i pretty much always favor Se in myself and others instead of Si, except when it's against my rights or when I think it's immoral without it feeling good to me; while I feel much more proficient with Si and I feel like I use it more than Se, I value Se more.


i feel like i'm judicious and aristocratic even though i favor democratic (from the way it seems to me, i don't really feel like i understand it) and i prefer people to be decisive (which i don't understand because it seems like LSE would be decisive) but easy going; it's sexier and more helpful to me and it looks smarter.

I have a vision of how i'd want things to be in this land, which seems to me like it would favor Se and Ni. but then maybe i'd waver from it from time to time.

i'm definitely not alpha or beta.

subtypes weren't part of aushra's original theory, but then i don't think quadras were either.

but isn't quadra defined by valued IEs rather than Reinin Dichotomies? if so, then i'd say i'm a representative of gamma quadra by theory, while a mixture of gamma and delta as a person.