitudes toward finding love?
    Love is serious - the stakes are the highest there is. I feel like I would be doing something destructive and careless if I got into a relationship unconfident in my capacity to provide and protect, and in my emotional health. Those things need to be built up first. I have also been told that this is my perfectionistic excuse for a much more banal fear of accepting intimacy - by an unreliable source who was trying to get me into bed, but it’s also a real possibility. Guess for yourself.

    7. Determine your ego ideal--the way you strive to be and want others to perceive you.
    My ideal is a level of mindfulness that assures timeliness and dignity and eliminates regret - reliably remembering to step back from situations to determine the unbiased right thing to do in the interest of truth and humanity. And then, having the capability to do it - having the strength to fight for something or be a leader should the need arise. A key ideal I have is protectiveness - having the heart to be driven to protect life, and the courage to act in spite of fear. Another key ideal I have is the pursuit of truth and accuracy, and that there is beauty in what’s real - in both the physics of the universe and the unsystematic mess of how real humans think and feel. I write fiction and strongly believe that simplified and unrealistically rational character depiction contributes to hate and violence in the world by giving us unrealistic expectations of one another. I shoot for a naturalistic approach to motive and dialogue and consider this a social contribution.

    My ego nightmare might be worth describing - the opposite of the ideal. This would be a state that feels like being a prey animal, with consciousness watching in horror from the backseat while my actions follow the flow of fear. Not standing for anything or anyone, only existing to keep myself safe. Total incapacity for force - others are able to do whatever they want to me and shape me with their words. I felt like this as a child around other kids, and it became a core fear and sense of defectiveness - driving me to specialize, impress, and develop an aesthetic to divert my own and others’ attention from the sense of deficiency and the sense that I could be forgotten or devoured if I stopped working so hard.

    8. Determine your "felt sense" of life.
    The answer to this is all over the rest of the questionnaire. Attempting an individual answer here would just be to repeat a bunch of stuff. There’s enough repetition in here already.

    9. Core fears.
    Being fundamentally evil/incapable of goodness or love. Death and disease - the body seizing dominance over the mind and imagination once and for all. Running out of lifetime to do anything of genuine importance to me. Shame - loss of control over social status or survival, being dominated by others, being weak and incapable of dignity. Loss of survival resources, and the accompanying shame.
    Last edited by Jemez; 10-10-2019 at 12:09 AM.

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    I hate doing this, but,


    At this point, I am closing in on ILI per Model A. Te>Ti I can confirm is the preference that it’s easiest for me to identify, and causes sompatibility issues for me with people. Getting into Fi vs Fe considerations launches me into overanalysis. Se is weak as shit, but still very valued, I think.

    How does it sound to you guys, or is more information required?

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    I think that you used an enneagram questionnaire is actually a really creative move. I get tired of seeing the same old questionnaire with the same questions in every thread. As for type...

    I see a lot of Ni, that is obvious. Not sure if ILI or IEI yet because in some places I see Fe, but there’s definitely a lot more valuing of Te so I would go with the former if a gun was put to my head. Actually, I see so much Te valuing that I would consider EII or ESI too because it almost seems dual seeking. So I’m gonna put EII as another option on the table because I also see a lot of Fi in your cognition and EII has a fitting 4D Fi and 4D Ni and weak Se. But on the other hand, you seem to value Se too.

    So, I think ILI, IEI, EII, and ESI is the area you want to look into. ILI is probably the most likely.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Fresh Meat types fresh meat. Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by fresh meat View Post
    I think that you used an enneagram questionnaire is actually a really creative move. I get tired of seeing the same old questionnaire with the same questions in every thread. As for type...
    To be honest, I chose it because it is to the point while being shorter. Longer questionnaires are great, but if I went with one, the likelihood would be that I would never finish it at all.

    I see a lot of Ni, that is obvious. Not sure if ILI or IEI yet because in some places I see Fe, but there’s definitely a lot more valuing of Te so I would go with the former if a gun was put to my head. Actually, I see so much Te valuing that I would consider EII or ESI too because it almost seems dual seeking. So I’m gonna put EII as another option on the table because I also see a lot of Fi in your cognition and EII has a fitting 4D Fi and 4D Ni and weak Se. But on the other hand, you seem to value Se too.
    From what I know so far, I’ve been inclined to bump out IEI because of Te PoLR. It’s very hard to relate to or even empathize with. I’m not sure how someone who is that hesitant about external information orients themselves in the world at all. Then again, how well can I say I actually orient myself, considering how much I get stuck questioning and flipping my own perceptions? Ha...

    Fe PoLR, too, is the weird spot in ILI for me. With Je in general, I get the purpose and accept it and having to work with it in the world, even if it’s an area I personally suck in. Emotionally, I’m 50x more blocked and hesitant to phase into positive emotions than negative, and tend to hold back my moral judgements because they’ve been received as extreme before, and I’m really really still working on confidence in them. It’s one thing to think them, and a different thing to actually let them out into the real world where they could hurt people. I think I am much more expressive than other people think I am, probably because of what comes out when I trust someone. I also don’t premeditate in this realm much.

    So, I think ILI, IEI, EII, and ESI is the area you want to look into. ILI is probably the most likely.
    Nice, that’s my exact list of finalists.

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    Also, Te dual seeking is interesting. I have friends who type me as ESI, though I’d have to be a pretty warped Se creative.

    How I feel about working with other people’s Te is that I’m open to assistance up to a point - I want to know what materials we are working with. I’m blind without them. But from there, I am confident in my own capacity to arrange them on a timeline of action that I know is the right one. There are many things I am un-confident in, but a model like this isn't one of those.

    Once that it is set, it’s hard to listen to other people’s variations on the plan, and worse, people who insist that we must hesitate and do a cluster of things from future steps that aren’t needed for the next opportunity to act. It takes effort not to just auto-filter this input, to even hear it.

    These are the kinds of judgements I will try hard not to voice, because they are too black-and white to pan out well in the real world. But still, I get what I deserve for being this way - getting people to listen to me and want what I’m offering, despite my having a good track record, is hell. My stage presence, so to speak, is small, uncomfortable, not something I’d regard very well from the outside myself. I really want to get better at leading people, but have far to go, and it’s embarrassing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fresh meat View Post
    I think that you used an enneagram questionnaire is actually a really creative move. I get tired of seeing the same old questionnaire with the same questions in every thread. As for type...

    I see a lot of Ni, that is obvious. Not sure if ILI or IEI yet because in some places I see Fe, but there’s definitely a lot more valuing of Te so I would go with the former if a gun was put to my head. Actually, I see so much Te valuing that I would consider EII or ESI too because it almost seems dual seeking. So I’m gonna put EII as another option on the table because I also see a lot of Fi in your cognition and EII has a fitting 4D Fi and 4D Ni and weak Se. But on the other hand, you seem to value Se too.

    So, I think ILI, IEI, EII, and ESI is the area you want to look into. ILI is probably the most likely.
    EII, with that avatar? Are you trying to trigger sol's rage today? lol

    I know irl ILI too well to type any of them a core 4. Online it happens a lot. I would go with 5w4 if ILI. ESI is worth a closer look for op.

    Welcome to the forum @Jemez

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    EII, with that avatar? Are you trying to trigger sol's rage today? lol

    I know irl ILI too well to type any of them a core 4. Online it happens a lot. I would go with 5w4 if ILI. ESI is worth a closer look for op.

    Welcome to the forum @Jemez
    Plot twist: it is me who is trying to trigger the rage.

    Except no.

    Thank you! The block on ESI is that you’d think the things I struggle with would come more easily to them. But, I could just be a cracked one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post
    Plot twist: it is me who is trying to trigger the rage.

    Except no.

    Thank you! The block on ESI is that you’d think the things I struggle with would come more easily to them. But, I could just be a cracked one.
    Cracks can be beautiful.

    Kintsugi and wabi-sabi can be useful metaphors. I think 4s intuitively understand this on some level.

    ESI was just a suggestion. I was not typing you that. I think I am looking at this more within the framework of enneagram.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Cracks can be beautiful.

    Kintsugi and wabi-sabi can be useful metaphors. I think 4s intuitively understand this on some level.
    I do understand it, though the abstraction leaves me a little colder than most 4s. My feeling on it is probably over-literal: pain hasn’t ever taken on much beauty to me - it’s just something that’s not right and demands action to fix it, which I might even jump into too soon. Beauty is great, but does it help people? I get into beauty and aesthetic when I’m not confident that I can be strong instead - as a consolation prize to myself. It’s my security blanket.

    ESI was just a suggestion. I was not typing you that. I think I am looking at this more within the framework of enneagram.
    Yep, got that. They’re both finalists. Fe PoLR e4 is a weird spot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    hm. i think some people/types can type as their disintegration point fairly easily. there's that connection so y'know. other ways 'round and such too.
    Trust me, I’d love to be a 1 or 2 instead! My 4 unfortunately isn’t the unconscious or hidden sort - it’s out there in my actions over time, and has never stood up to denial for very long.

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    8 w a 4 in the tritype, maybe?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    8 w a 4 in the tritype, maybe?
    Whoa, thank you. I can’t say I have ever leaned that way, but I love to get typings I’ve never had before, and it’s awesome that someone sees that in me.

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    So, it seems we are mostly closing in on ILI bs ESI just like I was for a while. Also me sense of humor has been repeatedly typed as Ne/EII. I think it’s because I don’t trust sarcasm very much, so gravitate toward more visual stuff and hyperbole.

    Considering that, what are some key tells between ILI and the Fi doms, especially ESI? And is there anything that would really make you go “wow, no, not Gamma at all”?

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    Ughhh, I finally understand the EII typing, so that’s back on the table. I look at it and see a version of Fi I understand under 8,000 layers of repression over time. No offense to those who actually feel righteous in Fi+, but I read it and am confused at how a base can still be that vulnerable. Through my admittedly biased eyes, it seems not to perceive the world accurately despite being the type’s strongest function.

    I was born inclined in that direction, but it didn’t last too long, especially after seeing my early intuitions about the feelings the people and culture around me were holding inside keep getting publicly confirmed - not nice feelings, stuff that disturbed me. It is my natural orientation to unconditionally recoil from hurting anyone, but for the sake of dignity, we eventually have to just approach the world with what will actually work, even if it’s hard for everyone in that moment. Eventually I discovered my guilt about letting people get away with crap, and felt responsible for perpetuating it passively. I’m still deep into working on it.

    EII could end up like an enneagram typing, where you know your true type by how much you dread it. Fi+ is a bag of a hundred cats. /the fuck did this tangent come from

    ESI is also becoming stronger as a candidate. The weird thing about it is that all the functional placements below the base would be very insightful and spot on, especially Ne PoLR and Ni activating. I get where Te suggestive came from now, too. However, the Fi and Se at the the top are way less free and fearless in me than any description depicts, although I do agree with how they go about things at their best, and opening them up gives me a rare peace. Those parts of me show much more around my most trusted circle than elsewhere, and slowly I’m discovering that even the bite of it captures people’s character very accurately.
    Last edited by Jemez; 10-08-2019 at 04:42 PM.

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    We are down to two...a shit EII or a shit ESI. It is time for the VI tiebreaker. Here is my face:

    Last edited by Jemez; 10-17-2019 at 05:13 AM.

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    @Jemez, my guess from VI is EII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Jemez, my guess from VI is EII.

    What are some of the EII tells in pictures?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post

    What are some of the EII tells in pictures?
    Big eyes, serious expression, much more "strict" than an ESI typically is (from my standpoint, anyway. Here is an ESI-Fi who looks pretty strict, but I don't see her that way: You look very Delta to me.

    One fun game you can play is to cover half of your face, either the left half or the right half, and see what you can see. If I cover your right half of your face (the side in shade), I see the left, emotional "you" - warm, interested, strong, calm, fairly self-assured. If I cover your left half of your face (the side toward the light), I see the right, logical "you" - childlike, looking to an authority figure for logical answers.

    I've said this before, but it bears repeating. The left side of the face of an Fi-dom is almost always quite beautiful. But then, I'm seeking Fi or something, so of course I'd think that. Lol.

    Don't let @Sol see this pic. You look like you'd be saying to an LSE, "I need some logical answers from you, but I'm the moral guide around here, so don't try anything funny."

    Plus, you have a look that is similar to the EII that I work with. She also cuts her hair short and dresses neatly, respectably, and conservatively.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 10-10-2019 at 01:04 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Big eyes, serious expression, much more "strict" than an ESI typically is (from my standpoint, anyway. Here is an ESI-Fi who looks pretty strict, but I don't see her that way: You look very Delta to me.
    EII the Se PoLR, more strict than ESI? I didn’t expect that, and enjoy learning things about types that I didn’t expect.

    One fun game you can play is to cover half of your face, either the left half or the right half, and see what you can see. If I cover your right half of your face (the side in shade), I see the left, emotional "you" - warm, interested, strong, calm, fairly self-assured. If I cover your left half of your face (the side toward the light), I see the right, logical "you" - childlike, looking to an authority figure for logical answers.

    've said this before, but it bears repeating. The left side of the face of an Fi-dom is almost always quite beautiful. But then, I'm seeking Fi or something, so of course I'd think that. Lol.
    Now I will do this to pictures forever. The self-assurance is hidden under some layers even to me, so nice job picking that out. I don’t get a ton of opportunity to exercise that side and forget what it’s like - the base/dom function has always been the hardest one to type because my attention goes to whatever needs more improvement.

    Don't let @Sol see this pic. You look like you'd be saying to an LSE, "I need some logical answers from you, but I'm the moral guide around here, so don't try anything funny."
    I need enough logical details to do my task, but after that to be left VERY alone!

    Plus, you have a look that is similar to the EII that I work with. She also cuts her hair short and dresses neatly, respectably, and conservatively.
    Your description lent me a more positive view of the type I was honestly hoping I wouldn’t see, and I appreciate it. Will think on all the data gathered in this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post
    We are down to two...a shit EII or a shit ESI. It is time for the VI tiebreaker. Here is my face:

    This reminded me of like, Edgar Allan Poe but not quite as dark. Definitely 4D Ni type.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Oops, only one photo even worked, and they didn't show up properly. Fixed in the post a few posts above. Now there are two pics.

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    Based on the answers, EII

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    EII more than ESI

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    Just a random thought, in spite of the descriptions of EII being this peaceful and nonviolent personality, Fi with very low Se seems like a recipe for ending up with a lot of anger inside because the sensory outlets for it are limited. Where it does find an outlet, I imagine it would be very verbal and intense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post
    We are down to two...a shit EII or a shit ESI. It is time for the VI tiebreaker. Here is my face
    you are not base Fi cause they do not use bad words in common speaking. only when are very angry and rarely

    you more remind EIE. but normal VI needs videos

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    Intuitive type there or possibly a ESE from VI.

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    Last edited by Retiree; 10-14-2019 at 09:23 PM.

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    The funny thing is, I swear a lot in text but almost never out loud - people have remarked! Type WEIR-D, am I right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesn View Post
    Sol, your typings are shit.
    At now your opinion, being noob, is rather baseless. With better typing skills you will change it. This may take some years of regular typing.
    You oppose by overgeneralization and emotions, meanwhile thinking yourself as base Te type "TIM LSE-C". Also with ignoring Fi values. Noobs are funny.

    as I said before, your type mb ESE. seems you are annoyed by this. it's not L*E, definetely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post
    Type WEIR-D, am I right?
    the weird is the avatar. among F types it's more expected from Se valued ones. for Si it's not cute enough

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    the weird is the avatar. among F types it's more expected from Se valued ones. for Si it's not cute enough
    I have a big collection of avatars and really enjoy working out aesthetics like that - also choosing them for other people. But yeah, none of them are cute, and cuteness in my avatar would burn my virtual soul.

    Where I’m at with Se is that if it’s not a true valued function to me, I still have a lot of envy for it and would present accordingly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    At now your opinion, being noob, is rather baseless. With better typing skills you will change it. This may take some years of regular typing.
    You oppose by overgeneralization and emotions, meanwhile thinking yourself as base Te type "TIM LSE-C". Also with ignoring Fi values. Noobs are funny.

    as I said before, your type mb ESE. seems you are annoyed by this. it's not L*E, definetely.
    Again, when someone speaks with logic and arguments to you, you just seem to ignore that, so people get angry (and stop being surprised with that, all people have emotions and ignoring their existence is a road to self-demise; in fact, LSEs are "anger" prone when someone acts retarded: "Besides a Holmes will inquire: “What methods did you use? What are the statistics to support what you are demonstrating? Who told you of this fact? Who are you? Who gave you the authority to talk about psychology? Are you a psychologist?”" from Type Profiles by Reinin, for example). This is not my typing thread, but you also did ignore my video (I've took it off after a week of no responses, and you were active during that time), preferring to stick to calling people "noobs" instead ( - this is actually about high quality discussion at this point, you don't provide that at all). I'm really surprised you aren't banned (I will push for that), because your constructiveness is close to zero (sorry, I won't believe calling everyone other than yourself a noob is even close to being constructive). And you type people not even knowing English well, nitpicking single behaviors instead of looking at the multiple alternatives and weighting it all ( and combined) something an LSE - as an dialectical-algorithmic type - would do; your thinking is very linear and definitive, in fact, you just type "this is an XXX because I saw XYZ once, or because she has a shiny sweater" and expect everyone to listen to you without providing any further information so far because you self-identify as an expert. You can't type people based on single behaviors or signs - sometimes, gods forbid, you have to even retype!. If actually had any experience with diagnosis you would know that after limiting yourself to some options you seek to find the things that don't fit, not the ones that fit ( - you should almost always use elimination/deduction, not induction; even when you do use deduction, you seem to take non-differentiating or poorly-differentiating qualities, like anger, clothing you saw once or the fact someone cursed with "shit", so your methods do seem poor and of no quality to me).

    (Again, you also have typed multiple Fi-doms as EIEs despite "buts". Stop ignoring people's valid concerns, advice and evidence that is contrary: you either will change one day, or you will lose it. You probably need more Fe/Fi-niceness and then maybe one day you will have an epiphany or something. Maybe.)

    And again and again, I'm not an ESE, in fact, one of the people more immersed in Socionics than anyone I know typed me SLI IRL. One other typing I've had received is actually LII. I usually show little to no cheerfulness at all when behaving naturally, which would be very uncharacteristic of an ESE (going by any description, check them). I don't value Ti or intellectualism for intellectualism (and you can trust me on this). Nobody ever typed me as an F type IRL, and I do know people who were actually corresponding with Gulenko, and I choose trust their references and experience far more than yours. I'm irritated by you lack of proper argumentation and forcefulness based on nothing (personally, I'm forceful, but only when it's based on something), as you don't provide your sources either; I can show mine, if you want to see them, so please deduct something there. And: I'm not annoyed by your typing. I'm annoyed by your methods, which seem inaccurate, baseless, useless and so on: you are stick to one, "your" system and you try to bend everything to it, instead of actually adapting and updating it. This is a critique from a purely T perspective. You are not looking for the "new beginnings" and to actually improve yourself and your results and your actions, you are just stuck ("it's fine and screw you noobs"). You are not growing at all, you are just going around typing people, sometimes against their wishes, and you are very destructive in your behavior - destructive to any kind of objective discussion, that's what I mean. At least you seem to be like that (I've scrolled through your posting history), prove me wrong. Multiple people have told you that - if so many people speak it out loud, maybe - just maybe - you should think it through again? Maybe it's you who are wrong? We are not trying to bite you and take your position, this is not a war-game, whatever are you thinking. And we are not "noobs", so chill - surprisingly you still get pro racers, who do it for years, and their best position is around 10th place; sometimes experience is not enough and people with little to no experience can achieve impressive results, this is how the world works. Being into something for years does not automatically make you right (though it definitely helps - isn't not causative, it's just a correlation), and this is something anyone with any expertise knows (something something: - experts tend to actually underestimate their knowledge, they typically don't think about themselves as the greats / - which you don't show at all / / / / - if you are into philosophy), thinking otherwise actually strongly suggest appealing to such fallacies as authority ( More: if you read a book about astrology, and read another, and do it for another 10 years - that doesn't change astrology sucks and is baseless. Or, imagine just reading wrong books, by that I mean: of poor quality, you can read them forever and nothing will change or improve.

    (Gulenko or Reinin, these people don't have accounts there, are they noobs as well, just looking at their registration dates?)

    If I wanted to shit on you, I would say you do - or you did - believe in tarot, which seems very uncharacteristic of a Te-dom, especially one that combines it with Si. But you don't seem to listen to anyone outside of you current world vision, so it's all useless, as I see from your history various people have attempted to talk to you to no avail (yet, I will at least attempt this, or I will try to get you banned, mind it, as this goes on for far too long and actually destroys any kind of meaningful discussion here; it also probably made some people quit immediately after receiving such "responses"). For me, you have no qualifications to be proud of, you haven't showed any outside of self-perceived "experience" with socionics.

    If you want to know me and type me, I officially invite you to a Discord/Skype conversation/debate/discussion, we can talk (even with a translator, and I would love for it to be moderated). Let's make something constructive out of it and solve it all. But before that, please watch this:

    And, read useful improvement tips: (it has a "Recommendations for self-improvement" section, it took me 10 second to find with Google). Personally, I'm clearly benefiting from being close to an EII.

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    If ur rlly 4w5 then EII

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    Waz me type

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post
    But yeah, none of them are cute, and cuteness in my avatar would burn my virtual soul.
    Si valued types do not like much guro on avatars. EII especially.
    Among NF types most possible is EIE, based on photos and other.
    With a video your type can be more clear.

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    4w5 is the strongest typing I have, for the record.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post
    4w5 is the strongest typing I have, for the record.
    Enneagram is still doubtful to compare with the holly Socionics light

    I'll hope to see your pretty face on your video to understand your type better. Also local noobs are doubtful to type you correctly without video too.

    EII is not your type, at least.

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    A video could be fun one day, but I want to get more settled into the site before going there. Gotta disappoint you.

    At this point, I am leaning more EII than ESI, and have accepted Fi dom as a destination in general, but still have just a few things to look at about it as a conclusion - such as, how likely is it for an EII to be very competitive? Or to want to express anger and struggle with managing that earlier in life? Or have some of the best relationships with SEEs? Of course, the main person who can investigate those is myself. Just a status update.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jemez View Post
    I am leaning more EII than ESI, and have accepted Fi dom as a destination in general
    IR may help you understand your mistake
    by other ways it's not hard to fool yourself for noobs. especially for close types, if you have EIE

    you do not fit to EII, very doubtful to be ESI and seems now is motivated mostly by emotions to assign yourself the wrong type

    alike does mesn by assigning himself LSE without good basis. and alike you who hides the normal typing material about yourself as video to inspire lesser doubts in local noobs. and to easier fool them about own type, to get lesser disagreements and such to support own mistyping by geting positive external opinions

    without normal typing material - your typing by others is more a game. and you have no typing skills and data to understand own type correctly.
    if you'll be typing people near you to check own type and will get good fiting to IR theory - only then you'll have the basis to be sure in own typology understanding and some own type.
    until that - you just play in types. alike does mesn with his unreasonable hysterics here and many other F types who stable assign themselves some types by emotional reasons. one more mistyped noob has appeared. do not blame the typology later when will be getting the theory fiting badly to what you get on practice, what such noobs tend to do then. the problem is how you used it


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    IR may help you understand your mistake
    by other ways it's not hard to fool yourself for noobs. especially for close types, if you have EIE

    you do not fit to EII, very doubtful to be ESI and seems now is motivated mostly by emotions to assign yourself the wrong type

    alike does mesn by assigning himself LSE without good basis. and alike you who hides the normal typing material about yourself as video to inspire lesser doubts in local noobs. and to easier fool them about own type, to get lesser disagreements and such to support own mistyping by geting positive external opinions

    without normal typing material - your typing by others is more a game. and you have no typing skills and data to understand own type correctly.
    if you'll be typing people near you to check own type and will get good fiting to IR theory - only then you'll have the basis to be sure in own typology understanding and some own type.
    until that - you just play in types. alike does mesn with his unreasonable hysterics here and many other F types who stable assign themselves some types by emotional reasons. one more mistyped noob has appeared. do not blame the typology later when will be getting the theory fiting badly to what you get on practice, what such noobs tend to do then. the problem is how you used it

    Conversations with you are low-quality and useless: you didn't actually answer to any of my points. Please, stop mentioning me. Either that or agree to actually debate.

    You had my video, you didn't even attempt to type me by that. Nobody seems to type me "a F type" besides you. You can't type and you are way too sure of yourself to be an LSE (again, a dialectical-algorithmic type) after committing so many mistakes and actually never learning from them. You have no Ne, you refuse facts if they don't fit your theory (no way a Te lead), and, as far as I can recall, you couldn't even see that I've posted a video, long enough to VI me (it was actually hilarious). I have screens and actual evidence. Should I make a thread about typing you, Sol?

    (Mentioning with no pinging is a dirty play, you know)

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