Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
I feel so deflated when these so-called 1Ls won't entertain my curiosity because they're closed off to speculation on a topic.
They're playing things too safe, guarding their credibility... or is my interest perverse or intrusive somehow.

As a side note I may be 1E
I'm leaning towards 1L for myself. The forer effect got to me I think when first reading descriptions, still considering tho, so take this pillar of salt to go with what follows: You know that interchange we had regarding Ne and openness? Yeah, I deleted my lecture I started to post, and just gave you information you could decide on for yourself instead. The way I look at it, you can assuage your own curiosity by looking for yourself. Like when I told you about Need for Cognition. If someone had mentioned that to me, I'd be off looking up all kinds of information on it. From my perspective, you looked closed, but I figured it was just a defensive reaction, and I didn't want to push. People tell me that I come across as attacking their ideas when that's not my intention at all. So, I find it's better sometimes just to drop the info and let them sort it out themselves. On the other hand, when someone asks me to explain something for them, I'm more than willing to do that. Dunno if my perspective helps here or not, but thought I'd add it anyway in case.