Any views?

My experience with .

People have told me that intuitives can understand sensors but sensors cannot understand intuitives because everyone has to be a 'little' sensing. I have realized there is a huge aspect I have neglected with my Si ability. Partly because I could not recognize this as being related to functions before. Whatever.

I know when someone is looking at me, even if they are directly behind me. If you were to try to explain this to an NT they would simply suggest it is coincidence, fluke, when someone turns their head you can maybe feel a subtle breeze my chance or some other logical explanation. This is because they cannot understand comprehend being so intune with the physical that you actually feel things other people dont even notice. Everything in our dimension can be interpretted as waves or fluxuations, vibrations of different frequency. When someone glances eyes on you, there is some sort of energy and or thoughts behind projected towards you.

Somehow makes you intune to these vibrations. Another observation is the less sleep Ive had the more intune I was to this (at first I thought it was some weird defence mechanism). I dont know if any intuitives will even find this interesting but I had to throw it out there. As much as I cannot comprehend the world of intuition and possibilities constantly flowing through you, you Ns cannot comprehend feeling these energy exchanges or whatever... (or what it feels like at least). However, I think my is so strong that I have EXTREMELY weak intuition as a result... This can have adverse affects such as paranoia, mistrust etc. It has its ups and downs. I would like to know your views regarding this, I bet half you are thinking: IcE is sooo INFp

Perhaps someone can create a similar thread to try to explain to me more thoroughly how works for you and its gifts and set backs. Thank you.