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    Fuck this toxic snake pit Fluffy Princess Unicorn's Avatar
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    Default Random Political Thought Thread

    How does this forum not have this already? Please sticky.

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    Fuck this toxic snake pit Fluffy Princess Unicorn's Avatar
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    I think society has created a lot of narcissists, and now there are a lot of narcissists who are weaponizing victimhood to gain power.

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    @Midnight Maverick
    How has society created narcissists you think, through which process? Were these people not narcissists initially and became so, or do you think society rewards narcissists more often than others? By 'society' do you mean only the people composing it or do you mean to say there are certain institutions that valorize narcisistic behavior? Do you think narcissists can get further because of their worship of the self and disregard for others? How do you differentiate between narcissists and other self-important people?

    Not disagreeing, just want you to expand off your thoughts!

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    Fuck this toxic snake pit Fluffy Princess Unicorn's Avatar
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    God...the more informed I become, the angrier I get about the "trans rights" bullshit. I don't even have words. I've gone from previously mistaking myself for trans a few years ago (until I realized it was just damages from being raised by a mysoginistic father, which I've now healed from and have no problems from anymore), to being soft and kind and understanding toward trans people because I was able to understand a bit more based on firsthand experiences, to fucking despising trans shit. I still don't despise trans people, but I despise the fucking damage these activists are doing. I won't even accept "LGBTQ+" counselling job positions, I nope out of that shit the instant I read the job position's title...and I myself am LGB.

    Men who "identify as women" being allowed to transfer into women's prisons. Some of these men are in prison because they're serial killers of women. Women in prison are getting knocked up because these men are raping them. Yet, trans activisists have the audacity to argue it's not hurting anyone? Tell that to the 30%+ of all trans people who detransition, tell that to the actual women who are in prison, tell that to the women who get beaten up (not just beaten, but beaten UP) in sports.

    Also, please stop lumping those of us who are BIsexual in with these fucking clowns under LGBTQ+-÷ or whateverthefuck. I have nothing to do with these fucking clowns. I also am not morally obligated to be sexually attracted to you just because you identify as the opposite sex of what you actually are and then get surgical operations to get you as close as possible to that gender, and I don't give a shit if you call me transphobic for that, or whatever else for not being attracted to androgyny, bigender, or whatever else. I'm not attracted to women with oversized clit peens and otherwise male-looking bodies, I'm damn sure not attracted to MtF men who really just look like gay crossdressers or femboys to me. I've always, ALWAYS been attracted to masculine men and very highly feminine women. I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be attracted to anything else just to make you feel better any more than you pretend to be attracted to incels, Karens, Darens, psychopaths, women if you're gay, men if you're lesbian, or whoever else, just to make them feel better, you fucking hypocrites. If you're offended by that and you want to come at me for offending you--well, I'm offended that you're offended, so now what are you going to do? Finally admit that being offended doesn't entitle you to jack shit?--Not likely. Probably just going to keep on erasing women's rights with their sense of fucking entitlement and have biological men, who are physically more powerful than real women, in the prisons raping them and knocking them up, or watching us change clothes in the locker rooms, or watching us pee in the restrooms, or etc.

    Do not associate me with these asshole narcissistic clowns just because I'm BIsexual.

    "They so...fake woke...facts don't care 'bout your feelings." "There's a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate."
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 05-21-2023 at 09:17 PM.

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    Fuck this toxic snake pit Fluffy Princess Unicorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    I've gone from previously mistaking myself for trans a few years ago (until I realized it was just damages from being raised by a mysoginistic father, which I've now healed from and have no problems from anymore)
    Btw, even back then, I was still saying I believed it was a mental illness, so fuck off.

    This was back when I admitted myself into a psych ward so that I could be diagnosed with bipolar/depression/whatever kept getting me fired from jobs for symptoms (lied and said I was suicidal during a time when I wasn't so that I could get in so I could be diagnosed because it was the only way that I as a US citizen was able to access any form of mental health care, and going there for just those 4 days they kept me locked in for still gave me more than $2,000 in debts btw).

    I remember having a conversation with one of the other inpatients I got along OK with there. I told him I was trans (despite that I've never done anything more than giving myself an awful looking boy haircut), and he politely but hesitantly said he thinks all the trans shit is mental illness. I told him no, that's absolutely fine because he's entitled to his own views, and I also told him that I actually agree with him.

    See, that's the aspect that's narcissistic: expecting everyone else to agree with you, or else you GASLIGHT them by labelling them transphobic and whatever other derogatory label you can come up with. It's one thing to have your views and live by them, and it's something completely different to shove your views down everyone else's throats. You want to live in a place where they force you to believe in shit by punishing you for not? Go to Russia. They'll shove you in jail for being L, G, B, T, Q, or +...nooo, no, you don't want that, but yet that's what you want to do to anyone who voices any opinion that differs from your pro-Trans ones. Fucking hypocrites.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 05-21-2023 at 09:11 PM.

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    Fuck this toxic snake pit Fluffy Princess Unicorn's Avatar
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    "Defund the police" y'all are genius for sure. They're under-funded already, they're way too busy to work. Order food and call the cops, see which one reaches you first.

    Love this.

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    When i think of politics; economic decisions/allignment, state intervation, workers rights, weekly working hour, minimum wage, foreign policy, defence military, agriculture planning, taxes, parties, social rights, religious freedom, laicism, monetary decisions, state budget, minority rights, enviromental decisions, justice, bureocrasy, healthcare, education program came to mind.
    not the whining and crying from disgustingly ugly guy who want his dick cut and want to be raped or hairy woman with piercings shouting some imbecile things...

    left wing in general becoming a gay meme has hurt and degenerwted workers movement in the worst way possible, way more than the capitalism has ever dreamed of ..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    @Midnight Maverick
    How has society created narcissists you think, through which process? Were these people not narcissists initially and became so, or do you think society rewards narcissists more often than others? By 'society' do you mean only the people composing it or do you mean to say there are certain institutions that valorize narcisistic behavior? Do you think narcissists can get further because of their worship of the self and disregard for others? How do you differentiate between narcissists and other self-important people?

    Not disagreeing, just want you to expand off your thoughts!
    I will reply to this. Started to sooner, but my cats kept jumping on my keyboard and bumping into my mouse until I got frustrated by our lack of space, kissed them and gave them head bumps because it's not their fault, and decided to return to it later.

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    numa numa yay kuno's Avatar
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    I'm saddened at the ultra-conservative wave going through much of the U.S. currently. Women not being allowed to have abortions in many states; transgender people not being allowed to, well, exist as they are; voting rights being suppressed; more constant gerrymandering; immigrants in Florida not being allowed to work; etc.

    I think there should be greater acceptance of diversity among the population, such as different racial/ethnic groups, different religions, different sexual orientations, different lifestyles, etc.

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    Fuck this toxic snake pit Fluffy Princess Unicorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kuno View Post
    I'm saddened at the ultra-conservative wave going through much of the U.S. currently. Women not being allowed to have abortions in many states; transgender people not being allowed to, well, exist as they are; voting rights being suppressed; more constant gerrymandering; immigrants in Florida not being allowed to work; etc.

    I think there should be greater acceptance of diversity among the population, such as different racial/ethnic groups, different religions, different sexual orientations, different lifestyles, etc.
    Based on my research, the majority of people don't take issue with people existing as trans themselves. The problems they talk about are things like forcing everyone to use their pronouns when they don't believe that's how gender works (they want the freedom to possess and express their own individual views), instilling sex and gender (genetalia) related ideologies into super young kids who know nothing about sexuality at that age (grooming), allowing minors to make such a permanent and life altering decision that they aren't ready to make yet, and how eager the psychs are to just throw them on hormones and into surgeries without even having prior understanding of the side effects they may experience from those things, and the suicide rates associated with the whopping 30% of trans people who detransition and regret it for the rest of their lives because they weren't appropriately counseled prior to transitioning.

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    Fuck this toxic snake pit Fluffy Princess Unicorn's Avatar
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    I so, so strongly disagree with DeSantis' decision to ban gay shit from schools. I hate it. It's horrible.

    Parents need to be educated about how homosexuality/bisexuality works. People don't develop attraction to the same gender because they read it in a book or see it in a movie. They have these feelings independently of those things. Banning the books only makes it seem taboo, and therefore shameful. Even if you're against homosexuality for religious reasons or whatever, it's in society's best interest to be accepting of homosexuality, at very least in the sense of letting people do what they're going to do without trying to dictate over them. When it is shamed or seen as taboo, people force themselves into same-sex marriages that they eventually just can't pretend in anymore. People wind up hurt simply because their partner was closeted and trying to change who they are. Sometimes, that results in gay affairs and fatherless children. Which is more harmful to a kid: seeing gays, or growing up fatherless because dad was gay and couldn't maintain the lie/facade that he wasn't? I've got news for you: the kids are going to be exposed to gays anyway, even when the books are banned. Believing you're closing their eyes to it is naive. You don't think other kids will be gay and kissing in the hallways? You don't think the internet exposes them to these things? You don't think they're going to experiment if they feel attraction to the same sex? That doesn't change just because you banned some books. Lol.

    You can't control children that way. They live in this world, and this world has things in it that you will never entirely prevent them from seeing or experiencing. It's impossible to close their eyes to everything as a form of protection. This is an unskillful approach to parenting, as well. You are giving your children fish, rather than teaching them how to fish. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children how to navigate what they're exposed to, not just prevent them from being exposed to everything. It's an overprotective, overly sheltered parenting style that leaves kids unprepared to face the world independently, which I guarantee you they will certainly not appreciate ever, at any point in their lifetimes. They will always instead remember how naive they were, how easily taken advantage they were, and how they had to go through so much hardship during the transition from the naive kid to the kid who has learned the hard way how to navigate this world without having any real guidance in that area of their lives, all because you wanted to blind them to everything.

    I'm not saying kids should be exposed to just whatever with carelessness, such as sexuality and etc. I'm just saying they need to be exposed to things and lose their innocence in certain ways while they get older, while you teach them how to navigate those things in the world...because if you don't, they're going to lose their innocence the hard way later, by getting hurt because they don't know how to navigate what they're suddenly exposed to later on in life. That can result in some trauma and an unhealthy distrust in others. The loss of innocence is a natural part of aging, and it needs to be done gradually over time...not in the form of something akin to culture shock that comes like an earthquake into their lives.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 05-26-2023 at 12:45 AM.

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    The thing that never happens happens again: US' first openly transgender state legislator arrested on child sex abuse charges

    In bathrooms, no less.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    US' first openly transgender state legislator arrested on child sex abuse charges
    Seems, the general approach of popularization for an activity related to sexual disorders. Homosexualism is only one of them, where other may go too. Hence, people with such disorders may get additional support to get power and social influence.
    Also such ones are easier to be controlled so they did what was said by those who has a compromat and may even help to satisfy their abnormal attractions.
    As may to exist several sides which want situate own representatives (not obligately better ones), so a compromat can be used by competitors too, besides his "masters".

    Another interesting is the match of sexual and emotional disorder (bipolarity). It's often claimed today, that homosexuality is a separate trait which do not arise directly a chance for coexisting psyche disorders. It's doubtful and can be politically motivated falsification or lack of objective research, as happened with other situations (recent example with "covid").

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    @Emily do you have any comments on the Russian airstrike on Syrian civilians?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    How does this forum not have this already? Please sticky.
    it does
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    The Berlin Wall fell because Gorbachev said "I can be a hero," but David Bowie said "We can be heroes."

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    CDC altered death certificates that list a COVID vaccine as cause of death

    Trust the science.


    Judge limits Biden administration's contact with social media firms after finding it violated the First Amendment by censoring certain viewpoints on vaccines.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    CDC altered death certificates that list a COVID vaccine as cause of death

    Trust the science.


    Judge limits Biden administration's contact with social media firms after finding it violated the First Amendment by censoring certain viewpoints on vaccines.
    I mean would you really trust a pedo president?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    CDC altered death certificates that list a COVID vaccine as cause of death

    Trust the science.


    Judge limits Biden administration's contact with social media firms after finding it violated the First Amendment by censoring certain viewpoints on vaccines.
    You find interesting articles, glad you share.

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    Trans people are leaving such a bad taste in my mouth that they're actually turning me into someone who can't stand trans people. It's like...I start out trying to help them and being empathetic, but they're such dicks to me every time that I start actually disliking them as a social group.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Trans people are leaving such a bad taste in my mouth that they're actually turning me into someone who can't stand trans people. It's like...I start out trying to help them and being empathetic, but they're such dicks to me every time that I start actually disliking them as a social group.
    Narcissists with porn addictions be like that
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

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    if someone doesnt love you and you die for them they dont love you still so you are just a narcissistic fool. if you hurt others and think sacrificing urself for them later undoes the damage or entitles you to force yourself on others. those soldiers funded and participated in child human trafficking, a large percentage of them are narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, who raped and abused their female soldiers and whoever in war, others are stupid and still narcissistic. who made them do it? the elites that gave them an insufferable early life to make them mentally ill and sacrifice themselves for them? al lot of those soldiers didnt ahve problems prior, so ppl now respect them bc they went to war while ppl who had actual problems without going to war are still disrespected, a lot of those soldiers are very self important.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    FBI found child porn on Josh Duggar's computer too- does this mean all straight white men are bad or evil? I don't think people naively said it would never happen, just that if the sexual orientation or identity is irrelevant when str8ies do it, it should be the same with GLBT.... but it isn't. An immoral str8 person does something immoral, nobody blames the heterosexuality, everybody just blames the individual. Yet if a glbt person does something bad, suddenly them being glbt is the culprit.

    As Marcia would say 'Sure Jan!'

    I don't get being so hung up on the trans thing. Trans is a part of nature, we think of the sun as a symbol of male energy and we think of the fertile soil as a symbol of female energy. But what is the moon? It's in the place of the sky like the male sun yet it's made of rock like the fertile soil on the ground- this is nature/God's way of showing that a third/trans way is also part of nature. It might be more in the minority but it's still there, interwoven in the fabric of nature. There is not only day and night. There is twilight and dawn and dusk. =p

    I don't get attacking ppl in the glbt community or bullying them just to appeal to Karens who would hate them anyway. I refuse to bully my own kind just to get a Karen to like me more. Yet in another post you say you want more diverse sexualties to be accepted lol. Well then, stop playing into fundie wrong-wing tar trap games and start holding the fascists accoutible who are trying to stop diversity. I am thankful for the freakish gays and drag queens and the T in the GLBT, they are the reason the normie or half way normie gays even have a voice to begin with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post
    FBI found child porn on Josh Duggar's computer too- does this mean all straight white men are bad or evil? I don't think people naively said it would never happen, just that if the sexual orientation or identity is irrelevant when str8ies do it, it should be the same with GLBT.... but it isn't. An immoral str8 person does something immoral, nobody blames the heterosexuality, everybody just blames the individual. Yet if a glbt person does something bad, suddenly them being glbt is the culprit.

    As Marcia would say 'Sure Jan!'

    I don't get being so hung up on the trans thing. Trans is a part of nature, we think of the sun as a symbol of male energy and we think of the fertile soil as a symbol of female energy. But what is the moon? It's in the place of the sky like the male sun yet it's made of rock like the fertile soil on the ground- this is nature/God's way of showing that a third/trans way is also part of nature. It might be more in the minority but it's still there, interwoven in the fabric of nature. There is not only day and night. There is twilight and dawn and dusk. =p

    I don't get attacking ppl in the glbt community or bullying them just to appeal to Karens who would hate them anyway. I refuse to bully my own kind just to get a Karen to like me more. Yet in another post you say you want more diverse sexualties to be accepted lol. Well then, stop playing into fundie wrong-wing tar trap games and start holding the fascists accoutible who are trying to stop diversity. I am thankful for the freakish gays and drag queens and the T in the GLBT, they are the reason the normie or half way normie gays even have a voice to begin with.

    Didn't read the post, but thank god you are alive.

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    I hate Trump too but atleast he was entertaining

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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    I hate Trump too but atleast he was entertaining

    I mean he was useful at least compared to Biden, but his jokes are dry as fuck. Like at least if someone is gonna be offensive, at least be funny.

    He doesn't seem to be good with people, not at all.
    Last edited by Muira; 07-17-2023 at 05:42 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vixen View Post
    I mean he was useful at least compared to Biden, but his jokes are dry as fuck. Like at least if someone is gonna be offensive, at least be funny.

    He doesn't seem to be good with people, not at all.
    Yeah his jokes were trash. I just meant the drama and scandals he caused. He always kept us on our toes. But damn, I don't miss the mass lootings and riots. Did you hear about people storming the white house years back? It's funny because on all the videos I've seen, they [security] were literally letting people through the doors.

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    I didn't have to pay for HBO channels the newstations had all the drama I needed

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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    Yeah his jokes were trash. I just meant the drama and scandals he caused. He always kept us on our toes. But damn, I don't miss the mass lootings and riots. Did you hear about people storming the white house years back? It's funny because on all the videos I've seen, they [security] were literally letting people through the doors.

    FR, I swear they have some messed up agenda. I saw the videos as well, and plus they were arresting them, at this point this country is locking up political prisoners.
    Plus, Biden trying to threaten our 2nd amendment right, which lets the gays, theys, women, men, democrats, and republicans have guns to protect themselves.
    This mofo was "trynna" make America "green" yet was selling oil to China behind our backs, plus the dude is a pedophile, racist, and made homophobic remarks as well.
    Plus years back and now he is pro-life? It's so clear he keeps on switching up to appeal to people, like a goddam puppet.

    My dad told me about Trump forcefully calling for pedophiles to be arrested, and stuff. But idk, but if it was true, then at least that was redeemable. Again he did have a relationship with Epstein, but that doesn't mean he knew what was going on with him, but Trump did seem to completely shun Epstein. But again, Trump isn't the type of person to really check the people he hangs with, or watch his mouth.

    Also with the FBI trying to arrest Trump for holding files, it makes me really wonder what they are trynna hide.

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    If being transgender is a mental illness, what's the treatment? Plastic surgery? Clothes? Hormone treatment? How do you even get diagnosed with gender dysphoria? What's the criteria?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    If being transgender is a mental illness, what's the treatment? Plastic surgery? Clothes? Hormone treatment? How do you even get diagnosed with gender dysphoria? What's the criteria?
    That's what I wanna ask.

    Just because someone breaks gender stereotypes doesn't make them a different sex. I break stereotypes a lot, yet like to embrace feminine traits. The problem is that masculine and feminine traits are in everyone. So that leaves me in thinking it's rather something that has to do with the physical body rather than just clothes and mannerism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vixen View Post
    FR, I swear they have some messed up agenda. I saw the videos as well, and plus they were arresting them, at this point this country is locking up political prisoners.
    Plus, Biden trying to threaten our 2nd amendment right, which lets the gays, theys, women, men, democrats, and republicans have guns to protect themselves.
    This mofo was "trynna" make America "green" yet was selling oil to China behind our backs, plus the dude is a pedophile, racist, and made homophobic remarks as well.
    Plus years back and now he is pro-life? It's so clear he keeps on switching up to appeal to people, like a goddam puppet.

    My dad told me about Trump forcefully calling for pedophiles to be arrested, and stuff. But idk, but if it was true, then at least that was redeemable. Again he did have a relationship with Epstein, but that doesn't mean he knew what was going on with him, but Trump did seem to completely shun Epstein. But again, Trump isn't the type of person to really check the people he hangs with, or watch his mouth.

    Also with the FBI trying to arrest Trump for holding files, it makes me really wonder what they are trynna hide.
    The worst mistake you can make is to be partisan for any politician. You want to trust and believe in what they say, but of course they're milking their audiences for approval. They have an election to win and connections to make. Vote for whoever will do the most for the country that's all that matters in the end. All that glittery facade is fake but it's important, too. It makes us as a nation look good. Our president represents us as people too.

    The problem now is that the president does not care about the people. I'm not even sure why they run for office. To mark off their bucket lists?

    Do people not realize when you smear shit in the faces of minorities and working class people, you're basically rubbing shit over the entirety of the US? Our country is built off the backs of working class people's, minorities, and Immigrants. But still we were deprived of rights.... recognition... respect. Even our own soldiers are treated like trash on the side of the street. We're promised an "American Dream" in return for hard work but we spend all our lives chasing that dream and get treated like shit for being below poverty, not working "hard" enough despite every higher up sitting on their ass making bank from taking money from other people. Your job as a president is to make life easier for your citizens... what are you really doing for us?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vixen View Post
    That's what I wanna ask.

    Just because someone breaks gender stereotypes doesn't make them a different sex. I break stereotypes a lot, yet like to embrace feminine traits. The problem is that masculine and feminine traits are in everyone. So that leaves me in thinking it's rather something that has to do with the physical body rather than just clothes and mannerism.
    ... right. But you won't see no one saying that because really, people think men and women exist only as stereotypes and what roles they play in society. All that shit is arbitrary tbh

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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    If being transgender is a mental illness, what's the treatment? Plastic surgery? Clothes? Hormone treatment? How do you even get diagnosed with gender dysphoria? What's the criteria?
    The criteria largely is to have a crippling porn addiction and stumble across the wrong headshrinker that wants to vandalize and destroy vulnerable people for their own gratification
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post
    FBI found child porn on Josh Duggar's computer too- does this mean all straight white men are bad or evil? I don't think people naively said it would never happen, just that if the sexual orientation or identity is irrelevant when str8ies do it, it should be the same with GLBT.... but it isn't. An immoral str8 person does something immoral, nobody blames the heterosexuality, everybody just blames the individual. Yet if a glbt person does something bad, suddenly them being glbt is the culprit.

    As Marcia would say 'Sure Jan!'

    I don't get being so hung up on the trans thing. Trans is a part of nature, we think of the sun as a symbol of male energy and we think of the fertile soil as a symbol of female energy. But what is the moon? It's in the place of the sky like the male sun yet it's made of rock like the fertile soil on the ground- this is nature/God's way of showing that a third/trans way is also part of nature. It might be more in the minority but it's still there, interwoven in the fabric of nature. There is not only day and night. There is twilight and dawn and dusk. =p

    I don't get attacking ppl in the glbt community or bullying them just to appeal to Karens who would hate them anyway. I refuse to bully my own kind just to get a Karen to like me more. Yet in another post you say you want more diverse sexualties to be accepted lol. Well then, stop playing into fundie wrong-wing tar trap games and start holding the fascists accoutible who are trying to stop diversity. I am thankful for the freakish gays and drag queens and the T in the GLBT, they are the reason the normie or half way normie gays even have a voice to begin with.
    If I'm not mistaken the whole reason why Pride exists in the first place is because of Marsha Johnson.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    The criteria largely is to have a crippling porn addiction and stumble across the wrong headshrinker that wants to vandalize and destroy vulnerable people for their own gratification
    Oh like extreme fetishism... okay I see the case for that in some people. I even read about it. But what if that person genuinely isn't that way? What then?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    Oh like extreme fetishism... okay I see the case for that in some people. I even read about it. But what if that person genuinely isn't that way? What then?
    Social contagion. Many cases of women that idolized their brothers more than normal, or internalized social messaging that they need to masculinize to compete and be valid. Others are gay men (victims of early life trauma) that are confused.

    "I feel like a man"
    "I feel like a woman"

    How would they even know
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    The worst mistake you can make is to be partisan for any politician. You want to trust and believe in what they say, but of course they're milking their audiences for approval. They have an election to win and connections to make. Vote for whoever will do the most for the country that's all that matters in the end. All that glittery facade is fake but it's important, too. It makes us as a nation look good. Our president represents us as people too.
    Yeah, these politicians are excellent at unitizing their ability to lie and attack people's irrational fears, dividing people, all just for some benefits and power. Plus, doing fake shit to hide their true selves, while they continue to use celebrities to tell you to vote for them, pushing agendas like normalization of pedophilia, etc. Sadly we live in a world where liars are praised over truthful people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    The problem now is that the president does not care about the people. I'm not even sure why they run for office. To mark off their bucket lists?
    Yep, the concern is that people often try to assassinate good presidents as well. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated for making slavery illegal; Theodore Roosevelt stood for women's rights, signed the bill for women's right to vote, and he was nearly assonated by John Flammang Schrank; JFK was assonated, and he signed the Civil rights bill in 1964. It just seems like a reoccurring theme, it makes sense for only people who are so willing to push their agenda to take a dangerous job than someone who just wants to do good and get possibly killed for it. NGL I also see the same thing happening in other countries, I swear something is going on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    Do people not realize when you smear shit in the faces of minorities and working class people, you're basically rubbing shit over the entirety of the US? Our country is built off the backs of working class people's, minorities, and Immigrants. But still we were deprived of rights.... recognition... respect. Even our own soldiers are treated like trash on the side of the street. We're promised an "American Dream" in return for hard work but we spend all our lives chasing that dream and get treated like shit for being below poverty, not working "hard" enough despite every higher up sitting on their ass making bank from taking money from other people. Your job as a president is to make life easier for your citizens... what are you really doing for us?
    FR, Biden is just throwing money at people's faces, as disrespect, which in turn makes inflation go crazy. And guess what, inflation in the US affects the rest of the world, it affects more people as well globally because we live in a global world. So then now we have the shitty actions of some brain-dead geezer is making MILLIONS GLOBALLY have to deal with inflation.

    Plus, now with all these political views being thrown around, ruining the unity of Americans of all kinds, etc, making it much easier to break America now.

    What made America special is that no one was a native here, except for Native Americans that were still minorities, and that we were united by values of liberty, and we tried to reach a middle ground. Now we are letting teachers groom kids, etc, this is not a country of strong people and principles/morals/integrity. Not a country I can be proud of.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    Social contagion. Many cases of women that idolized their brothers more than normal, or internalized social messaging that they need to masculinize to compete and be valid. Others are gay men (victims of early life trauma) that are confused.
    I admire my dad, I try to be like him yet I don't see myself wanting to grow a dick and beard out of nowhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    "I feel like a man"
    "I feel like a woman"

    How would they even know
    But how tf do you feel like a sex? Idk, it's kinda sexist...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry Milk View Post
    ... right. But you won't see no one saying that because really, people think men and women exist only as stereotypes and what roles they play in society. All that shit is arbitrary tbh
    That by definition would be sexist...
    Last edited by Muira; 07-23-2023 at 04:39 AM.

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