Please contribute if you want. Be constructive or at least funny or treat me as the next Jesus or else I will post another image of myself without any haircuts between.

The crosstype hypothesis was first put forward by C.G. Jung in Psychological Types. Jung noted the existence of individuals who possessed "undifferentiated" functions whose states were fused with another function. Jung suggested two kinds of such unions, those of the thinking and feeling (rational) functions and those of rational functions with irrational functions. (intuition and sensation)
If I read into this correctly it is as if Base, Suggestive interplay has developed to a point where the person possesses significant degree of semi-dual qualities. At least it seems to be one of the easiest of the pairings.

How should this manifest?
Base information predominates but suggestive follows along quite seamlessly (some sort of fingerprinting like temperament helps to separate the type). Creative/Demonstrative interplay should already resemble each other but the stress of an outcome is still placed on the valued function [EIE would use macabre humor and LII would paint fantastic visions].

Any connection to DCNH or accentuation?
Could be.

Some people that comes to my mind:
Jeff Bezos (ILI: Se excitable business conqueror), Brian Cox (LII: Fe passionate physicist), Me (EIE: lots of Ti logic whoring) .

Any other function pairings?
Is Elon Musk one of those people?