I keep thinking about how I can never find a theologian who can successfully argue the trinity isn't polytheistic. I need to find more theologians who aren't just sheepdogs perhaps. However, the only coherent description of how there's one God in three people and this isn't polytheism makes it sound like God just has multiple personalities and the trinity are God's Godheadmates, like originally there was just God the Father and He got so annoyed at His children for never doing what He said He formed two more personalities from the trauma and since no one can be God's therapist Christian civilization seemingly became completely dysfunctional, or "What do you think about Western civilization? It would be a nice idea." This needs a lot of explanation to be refuted. Since this is largely a psychology forum, I decided it would be an interesting topic here, because even without the theology maybe if it's possible someone could at least justify it being OK and not disordered for God to have His alters in mainstream trinitarian Christianity.