Firstly, I would like to say that this is my first post here. But I've known about socionics for a long time. And I've known this forum for a long time. I just never made an account. Just saying this so you won't think that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

If you want a description, I'll do it afterwards. Right now I wanna describe something else.

Alright, Because I've been so well-acquainted with Socionics for so long, I've been to many sites. Seen many things, Read many things. And of course, I've seen Rick's site. And there is something I wanna show you from there.
From this, I can very surely say I'm ethical. That's all.

And from a topic from long, long ago (on this site) :

Extrovert (black) ethics

- Understanding the emotional state of a person, influence on his mood.
- Ability to force a person to reveal his emotions, show his feelings. Ability to find an individual approach to a person.
- Frank expression of the emotions, demonstration of feelings, epatage, inclination to theatricality (grandstand play).
- Impressionability, mood drops, passion, fanaticism, animation of diffirent objects.
- Creation of an emotional atmosphere in a collective or a society (stressing situation, enthusiasm, emotional rise). Management of an emotional background.
- Inclination to oratory, artistry (all spectrum of intonations, expressive pauses, significant sights, rich mimicry).

Introvert (white) ethics

- A moral estimation of the deeds of a person, his opinions.
- Abilityl to understand, estimate the relationship between people, conventions accepted in a collective, society.
- An emotional estimation of one’s attitude (sympathy, antipathy, trust, worship and so forth), its expression. An estimation of public attitudes (sympathies, popularity and so forth).
- Manipulation with relationship between people, ability to build relationship on any psychological distance and toto create and impose the norms of behaviour.
- Aspiration for humanistic ideals (philantrophy, mercy and so forth).
- Aspiration for mutual trust, call of duty, responsibility.

I can very surely say that I contain Extroverted Ethics in the Ego block.

And now I'm stuck. That's all I'm sure of.

Anyway, That wasn't the point of this post. I wanted to ask about intertype relations. I've been having conflicts with two people typed INTp and ISTp. I'm very sure of their types. Every fits, The temperaments, the dichotomies(as in extraverted-introverted, and the others, I don't trust Reinen dichotomies, why make an already complicated enough system more so) clubs, and other stuff. If I'm wrong, then I'm probably wrong about the INTp, but they're both at least Ixxp. I'm going to call the INTp "A" and the ISTp "B".

These conflicts aren't all out war, actually not even conflicts really. But it was something I was thinking about. Sooo... I'll start with "A" (Just so you know in advance, I'm keeping it gender neutral)

I have absolutely no problem with "A". "A" wouldn't hurt a fly. Honestly, "A" doesn't not possess the "life" to hurt a fly. I mean really, "A" lacks any and all personality. Not saying that "A" isn't a good person, "A" just isn't a perticularly dynamic individual. "A" lacks any and all personality, opinion, or curiosity. "A" thinks of themself as rebellious, and my particular opinion of "A" is that "A" is perhaps the most docile person you could ever meet. We never fight honestly, but what makes this relation so bad is "A"'s lack of responsiveness. "A" likes to act like a victim. Like their life is just so so bad. And I'm just like "well, it's your fault if your dead." What else can I tell them? It's their own fault that they let their personality die. Anyway, When I'm not disgusted at their regularity, we get along pretty well. My showiness, and oddities falls pretty well with "A" I'm pretty sure We've never been in a fight, or even a small argument. We've been in petty spats, but it was probably my fault anyway.

Alright, so "B". Me and "B" do not get along at all. Every single time we meet, we will eventually argue about something. And it's actually started by "B". "B" is perhaps the most sheepish person made. "B" puts absolutely no energy into anything. But that's not the problem. "B"'s also the meanest thing you will ever meet. Not in ideas, but in expression. And not to just anyone , just to me. Because this one day, I got the crazy idea to go talk to "B", he seemed interesting from afar. So after a few days, things were still cool, "B" was still interestingly aloof. But then hell descended. "B" is just really boring, but in an interesting twist, that is perhaps "B"'s most common complaint "I'm bored". And "B" is just so negative. "B" will complain about everything, And that;s another thing I just can't take. "B" also just criticizes me so much. Like if I'm doing something that I find fun, (and I find a lot of things fun), "B" will call it stupid and lame. If I enjoy racing, rolling, or tumbling, then let me enjoy racing, rolling, and tumbling. I'm not asking you to join me. I mean, at least I'm doing something to alleviate my boredom. What about "B"? No, "B" just sits there looking pathetic criticizing my actions. I don't try to talk to "B" and fact I try to avoid "B". Well, kinda. I'm too nice to just walk away. BUT, I try to say nothing to "B".

Question: Those two people I formed views of because of their lack of Fe. But what about the their Te side" I don't think I'm all that affected from it. How do they hit me with Te?

And this may sound really juvenile, and that might be because it is. I'm only in High school, so don't judge me as an adult. I admit, my problems may seem stupid if looked at from a certain angle, but they're not not. They're real enough to me.