Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
Maturity (the stereotypical maturity) is highly overrated by the populace as they want you to act practical and efficient even when you aren't very practical or efficient at working. Maturity in the practical sense should be thrown out the window as everyone has their own path to real maturity, it's a lifelong process of figuring out who you are and what you want and avoiding obviously bad decisions and toxic people and being able to be independent of others.


Personally @Poptart I don't think activity is a bad relation, but I will say that I believe a environment where both partners love and trust each other, don't do anything terribly, unfathomably stupid, and are able to have fun together and communicate well is better than a stable environment.
I agree completely. Life would be unbearable if you had to take it completely seriously. Maturity doesn’t consist in treating life seriously, but as you said, trying to minimize doing anything completely stupid, and in knowing what one wants (and acting accordingly). I think it’s good for people to come to their own understandings with the world, and also for people to generally respect the understandings of others, since this has more to do with personal inclination than in objective knowledge. If ILEs tend to take a more relaxed attitude toward life, I don’t see this as necessarily a problem or a sign of immaturity.

Obviously there are some ILEs who are immature, irresponsible, or treat people badly, but @Poptart , if that’s your only impression of the type, I wonder if you’re being a little hasty in your judgement.

I’ve known other SEIs, and more rarely SLIs, to take a dim view of Ne. I’ve not known any other type to be so negative about their suggestive function, so this has confused me. My best guess, from what I’ve picked up, is that they feel afraid of a one-sided relationship, where they’ll have to take care of the Ne type like an actual child to prevent them from constantly making a mess. If I were to go further in guessing I’d guess that they feel so afraid of this dynamic because exposure to Ne triggers “caretaking” tendencies in them, and because high Ne tends to seem unusual or “weird” (maybe it actually is relatively rare; who knows), the SXI usually doesn’t have an idea of what mature Ne people are like, or how they can be mature when they act so “weird.” So with this image that Ne people are terminally infantile, their own “caretaking” tendencies alarm them, especially if Ne types play up their Ne in response to the SXI’s Si. If any SEIs or SLIs could weigh in on this I’d be interested.