I realise that this particular form of type confusion has been expounded upon by many different people at different times, but even after reading the posts of others with the same INTJ-ENTP problem, I am no closer to determining which of these two types I am due to the fact that I believe that I often display traits of both. After having battled it out on my own for a manner of almost 1 year on and off, I'm wondering whether anyone can help me determine my type. I have listed some of my traits below.

1. I like to have things ordered. My room is mostly neat, but sometimes junk can accumulate shortly before it is cleared again. I tend to be fairly sporadic, but frequent in cleaning my room ie. I don't clean it up consistently, but when I do, I do a good job.

2. I love philosophy, psychology, politics, economics, science, languages, basically most studies that help to explain the world. I tend to be a bredth rather than depth learner, although I am capable of focusing deeply on things that I have a particular interest in at that point of time.

3. I have temporary obsessions (topics of interest) that I will research in depth, but usually this obsession will become less interesting to me when I move on to something new.

4. I have liked school from a young age. When I was younger, I used to prefer going to school as opposed to staying at home. I have always loved learning.

5. I work on things fairly slowly, as I am a perfectionist, and have been since I was younger. However, I'm also slow with other things, like getting ready, much to the chagrin of my mother and brother, both of whom tend to do things fairly quickly.

6. I have a really terrible memory, particularly in day-to-day matters. I will frequently forget birthdays of friends and more distant relatives. However, I never forget the birthdays of my immediate family. I also have a huge tendency to lose items, if not leave them around.

7. I do some sport, although not nearly as much as I used to do when I was younger. I used to be very much into team sports, such as netball, and have always done athletics, even now. However, I find that sport doesn't have as much attraction for me now, even though I still enjoy it.

8. I have periods of extreme slackness where I can't motivat myself to do work. I used to have a procrastination problem, but I've managed to get rid of it, which was a relief. I used to be fairly lazy, although for some reason others always thought that I was hard working. I'd never study for tests, but somehow managed to get fairly good marks on them (they were fairly easy at that stage though). Now I have had to become a lot more hard-working as things become more difficult.

9. I've always been involved in a lot of extra-curricular activities in school, although I've had to cut down recently, due to looming university entrance exams. I particularly enjoy music, and I sing, play piano, and used to play the clarinet.

10. I make schedules, but never follow them, and have always seen them as more guidelines than rules.

11. I hate using the phone, but I enjoy talking face to face.

12. I am fairly talkative and like talking to people, particularly about philosophy, politics or current affairs, but I also enjoy my time alone. When talking to people, I refrain from revealing feelings. I have been told that I can be overly formal at times.

13. I am not a 'touchy-feely' person, something which has put me at odds with the overly feeling, predominantly female world with which I am surrounded. When people are upset, I will try to comfort them, but can never give anything other than T based solutions. I have never found small babies, toddlers etc to be cute, but at the same time, I love animals, particularly dogs.

14. I am incredibly random at times. Sometimes I say things that are totally unconnected, and I often use obscure analogies to illustrate the concepts which I'm talking about, something others find incredibly amusing.

I'm sorry about the length of this post, but any help would be greatly appreciated