I was just wondering which types you think are the most common, and which types you seem to frequently encounter. I also wonder which types you don’t come across often. Please know that my thoughts are just based on experience, not statistics. Statistics are valuable, but there are not a lot of statistics in Socionics.

I find that Si bases are the most common. I always seem to encounter a ton of SEIs and SLIs. ESEs are definitely one of the more common types as well. I also think that ESIs and LSIs are quite common, with ESIs being more common than LSIs. I think that LSEs are also pretty common, but I don’t come across a lot of them IME. I come across more SEEs than LSEs in my life. SLEs are pretty rare IMO; I only met a few of them.

Out of the intuitives, I find Delta NFs to be the most common. Alpha NTs and Beta NFs are rare, but I definitely come across some of them. Gamma NTs are very rare.