Se is the sensing of external objects. Your nerves and retina and eardrum and smell receptors sense the external world. They don't make judgements about it.

Si is the sensing of conditions internal to the body. It applies to one's health, comfort, food, energy reserves, harmonious or cacophonous sounds, physical pain or pleasure.

Te is the assignment of names to external objects for the purpose of differentiating one "thing" from another. It is flexible in its assignments. For example, a screwdriver can also be a chisel, a balance weight, a battery shorting bar, one part of a set, or the product that you are selling.

Ti is the categorization of objects into internally generated classification schemes, and is rigid in its definitions. An example of Ti thinking is the Periodic Table. Silver is silver, not gold. And why are you talking about money?
Also, magic is uncategorizable, and hence to Ti is bullshit.