lsi, sli, ili, sle, lse, or ile? I don't really know. I've been trying really hard to understand my actions lately, but it doesn't really make sense. I am very demanding person in all facets of my life. I have a really hard time understanding my talents and abilities and see every opportunity as one for improvement. If I complete one task I automatically start questioning myself whether I should pursue the task/interest further. And really wondering if it's an area in which I am skilled. This invades my professional/social/personal choices.

An old friend called me recently and we were talking about getting together and near the end of our conversation he says, "well, it's really good to hear from you, heath." My face formed a sneer. I said, "Yeah, it's good to hear from you, too..." But after that-- it wasn't so good to hear from him.

I don't know what is pertinent. I'm trying not to spin any of my explanations in the direction of a specific type.