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Thread: How to find/recognize ISTps: characteristics, style, traits, and real life observations of SLIs

  1. #1

    Default How to find/recognize ISTps: characteristics, style, traits, and real life observations of SLIs

    well... any tips? i love meeting new people and im interested in duality, not to say im ruling out other types cuz i think it can still work, but i want to meet my dual sometime just to c what the hell they r like in real life?

    so for example, im at a party, where is the istp most likely going to be standing? or would they not even go to the party? any tips on how to quickly recognize them, especially by phycical traits. i heard somewhere that they like to wear really laid back clothes, sports jerseys, sweatpants, t-shirts (btw, sexy as hell right there so if ur an istp and u want to attract an enfp keep that crap up, i hate it when girls dress up really slutty).

    i have the feeling from what ive seen and heard on this forum that if i meet an istp things will just kinda click from there cuz it seems like exactly the person i would be interested in if i ran into them somewhere, im just curious if anyone has some tips on the whole running into them part, where would i look?

    also, how willing are they to open up? i love a challenge but lately ive been getting blown off a fair amount so im starting to give up a little easier if a girl doesnt call back when i call her. are they the type of people who will not answer a phone to see if you try again? or do they just kinda go w/ the flow and leave it up to you to decide the social stuff... remember ive never met an istp that i know of so im just trying for information here, lol

    ne ways i kinda rambled on and stuff, help me out and give me some tips, who knows, if your an istp and u give me good enuf advice i could run into you and we could become best buddies
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    meatburger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recognizing ISTP's

    Hehe. You remind me so much of myself!

    Quote Originally Posted by timeofurlife42
    so for example, im at a party, where is the istp most likely going to be standing?
    They tend to stand downwind and normally next to pot plants if at all possible. ISTp men are likely to be in the driveway doing burn outs and ISTp girls standing under mistletoe ready for you to kiss them. :wink:

    Sorry bout that. ISTp's are actually really easy to spot. I can pick them out quite easy now, you just have to consciously look. Girls are a little harder for me to find if its under quick circumstances. If you work with them etc you will realise quite fast though.

    This probablly not entirely correct, but if i see someone who is quieter and doesn't talk to loud i investigate further. The facial features can be non-expressive calm and un-flinching which is entirely hot.

    I worked with an ISTp woman for years, and i had not the fainest idea. She truly did slip into the background. Now she approaches me occasionally. She is quite firery. I met another one at Soccer who had a boyfriend and she used to yell out and give the other team shit. Very vocal. I found it funny. She called me a hottie last time i saw her but she had a boyfriend on the team

    I think they often have a down to earth Aura and can also give you the impression of someone who would set your bins on fire.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Were interested in you Enjio because you are our duals. You guys should be interested in us too as i think every ISTp can benefit from knowing ENFp's(and vice versa).

    ENFp are always maintaining relationships with people. We often have to push people away or pull them closer. The idea of a compatible relationship where that is required less is really nice. Im starting to think ENFp guys are often likely to be single(or that could just be from my limited experiences). I can forsee an incompatible relationship before it even starts so i often dont start it. We get bored easily so i dont want to start one then dump her once im over it as my history has shown

    ISTp's are exciting and interesting creatures even if they dont know it
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Yeah, I'm fairly new to this whole socionics thing myself so the idea of meeting someone that I didnt have to really work hard to impress (or repel) sounds great. I'm an ENFp what are ISTp males normally like. For example, is there a typical body build, facial expression, etc...

    Are there any ISTp males that have had dual relationships?
    IEE-ENFp-Advisor subtype

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    As far as at parties go, I think ISTps can be very different when they've been drinking.

    I think you should just chat with everybody, and then if it clicks, maybe it's because it's an ISTp.

    I didn't know about socionics when I met my husband so I wasn't on the lookout for ISTps or anything. But I did consciously decide to stop dating the types of guys I was dating (ENTjs, ESTps, guys more like that). I had mainly just dated guys who initiated things. But the relationships just weren't working out so I decided to start looking for guys who were very different from that.

    The first time I met my husband, we were at a party and he was drunk. He was quite outgoing. The next time I saw him he wasn't friendly at all and I thought he decided he didn't like me. Then I saw him again and he started out very austere but got more friendly as the evening went on. After that he asked me out on a proper date. I don't think I was sure I even wanted to go on a date at that point, but I didn't "get" him and I was curious about what was going on in his head. I think the duality thing can be kind of stealthy.

    It's been a long time now and it's hard to remember. It's like looking back to a previous life or something. LOL
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    Look for the people who tend to stay out of the main action, at a party, in a group or whatever, we usually prefer to be at the edges. For example, in my old work, I used to always sit at the end of the table at lunch, I liked to have more space physically and not be so close with people either side of me where they were watching everything I was doing. I felt uncomfortable being in the middle of the table. In meetings in my new job now, I always sit at the back, behind other people, I dont like it when im near the front and my manager is right in front of me, with other people behind, its really uncomfortable.

    Quote Originally Posted by enjio
    As for phone calls... I hate talking on the phone. I'm very in-tune with peoples' body language, so not being able to see them or what they're doing makes me paranoid
    Yeah, I dont like phones at all, it's not that I feel paranoid they are laughing at me, its something about not being able to see them that I really dont like. My phone calls are always really short, "where", "what time" and "cya later".

    We usually dress so that we dont stand out aswell, I always stay away from bright colours, and go for darker things, I like to wear pretty jewlery though. I saw someone the other day with bright pink hair, and I thought it looked really good, but I would never get it done myself.

    Are there any ISTp females that have had dual relationships? I want to find an ENFp but there arnt any round here Come back!, dont get bored so quickly!, I get the impression most ENFp's are very busy people, is this true?
    Friendly ISTp
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    I've never really been in to 'trends' when it comes to what I wear. As long as it matches, looks good and is comfortable, I wear it. Some guy called me a goth the other day. Ruined my night. All black is sliming, damnit! It doesn't mean i worship the devil.

  8. #8


    They tend to stand downwind and normally next to pot plants if at all possible. ISTp men are likely to be in the driveway doing burn outs and ISTp girls standing under mistletoe ready for you to kiss them. Wink
    haha, that cracked me up, so i just gotta set up some mistletoe and jump on the first girl i c there, wish it was that simple

    thanks for all the input guys, so for those of you istp's who responded, and any future ones to read this thread, u say u like a certain amount of personal space, how weirded out would u be if someone came up to you and tried to start a conversation?
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    meatburger's Avatar
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    Hehe - Winkies!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by timeofurlife42
    how weirded out would u be if someone came up to you and tried to start a conversation?
    Mate what is one of your strongest abilities? I hazard a guess its talking to strangers and making them feel comfortable. No one is more qualified than you.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Hehe - Winkies!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by timeofurlife42
    how weirded out would u be if someone came up to you and tried to start a conversation?
    Mate what is one of your strongest abilities? I hazard a guess its talking to strangers and making them feel comfortable. No one is more qualified than you.
    Yea, I think that's very true!
    I don't think I've met any ISTps yet, it's either there aren't many in my country, or I'm bad at noticing them.

    I've been typing people subconsciously ever since I discovered this forum, but none of them seem ISTp.

    Quote Originally Posted by enjio
    I kinda find it hard to believe that people are actually interested in ISTPs.
    Why not? So far, I find the ISTps on this forum very interesting. > <
    And as duals, how can I not be interested?

    This thread is pretty useful so far, in recognizing ISTps, also I remember mikemex's post on ISTps in another thread. That was useful too.
    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Type compatibility makes things easier, but it will never make things to work automatically. Like everything else in life, it requieres experience and the ability to turn experience into practical knowledge.

    I'm lucky in the sense of have experienced duality from early chilhood. My best friend of that time was ISTp and supported me very much. I also realized, unfortunately after losing contact with him, that I also supported him in ways that were not so visible to me. He didn't had a mother (his parents were divorced) and I gave him plenty of emotional support he desperately needed. Like they say, duality is a relationship of mutual benefit.

    Since then I've known other ISTp and I've learned how to approach them effectively. Maybe it will be helpful to other fellow ENFp.

    ISTp are extremelly quiet. You'll always find them observing, but keeping silence. They rarely want to readly approach you. So that's one thing to keep in mind: they are responsive.

    Do not try to approach them directly the first time you get in contact. Instead, try to talk to other people in front of them. We ENFp tend to have a very developed sense of humor and try to be nice with everyone. The ISTp will notice it readly and will start to be interested and since he doesn't feel the pressure to open up, he will have plenty of time for the "introvert" stuff.

    After a few times of observing you in secret, the ISTp will probably develop a sense of trust for you. So it's the time to start making stuble signals of interest in them.

    For example, my favourite way is to laugh at a joke made by someone else and turn to look the ISTp face with the smile. Do it a few times and the ISTp will feel overwhelmed... "hey, he's looking at me!". In the very deep, ISTp feel invisible to most people, as if no one really cares about them.

    Once you see their faces change (because you will notice if you are truly an ENFp), the contact is entablished. A good deal in communication between the ISTp and the ENFp is done with gestures and not words.

    However, to ensure that your interest in the ISTp is obvious, you might want to do something else: ask them about their opinion when you are discussing something with someone else. The ISTp also feels amused when someone considers their opinion important. Also, it's an excellent way to ask for their name and other personal details, for example.

    P.S. If you want to know where to find ISTp, just try to pay attention to all people around you and not only the ones your are interested in. We miss most of them (ISTp) because we tend to ignore people who doesn't respond to us readly.
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    I'd also like to know ways to spot ISTps. I've noticed a few so far. They really do blend in. We had a tennis instructor who was one. Very patient and easy going, but fair and take charge too. A much better teacher than the rest, in my opinion.

    during a tennis drill, I kept getting out and got really frustrated and half-kiddingly said "nooo!!" and stomped around (half-kidding, but not really)and he hit an extra ball to me so I could try to hit it. I thought that was nice, as he recognized I wanted to get it right. The other teachers just say "out. next."

    They seem really calm, almost sleepy? They seem friendly in a quiet way, or maybe open is a better word, not really friendly I guess.

    Some seem to be the grumpy sub-type, and others seem more happy go lucky in a quiet way. anyone notice this?

    I'm hoping to meet more in real life and become more than aquaintances w/ some so I have more to report
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    They are diverse. Jewels they probablly blend in to us because thats apparently what happens with Duals.

    Yeah ISTp's are a little boring! Mea - Here is one i know going about his day in his usual monotonous way

    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    They do say you dont notice your duals in the beginning as much as other types, but when you get to know them, they are great and grow on you. I think this i definately the case for ENFp's, although not the other way around, I dont know of a single ISTp who dosent really like ENFp's and notice them straight away, we all do! <3

    Generally for the other dual pairs though I think this is true, you duals dont have a big impact on you, and it takes a bit of time to realise how compatible you are.
    Friendly ISTp
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    Flower's motto: Life's too short even to do the things you want to, let alone the things you dont!!

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    Never knew ISTP's were so "in demand". I get the impression on a daily basis no one even notices I exist. Either that or they think I'm very stand-offish and won't approach me.

  15. #15


    According to some forgotten site I remember reading, it can be difficult at first to locate your dual because the extrovert initially sees their dual as rather bland and the introvert sees their dual as being too good for them. The relationships that seem to just *click* immediately might actually be activity relations rather than dual relations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Typeless Wonder
    According to some forgotten site I remember reading, it can be difficult at first to locate your dual because the extrovert initially sees their dual as rather bland and the introvert sees their dual as being too good for them. The relationships that seem to just *click* immediately might actually be activity relations rather than dual relations.
    That was on, but it was from one of the descriptions Ganin got from Victor Gulenko, so I think you can find it on a bunch of other sites too.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
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    the ISTP i knew sits in the corner and broods, sometimes cracks sarcastic jokes, no concern for appearance, plain clothes, plain hair cut, no jewerly, when they do smile though, it's a very contagious smile that lights up their brooding face, not a lot of sympathy for people like if you tell him about this cat who got ran over by a car, he'd just laugh or be like 'so'

  18. #18


    interesting.... so im home for thanksgiving right now and i got to looking at my high school yearbook, because we have the mbti type of all the seniors listed next to their name (i know its not the same as socionics but its close right?)

    ne ways, i just found out that two of my best friends in high school were istp's, the only 2 in the class, they were both guys but still, that gives me something to look for because i know how they act.

    this leads to a new question tho, how close is the socionics istp to the mbti istp? i kno that the enfp is pretty much the exact same (at least for me) but i know some other types are really different so who knows

    i just think its interesting because these 2 guys fit about every description given here and it took me a while to apreciate them, but once i started hanging out w/ them we got along great and r still friends a couple years out
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    I don't think I've met any ISTps yet, it's either there aren't many in my country, or I'm bad at noticing them.
    @ Mea: you r right. I noticed that too. one of the few ISTps I have encountered is my driving instructor.

    Quote Originally Posted by timeofurlife42
    this leads to a new question tho, how close is the socionics istp to the mbti istp? i kno that the enfp is pretty much the exact same (at least for me) but i know some other types are really different so who knows

    i just think its interesting because these 2 guys fit about every description given here and it took me a while to apreciate them, but once i started hanging out w/ them we got along great and r still friends a couple years out
    I think the istp descriptions for both socionics and mbti matched very closely. that's y i don't understand y is mbti ISTj theoretically socionics ISTp. maybe u can check out the ISTp female friends around your ISTp friends. They usually hang out together alot.

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    They like to fix engines and fly planes
    Mr. Crumbles

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    Do you even TRY to use your brain anymore?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Do you even TRY to use your brain anymore?
    , maybe mrcrumbles is new and still stuck in KIERSY/MBTI land. Or maybe he was just being sarcastic ne way, ISTPs can be found doing just about any thing, not just fixing cars and flying planes. I dont even think any on this forum do that stuff. I could be wrong but I havent heard about it yet.

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    The ISTps I know all like having goal-oriented projects, which could be cars and planes. For my husband, it is cars. But other ISTps I know have different goal-oriented projects they like working on. One is a crime scene investigator. One likes to quilt. I understand many ISTps like sports.

    I say goal-oriented because that's the best explanation I have for the difference between their projects and mine. I don't care if my projects ever get finished and the emphasis is on having fun or learning something new while I'm doing them, but ISTps seem to like projects where the main emphasis is on the goal. Like fixing a car so it will run. Or making a quilt where when you're finished you have a quilt. Their projects always really impress me because of how tangible and useful they are.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    Default Question for ISTps!


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    You can usually find me at the gym or the casino on any given night. I'm thinking about ditching the casino though, last night I lost 200 bucks...quite the expensive hobby. I also usually go to concerts / bars on the weekend. I wish I were the type that was content to be a home-body. I'm going broke.

    Activities? Hm, I think the above answers that question.

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    They also love to dance too. Check out the clubs. You don't have to bother about their hobbies. Most istp I know don't date girls who share the same hobbies. In fact, they purposely made it this way. I don't know why though.

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    Not sure if i'm an exception but what eunice said sounds nothing like me, maybe tounge-in-cheek particulary about the dancing comment?

    Anyway to Mea's questions,

    Usually at a bar/pub on weekends. Just about never go clubbing let alone dancing, to be honest I can't actually ever see me dancing.

    Activities that I enjoy, well anything associated with drinking.

    Anything Sport

    Like Jessica I gamble alot, poker once a week and the occasional visit to the casino, might need to cut down as well.

    Video games and sleep.
    SLI-Si subtype

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    haha, so I think we can all agree that drinking = good times. I actually re-counted the funds and it appears I actually lost $350 last night. Harsh. That's one activity that alcohol shouldn't be a part of but sadly, I can't pass up free drinks. They sure can suck you in.

    I myself refuse to ever dance in public. Actually, i won't even do it alone.

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    hahaha, I have a gambling addiction that i've done fairly well against as of lately...and I'm a borderline I'm sure I've met and will continue to meet many ISTp's in my life...lmao.

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    So the answer is simple. ENFPs seemed to be running around everywhere EXCEPT the places that ISTPs are ie: their house, dark bars, casinos, AA meetings etc. SO all we have to do is go to the places we dont really like to go and VIOLA there they'll be.

    We might get arrested.

    HOWEVER, I imagine that will only boost our chances of meeting more ISTPs, ie the lady cop the shoots you in the arm or clubs you on the head and cuffs you, the prison inmate who wants to snuggle

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    They're soooo VERY rare from where I come from.
    No, there are actually a lot of ISTps here, just that u don't know they are ISTps 'cos they are very quiet and usually in the background, and they can be rather shy to the opposite sex. I thought ENTps are rarer 'cos they are the easiest to spot among all the 16 types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    They're soooo VERY rare from where I come from.
    Wait, where are your from? Im curious. I wonder if certain places attract certain types or if populations have a greater number of one type over another. If its true ISTPs like to gamble would that mean that Las Vegas and Reno are teaming with them? How about Atlantic City gAsp Monte Carlo!

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    Oh gosh, don't mention vegas. I would move there in a heartbeat but I think it'd be guaranteed i'd become an alcoholic bum. Those $5 blackjack tables, i'd never leave!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessica
    I myself refuse to ever dance in public. Actually, i won't even do it alone.
    yeah, dancing and karaoke, worst inventions ever! Although I dont mind watching and listening to other people do them
    Friendly ISTp
    Interested in everything, yes, EVERYTHING
    Flower's motto: Life's too short even to do the things you want to, let alone the things you dont!!

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    You will usually find me:
    at work, in office or outdoors.
    at a bar, at night with friends
    in my house, being lazy
    in my yard, gardening
    in my house, working on something
    outdoors, doing some sport I like
    etc, etc

    oh and, I don’t mind dancing; it’s fun at times. Though I’ll never do karaoke. :wink:

    Just remember... if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
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    Quote Originally Posted by flower
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessica
    I myself refuse to ever dance in public. Actually, i won't even do it alone.
    yeah, dancing and karaoke, worst inventions ever! Although I dont mind watching and listening to other people do them
    Youre missing out. Last time we had Karaoke I could not get enough. I dont care if I can sing or not, its just pure corny fun. Throw on some music and I'll keep you well entertained. You'd just have to get into to mix though, it would be too irresistable.

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    I do know ENTps. Why are they rare just cuz they are easiest to spot? > <
    Many it's just like the description says.. It's hardest to spot your duals.
    haha....what I am trying to imply was extroverted people are generally easier to spot compared to introverted ones due to their outgoingness and outward energy that they radiated. I personally feel that ENTps are the easiest to spot 'cos they are really zany, full of ideas, and are always on-the-go etc.. But I seldom meet people IRL who are ENTps, and since they are so conspicuous, I'd have noticed them immediately.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    it's just like the description says.. It's hardest to spot your duals.
    yeah, life is strange. I was thinking that since it's hard to spot your dual, it will be even harder to get to know and be acquianted to them. And among all the duals u meet, u might not be romantically attracted to everyone of them. Most importantly, not all of them will know about socionics, so they don't really care about duality and will probably find their identical instead.

    About the rarity of ISTps here, there might be some truth to it. I remembered that I once read a journal article for one of my psychology modules about MBTI types here. At my college alone, the rarest types are surprisingly ISFps, followed by ISTps, and the most common types are ESTps, ESTjs, ISTjs, ENTjs, ENFps and INFps. And for the whole country, the most common types are ESTjs, ENTjs, ISTjs and ISFjs, and the rarest types are ISFps. Since the society here rewards hardworkingness and meritocracy, I guess the qualities of an ISFp and ISTp are not really encouraged here. Based on my personal experience, I have been called “lazy” before even though I’m just been myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Too many extraverts in this country. Umm. I'm often critisized as being lazy too.
    Too bad the govt is ISTj. Too ISTj for our own good.

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    To all ISTps: what motivates u in a relationship? Will u marry for money, or for love?

    I have an ISTp friend who is currently in a relationship with her identical. I seldom keep in touch with her these days, but the few times where I saw her with her bf, I don't feel that they have any chemistry or a sense of connection between them. Instead, they look more like they are good friends. I have heard from another good friend (who happens to be her best friend) that the relationship is not a loving one. It seems that she accepted the guy (who had made the first move) not because she loves him, but because he is from a rich family. To her, material gains are more important than feelings, especially since she is a rather logical person. She had even planned to be engaged to him after been with him for like a year. To please the guy, she enjoys buying expensive gifts for him as long as he is happy. However, her best friend also mentioned that the guy is a scrooge and refused to spend money on her despite coming from a rich family. Nevertheless, our friend still enjoyed investing on him, wishfully hoping that it might give her high returns in the long run. Her family didn't like him due to some matters, and tried to advise her, but she'd get all defensive and threatened to die if she didn't have her way. Even though she insisted things are going well, she'd nevertheless cry at night when there's no one around, for reasons unbeknownst to others.

    It really hurts me to see an old friend not having a satisfying relationship, but since I rarely contact her these days, I'm not in a position to interfere with her problems and such. I just hoped that things will take a good turn eventually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by flower
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessica
    I myself refuse to ever dance in public. Actually, i won't even do it alone.
    yeah, dancing and karaoke, worst inventions ever! Although I dont mind watching and listening to other people do them
    Shees, dancing is SO AWESOME! All the people that say that don't know what they are missing, but really!! It's like uhm, sex. Well, no, not at all, but still awesome ome ome ome ome ome.

    Mea: nah. None of the ISTps I know care that much about money in other people. But, they can be stingy.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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