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Thread: Hi, I need your help me to figure out my type please ? (:

  1. #1

    Smile (Video) Hi, I need your help me to figure out my type please ? (:

    Hi everyone ! ^^


    So I'm new here, I come from MBTI and enneagram lands (self certified and 100% sure to be an INFP 9) to discover the wonderful land of socionics. As you may had understand I struggle to find my socionics type. (I try to forget MBTI to do this to totally start from the beginning with socionics.) I would be glad if you could help me ! I relate in parts of EII, IEI and even IEE and SEI (even if I'm an introverted and more of a dreamer but who knows ?) (; I relate more with Delta and Alpha quadra, and with the IP temperament. ( I don't really see myself as rational " serious and prepared as IJs seem to be...) I 'm more go-with-the flow, random, "every thing gonna be all right", disorganized, lalala ! xD

    So here some inputs of myself, I'll try to make it not too long and random ! (Since I'm not the most logical, methodic and concise mind ah ah !)
    I'm introverted (with little parts of ambiversion) Being with people doesn't drain me that much, but I still love my time for me. I don't have many friends. I spend most of my time with my boyfriend and my family. In general I prefer small groups (of course not with my boyfriend or very very close friends !) I hate forced solitude. It can makes me sad and frustrated. But even if I'm introverted I love to be on stage as an member of a non professional theater company.
    I feel my emotions deeply, I can feel easily vexed, frustrated, personally hurt. But, as an enneagram 9 (who hates conflict, who wants harmony) I try to not be dramatic. I dare to be more "reactive" with my closed ones. (But hum, for example when I was little at school when others children mocked me I reacted violently (screaming, insulting, crying...) I have morals, I know what I like or dislike. Often I struggle to understand why people don't see things like me. And I can be kind of annoying at this regards, mostly with my loved ones ! xD My feelings can often be read in my face. I feel more often happy, content. I hate bad feelings, I deny them. I respect others feelings and want mines to be respected as well. I think I'm rigid for my idea and opinions (what I like and dislike) but very adaptable and open-minded. I will totally don't make a fuss if a plan is modified. (I don't really make plans, so ! :p ) I don't know if I'm good to keep meaningful and deep friendships... I'm a mess in general to have deep conversations. I often feel like I don't have interesting things to say... The person with who I feel more at ease for that is my boyfriend. I like deep conversations but small talk doesn't bother me. I try to always be polite and nice. I hate when can people have a bad view of me, rumors... I see myself as compassionate, but not empathic. I can be a shoulder to cry on, but I'm awful to give advice. I hate cold logical and practical when I feel bad. Just comfort me, make me smile or laugh, I don't care for cold advices. I can feel stressed If I feel for example that my boss is in a bad mood. I fear how she will talk to me, I fear to make something bad that will make here angry towards me...

    In relations, love and friendship I'm really loyal.

    People who just meet me would said that I'm shy, quiet, reserved and head-in-the-clouds. People who know me well would said that I'm kind, easy-going, smiling, dreamy, childlike, seeing the world with pink-colored glasses, kind of spacey, calm "too zen", rarely worried (but weirdly completely panic in certain stressful situations, unable to act), random, too lazy, and being able to appear serious at moments and funny/silly at others moments. I try to not take myself too seriously. I hate to think that I can be too serious or boring. ( But it's true that I show more my fun side only when I feel at ease. I think that for example in a concert when everybody screams that is a little bit weird and annoying.)

    My mind is kind of random and scattered. There is a big part of me who is not in the reality. I have a great imagination. I love to draw, read, write. I love fantasy. I can imagine myself being in a movie when I watch or think of one, or being at a singer place on stage. I can have few idea and randoms thoughts at the same time, or being totally absorbed by one thing. Once I don't mind being interrupt, once it makes me feel inconfortable. I'm easily distracted. People often tell me " pay attention !" I appear calm, lazy, slow, but internally I feel that I'm "speed", impatient, waiting for the futur. I can feel easily bored when something doesn't interest me. I struggle to patiently listen a long discours, for example. And even I have an interest I'm distracted at a moment: I watch a movie, it pleases me, but at a moment I need to take my phone and check Facebook... My concentration is not high. I have changed few times what I want to do in my life.
    I leaved different kind of studies and jobs.

    But I'm not really in search for novelty and experiment. I'm quite spontaneous, but I love the routine, also. Home sweet home. I just want to live a peaceful and happy life with my loved ones. I love simple things (go to the restaurant, go to the movies, a walk in the forest...) As an intuitive according to the MBTI, I don't feel completely different than sensors. I'm quite in tunes with the present.
    I don't think I appear as totally neat and proper, but I like to feel pretty, I put a bit of effort in it, but not to much. Even if I appear unaware of my surroundings, a little part of me pay attention to it. I appreciate beautiful things, smooth and cozy environnements. I love to design and decor my home. In clothes I have my one style. I can be disturbed by too loud noises, bad smells... I can be picky for the food. And I, normally, I guess, pay attention if I'm cold, hungry... But I'm not a big sleeper. And I don't really like to put my comfort away for work for example, I have a hard time going to work If I'm sick or doing something if I'm sick.

    I'm suck in every-day tasks, daily baisis. They don't simply don't interest me. I can do them If I want and If I put efforts in them, but yeah... I need a certain organisation and to prepare myself " today it's laundry, let's go". I can have a certain routine for that. I'm more "play and work after."
    I'm not pragmatic, logical and strategic at all. I use my heart and my guts, not my head. I'm awful at sciences, maths. I'm more literal, artistic I'm a mess for organized things. I suck to understand how to be efficient, how to manage a team... Sometimes I can be assertive, bossy, but it's not my better quality.

    I'm a mess with my body, sooo clumsy, my movements are not "flawing". (But I have high coordinations and dexterity problems, so it's why !) It's like I often don't know how to use it. At school I hated sport the most, because I was really awful and akward. I would have loved to know how to dance, but hum show a choreography or some steps I'm totally unable to do them ha ha !

    I'm so passive ! One of my flaws it that I count a lot to others people to do things, take initiatives. In groups and teams I feel like so lost in my mind and stressed when we need to do things, to be efficient. I'm often unable to follow processes that others wants. Alone it's better, I do things as I want, not worried about the processes, the result is the most important ! I can be sooo random and "well, why worry and put so much effort in it" and for certains things kind of perfectionist ( it depends, at work I'm little bit different. I try to be serious, meticulous, perfectionist because I don't want troubles, but it's not my true nature... I struggle to achieve my goals. I give up easily. I often have the impression that my efforts rarely pay... I rarely take initiatives but I'm always open when my friends propose to do something, except when it can make me feel not at ease, insecure, or if it can be dangerous (I'm not very adventurous.) I often need to be push away from my little comfort zone...

    So that's it, feel free to ask me questions if needed.
    Thank you in advance, see you ! ((: (and sorry for my english, I'm french !)
    Last edited by LaFeeMoineau; 06-27-2019 at 07:42 AM.

  2. #2


    socionics test -

    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.


    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.


    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.


    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.


    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.


    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.


    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.


    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.


    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.


    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.


    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.


    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.


    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.


    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).


    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.


    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.


    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.


    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.


    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.


    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).


    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.


    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.


    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.


    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.


    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.


    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.


    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.


    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.


    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.


    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.


    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.


    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.


    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)


    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.


    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).


    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.


    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.


    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.


    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.


    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.


    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.


    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.


    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.


    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.


    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.


    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.


    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.


    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.


    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.


    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.


    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.


    2. I love order, systems and sequences.


    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.


    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.


    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.


    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.


    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.


    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.


    9. I can easily understand algebra.


    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.


    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.


    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.


    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.


    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.


    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.


    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.


    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.


    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.


    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.


    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.


    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.


    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.


    3. I prefer to be a homebody.


    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.


    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.


    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.


    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.


    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.


    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.


    10. I prefer to meet in private.


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    I recommend to make a 10 min video

  4. #4
    WinnieW's Avatar
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    Hello LaFeeMoineau,

    based on your answers I'd say: Ethical type + Introverted Sensing.
    Weak valuing of Extroverted Sensing and logical reasoning.

  5. #5


    Thanks for your responses (:
    @Sol good idea ! But can I do my video in French and add a questionnaire in english ? My english accent is bad, I will search my words, I won't be natural, it won't be flawing (x
    @WinnieW thanks for your input ! So SEI maybe ? ^^

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    Quote Originally Posted by LaFeeMoineau View Post
    can I do my video in French and add a questionnaire in english ?
    to use native language for video is acceptable and generally better when English questionnaire is added

  7. #7


    @Sol aaah I made a video in english finally /: Well, I hope it will make it...

    So yeah there is the link : Type me part 1
    (I hope I don't look tooo awkward ! (x
    and the first part of the questionnaire :
    There will be others parts (more detailed about how I think to use the different functions...)

    QUESTIONNAIRE PART I : General information

    Please, introduce yourself and tell us about:
    – your favorite subjects in school, interests, hobbies?

    I'm 31 years old, I'm french and I think of myself as dreamie, kind, easy going, going with the flow, seeing the world with pink colored glasses, with deep feelings, childlike, scattered, random, imaginative, creative, calm but nervous in certain situations, clumsy, and slugghish.
    At school I loved arts, literature and history. I hated sport and sciences.
    My hobbies are quite simple: watching Netflix, losing myself on the internet searching things about things that interest me: psychology, history and so on ( I don't have many real interests...) spending time with my boyfriend and my family. I like to think of myself as unique, but I guess I'm just a normal girl !
    I'm sooo lazy, it's a shame but I don't know why I kind of doing nothing really interesting of my free time. I should write, draw, read. I like to do that but yeah...
    Fortunately my boyfriend is here to push me away of my comfort zone, and with him I go out, I see and do cool and interesting things (we visit museum, we go visit a city in week-end, we go for a walk in the forest...) Better to always stay at home like I often do when I'm alone ah ah !
    But I'm part of a no-work theatre company, I love that ! It totally feed my imagination ! I love to play and pretend to be a character, to have to wear costumes...

    – where do you study or work or maybe where you would you like to study or work?

    I'm currently search a job as computer graphic designer. I would like to exerce in a company in which I will feel good, with a good atmosphere, with benevolents people, with nice boss and colleagues. Without colleagues or boss who give you pressure, who bosses you all day long. Not in company that give you stress and fear... I want harmony, and yeah to feel good.

    – what do your close people appreciate in you including your friends and colleagues?

    I guess they appreciate my kindness, my positive and peaceful attitude. I've been told that I have a calming effect. I try to always be polite, nice, smiling.
    They appreciate my loyalty too.

    -what do they criticize you for sometimes?

    To be too peaceful ha ha ! I struggle to say no, to say my opinions, and I'm so adaptable that it's always : " Do you want to do that ?" " Yes, as you want !" It can be bothering for others !
    Sometimes I fear that can be taken as hypocrisy...
    To be too messy, disorganized, distracted, unpractical and unlogical.
    To be too childlike and "doesn't matter, avoidant of adults matters.

    – what do you think your personality type is or maybe?

    Tricky question ! EII or IEI or SEI or IEE maybe ?

    – what results do you usually get on tests including the results of the associative tests?

    EII, IEI, SEI and IEE ( I guess I'm at least an ethical/feeler ! But I'm open to all proposition and possibilities, maybe you will find that I'm a logical type (;

    Last edited by LaFeeMoineau; 06-25-2019 at 09:51 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaFeeMoineau View Post
    @WinnieW thanks for your input ! So SEI maybe ? ^^
    SEI is a valid option for your type, based on your answers.

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    glasses should not be by the recommendations in my link. this may reduce the accuracy

    mb EIE

  10. #10


    Aaah yes damm ! /:

    Thanks for your thoughts !

  11. #11
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Thanks for the video

    I agree with Sol, you seem EIE. (ENFJ if you are more familiar with mbti)

    (IEI / INFP also possible)
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  12. #12
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    EIE, in their own head kind of type.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

  13. #13


    Thanks for your responses @Tallmo and @Troll Nr 007 ^^
    EIE ? Interesting ! So I have Ni and Fe ? Can EIE be shy and kind of introvert and INFP in MBTI ? Or maybe I can consider IEI ? (:

    Hum gosh my video is awful, I will make another I think (x

  14. #14
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaFeeMoineau View Post
    Thanks for your responses @Tallmo and @Troll Nr 007 ^^
    EIE ? Interesting ! So I have Ni and Fe ? Can EIE be shy and kind of introvert and INFP in MBTI ? Or maybe I can consider IEI ? (:

    Hum gosh my video is awful, I will make another I think (x
    There are definitely very passive looking and observing EIE's out there. Based on what you wrote and told it fits in quite well with EIE. I don't think IEI is good one (and they tend to be more graceful in their movements and less fantasy prone etc).
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

  15. #15
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    People that say you’re EIE are CRAZY lol. They were probably high on drugs or smokin somethin.

    Clearly, after watching your video your friends that describe you as “shy quiet in the clouds” were correct; I’d hardly describe EIEs like that even though there are quieter ones.

    My question is; do you like being around people with strong willpower, being pushed in a helpful way? If you do that’s Se-valuing and you’d be IEI... If not then SEI.

  16. #16


    Ok I see, thank you (:

    I just took the aimtoknow test and go SEI (but in the detailed results introverted and intuitive.)
    Last time I've got IEE....(but as introverted)

    Here another video in french this time, most for visual body language, and how I act (the video has cut before I finish, but I think it's okay, I was just talking about the same things that I told in my first post, a description about me (:) If needed I will try to add subtitles.
    Last edited by LaFeeMoineau; 06-27-2019 at 07:44 AM.

  17. #17


    @peteronfireee Hi, thanks for your inputs (:
    Hum good question, it depends how the person tries to push me. My sister is an ESTJ in MBTI and she tries often to push me. I know she do that for help me, she is my sister. But hum I can don't take that very well sometimes and kind of stubborn...
    I don't really know...

  18. #18
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    A quick check to either confirm or rule out a whole quadra @LaFeeMoineau. Life, is it ultimately a game we all cannot help but play in some form? If you think that's a damned profound way of putting your experience of existence then hey, welcome to the Gamma club. If not, then you've at least knocked out a whole quadra from your considerations.

    Seriously though, life's a game, can't not play it as all attempts not to can be, in fact, ingenious ways of playing it. For instance, my insistence on total honesty. I won't lie to your face. If X is X, if the emperor is indeed naked as a newborn, damn the consequences I'll tell ya, to your face, loudly, and repeatedly if need be. I'll die an honest man if nothing else, and that has to count for something. In fact it does, because that will earn you a reputation for "honesty", and you'd be surprised as to how valuable/powerful that reputation can be.

  19. #19


    @End Thanks for your response ^^
    Hum, based in what you explain I don't think I'm a Gamma. I don't see life as a kind of play, and completly not the one to tell others in their faces durty/ hurting true (If I have understand well what you say (:)

  20. #20
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Your French video was different. You're more fluent and outgoing. But I still think EIE (ENFJ).

    It's common that people mistype themselves in MBTI. That's because MBTI doesn't give you all relevant information you need to type yourself, such as the relationships. The types should be considered the same, but once you've learned Socionics you don't need MBTI anymore.

    Subtype could be Normalizing or maybe a hint of Creative?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  21. #21
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    I think I can see EIE, too, just as @Sol and @Tallmo do.

    If you are EIE, then you and I share Ni and Se, but you are socially expressive with Fe, while I am coldly logical with Te. I also appeared very introverted in the past, but much less so as I've gotten older.

    Granted, your self-description of being introverted doesn't correspond to most EIE's, but I've met an EIE female who is very circumspect. You resemble her a lot, and you also have some of the same expressions as an EIE male whom I know. The EIE male is married to an LSI technical writer, and the EIE female is in the Air Force and has a male LSI assistant. The EIE male also seems very quiet and unobtrusive most of the time, while nevertheless being able to emotionally manipulate everyone around him.

    I don't think you are IEI. You seem to have more Se than they do. You just seem to have more social assurance than the IEI's that I know.

  22. #22


    Thanks for your thoughts ! Woah, it's weird that I can be typed as EIE ! ^^ I will think about it.
    Do you think I was mistyped in MBTI ?
    But I have to say that I relate more with the IEI .dichotomies. For example I see myself as irrational.

    @Tallmo Maybe I'm more outgoing in the 2nd video because I was alone, fearing not that someone see me or hear me speaking to me computer ah ah, and so I could act like when I'm really at ease, like what I could be with few really closed persons ? (: And I guess theatre gave me some speech assurance. People are often surprised about that, since I'm shy in general. It's weird.

    What is the subtypes ?
    @Adam Strange interesting ! So EIEs can have two sides If I may say, the shy and quiet one and then the outgoing, inspiring "manipulating" one without really being aware of it ? (:
    Can you explain me please why you think I have more Se than IEIs ? (:
    Hum maybe the fact I seem more social than IEIs it's because I'm so/sx ? ^^

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaFeeMoineau View Post
    @End Thanks for your response ^^
    Hum, based in what you explain I don't think I'm a Gamma. I don't see life as a kind of play, and completly not the one to tell others in their faces durty/ hurting true (If I have understand well what you say (
    Needs a bit of piecing together but I think I got the gist and thus can help ya further clarify. Life is not a play to us, but a game. One that is fully fleshed out in essentially all ways you can think of. Hence, why you cannot not play it as the "game" is just that all encompassing and well thought out that, as I said, any attempt to not play will still be a valid and in fact balanced way to play. Can't escape the game no matter how much ya try. So ya might as well acknowledge that .

    Also, a painful truth that needs to be heard is a thing we will tell a person we love, but only when the time is right. One must wait for the "teaching moment" to present itself. To try and force it or actively try to make it happen will ensure it never occurs. Wait for the proper moment, then try to teach them a truth. You may fail yes, but at least you weren't trying to cram something down their throat. Ya just can't force people to be the way you want them to be. I mean, ya can, but it never really ends well for anyone long term...

  24. #24


    @End Ok thanks ! Hum yes I guess it's better to wait for the proper moment to tell someone a painful truth (:

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Ya just can't force people to be the way you want them to be. I mean, ya can, but it never really ends well for anyone long term...
    Yes true ! ^^

  25. #25
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaFeeMoineau View Post
    Thanks for your thoughts ! Woah, it's weird that I can be typed as EIE ! ^^ I will think about it.
    Do you think I was mistyped in MBTI ?
    But I have to say that I relate more with the IEI .dichotomies. For example I see myself as irrational.
    EIE is said to be one of the most internally focused types and in many cases very much in their head. In comparison to LII's say that they tend to really be external. Go figure! F and N are said to be internal by some whilst T and S are external if that helps you to sort out your thoughts.
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  26. #26


    @Troll Nr 007 Okay I see thank you, I will check it yes (:
    Maybe I'm in fact an ambivert/extroverted who doesn't know it ha ha, an extroverted with social anxiety (I'm insecure, not sure of myself, I fear people judgment, I fear to be see as stupid, to not know what to say...) or I don't know, who acts like an introverted, who knows ^^ My dad and my boyfriend who are introverted seem to be more drained than me by social interactions when I think about it...

  27. #27
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Yes, you definitely have quite clear social anxiety symptoms.

    It is not directly type related (deals much more with nervous system and life experiences and stuff like that).
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    Sincerely yours,
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  28. #28


    Yes ! ^^

  29. #29
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    Based on the first few minutes:

    Clear Involutionary (result) type. Information always coalescing inwards

    Overall impression is ESI

    edit: or IEI
    Last edited by nefnaf; 06-29-2019 at 03:05 AM.

  30. #30


    Thank you @nefnaf (:

  31. #31


    This is a big problem. How I see it, you'll have to first do 5 sit ups and 14 push ups every day for 2 weeks as to stimulate your physical senses which will then be more aware your the ground/root. Only from the ground will you be able to tell which way is up while maintain a steady eye.
    While doing these exercises you will eventually have an explosive feeling of enlightenment. Go immediately and dri k some water and sit down on a chair or somewhere safe. Open Mockingjay to chapter 4 paragraph *52. And decipher the code. This will give you 3 different number separated by a semi colon ( ; ) : first the latitude, then the longitude, then an extra integer you will use later. As you might've guessee using your iNtUitI0n, this is a representing a location. WAIT! Don't go yet. Remember that extra integer I mentioned? Multiply the latitude and divide the longitude by this value. This will give you the real location.
    Go to this location and start digging in the ground. After digging a while (few minutes) you'll find a little treasure chest. Carefully open this chest and look at the items from left to right. Get a piece of paper and write down the first letter of the item to the left. Now look at the middle one and write the first letter of the item's name to the right of the last letter you wrote down. Repeat this for the last item. This will go e you a 3 letter combination which will correspond to your real socionics type.
    Hope this helps, and best of luck

  32. #32


    @0N0A0N0D0E0 Lol, you are funny ! (x

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