This person is funny and has a goofy sense of humor. He does silly and sometimes exaggerated actions to make a point and makes everyone laugh.

His mood changes quickly and he gets too emotional too quickly. Emotional about his own problems or things that affect him. He complains a lot about his problems or predicaments. For example, he'd complain that his boss is giving him work that he doesn't understand, giving him too little work, or giving him too much work! And he sounds so depressed like most of the time.

Or he'd complain about his dad nagging at him too often. Or when he wakes up too early, when he didn't get something he wanted. Basically, he talks about his emotions a lot. He's very expressive in that sense and doesn't hide it.

Although he complains so much about his problems, he still does what is required of him. He'd go to work no matter how tired he is, or school (when he was still studying). Even if he thinks a particular to be unreasonable, he'd stick by it, not question it, and follows it.

We get along pretty well, but his whining does get to me sometimes. > <

I have an idea on his type, but I'm not too sure. Any suggestions about his type would be helpful.