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Thread: Philosophical Outlook and Type/Quadra

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    AWellArmedCat's Avatar
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    Default Philosophical Outlook and Type/Quadra

    "When I type someone's personality, in recent times, I wonder very much about how much I should consider philosophical outlook." - stolen from @Subteigh

    I saw that in the shout box and it inspired me to write this post as I've also been interested in discussing this.

    To start things off, my own sort of intuitive feel of things is that type isn't as related to what you believe as it is to how you believe it. While I'm sure there are some very broad trends (some types being on average somewhat more authoritarian or libertarian for example), I have a feeling these trends are weak and only noticeable when zoomed way out. I think on a more micro level there's a lot more going on than just type.

    Take for example two LSIs who I know personally very well. One is a total redneck who leans right politically and has a very positive view of the American military. The other is a self-avowed communist who incidentally just retired from ten years of service in the US Navy, of which he is highly critical. They're on wildly different ends of the political spectrum, but seem to be very similar in most other ways. Both have a very pessimistic view of things, both are very quick to tell you exactly why your beliefs are delusional and disconnected from reality, and both have a very Se-driven view of the world where the emphasis is clearly placed on who has the biggest stick. The redneck would say our stick is looking a little too small and impotent and we've got to put all our efforts into inflating it before Russia and China get too confident in their sticks, while the commie would tell you that we're trapped in a world where big sticks are the only thing that matter and you'd better figure out how to deal with it cause it won't be changing any time soon. LSIs think about sticks a lot, and I think that's the way their worldviews are similar.

    What do you think though? Does type have more or less of an impact than that? What have you observed?
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    "When I type someone's personality, in recent times, I wonder very much about how much I should consider philosophical outlook." - stolen from @Subteigh

    I saw that in the shout box and it inspired me to write this post as I've also been interested in discussing this.

    To start things off, my own sort of intuitive feel of things is that type isn't as related to what you believe as it is to how you believe it. While I'm sure there are some very broad trends (some types being on average somewhat more authoritarian or libertarian for example), I have a feeling these trends are weak and only noticeable when zoomed way out. I think on a more micro level there's a lot more going on than just type.

    Take for example two LSIs who I know personally very well. One is a total redneck who leans right politically and has a very positive view of the American military. The other is a self-avowed communist who incidentally just retired from ten years of service in the US Navy, of which he is highly critical. They're on wildly different ends of the political spectrum, but seem to be very similar in most other ways. Both have a very pessimistic view of things, both are very quick to tell you exactly why your beliefs are delusional and disconnected from reality, and both have a very Se-driven view of the world where the emphasis is clearly placed on who has the biggest stick. The redneck would say our stick is looking a little too small and impotent and we've got to put all our efforts into inflating it before Russia and China get too confident in their sticks, while the commie would tell you that we're trapped in a world where big sticks are the only thing that matter and you'd better figure out how to deal with it cause it won't be changing any time soon. LSIs think about sticks a lot, and I think that's the way their worldviews are similar.

    What do you think though? Does type have more or less of an impact than that? What have you observed?
    I think that when people make general statements about human nature, their own individual nature colors what they say quite a lot. Personally, for what I'd say is that reason, I try not to assume I know how other people should live their lives, or try to push anyone in a particular way except to the extent I'm personally affected. But I think that kind of attitude is itself typical for Ne-egos.

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    Honestly this is why IEIs are the 'fixers' of Beta quadra because these dumb ass STs just want to follow some rules they think they makes the most sense and aren't considering themselves much with the ethics of the situation. Honestly the ethical gauge of most logical type is "follow the goddamn rules in society they aren't that hard to follow, don't be an asshole or a pedo. I'm allowed to be an asshole when I'm correcting the logical flaws of others - but people aren't allowed to be assholes to my ethical simps unless it's me. The end." It lacks a lot of finesse and nuance, but that's why there's ethical types. This LSI I knew used to get annoyed that I just wasn't normal and didn't like fit these strict Ti ideas she had in her head- but I made her a more nicer and forgiving person. It's like that Buffy episode, Beta STs think the portal to Hell is closed by blood but it's only really closed by tears lol.

    EIEs want the pride and attention and glory - they are like the little kid that wants to win at Monopoly and you have to let them think they are winning or bad things will happen.

    As for politics, I don't know- it reminds me of how a lot of people will think the "Deep State" is run by democratic liberals but I see tons of Republicunts in there too. A person's political beliefs might be genetic or in-born to a large extent I'm not sure. My parents were liberal, and I inherited most of their ideals in a general sense. The only thing I think conservatives are "conserving" is their own fears and misunderstandings really. Undoubtedly I am just a liberal pussy snowflake to them, but let's not forget there are plenty of snowflakes on the "right" side of the aisle as well.

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    To me much of conservatism is based on tribal family teachings and such and like ultra survival mode... it's like a peaceful and normal village needing to be really heterosexual to populate itself. They are in that mode constantly even when they don't really 'need to be' it seems to me anyway. It's like yeah naturally if you were making a village and you randomly saw some transsexual go near the campfire with your family you'd probably just idk shoot them on the spot cuz you'd be threatened - you wouldn't naturally have some PC lecture of how you should 'include them' and be nicer to them. You think it's silly anyway because why do you have to be nice to the trans person but the don't have to be nice to you- why do they get to make fun of you for being a redneck just because they are in a minority. You're the bigger victim anyway, as the Deep State hates you and makes you the villain- yet you naturally become the villain yourself with your attitudes. It's like art and entertainment as creative and fluffy and distant and escapist can be, can still only reflect reality and reality often has a liberal bias.

    and I just don't understand the fearful mentality of staying in the sticks huddled to a bible thinking everything is out to kill and hurt me. If it does kill or hurt me- I will respect it for being stronger and do better next to time- I don't want to live in fear like that. They say it's a healthy fear of God- but to me it's just an unhealthy fear of fear- and stereotypically most urbane and professional people understand not to act like a bigoted moron when a trans person walks in the room and such etc. ((the Illuminati is so harsh with JK Rowling because it's like jesus H christ somebody like that should know better.)) But I mean a lot of conservatives were also taught that a place of eternal sadism exists and if they aren't morally right- they will go to that place and I don't know, I can't have that mentality. I guess I'm too hopeful and I can't be scared away by a place of eternal sadism that don't exist- as they are often making the eternal sadism a reality on earth anyway often without realizing it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    @VewyScawwyNawcissist, this is the best link I've seen in months, if not years. Thanks for posting it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @VewyScawwyNawcissist, this is the best link I've seen in months, if not years. Thanks for posting it.
    Andreas Hofer is an INFx i love him so much
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange;[URL="tel:1508239"
    1508239[/URL]]@VewyScawwyNawcissist, this is the best link I've seen in months, if not years. Thanks for posting it.
    I think it’s pretty bad tbh. Classic MBTI intuitive bias.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I'm a farmer here and my long-standing friends are the same. And the ones I have strong kinship with are people who prefer 1-on-1 than group. My friends and I are wary of groups and consider them superficial.
    "groups" mean different things. if we're talking about hunters then the whole world is their group. ofc u can have localzied experiences but this is reality and in reality u cant just stay in one place forever unless u can, but like its situational. u cant "force" it. a lot of ppl try to force shit on others and thats how wars start. some think its THEIR place, that THEY are better than others, that THEY are more deserving ( i mean ofc some peopl are more deserving depending on the istuation but i mean more like the "absolute" unconditional way just bc they are they and the others are someone else)
    u adopted me online if u can call it that. thats unlikely for a farmer, first im foreing, im a different race, i live somewhere else, and u were willing to help me with shit when ive done nothing for u. its true most groups are superficial and most groups are farmer/pastoralist groups. where once ur worth falls u get left alone. hunter groups may be superficial in that ppl can switch places there but its kinda like everyone cares about everyone else hence u can be appreciated with anyone. or thats the best case/intended scenario. ofc self centered ppl would be shunned then. its like ones are about everyone else, and the farmers are all self centered so they center their own small group. would u exploit random ppl for ur own gain? would u be unfair to ur employees by estalibshing a hierarchy that favors certain ppl bc they are ur friends/family/obey social norms (ESE, SEI, SLI, LSE??)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I think it’s pretty bad tbh. Classic MBTI intuitive bias.
    itz generalitiz and itz true so far. he never said all ESTPs are dominant and hierarchical in the absolute sense. i can see their patterns there even as far libruls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I think it’s pretty bad tbh. Classic MBTI intuitive bias.

    Well, @Northstar, I haven't read it thoroughly yet, but it connects a lot of things that I have been thinking about, and it might do so well. I'm gonna buy some of Hofer's books and see if he's on to something or if he's full of BS.

    My goal is to try to better understand why some people are Authoritarians and some aren't. Authoritarianism clearly has some learned element to it, but I'm not sure if Authoritarians are born or made, or if they result from some combination of the two.

    I'm just collecting information, and this looks like a new source of data that needs to be evaluated.

    Anyway, one of the most conservative guys I know is an SLE, and one of the most liberal guys I know is an SLE, so I'm not looking for a purely MBTI explanation for why some people are more open to new experiences. The link seems to be saying that "travel" produces liberals. I tend to doubt that, but it's worth looking into.

    While Authoritarians seem to generally be opposed to liberal societies, they also are fantastic at defending their in-group, which is probably why they keep appearing in society, even when modern cities and societies work better with liberals (strangers trusting strangers).

    The Azov fighters in Ukraine have a reputation for being Authoritarian, and they are kicking ass against the Russian invaders.

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    Thanks, @Poptart, for investigating this. Seems like Hofer has a strong bias.

    My question is, "What does "superior" mean? Superior in what way?" Obviously, there are no absolutely "superior" people. There are people whose performance differs from that of others in many areas, and in some circumstances, these differences can result in different (better for some, worse for others) circumstances, but there is no group that is 'superior'.

    If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

    So much chaff, so little wheat.

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    just because u dont agree with it doesnt make it false
    i dont know fat SxIs but the fattest ppl ive known have been mostly xSEs.
    ive reserached butt shape extensively to compare with other things with VI and its true
    however u miss how much being underweight messess up with someone, and he has also said before that in general N types have more problems with healthy eating, both being overweight and underweight, and relates a lot of mental issues to them, while relating that to giftedness, which is also true. more homeless ppl, epecially LIIs. do u realize how much stigma there's against intuitives anyway? he's also said S types tend to have bigger tits as a speculation (i havent been able to confirm that myself, and he himself is just proposing theories. thinks like that doesnt have a hard concrete thing)
    conscientiousness is seen as a superior trait, openness often as flimsy nonsense even if its correlated to IQ.

    you youreslf can have mentality and values more aligned wiht hunters in general. maybe u do have more hunter genes yet u are still SEI. but one major thing about farmers/conservatives is to laugh at someone making excuses for their own misfortunes, and at the same time devalue someone for their virtues bc they arent productive, conformist, grounded in reality or appeal to the status quo/preconceived biases (which u do pops. im not gonna let u keep running away)
    one last thing is that farmers who were different from the others were often persecuted due to the nature of how those ppl operate. this would in turn select for such nasty ppl in general. now most ppl are mixed to various degrees in various ways.
    he sells books for $7 or less and a lot of the info he has in them he has spread for free. so much work, to give light to reality and issues of strugglign people just to be shut down. if the intuitive dares to raise his head and show his worth look how he gets shut down.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Thanks, @Poptart, for investigating this. Seems like Hofer has a strong bias.

    My question is, "What does "superior" mean? Superior in what way?" Obviously, there are no absolutely "superior" people. There are people whose performance differs from that of others in many areas, and in some circumstances, these differences can result in different (better for some, worse for others) circumstances, but there is no group that is 'superior'.

    If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

    So much chaff, so little wheat.
    I mean superior by the author’s standards. So “more evolved and agrees with the author’s politics”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I mean superior by the author’s standards. So “more evolved and agrees with the author’s politics”
    Lol, yes.

    I've seen so many Intuitives talk like they have everything down and know all about whatever, and then they put the car in gear and all four wheels fall off and the engine catches on fire. Then they're like, "What happened? My model of the world is perfect", and then they try to reframe the problem. Or run away from it. "Let's never talk about this again."

    Incidentally, I'm guilty of this, too. I hate it, but I seem to do it much too often.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol, yes.

    I've seen so many Intuitives talk like they have everything down and know all about whatever, and then they put the car in gear and all four wheels fall off and the engine catches on fire. Then they're like, "What happened? My model of the world is perfect", and then they try to reframe the problem. Or run away from it. "Let's never talk about this again."

    Incidentally, I'm guilty of this, too. I hate it, but I seem to do it much too often.
    Intuitives: We are the superior master race. Highly evolved and intelligent human sub-species.

    Also intuitives: Why are we the most vulnerable people in modern society??

    Tbf the second one was a different post/author.

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    Ideology can be a useful pivot/perspective point when thinking about someone's personality, whether it's to contrast or say "in spite of". But it is never the whole truth, as nothing with personality ever is.

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    As much as I find the idea of foragers and farmers interesting, I'm discouraged it's weaved through this. I don't even have to click on any link to imaging what they say, read enough of those and today sucks enough as is.

    I wonder if having poor self-esteem due to being a shit at life might make people try to boast whatever they can.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Intuitives: We are the superior master race. Highly evolved and intelligent human sub-species.

    Also intuitives: Why are we the most vulnerable people in modern society??

    Tbf the second one was a different post/author.
    Ya, it's unfair, outrageous, revolting!! That stamps of the superior collector show a streak of mastership and prodigy far exceeding every faded dot of the blanket positions the cosmic over the common.

    It's weird I think too that N lords in an authoritative web over the simpletons and those who were not so revolutionary or dreamy.

    I go for production over entitlement.
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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    As much as I find the idea of foragers and farmers interesting, I'm discouraged it's weaved through this. I don't even have to click on any link to imaging what they say, read enough of those and today sucks enough as is.

    I wonder if having poor self-esteem due to being a shit at life might make people try to boast whatever they can.
    weak people complain. strong people succeed.
    ted bundy victims were weak and jealous.
    u guys are so full of narcissism yet so confident someone else isnt. get abused and devalued = being shit at life and u dont deserve to be recognized for what u're worth, ON TOP OF NOT BEING RECOGNIZED AS A LIVING BEING WORTHY OF RESPECT

    intuitives get blamed for things that arent their fault? its their fault
    sensors get blamed for things that are their fault? intuitives fault
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    I always thought that Einstein was a lot like Bunny, flowing with juice of the sizable mind pastry strapping in for the Millennium Falcon exploration of the zoo tycoon quarry to inhabit the Poke-balls of the hyper beam eternal ice Tyranitar thousand-lives generator.
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    weak people complain. strong people succeed.
    ted bundy victims were weak and jealous.
    u guys are so full of narcissism yet so confident someone else isnt. get abused and devalued = being shit at life and u dont deserve to be recognized for what u're worth, ON TOP OF NOT BEING RECOGNIZED AS A LIVING BEING WORTHY OF RESPECT

    intuitives get blamed for things that arent their fault? its their fault
    sensors get blamed for things that are their fault? intuitives fault
    Tbh, I think there's probably quite a few sensors who think they are intuitives because they couldn't get a nice spot in life.
    I know a few myself, but dare say that and you become the sensor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    "When I type someone's personality, in recent times, I wonder very much about how much I should consider philosophical outlook." - stolen from @Subteigh

    I saw that in the shout box and it inspired me to write this post as I've also been interested in discussing this.

    To start things off, my own sort of intuitive feel of things is that type isn't as related to what you believe as it is to how you believe it. While I'm sure there are some very broad trends (some types being on average somewhat more authoritarian or libertarian for example), I have a feeling these trends are weak and only noticeable when zoomed way out. I think on a more micro level there's a lot more going on than just type.

    Take for example two LSIs who I know personally very well. One is a total redneck who leans right politically and has a very positive view of the American military. The other is a self-avowed communist who incidentally just retired from ten years of service in the US Navy, of which he is highly critical. They're on wildly different ends of the political spectrum, but seem to be very similar in most other ways. Both have a very pessimistic view of things, both are very quick to tell you exactly why your beliefs are delusional and disconnected from reality, and both have a very Se-driven view of the world where the emphasis is clearly placed on who has the biggest stick. The redneck would say our stick is looking a little too small and impotent and we've got to put all our efforts into inflating it before Russia and China get too confident in their sticks, while the commie would tell you that we're trapped in a world where big sticks are the only thing that matter and you'd better figure out how to deal with it cause it won't be changing any time soon. LSIs think about sticks a lot, and I think that's the way their worldviews are similar.

    What do you think though? Does type have more or less of an impact than that? What have you observed?
    I agree with the bolded.

    It's kind of counter intuitive, to be honest. Jung's Psychological Types was largely inspired by differences in thinking between different people - between Jung and others and between various philosophers. And you would think that psychological types defined by their Socionical values would share a 1:1 relationship with respective philosophies. It certainly would be easier to type people if it was about philosophies.

    The truth is more nuanced...

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    Sensing types smell better than intuitives.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I think it’s pretty bad tbh. Classic MBTI intuitive bias.
    There's a kernel of something intriguing in there, but it does come off a little as "Are you a vIrGiN fArMeR , or a *CHAD* HUNTER-GATHERER?!?!?"
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaNBunny4eva View Post
    I always thought that Einstein was a lot like Bunny, flowing with juice of the sizable mind pastry strapping in for the Millennium Falcon exploration of the zoo tycoon quarry to inhabit the Poke-balls of the hyper beam eternal ice Tyranitar thousand-lives generator.
    Yeah, I've always felt that way too
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    Thanks for sharing! It's given me a bunch of interesting things to think about. A post or poll of members here about what their friendship-making style is may prove enlightening, as I think a lot of sensors don't feel it quite fits with their experience. I know I would definitely describe my SLI aunt as a hunter-gatherer/social-liberal, and she's without doubt an SLI
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    There's a kernel of something intriguing in there, but it does come off a little as "Are you a vIrGiN fArMeR , or a *CHAD* HUNTER-GATHERER?!?!?"
    hunter gatherers have been repeatedly driven to extermination or integration.

    he has also described N types as having big noses, acne and digestive issues (hunter genes incompatible with modern farmer food), creepy, lacking social skills, autism ADHD and other mental illnesses
    Sensing types smell better than intuitives.
    we hear that a lot as it is IRL. thank u very much. its quite offensive to force other ppl my presence lmao. sensors are often the perpetual victims.
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    @VewyScawwyNawcissist While I haven't read everything you've posted, from what I have gathered, it really seems like you view society as somehow crucially divided between sensors and intuitives, and it feels like you're kinda hung up on this. I don't really see that clear of a separation to be honest. My parents and my SLI aunt who always lived with us are all sensors and I never felt like they didn't value me because I was intuitive. They may have often struggled to understand me, but they always seemed to recognize that I was my own person with my own strengths and weaknesses, and they did their best. I really am sorry if you didn't feel like you were given any respect for being who you were growing up, or even now, but it really looks to me as though you've built this antagonistic relationship between sensors and intuitives up in your head well beyond the level at which it actually manifests irl. Like, I do recognize that sensors and intuitives do have to work a little to understand each other, but it's really not that crazy of a difference in my experience. My ESE mom often asks me to tell her my perspectives on Socionics relations in our family, and is always like, "Well, I still don't really understand the theory, but it's great to hear how I can get along better with (so-and-so)." If you've got this preconceived idea that sensors just don't/can't get you though, then that's bound to make relations worse for you via self-fulfilling prophecy, or them just feeling like you think you're more special than them somehow.

    I'm not trying to devalue your experience, or say that any poor relationships you may have had or are having are your fault. I believe you if you say the sensors in your life have treated you poorly. I'm just saying I think you're investing more into the sensor/intuitive divide than it's really worth in the grand scheme of things
    Last edited by AWellArmedCat; 03-25-2022 at 05:48 AM. Reason: Forgot to tag
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    This seems like dangerous territory to me. It's good if you need to fill some gaps in your thinking, but I wouldn't put much stock in it. As long as you don't lose sight of your own bullshit it's fine to speculate. That hunter gatherer theory seems outlandish to me. Too deterministic. Having said that I wonder how relevant is that thinking to Gulenko's Forms of Cognition. I just can't relate to what is being discussed in this topic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Sensing types smell better than intuitives.
    Pretty sure I read the same thing in a Beskova portrait.

    “SENSOR has a fine sense of aesthetics. When SENSOR is in a good mood, SENSOR radiates effervescent lavender top notes harmoniously blended with a vanilla and sandalwood base.”

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    Alright guys, talking about farmers and hunter gatherers? Just read this entire book, you'll get the jist of why that's a dumb and bad dichotomy. It's only, what, 700 pages? I mean, I'm only 273 through it(as in 273 pages in the pdf), but I assure you this is a very efficient and fast way to learn about ancient civilizations.

    Summary for those who don't have a hundred hours to spare, the point I wanna make here is that using the hunter gather - farmer dichotomy is actually a dumb idea, and is proof that human thought on the issue has barely progressed since Rousseau was like "omggg hunter gathers were soo cooolll and lived in paradiseeeee", and Hobbes was like "noooooooo farmers are cooolll people are savagessss civilizationnnnn mannnn'.

    Just like mbti, (and totally not socionics btw we're so cool and objective), it's based off dichotomies which sound like they're obvious and objective, when in reality they're actually just as made up as measuring personality on which animal represents you the best.
    Last edited by Baqer; 03-25-2022 at 08:51 AM. Reason: I forgot to insult people's intelligence

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    @VewyScawwyNawcissist While I haven't read everything you've posted, from what I have gathered, it really seems like you view society as somehow crucially divided between sensors and intuitives, and it feels like you're kinda hung up on this. I don't really see that clear of a separation to be honest. My parents and my SLI aunt who always lived with us are all sensors and I never felt like they didn't value me because I was intuitive. They may have often struggled to understand me, but they always seemed to recognize that I was my own person with my own strengths and weaknesses, and they did their best. I really am sorry if you didn't feel like you were given any respect for being who you were growing up, or even now, but it really looks to me as though you've built this antagonistic relationship between sensors and intuitives up in your head well beyond the level at which it actually manifests irl. Like, I do recognize that sensors and intuitives do have to work a little to understand each other, but it's really not that crazy of a difference in my experience. My ESE mom often asks me to tell her my perspectives on Socionics relations in our family, and is always like, "Well, I still don't really understand the theory, but it's great to hear how I can get along better with (so-and-so)." If you've got this preconceived idea that sensors just don't/can't get you though, then that's bound to make relations worse for you via self-fulfilling prophecy, or them just feeling like you think you're more special than them somehow.

    I'm not trying to devalue your experience, or say that any poor relationships you may have had or are having are your fault. I believe you if you say the sensors in your life have treated you poorly. I'm just saying I think you're investing more into the sensor/intuitive divide than it's really worth in the grand scheme of things
    this is about ppl with mental illness in genreal. not just sensor and intutiive. most ppl today are mixed anyway. the point is a lot of ppl are marginalized and exploited for real while being denied what they need to grow. i also think u are in denial based on what u've already told me. u may have been fortunate in some ways. this doesnt make the rest ok. just because u survive doesnt mean u trive, and just because you are complacent it doesnt mean its ok. people are more and less special than others. period. being in denial about that is some leftist shit lmao.u said already ppl have their strengths and weaknesses. how come when someone dares speak up about their worth its somehow spceial and attention seeking (as if other ppl dont seek attention constantly - and its not just attention, they want to control u while making ur life miserable). why are u investing in personality types again if its just divides? it helps u understand how u relate to the people around you and the social environment? what does this guy's work do again? what about Se egos who get restricted and prevented from making something meaningful out of their lives bc someone has to look down on them and expects them to do things they arent aligned with? they are not special so they should live as everyone else despite that harming them? arent we all perhaps investing too much time into socionics or this forum? i really have no idea what people mean when they say someones doing something too much. how do u measure that? im taking it too literally? why dont we just devalue exploring any idea at this point since its not IMMEDIATELY practical or PLEASANT perhaps.
    some people are only nice as long as everything's nice. some people are nice despite things being bad. and its their fault for being stupid enough for trusting someone lmao. no its not, unless they notice the pattern of who is who. if u are in denial refuse to process info just bc dont like it and then it hits u then it is ur fault.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Pretty sure I read the same thing in a Beskova portrait.

    “SENSOR has a fine sense of aesthetics. When SENSOR is in a good mood, SENSOR radiates effervescent lavender top notes harmoniously blended with a vanilla and sandalwood base.”
    INTUITIVE does not have fine sense of aesthetics. INTUITIVE sits behind computer all day and forgets to take shower.

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    In other words, this thread is unnecessarily complicating the difference between sensors and intuitives

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Intuitives: We are the superior master race. Highly evolved and intelligent human sub-species.

    Also intuitives: Why are we the most vulnerable people in modern society??

    Tbf the second one was a different post/author.
    I'm pretty sure that my friend who studies Jung told me intuitives are primitive.
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    Intuitives, embrace the old way.
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    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
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    Sensers came before intuitives. In a way, they were the original, complete, already perfect humans. But there was some need to adapt, and so intuitives came to exist too. So in a way intuitives are more developed or advanced but in a way they are a strange mutation.

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    I think my E9ness and neurodivergence has a stronger influence on my personality and life outlook than whatever my socionics type is. I value money and status to the extent that it facilitates my hedonistic pursuits and feel like I don't take much in life seriously
    Last edited by Averroes; 03-31-2022 at 06:17 PM.

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