I'm short on time, so some quick thoughts:
I don't know whether you're IEI or SEI, but I've observed that you write more like an SEI though that's based on a generalization.
I like to think of Ni vs Si as homeostasis/balance of the inner OR external situation.
If you are SEI, then being e4 would accentuate Ni role and increase how much time you spend in the inner world.
SEIs aren't boring. the person i've been friends with the longest in my life is an SEI.
Si caretaking can come out in little ways such as (some irl examples)
-IEE getting overly excited about an idea and ESE telling him to calm down (in a caring manner)
-SEI commenting I should drink a glass a warm water upon waking, when I had a fever
you don't necessarily literally have to be taking care of someone.
Anyway, do you relate to Ne or Se seeking more? I think you just need to understand the IEs more. that just requires a lot of time spent browsing the internet about them.