To begin with, how many INTps on this forum do not identify with this paragraph?


The Dynamist

Function Order:
Ni -> Te -> Si -> Fe -> Se -> Fi -> Ne -> Ti
Fe -> Si -> Te -> Ni -> Ti -> Ne -> Fi -> Se

The Dynamist relies on the currents of their times as the guiding forces
of their relationships. They seek a role which allows them to engage
external dynamics between fields. The relations between these
fields govern the relational characters of the objects within them.
These relational dynamics produce a coherent subjective perception,
which in turn dictates the evolution of time. This evolution is never
wholly acceptable. To change the undesired state of affairs, the Dynamist
requests suggestive content as to the strengths of the powers that be.
The balances of these strengths imply the dominant forces underlying
the undesirable status quo. The feelings produced by the adoption of
the most reasonable suggestion create in the self a potential for
change. This potential is drawn upon as personal knowledge; its acceptance
brings about a change in internal field statics. So adamant is this field
static that nothing can penetrate it: external field statics are
shifted, and with them the strength levels of the powers that be. The
external field statics produce new directions in time, each of which
implies a subjective experience. The selection of the most subjectively
favorable direction implies the emergence of the relational dynamics
it affords. The relations of these dynamics to each other in turn evoke
polarizations and collectivized field relationships. In the context
of these relationships a range of applicable relational dynamics may
be observed, the suitability of which invokes a new cycle.
One thing that has not yet been settled in socionics, is why we make the decisions we do. If all *normal* INTps were "XXXxs", then they would always be accepting information based on its relevance to the state of another function.

I'm preparing a VI resource... starting with the XXXxs because (for now) they've got a lot of my interest. I've done some research on the subject though, and if that research is correct I'll be interested in them for some time to come....


Notice the soft ESFj features and emotionally expressive eyes.

Rugged features, focus on guiding humanity.

The women seem very, very attractive. The guys, ...I could see them being handsome... they seem to have the "median" traits associated with handsomeness. It seems to me likely that given these individuals are the masters of the socion -- given their desire to organize/guide people on a large scale -- that it is evolutionary advantageous to pay attention to them, and that's exactly what their personalities demand: attention. It is not required that they be in objective positions of power, only that we give them the attention we need to in order to understand the relationships between our environment and our culture/ways/means/etc.. It is required that they be revered and respected, in other words. It is more than anything else the relationship of their agendas (hidden and apparent) with their personal knowledge functions that allows them to reach across partisan lines in pursuit of common national/cultural destinies.

Please comment and critique.