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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Virtuoso)

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    sp874 Muira's Avatar
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    Default Member Questionnaire (Virtuoso)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (Virtuoso)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    I think love is compassion or whatever. When I think of something beautiful, I think of attractive people.
    What are your most important values?
    Hm, values are important because they help with ones survival. I say I value marriage, preservation of life, and other stuff, but if it came from a standpoint of my actual values that I would probably only hold onto for good is strength, being mostly if not fully independent but reliable, blunt, and
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I am muslim, I grew up muslim, then sorta agnostic, but suddenly I want to become more religious again even though I feel like I'm missing out. I just recently realized how much I lack moderation, like how it's haram to insult others, yet I call my friends offensive words and tease some of them about everything without thinking about it. I'm not conventionally moral I think, but I try even though it drives me insane sometimes.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I think the military is important, the very basic need for a country to defend itself. Power is just the basic thing. It can be a tool. Or it can be the main center of one's life. For me, things like power just seem like a natural thing that occurs. Sometimes, especially in tough times, only those with power or strength survive. Power and force is a vital thing for survival. If it isn't in your face, and you think that force is completely useless then you probably live a privileged life. Sometimes conflict can get out of hand, that's why we have rules and etiquette, instincts, and hierarchy to establish humility and a respect system to prevent some twink from provoking a man who can take him out in one punch.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Gender ideology, kinda stupid. I like politics and philosophy. The transaction of information. I just like talking about controversial things, the taboo, etc. Just why is it forbidden? Like why can't I say "I don't think someone who doesn't even know what gendered bathroom to use doesn't even know what is best for their country." I just have strong opinions even though people say I need to tone it down. But lets be honest, if you can't even be certain about what is in your own pants, or if its okay for a child to mutilate themselves, do you really think you'd put in the effort to think about problems and struggles beyond yourself, AND think about the potential problems and solutions without losing site of how this world actually works? If someone can change their gender, why can't they change their race? "Whites oppressed black people" Well Men have oppressed women for a lot of history, yet men can chop off their dick and be called a woman, right? Then let a White person call themselves black. When you erase categories, you get rid of all of them and their purpose, and you erase all logic.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I do like medicine and study the human body in my free time, as a High School student. I think I may go down this path for a major. I don't really care about my personal body, I just find it boring. I just find it more interesting to study how the human body functions out of curiosity, I am not really disturbed by it.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Usually, I'll just do what I have to do. Boring, whatever. But cooking is fun when you get to cook something experimental because its full of uncertainty sometimes.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    Usually dark and things that kinda disturb me, like Berserk as a comic. I loved movies like Gladiator. I hate when characters have flash backs during fight scenes, If I was in a series like Naruto, I'd just kill the characters while they reflect on stupid memories from the past. Nothing matters but the here and now dumbass
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    At that time I nearly ripped a muscle. But it was just like a sneeze, of course you'll cry when you feel extreme pain. Sounds cheesy, but I never cried at a funeral, or even my biological dads, never built that much of a connection with anyone who died I believe.
    What makes me smile is when my dad gets me my favorite chips, I just start jumping around all over the fucking place because I just am so expressive when it comes to things I enjoy.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Somewhere casual, not serious or emotional, rough play, friends insulting each other jokingly. For example I prefer the smelly lockerooms over any other place in school. Once me and a friend made scrambled eggs on a portable cook thingy, I'm surprised the supervisors didn't notice during lunch.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Saying the right thing at the wrong time, biting off more than what I can chew when I feel too motivated, people think I have an attitude even though I can't even sense what I did wrong or if I am being offensive.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Being able to state my opinions without worrying too much, facing things, rationalizing and giving an explanation for the shit I do on the spot, or just coming up with rude but funny insults in the moment to make a tense moment feel less serious.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Opening up to a more emotional atmosphere, be more aware of patterns and meaning.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Like aroused? I guess relief yourself, it's not a big deal.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I dislike people who can't stand for anything, people ho stay neutral because then they are just fucking weak. What is there to respect in weak people? I respect people who put up a fight. I mostly get along with LIE, LSI, EIE, IEI, and ESE. As those are the types of most of my friends.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Romance sounds cool and all, but I don't really know how it works other than favors I guess. I have a more flat view of sex as something that feels good, or a more complex view would be to be some sort of reflection of the relationships dynamic. I'd like to remember and improve upon things, but I can be picky with people as I do remember offenses for a long time. I'd look for someone merry, attractive, affectionate, loyal, and positive.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    To make sure they are successful. I'd be strict and make sure they do well in school and don't commit acts that would jeopardize their future. I would help them find alternatives, I understand coming from someone who can't really suppress my own desire for indulgent things at times. Like a violent son? Take him to the gym. A thot daughter? Get her toys even though she isn't a child anymore.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Question them why they believe that? What logical conclusion do they have? What is their data? What is THEIR personal biases and experiences?
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I am pretty much disobedient to be honest. But I do see why society needs some level of conformity to even function. I tend to be concerned about the stability of society, such as the destruction of collectivist values and ideals, the frustration I feel when others don't value loyalty. I tend to also see myself in a group, I tend to see "me and my group versus others."
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    First, do i respect them? Do they make me cringe because of how much of a pussy they are? Then I talked to them, see what I could learn from them. etc. Otherwise, I have no fucking clue. Usually, I just make friends somehow. My main concerns are collectivist values, orientation to group dynamics and loyalty. Basically "Us versus them." So I tend to view others as outside the group.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    Kinda polite or guarded, uninterested. Usually I'll take an initiation to a conversation to kill time, if I find that person interesting, then I'll befriend them.
    Last edited by Muira; 05-29-2023 at 10:47 PM.

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    I did this out of boredom

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    I'm not getting much with form other than Ne PoLR and some Fi.

    Ne, a little simplistic in options.

    As i asked in your other thread, what is your hidden agenda?

    To cut it short by one, how do you identify with Fe Ha?


    Fe as a mobilizing (6th) function (ILE and SLE)

    The individual longs for situations where people are having fun, laughing and joking, and feel emotionally free and spontaneous. However, he is generally unable to produce this atmosphere himself and uses other means to create situations where there is a good chance that others will take the emotional initiative and create a fun and emotionally stimulating atmosphere. Failure at such attempts are met with dismay, which the individual either hides or reacts to with frustration and annoyance.

    Fe as activating function in ILE (ENTp; Don Quixote) and SLE (ESTp; Zhukov)

    For this person it is important that everyone is positively predisposed towards him. He does not like ambiguity in this matter and will strive to clarify the situation: “Lets get this straight - do you respect me or not?” Even small changes can bring about these clarification attempts: different facial expression, gaze, and so on. Often with age he becomes a good psychologists as it allows him to keep up his self-esteem. Fixed on the attitude of certain people and ignores the “public opinion”. Very fond of social recognition: honor, glory, respect, diplomas, regalia, etc. For the sake of good relations can even work for free. Can offer to help out of sense of camaraderie. If there is someone in his surrounding who shows negative feelings towards him, it decreases his self-esteem. In active defense, he will try to win the good attitude of this person at any cost, in passive defense, on the contrary, may admit to behaving poorly. If positive relations do not exist, he can try to fix them at any price, or conversely, fall into avoidance upon realizing the impossibility of changing anything. Fond of flattery, is ready to support any opinion as well as come to compromise only to keep the positive predisposition towards himself. If he does not agree with someone, can conduct conversation very diplomatically. Communicating with people of this type one can feel internal tension associated with fear of evoking negative response. Often they will think ten times before saying anything, as if it is an important task. Move up the career ladder often due to their ability to be considerate of others.


    Fi as a vulnerable (4th) function (ILE and SLE)

    The individual does not normally pay attention to the nuances of interpersonal relationships; he is either overly suspicious or overly assuming of his relations with others when they are not clearly defined. More importance is given to these relations as they pertain to objective mutual benefit; entertaining one another and accomplishing mutual goals are seen as the main focus, rather than seeing the relationships as rewarding in and of themselves. The individual does not expect others to be actively aware or concerned with his own personal sentiments, and so sees little reason to be concerned with those of others, unless they have direct consequences for the individual. Statements by other persons reflecting their inner feelings are not fully registered by the individual if not accompanied by external emotional expression or actions. Suggestions that the individual may have acted unethically in the eyes of another person who has not clearly expressed disapproval are met with bafflement by the individual; those that are expressed without tact are either dismissed or reacted to aggressively.
    Expressions of deep personal sentiments are awkward for the individual, whether coming from another or himself. He does not see it as his “right” to place the burden of his true emotions on another, both because he knows how uncomfortable those of others make him (even when they are positive and genuine), and because of his own awkwardness in expressing them.

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    @WhatYeahOK I'll just make it more practical.

    Fe? I guess it is bold? When I am engaging with a person, I tend to get really rowdy. I often come off as detached, but when there is something going around me or when I socialize, I tend to be more expressive. I tend to express the mood, and I can be passionate or angry, but it's more in the background.

    Fi? I don't know where I stand with people, I don't know how people feel about me other than how they express themselves. Without any external expression, I tend to be very lost in translation with others. When people can read others, I kinda stare at them like their mentally insane or just really fucking good at predictions. When I make statements, I do make a lot of people dislike me when I don't pay attention to how I deliver a message.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post

    Fe? I guess it is bold? When I am engaging with a person, I tend to get really rowdy. I often come off as detached, but when there is something going around me or when I socialize, I tend to be more expressive. I tend to express the mood, and I can be passionate or angry, but it's more in the background.

    Fi? I don't know where I stand with people, I don't know how people feel about me other than how they express themselves. Without any external expression, I tend to be very lost in translation with others. When people can read others, I kinda stare at them like their mentally insane or just really fucking good at predictions. When I make statements, I do make a lot of people dislike me when I don't pay attention to how I deliver a message.
    Does Fe in the 2 paragraphs say to you, Yeah, almost there with all of it?

    Also, if you haven't i'd look at the 15 others, and start there.

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    I like looking into social ideologies and how it affects society. I also like the idea of impacting society. For example, yeah ****** is evil, but I can't even help but be fascinated on how the hell he even got a whole nation to fall for his made up ideology, did he himself believe in it or did he make it all up for just power. I heard he did go out of his way to preserve the safety of a specific Jewish doctor, which makes me conclude he may have not actually believed in his ideology. He doesn't even feel real, he is just so interesting to learn about, as well as every other radical dictator.
    Either change or maintain. I tend to be more provoking, and rowdy and I enjoy messing around with people in a group. I also like to just tease people, even insecurities.
    I enjoy and feel home in dramatic group settings. I tend to express my opinions a lot, and then it starts a whole heated discussion full of people usually, and it is tense to get very intense or dramatic. I tend to talk about very controversial conversation in my group chats, like the "correct" age of consent, etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    Does Fe in the 2 paragraphs say to you, Yeah, almost there with all of it?

    Also, if you haven't i'd look at the 15 others, and start there.
    It's very relatable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    It's very relatable.
    Eliminate the 15 other ones?

    Look up Wikisocion extraverted thinking and it will take you there on google. Input the function.

    This is a good starting place.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    Eliminate the 15 other ones?

    Look up Wikisocion extraverted thinking and it will take you there on google. Input the function.

    This is a good starting place.
    Eh, I relate to SLE and SEE, LSI a bit, ESI just seems depressive and bitchy a bit but at least respectable. LSE and LIE seem just kinda boring as fuck. LIE seems autistic and doesn't seem to have any self worth, LSE looks very fucking uninteresting and seems like they have a stick up their ass. LSI seems way too rigid. ILE looks like they can't stay on the fucking topic, very weird, but fine. SEE seems so unorthodox, and a little retarded. I guess SLE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    Eh, I relate to SLE and SEE, LSI a bit, ESI just seems depressive and bitchy a bit but at least respectable. LSE and LIE seem just kinda boring as fuck. LIE seems autistic and doesn't seem to have any self worth, LSE looks very fucking uninteresting and seems like they have a stick up their ass. LSI seems way too rigid. ILE looks like they can't stay on the fucking topic, very weird, but fine. SEE seems so unorthodox, and a little retarded. I guess SLE?
    The hidden agenda of each one, you looked up?

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    The hidden agenda of each one, you looked up?
    Yep. You gonna read my other comment about my values?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    Yep. You gonna read my other comment about my values?
    Which one was a close second Ha?

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    Which one was A close second Ha?
    I like looking into social ideologies and how it affects society. I also like the idea of impacting society. For example, yeah ****** is evil, but I can't even help but be fascinated on how the hell he even got a whole nation to fall for his made up ideology, did he himself believe in it or did he make it all up for just power. I heard he did go out of his way to preserve the safety of a specific Jewish doctor, which makes me conclude he may have not actually believed in his ideology. He doesn't even feel real, he is just so interesting to learn about, as well as every other radical dictator.
    Either change or maintain. I tend to be more provoking, and rowdy and I enjoy messing around with people in a group. I also like to just tease people, even insecurities.
    I enjoy and feel home in dramatic group settings. I tend to express my opinions a lot, and then it starts a whole heated discussion full of people usually, and it is tense to get very intense or dramatic. I tend to talk about very controversial conversation in my group chats, like the "correct" age of consent, etc.

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    I'm pretty much done here. I have some doubts but i've been wrong before.

    I think you need other types like SLE to help you through it, but are not present, unfortunately.

    Riven's help with me set me in my type, along with stumbling on other ILE posts.

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    I see, so what is your conclusion?

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    How many different reasons do you think why someone would join this forum?

    Ne question.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    How many different reasons do you think why someone would join this forum?

    Ne question.
    I come to this site to learn about socionics, instead I found a network of mostly brain-dead mentally ill d*cks with no fucking idea what they are talking about. I sometimes just want to correct a lot of the people here and make them feel small, but I don't want to waste my time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    I come to this site to learn about socionics, instead I found a network of mostly brain-dead mentally ill bicthes with no fucking idea what they are talking about.
    Let's say his name is Jim. Why would Jim join this forum, you generating as many possibilities as you can?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    I come to this site to learn about socionics, instead I found a network of mostly brain-dead mentally ill d*cks with no fucking idea what they are talking about. I sometimes just want to correct a lot of the people here and make them feel small, but I don't want to waste my time.
    It's the tenth time you start a thread with the same theme. It's clear you're not getting the answer you want. Why do you keep doing it? If we're all so retarded why are you still here? You are wasting your time nonetheless. You can use the site to learn about socionics without interacting with people.

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    I think i found the PoLR.

    Question still stands.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    Let's say his name is Jim. Why would Jim join this forum, you generating as many possibilities as you can?
    I wouldn't say so. I am unaware of his intentions, motives, and I would very much prefer clarity. But I can have suspension based on observations as long as there is some evidence and logical consistency. I usually trust my gut feeling sometimes.

    Here is a likely scenario.

    I would stalk Jim's account, look for any small give aways. Jim is open about him being known to socionics, Jim doesn't talk openly about any deformities. Yet Jim seems to be aware of the amount of horrific mistypes this site gives, I suspect he likes some of the people here and would rather try to redirect people away from this site to a mor credible website.

    Here is something more fun

    Let's say me and Jim know each other, and his girlfriend is my roommate. There is a group gathering, and I decide to do my own thing, I get off set vibes from him, like every one I perceive as full of BS or having something off about them. So I watch the door that he and his girlfriend goes into, but I pretend to sleep with ear buds, I close my eyes in that I could barely see just the unique clothing pattern they have, I keep my body still. There is something going on, lets say Jim kills my roommate, Jim tries to clean up but frames someone else. So then I observe him, and the scene before I call the cops when everyone is gone. I don't touch anything other than looking at the angle that the knife was stuck into the body, if it was the opposite hand of the boyfriends dominant hand, I suspect he trained to be ambidextrous. So then I then observe the whole room, take pictures, create detailed stories of Jim being a liar, and me warning the girl to make it more convincing that Jim is the killer, those stories much have creditable dates, usually I do tend to keep track of where my close friends go to and when for their own safety. I would have to think about how Jim would deflect the evidence in court, and create as much counter credible claims against him. Then I call the cops, tell them that Jim has made elaborate lies in the past, gives them profiling, and remind them that I fell asleep when people left and her boyfriend was alone with her in her bedroom. I also would try to imitate a "casual" conversation with one of the investigators and cops on what type of person Jim was, recall memories of him blaming someone else.

    The fried that Jim framed would be defended by me, "He is weak as fuck", "He screams every time he sees blood", "Bitch flicthes at the thought of sex, let alone road kill, unlikely that he would commit murder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    It's the tenth time you start a thread with the same theme. It's clear you're not getting the answer you want. Why do you keep doing it? If we're all so retarded why are you still here? You are wasting your time nonetheless. You can use the site to learn about socionics without interacting with people.
    That's all wrong, I just want to fuck with people. Sometimes I do use Github or the articles here, but they can be found anywhere else, even sites that function much better. I already typed myself, maybe I just want to confuse people, maybe I just want to waste your time like the pest I am

    I said most, not all, do you think I perceive you as retarded? Not at all.

    I just like looking at people saying crazy shit, I mean I am pretty annoying right?

    Truly, my intentions were to annoy people like a prick

    Starting a fuck ton of threads just to have others validate the image of myself would make no sense, as socio type doesn't correlate with morals, dignity, etc, at all if not have a small factor in it. Rather, I'd be looking for others to validate me being "smart" "logical" "funny" etc. Also, for validation online, this site takes way too long to show notifs, and wouldn't make sense for a person who wants immediate reward or immediate gratification as I tend to be impatient. I'm more patient when annoying others, as it doesn't matter as much, but it's still funny.

    You found out I didn't actually give a fuck about others actually typing me accurately, I'll give you that.

    I just want to mess with people, if not argue on political things.

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    If you want a good example of an SLE in the forum, you could check Alonzo. He did have several "ethical" arguments, but really, just check how he does it. He used to self-type as LIE in the past but I think he uses demo Te rather than leading Te and Ne demo. This one is a very short-lived thread but you can get a glimpse:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    If you want a good example of an SLE in the forum, you could check Alonzo. He did have several "ethical" arguments, but really, just check how he does it. He used to self-type as LIE in the past but I think he uses demo Te rather than leading Te and Ne demo. This one is a very short-lived thread but you can get a glimpse:
    My official socio type is ASS - subtype - hole.

    I just want to fuck around in this site

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    That's all wrong, I just want to fuck with people. Sometimes I do use Github or the articles here, but they can be found anywhere else, even sites that function much better. I already typed myself, maybe I just want to confuse people, maybe I just want to waste your time like the pest I am

    I said most, not all, do you think I perceive you as retarded? Not at all.

    I just like looking at people saying crazy shit, I mean I am pretty annoying right?

    Truly, my intentions were to annoy people like a prick

    Starting a fuck ton of threads just to have others validate the image of myself would make no sense, as socio type doesn't correlate with morals, dignity, etc, at all if not have a small factor in it. Rather, I'd be looking for others to validate me being "smart" "logical" "funny" etc. Also, for validation online, this site takes way too long to show notifs, and wouldn't make sense for a person who wants immediate reward or immediate gratification as I tend to be impatient. I'm more patient when annoying others, as it doesn't matter as much, but it's still funny.

    You found out I didn't actually give a fuck about others actually typing me accurately, I'll give you that.

    I just want to mess with people, if not argue on political things.
    If it makes sense to you, that's fine. Clarifying things up didn't cost me anything either.

    And about the site being slow. I think this makes notifications here more "meaningful", since they're not as common or easy to get as in other social media. So the gratification might take longer but it's greater than in other websites. Different kinds of reward.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    My official socio type is ASS - subtype - hole.

    I just want to fuck around in this site
    Ok Coeruleum Blue

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    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    Ok Coeruleum Blue
    You got me good

    Random, but what is your opinion on communism?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    If it makes sense to you, that's fine. Clarifying things up didn't cost me anything either.

    And about the site being slow. I think this makes notifications here more "meaningful", since they're not as common or easy to get as in other social media. So the gratification might take longer but it's greater than in other websites. Different kinds of reward.
    Good point, just I'm not patient for that. Sometimes being a dick doesn't need any meaningfulness.

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    I skipped your paragraphs because the forum was hour glassing on a quote. Plus i missed the first salvo. Annoying.

    I like your theory of mind example with Jim. I knew you said you were on the spectrum and i didn't have faith in it much, but you said you were bored, and i gave it a shot. The forum kept delaying in and out.

    You gave more than i thought. I wanted to see where everything was at. I like to experiment with ideas.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    I skipped your paragraphs because the forum was hour glassing on a quote. Plus i missed the first salvo. Annoying.

    I like your theory of mind example with Jim. I knew you said you were on the spectrum and i didn't have faith in it much, but you said you were bored, and i gave it a shot. The forum kept delaying in and out.

    You gave more than i thought. I wanted to see where everything was at. I like to experiment with ideas.
    This site is wacky after all. I just tend not to want to contemplate on things I personally don't have a use for or interesting. I like real world scenarios, things that would have consequences, things that could put psychological stress onto me, scenarios that force me to think well for the best. I like having intense thoughts, something that would make my head hurt and push against my own principles, how far will I go? Will I keep up with what I stand for? Will I break?

    Just imagining the court trial, imagining every detail of the killer trying to get away with a charge, and predicting all likely reactions and counterclaims that are tuned finely to what type of a person he his. Mentally profiling someone, looking at the perspective of an investigator while I have limited time.

    A lot of people don't like this, but I really do enjoy going to the extent of thinking about everything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    This site is wacky after all. I just tend not to want to contemplate on things I personally don't have a use for or interesting. I like real world scenarios, things that would have consequences, things that could put psychological stress onto me, scenarios that force me to think well for the best. I like having intense thoughts, something that would make my head hurt and push against my own principles, how far will I go? Will I keep up with what I stand for? Will I break?

    Just imagining the court trial, imagining every detail of the killer trying to get away with a charge, and predicting all likely reactions and counterclaims that are tuned finely to what type of a person he his. Mentally profiling someone, looking at the perspective of an investigator while I have limited time.

    A lot of people don't like this, but I really do enjoy going to the extent of thinking about everything.
    I think about all possibilities, even unlikely ones. Just a simulation, nothing neurotic. Sometimes while driving on the road. Like drowning or bleeding to death. I can almost get into a brain state that mimics it. Like flinching with it. I think Ne substitutes for Se in the two types.

    How long do you think you will stick around here, if you dont mind the question. Are you pretty much done with type and Enneagram?

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

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    A little better makes better more>

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    I think about all possibilities, even unlikely ones. Just a simulation, nothing neurotic. Sometimes while driving on the road. Like drowning or bleeding to death. I can almost get into a brain state that mimics it. Like flinching with it. I think Ne substitutes for Se in the two types.

    How long do you think you will stick around here, if you dont mind the question. Are you pretty much done with type and Enneagram?
    I tend to think of some possibilities. I do relate to the "Just a simulation, nothing neurotic. Sometimes while driving on the road. Like drowning or bleeding to death." I pay attention to what other people are holding, how would they likely use it? Could it be used as a weapon? Are they getting too close? Etc. My concerns tend to be more about reading people and filling in the gaps, but I usually then only take action when clearly provoked.
    Sometimes when I hold dangerous things, sometimes I would vividly see what would see what would happen, sometimes it evokes actual physical stimulation, which prevents me from doing something downright stupid.

    For enneagram, I am pretty much e8, so8 specifically. I think I am done, but I am open to talk.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    I tend to think of some possibilities. I do relate to the "Just a simulation, nothing neurotic. Sometimes while driving on the road. Like drowning or bleeding to death." I pay attention to what other people are holding, how would they likely use it? Could it be used as a weapon? Are they getting too close? Etc. My concerns tend to be more about reading people and filling in the gaps, but I usually then only take action when clearly provoked.
    Sometimes when I hold dangerous things, sometimes I would vividly see what would see what would happen, sometimes it evokes actual physical stimulation, which prevents me from doing something downright stupid.

    For enneagram, I am pretty much e8, so8 specifically. I think I am done, but I am open to talk.
    Yeah. I saw the 8 in the videos.

    You came in here quite distressed it seemed, i recall. I remember some posts conveying that and sad looking avatar changes, etc. Like i said here before whatever the vibe is i absorb it. Likely empath.

    I question my stay here myself. It gets old typing members, but everyday i find something to keep me interested.


    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    You got me good

    Random, but what is your opinion on communism?
    I do consider myself a leftist, and I like the idea of an "economy free" society. Considering all the technological advancements that happened in the last three centuries, there's no need for human labor to still be a thing in the sense we know.

    I find it hard to talk of communism without taking into consideration my opinion on capitalism, which I can confidently say I'm not much of a fan. It's a system that brings way too much harm. Not even the richest people are doing very well mentally-wise.

    Efficiency-wise, also not ideal considering how many people are doing jobs just for the sake of getting money every single month. What's the purpose of a supermarket cashier, what's the point of their existence? Does anyone find fulfillment in it? Even if we had all these people using their brains as means of work we'd have to reformulate stuff, since a person can't do in-depth thinking for more than four hours a day (even this is a very high quantity, although I do not have the link to the article I read about it), and the majority of workloads last eight to nine hours, at least in my country.

    We've never been better at the medical field. One thing that is not getting better are cancer rates. There's several theories of why this is happening. As a chemistry student, although my knowledge is still limited, I can see how chemicals must have a play into this game. The amount of junk released in the air isn't just destroying the ozone layer. We are not immune to radical chain reactions.

    Anyway, back to communism. There's several variations and I'm not up to date on all them. The one I personally like the most is anarcho-communism, although I think the people who say "humans cannot self-govern" may have a point. Though I think this is mostly due to the development of history in the past, which can't be erased, than an innate lack of ability to do so. I haven't got to read much about it yet, but syndicalism could be an interesting alternative for me.

    Now, leaving the theory aside, I think it's naive for any nation to try implementing communism in the current world. It's just naive to expect such a system to work while capitalist nations still exist around you. I know people from Cuba who are studying at my university and they've told me how things are there free from media manipulation. Things do indeed basically work the way the theory is defined, but there's several people hungry there. One of them says the education system there is WAY better than here for instance, yet the teachers can't teach because they need to spend the day in a line to buy eggs. I know the United States embargo against Cuba exists, but I don't know what it actually means so I can't say much about it.

    I've detached severely from politics and related over the years, I used to be more interested about it. Back in 2017-2018 I got in touch with Accelerationism and I must say it heavily influences my way of thinking up to this day. The whole idea of Capitalist Realism, and how anti-capitalism actions reinforce capitalism do make a lot of sense to me.

    While I don't like our model of society, nowadays I rather just be a detached observer over an active figure. This doesn't mean I won't ever take any actions though. Although I'm close to being what could be considered an accelerationist, I view accelerationism as yet another "utopic" idea (the utopic non-utopic), just like communism or anarchism. If I'm not mistaken, the idea I'm thinking about comes from Chomsky. I watched this video a long time ago, but I remember that he mentions capitalist realism. A radical accelerationist positioning would be to just not take any anti-capitalism actions at all, and let the system run crazy. A radical communist would argue that it's fucking revolution!! or nothing. What Chomsky argues is that this is not how we should act, and that left-leaning actions realized in the past century were indeed a step into a better reality. Like yeah, revolution and/or breaking down capitalism somehow is desirable, but the small wins we've been getting are actually really valuable y'know? Again, it's been a while since I watched it, so I may have misremembered something.

    Well, I hope this is a satisfying answer. There's a few things I could get into more detail, but in general this is not a topic I have been in touch with recently, so the concepts to play with are not very fresh in my mind, and I'm not great with guesswork. If you want a tl;dr: I don't currently have time to have an opinion on communism. I'm too busy being an engineering student because I heard that I'll be well payed in the future and I do still have hopes of winning the capitalism race. With that said, I should have been sleeping already.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    I do consider myself a leftist, and I like the idea of an "economy free" society. Considering all the technological advancements that happened in the last three centuries, there's no need for human labor to still be a thing in the sense we know.
    Interesting, I tend to be more central, with mixed views. While "free economy" sounds great, is it practical in reality? Pure communism wouldn't work from what I've seen, there needs to be a lot of advancements until it could possibly work, til then. society would likely break down. Ever heard of the experiment Universe 25? Where at the peak Utopia, society would break down from the inside out, like the spiritual death of society. As we have grown so numb to our instincts to survival, and the sense of responsibility, and become blind to our own need of developing our own skills.

    I find it hard to talk of communism without taking into consideration my opinion on capitalism, which I can confidently say I'm not much of a fan. It's a system that brings way too much harm. Not even the richest people are doing very well mentally-wise.

    Efficiency-wise, also not ideal considering how many people are doing jobs just for the sake of getting money every single month. What's the purpose of a supermarket cashier, what's the point of their existence? Does anyone find fulfillment in it? Even if we had all these people using their brains as means of work we'd have to reformulate stuff, since a person can't do in-depth thinking for more than four hours a day (even this is a very high quantity, although I do not have the link to the article I read about it), and the majority of workloads last eight to nine hours, at least in my country.[/QUOTE]

    While it may not be fulfilling, it would be much better than fighting for the right for a sip of water. But at times, living life with no struggle is miserable, the struggle for life itself can be fulfilling. Like a bitter-sweet feeling. I have thought about being a farmer since it would make me appreciate the things I tend to take for granted. It's always important for people to realize that there is life in every situation, and sometimes the best way is to see the better side of the picture, and that bad events cause you to become stronger and sometimes have opportunities you'd never have otherwise. Really I think meaning is something that is up to us to create. I enjoy such people who can show me the meaning of life, sometimes I need those types of people because I can be pretty impatient and therefore impulsive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    We've never been better at the medical field. One thing that is not getting better are cancer rates. There's several theories of why this is happening. As a chemistry student, although my knowledge is still limited, I can see how chemicals must have a play into this game. The amount of junk released in the air isn't just destroying the ozone layer. We are not immune to radical chain reactions.
    I have too agree, most of the processed foods are full of poisonous preservatives, and so on. Even the candies we eat in the USA have a shit ton of waste sometimes. There are labels everywhere, yet no one bothers to take the warnings seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    Anyway, back to communism. There's several variations and I'm not up to date on all them. The one I personally like the most is anarcho-communism, although I think the people who say "humans cannot self-govern" may have a point. Though I think this is mostly due to the development of history in the past, which can't be erased, than an innate lack of ability to do so. I haven't got to read much about it yet, but syndicalism could be an interesting alternative for me.
    I tend to prefer some sort of collective values that make sense in society, with being paired with critical thinkers. I tend to think people won't always pay attention, and can be prone to indoctrination, so I think a republic with some sort of code or constitution that is more universal, and should never be broken. Also, while it isn't always right to force people to work, which I personally think is impossible to begin with, it's the only way to survive in this age, we have to give up our bestial freedom for a civilization that needs to be maintained. Society is like a car that runs, that breaks down a lot, as the car runs it breaks down but it doesn't get repaired or get any new gasoline, just like the population that needs medical attention and a flow of food supplies. Technology could become corrupt, someone may commit a crime, and as we know, humans mimic behavior sometimes, which then more people commit crimes, etc. That's why moral degradation like the slow normalization of pedophilia, theft due to BLM, etc, has gravely damaged the US during COVID-19. I've seen people who I know where black had their businesses looted, it wasn't about doing what is right, it was for benefit.

    I think we worry too much about the future, and we forget to be in the here and now, and enjoy the things we have instead, but also there isn't anything wrong with dreaming for more. Just most things need some degree of moderation to work, like a wheel, it needs to be greased but not too greasy, needs to be round but not too flatted, it must have a strong frame but not too heavy, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    Now, leaving the theory aside, I think it's naive for any nation to try implementing communism in the current world. It's just naive to expect such a system to work while capitalist nations still exist around you. I know people from Cuba who are studying at my university and they've told me how things are there free from media manipulation. Things do indeed basically work the way the theory is defined, but there's several people hungry there. One of them says the education system there is WAY better than here for instance, yet the teachers can't teach because they need to spend the day in a line to buy eggs. I know the United States embargo against Cuba exists, but I don't know what it actually means so I can't say much about it.

    I've detached severely from politics and related over the years, I used to be more interested about it. Back in 2017-2018 I got in touch with Accelerationism and I must say it heavily influences my way of thinking up to this day. The whole idea of Capitalist Realism, and how anti-capitalism actions reinforce capitalism do make a lot of sense to me.

    While I don't like our model of society, nowadays I rather just be a detached observer over an active figure. This doesn't mean I won't ever take any actions though. Although I'm close to being what could be considered an accelerationist, I view accelerationism as yet another "utopic" idea (the utopic non-utopic), just like communism or anarchism. If I'm not mistaken, the idea I'm thinking about comes from Chomsky. I watched this video a long time ago, but I remember that he mentions capitalist realism. A radical accelerationist positioning would be to just not take any anti-capitalism actions at all, and let the system run crazy. A radical communist would argue that it's fucking revolution!! or nothing. What Chomsky argues is that this is not how we should act, and that left-leaning actions realized in the past century were indeed a step into a better reality. Like yeah, revolution and/or breaking down capitalism somehow is desirable, but the small wins we've been getting are actually really valuable y'know? Again, it's been a while since I watched it, so I may have misremembered something.
    Like said, Pure capitalism has its flaws for being exploitative, which isn't good for the stability of the future as Children are left mutilated, as well as women, and men. As children are mutilated and lack education, they tend to have very little options for jobs, and tend to suffer a lot from poverty, which wouldn't be good for population growth since everyone(poor people) are too busy on working to death and popping 8 children for only 7 of them to die then actually focusing on progress that benefits society as a whole. There are just so many examples, and we all know how bad Capitalism was before WWII. Even though we need responsibility, we are also responsible for our community as well, so it's best to have a mixture of socialism and Capitalism, like Denmark for example, or even Germany. Though I do dislike the large taxing thingy, free college doesn't sound bad and would benefit more people. Those worlds do work well, but they do tend to only work with a certain amount of people. There are just so many factors that come into play, and Capitalism is just more reliable for the sake of the need to buy things we don't need, Hygge all the way!

    Sometimes I feel like I should just take action and sort of change society on my own in the future, to make an impact on society, and maybe enforce my vision of a better world. Ngl I sound like a dictator, but I do want what is better for society, it's just hard as I am just very orientated towards group dynamics and what is currently happening. I currently fear my own ideology and thoughts are unrefined, I don't even know if they are ethical, which would cause some backlash, or not since a lot of people can be sheep for the better or worse, I just don't want to be ******- 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    Well, I hope this is a satisfying answer. There's a few things I could get into more detail, but in general this is not a topic I have been in touch with recently, so the concepts to play with are not very fresh in my mind, and I'm not great with guesswork. If you want a tl;dr: I don't currently have time to have an opinion on communism. I'm too busy being an engineering student because I heard that I'll be well payed in the future and I do still have hopes of winning the capitalism race. With that said, I should have been sleeping already.
    Well, it was surely great to read. I tend to prefer a mixture of competition and community, balance always wins. I wish you good luck on your career, this was very interesting to read.

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    > What makes me smile is when my dad gets me my favorite chips, I just start jumping around all over the fucking place because I just am so expressive when it comes to things I enjoy.

    You very value and enjoy pleasant sensations (Si) as from a meal.
    And react very emotionally on such simple situation (F).

    There is girl which the list of most pleasant or inspiring in her life has started with a meal. Her nickname was about meal too. She has SEI.
    What you describe good relates to valued Si, as minimum.

    For base Ne pleasant sensations are the main where they want to get a support from other people.
    You may study to cook something from time to time (check recipes on youtube), to balance this need in yourself. As a hobby, not for everyday.
    You may develop S by physical training, where actions which need the feeling of body coordination (hymnastics, dancing) would be more pleasant for you.
    In sport places are many of S types. Some of them are base Si which may give good example and knowledge for what can be useful for you.

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    This threads attitude toward us/forum was a good example of Fi PoLR.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > What makes me smile is when my dad gets me my favorite chips, I just start jumping around all over the fucking place because I just am so expressive when it comes to things I enjoy.

    You very value and enjoy pleasant sensations (Si) as from a meal.
    And react very emotionally on such simple situation (F).

    There is girl which the list of most pleasant or inspiring in her life has started with a meal. Her nickname was about meal too. She has SEI.
    What you describe good relates to valued Si, as minimum.

    For base Ne pleasant sensations are the main where they want to get a support from other people.
    You may study to cook something from time to time (check recipes on youtube), to balance this need in yourself. As a hobby, not for everyday.
    You may develop S by physical training, where actions which need the feeling of body coordination (hymnastics, dancing) would be more pleasant for you.
    In sport places are many of S types. Some of them are base Si which may give good example and knowledge for what can be useful for you.
    SEI over a bag of chips

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhatYeahOK View Post
    This threads attitude toward us/forum was a good example of Fi PoLR.
    Me? I'm confused. Add more context.

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