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Thread: Links To My Gulenko Typing Videos For Reference- Posted Here Not Beta Due To Being Unsure If IEI Is My Best Fit

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    Default Links to Video Questions for SHS - Provided on Request. Posted Here Not Beta Due To Being Unsure If IEI Is My Best Fit

    I wasn’t quite sure where to post this thread (I opted here rather than Beta cause I’m not sure I am a Beta type and still questioning so here seemed the better place).

    I’ve been typed IEI-Harmonising by Gulenko a couple of months back. It’s a type I wasn’t seriously considering due to my understanding being that I definitely was not a Se valuer. And I’ve had feedback from other communities like World Socionics that I’d more likely be EII or even SEI rather than IEI. That said, to my knowledge (please correct me if I’m wrong) Model G is not the same as Model A so it is perfectly natural for an individuals to get given different typings.

    Anyways, since I’ve seen my Review video floating around here (which is major cringe worthy but I did consent to it being used by SHS if they wished), I thought I’d share the links to my questionnaire videos I completed in order to be typed however on reflection have removed the links in this OP but will provide them if anyone wishes to view them. Please PM me for links or if you have any any questions or feedback about the typing service. I am closing the thread down also.

    I’ll try to help if I can! If anything, I hope I can give an example which may inform some of you on if this is the best path for you to take or not
    Last edited by justalitnerdxx; 12-12-2020 at 11:10 PM.

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    How Gulenko defines IEI being the one who smooths the conflict in beta so it works in that frame. Am I right? EII as I understand fishes for personal distress from others. See Carl Rogers.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comatose Lamiac 007 View Post
    How Gulenko defines IEI being the one who smooths the conflict in beta so it works in that frame. Am I right? EII as I understand fishes for personal distress from others. See Carl Rogers.
    Yes, I think you’re right. IEI to my understanding is defined by Gulenko as seemingly not belonging to Beta due to them being more peacemaker and gentle diffuse temperament but that actually they are Beta cause they’re needed to smooth over the tension and conflicts and stop things from going too far.

    It is totally possible for me to have conflated definitions, mixed up what it means to be IEI and EII, what Ne is vs what Ni is Fi vs Fe etc. I wouldn’t say I fish for personal distress. If people are sad, scared, lonely, mad, annoyed...any form of distressed, I try to give them emotional comfort, let them know they aren’t alone in their feelings and if they need to vent or confide then I’m always around for them to do so with. If people are mad, like for example a customer on the phone is really going off on one, I am flummoxed and nervous at the tension but actually I seem to be able to calm them down. I affirm why they’re annoyed, and don’t raise my voice back at them to escalate things. Actually in my personal relationships too I try to calm others down if they’re angry or give them solace if they’re sad. But ultimately I don’t probe much, I let the person lead the interaction and if they want to vent then I give them space to. If they’d rather not speak and sit with their feelings then I’ll let them do that.

    I don’t know if that’s a more EII Carl Rogers type approach or not. I guess I do on a subliminal level “smooth and soothe” things over.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    I do wonder since Ti valuers are likely to respect “different (logical) viewpoints” (aka the subjectivity of Ti), if you really might be a Ti valued type then. I don’t know how to put it into words exactly, but I instinctively take “different systems” and sort of...thematically assess what core of x type might be even if it’s “differing viewpoints” which, although maybe not as clear on text, does point to preference for Te standardization in my case. Everyone can imagine what an IEI or EII or whatever is like, “in their system” but it would literally make it meaningless if anyone can type anyone anything lol. At least that is what it feels like to me. There can be differences but as long as I can still make a coherent (as per Fi, not as much Ti) sense out of them, it is ok.

    edit I just realized this is not just Fi but also Te seeking. Seeing terminology as objective I mean, that is what I was referring to with the first para. Although I am not persnickety about precision and as Fi-Ne I can understand “differing viewpoints” generally speaking in the logical realm I just lose interest with the Ti approach if that makes sense. While if there’s something “objectively true” to a system (Te) I become excited, as in “this I’m actually relevant to reality” etc.

    im not condoning a specific type or not for you, because I don’t have a strong opinion yet. I can kinda see where Gulenko might have gotten IEI from though. What type do you honestly feel like you might be? Notwithstanding what online communities might say.

    btw if you’re comfortable sharing (any part) of Gulenko’s analysis, I would be curious to read it.
    i can understand wanting terminology to be objective and be consistent, though with Socionics anyways I’ve resigned myself to realising that others will see things in a different way and it’s impossible to get consensus �� I think it’s a case of too many chefs at one pot.

    To my understanding I fit EII best cause I do seem to gravitate towards Te and don’t show or feel a lot of draw towards Se. That said, I may have been mixing up what different functions are and how they present in reality. It’s just hard for me mentally to shift to the idea that “maybe I’m not EII or SEI at all. Maybe I am not a Si/Ne valuer?” It’s what I’ve been attached to for so long. I can’t tell anymore if that attachment is because I know my personal truth or if I’m clinging to being another type.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Ive known EII harmonizing but they seemed different than you. They can seem social on the surface but just underneat is the secret Fi judgemental attitude. Like cold/concealed/rational
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    Yes, I think you’re right. IEI to my understanding is defined by Gulenko as seemingly not belonging to Beta due to them being more peacemaker and gentle diffuse temperament but that actually they are Beta cause they’re needed to smooth over the tension and conflicts and stop things from going too far.

    It is totally possible for me to have conflated definitions, mixed up what it means to be IEI and EII, what Ne is vs what Ni is Fi vs Fe etc. I wouldn’t say I fish for personal distress. If people are sad, scared, lonely, mad, annoyed...any form of distressed, I try to give them emotional comfort, let them know they aren’t alone in their feelings and if they need to vent or confide then I’m always around for them to do so with. If people are mad, like for example a customer on the phone is really going off on one, I am flummoxed and nervous at the tension but actually I seem to be able to calm them down. I affirm why they’re annoyed, and don’t raise my voice back at them to escalate things. Actually in my personal relationships too I try to calm others down if they’re angry or give them solace if they’re sad. But ultimately I don’t probe much, I let the person lead the interaction and if they want to vent then I give them space to. If they’d rather not speak and sit with their feelings then I’ll let them do that.

    I don’t know if that’s a more EII Carl Rogers type approach or not. I guess I do on a subliminal level “smooth and soothe” things over.
    I don't really now if EII aims to smooth things at a. It is like they want to hear tat person comes to clear. This is usually where they get confused because I'd try to find justifications through theoretical BS. If things do not hold up in theoretical perspective think it is useless.
    As I have spent time with few Te egos it just seems like they want to about their "personal matters" a lot. It wears me out very quickly. As if it gets me closer to depression. I can be there quiet but oof...
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    @asd here’s bits from my report

    Installation (activity orientation)
    Ethics is more than logic
    If to judge by mimicry, the respondent has a large range of feelings. She describes herself in the interview as a very sensitive person. For example she worries a lot if she is accused of not giving the right service.
    Her emotions are positive. First of all, friendly and peace-loving. She can't be aggressive. She knows how to sympathize with people. Hardly endures bad relations, especially conflicts. She can cry in such situations.
    However, she hides her inner anxiety behind a smile. She understands and appreciates jokes and has a sense of humor. Easy and charming in communication. For this she is loved by little kids.

    Intuition is more than sensing
    The respondent has a developed imagination. When answering, her eyes go up, which is often the case for people with visual thinking capable to see bright images. This is fully consistent with the fact that Jennifer often dreams about how her life could have turned out differently or about the places she would like to visit.
    Her passion for historical literature and science fiction demonstrates her intuition. She is able to anticipate the occurrence of certain events by small, barely visible signs. She also has an intuitive lack of control over the use of material objects.
    Jennifer is a curious person, open to change. But at the same time, she has a lot of problems with weak sensing - lack of pragmatism and realism in her intentions and actions. In her opinion she needs to be periodically returned from heaven to earth. Of course, she needs support and protection from sensory types.
    The ethics coupled with intuition gives the humanitarian-artistic setup for the activity.

    Introversion is more than extraversion
    The respondent describes herself as a modest and even shy person who behaves lively and emotionally only among his close friends or those whom she trusts. Indeed, her inner world of ideas and feelings is much richer than external activity. This behavior is typical for introverts.
    In addition, a couple of mental functions, which are most visible in her preferences (intuition of time and ethics of relationships), also have an introverted orientation. These are functions that anticipate the danger and avoid hard collisions, soften the situation, rather than active pressure to solve problems quickly. Introverts are usually inferior to extroverts in energy.

    Irrationality is more than rationality
    Jennifer is characterized by mood swings throughout the day. This happens to people with unbalanced and weak nervous system. But because of introversion, strangers do not see it.
    Her intuition determines her ethics. First, she perceives or visualizes an image, and then gets some feelings that form her relationship to the perceived things. This is how the psyche of irrationals (perceptive types) is organized.

    In addition, her behavior is flexible and adaptive. This temperament is called receptive- adaptive in HS.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    True, consensus apparently difficult with socionics but I can’t help but gravitate towards generally reasonable viewpoints, so some “consistency” (of applicability) in that sense. Anyways...
    could you say more about preferring Fi/Te and what that means to you? Si/ne as well.

    the little anecdote you shared about providing emotional comfort overall reads more Fe to me. But keep in mind it’s online, so I may not be reading as well into it. That being said - yes EIIs can be peacemakers but when confronted with an angry customer who is “going off on you,” I do tend to cave in due to the Se PoLR. The comfort provided by EII to others is not as much via tonal and color shifts in the emotiveness in voice (“voice is generally monotone”) but and indirect, implied indication of understanding. We digest our feelings and analyze them then state them instead of spewing them out in a raw form, in the moment, like Fe types. Ofc. one can still do the other at times. It’s about general themes assuming relative health.

    oh and this link might help:
    my reasoning for think Fi/Te valuing over Fe/Ti valuing for myself is a bit vaguer. I’m not that emotionally expressive and group orientated in my opinion, and my attitude towards people and things are consistent and mostly unchanging, which is why I thought Fi was valued and my lead. For Te I am drawn towards people who are competent and organised in their activities, who know what to do and how. That said, I am not so good at practical tasks and don’t have much common sense. I would hold a gun towards myself the wrong way - not that I’ve ever held a gun and that’s an extreme example. Or if I do a task wrong at work, like send a callback request to the wrong department I feel a lot of shame and inadequacy. I feel stupid and worth that I don’t understand anything at all which will annoy my co workers and customers. I did think that worry was Te suggestive (wanting to do a good job and being conscientious) but actually it could be Weak Te in general and more POLR (shame and anxiety at the failure). With Se as a POLR I related to being timid, a bit of a push over, more peace seeking than going head to head. This could be weak Se in general though too. I mean, I don’t relate to the Se POLR descriptions of being too weak or then being too strong and pushy. If POLR is erratic then I guess I’d be more Te POLR in that I am either completely ineffective and ignore tasks needed done cause they’re too hard or I go overboard trying to be perfect and competent, to the point of stressing about making errors. With Se I know I’m not good at it and sort of made my peace with that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Ive known EII harmonizing but they seemed different than you. They can seem social on the surface but just underneat is the secret Fi judgemental attitude. Like cold/concealed/rational
    Thank you for your input! Yeah, I’m not really sure I have a cold concealed rational judgemental attitude under the surface. It’s not something others have noticed about me and personally, I’d say I have more of a warm curious playful attitude underneath my exterior which is a bit more muted and serious. So I guess like the inverse of what you’ve described

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    Quote Originally Posted by Comatose Lamiac 007 View Post
    I don't really now if EII aims to smooth things at a. It is like they want to hear tat person comes to clear. This is usually where they get confused because I'd try to find justifications through theoretical BS. If things do not hold up in theoretical perspective think it is useless.
    As I have spent time with few Te egos it just seems like they want to about their "personal matters" a lot. It wears me out very quickly. As if it gets me closer to depression. I can be there quiet but oof...

    ah right, I suppose in that case I’m probably not an EII. I haven’t really seen myself as smoothing over and being companionable (which is why I doubted Fe creative at all for me) but I do have social anxiety to be honest and I’m only now realising that I do seem to actually fair better socially with others than I thought.

    I don’t think it helps me with typings that I don’t have much interaction experience with Te egos or Se egos so to hear any insights is really helpful, thank you

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    ENTP Don Quixote ?
    This is the comment you are looking for

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    Something that immediately sticks out from your video is that you have a very kindly voice. It feels very safe and warm, I would be glad to have a chat over tea with you. It is very gentle and soft. I also like how your room is decorated, it feels light and a bit bubbly, which I associate with Si/Ne. SEIs daydream and can be creative, but I find it unusual for them to conjure up stories in their head throughout the day at least. For me that signals intuition. In the official descriptions they both note EIIs and IEIs are capable of it. You also feel very...innocent? A bit childlike. Which is what decided EII over IEI. IEI can be soft and sweet but they never feel innocent to me, they have an edgier core that I find missing in you. Very hard time seeing you with an Aggressor. EII-Fi are more moralizing and less likely to daydream and whatnot so I would say EII-Ne is the most likely subtype if there is one. Socionics creative subtypes are also said to resemble quasi-identicals more due to strengthened demonstrative function.

    I would say go with your instinct, EII. EII are not judgmental, in fact I would usually fault them for being too open-minded to those undeserving. They can be overly sensitive to stuff like ribbing and casual jokes though, which is what rubs Fe people wrong. They are also less rational in the stereotypical sense due to weakened Te causing issues with organization and order and weakened Se which can give the impression of being out of touch with reality. Their rationality comes out more in how stubborn they are sticking with their ideals when dealing with toxicity and life circumstances, refusing to give into frustration or toxic mindsets. EIIs are unlikely to push their morals unto others forcefully or unpleasantly, Se PoLR gives them issues with that. Good luck.

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    Gulenko gave you a well-reasoned explanation of the typing but you still seem hesitant with it because you know something seems off to you about it. I say just go with your gut on this and call it a day. If you were actually comfortable with the typing, I doubt you would have made this thread. Good luck to you!..

    How do you relate to SLEs vs. LSEs? I got officially typed as IEI but couldn't see myself dualizing with an SLE. I have always been drawn to Ti bases.. Kept getting into awkward real-life flirtations with LSIs. Haha

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    I can see how if you thought you were definitely not a Se/Ni valuer, you might be torn... I wonder if IEI-H (even more than the other subtypes) might feel this way? Anyway, I don’t feel in the position to type anyone, especially at this point. I want to work on my understanding a bit more, and even then I don’t know if I would ever be confident.
    But just wanted to put that out that and say, well I see why you are torn. @justalitnerdxx
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    @justalitnerdxx, I watched the first few minutes of all four videos and my impression from the first three is that you value Si. Your hair and clothes are coordinated and tasteful and conservative and not flashy or bold. They seem to say "solid and comfortable" but are interesting and changing all the time. (I looked in your closet.) I also get the fainter impression that you value Ne randomness. For one thing, you've changed your username three times.
    I think you are extroverted, in the sense that you don't dive deep into your head when talking, but rather just say what comes to mind on the surface. So I was thinking you are Alpha or Delta. I can see why people have guessed that you might be SEI or Delta in the past.

    In the fourth reaction video, I think I see more Fi than Fe, but it is kind of close. You don't look happy with the typing, and Fi-valuers tend to place more credence in their own opinions that those of someone else.

    I really don't see any of the dark inner Ni mysticism that I associate with IEI-Ni's, nor any of the bold super-friendly Fe staginess that I associate with IEI-Fe's. Maybe I should listen to the videos, in addition to watching them.

    What do you think about the possibility of your being IEE-Fi? How do SLI-Te's look to you? As opposed to SLE's, I mean? I guess what I'm saying is that the inter-type relationships matter, because ultimately, you have to be comfortable with the people you choose to surround yourself with.

    SLE vs SLI:

    SLE: Untamed, mysterious, charismatic, applies direct force to people to get what they want.
    SLI: Controlled, quiet, competent, self-effacing, saves money for a rainy day.

    Just askin', you know.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-12-2020 at 02:08 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cybel View Post
    Something that immediately sticks out from your video is that you have a very kindly voice. It feels very safe and warm, I would be glad to have a chat over tea with you. It is very gentle and soft. I also like how your room is decorated, it feels light and a bit bubbly, which I associate with Si/Ne. SEIs daydream and can be creative, but I find it unusual for them to conjure up stories in their head throughout the day at least. For me that signals intuition. In the official descriptions they both note EIIs and IEIs are capable of it. You also feel very...innocent? A bit childlike. Which is what decided EII over IEI. IEI can be soft and sweet but they never feel innocent to me, they have an edgier core that I find missing in you. Very hard time seeing you with an Aggressor. EII-Fi are more moralizing and less likely to daydream and whatnot so I would say EII-Ne is the most likely subtype if there is one. Socionics creative subtypes are also said to resemble quasi-identicals more due to strengthened demonstrative function.
    Aw thank you for that kind compliment, I aspire to be the type of person people want a cuppa and a chat with. The fact that I do conjure up stories and constantly do have mental imagery and imaginings happening in my head is what has made me been not sure SEI was the best fit for me. I do agree that I lack an edge or great profound insights like other IEIs do, and while I do greatly admire Se egos like SLE and SEE, I can picture me pissing them off. I don't do a lot (and am happy not to do a lot!) and can be quite sensitive, offended even, if I feel pressured and pushed around by others. I clam up rather than bite back. I am, like you said, overly sensitive to ribbing and casual jokes. I sometimes can't tell if it's good natured bantered or if the person is being serious and really finds me dumb and dull.

    IEI just doesn't feel completely right but likewise, I am aware I may be misconstruing things. Thank you for your feedback though

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    Quote Originally Posted by Consilience View Post
    Gulenko gave you a well-reasoned explanation of the typing but you still seem hesitant with it because you know something seems off to you about it. I say just go with your gut on this and call it a day. If you were actually comfortable with the typing, I doubt you would have made this thread. Good luck to you!..

    How do you relate to SLEs vs. LSEs? I got officially typed as IEI but couldn't see myself dualizing with an SLE. I have always been drawn to Ti bases.. Kept getting into awkward real-life flirtations with LSIs. Haha
    I can't see myself dualising well with SLE but not cause they're terrible or anything! I have huge respect for them. I just am a quieter energy, content in my own company, going at a "slow" pace, relaxing, trying to make best with what is than aspiring to grandiose plans. I'm boring for them I think, and probably for an LSE too but I don't think they'd mind as much Anyways, I'm also quite overly sensitive. I've had friends and co workers admit that they've not told me some things cause they knew I'd be offended and hurt. Or, that they've been on "best behaviour" around me to not freak me out. Which I'm mortified by! And I think an SLE would feel like they'd need to be "on best behaviour" around me. And likewise I'd feel like I need to be a bit more entertaining and fun around them. I just can't picture it going well.

    Ah, so we're in the same boat in a way, both unsure with the IEI typing. I don't think it's terrible but I just am not really sold 100% on it :/

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    @aster thank you for understanding

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @justalitnerdxx, I watched the first few minutes of all four videos and my impression from the first three is that you value Si. Your hair and clothes are coordinated and tasteful and conservative and not flashy or bold. They seem to say "solid and comfortable" but are interesting and changing all the time. (I looked in your closet.) I also get the fainter impression that you value Ne randomness. For one thing, you've changed your username three times.
    I think you are extroverted, in the sense that you don't dive deep into your head when talking, but rather just say what comes to mind on the surface. So I was thinking you are Alpha or Delta. I can see why people have guessed that you might be SEI or Delta in the past.
    I do believe I value Ne randomness over Ni to be honest. Ah, see I've never considered seriously that I could be an extrovert. IEE would perhaps make more sense than IEI or even SEI. I do change my username a lot which gets confusing, so I do apologise for that

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    In the fourth reaction video, I think I see more Fi than Fe, but it is kind of close. You don't look happy with the typing, and Fi-valuers tend to place more credence in their own opinions that those of someone else.

    I really don't see any of the dark inner Ni mysticism that I associate with IEI-Ni's, nor any of the bold super-friendly Fe staginess that I associate with IEI-Fe's. Maybe I should listen to the videos, in addition to watching them.
    I am frustrating and frustrated with myself cause I do seek external feedback from others (like typings by Gulenko) then rather than accept it wholeheartedly I question it. I suppose yes, give the most credence to my ideas and intuitions.

    I haven't explored the possibility of IEE-Fi for myself but it is something I will look into and consider. Thank you for the suggestion! I have been more drawn to SLI type of people in the past - a few of my deepest crushes seemed to fit the SLI profile anyways. SLEs are really amazing too and I do admire their confidence and spirit. I just can see them accidentally wounding me or likewise me dampening their spirits. Which I wouldn't want.

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    You definitely seem way more IEI than EII from that video. Given my experiences IRL with both. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Edit: Find someone typed SLE by Big G (or SEE) and see how you like them. What I saw about G's typings is that ITRs really work there.

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    > EII or

    LII is your type

    > IEI-H Model G

    "IEI" is Jung's type. "Model G" means other methods and theories to identify Jung's type. You can't to have 2 types.

    5 years have passed. If you want to understand your type correctly - identify people IRL near and check by IR theory your possible types with them. The "best" and "worst" people, with who you had most intensive and longer informal communications - should fit better to IR theory.

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    I do believe I value Ne randomness over Ni to be honest. Ah, see I've never considered seriously that I could be an extrovert. IEE would perhaps make more sense than IEI or even SEI. I do change my username a lot which gets confusing, so I do apologise for that
    Please don't apologize for being who you are. It will just make it harder to be that one natural person whom someone thinks is perfect.

    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    I am frustrating and frustrated with myself cause I do seek external feedback from others (like typings by Gulenko) then rather than accept it wholeheartedly I question it. I suppose yes, give the most credence to my ideas and intuitions.
    Maybe the feedback you are seeking is Te advice. Facts. Reality. How to build a porch. Not necessarily input on how you should feel about things (which is what I seek).

    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    I haven't explored the possibility of IEE-Fi for myself but it is something I will look into and consider. Thank you for the suggestion! I have been more drawn to SLI type of people in the past - a few of my deepest crushes seemed to fit the SLI profile anyways. SLEs are really amazing too and I do admire their confidence and spirit. I just can see them accidentally wounding me or likewise me dampening their spirits. Which I wouldn't want.
    I suggested IEE-Fi for you because you appear to be very similar to my relatively warm and subdued IEE-Fi bookkeeper, who is very different from my super in-your-face extroverted IEE-Ne sister-in-law. My bookkeeper is quiet, thoughtful, sometimes excitable and bright but mostly Fi. She has her own opinions which I dare not cross, but is very friendly, too. Initially, she thought that she was some other type, but exposure to ILE's and LII's and particularly SLI-Te's (not SLI-Si's) changed her mind.

    She was married to an ILE who was also bright and fun, but she's divorcing him now because "I thought when we got married, he'd grow up. But he didn't. I need an adult partner, not a child. I'm OK with taking care of someone, if they will take care of me. But he's completely irresponsible with our daughter."

    What she was saying in the above was a statement of her values. That's what Socionics is good at determining, because you want a partner who shares those values.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-12-2020 at 02:54 PM.

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    Didn't he tell you why he thinks you are Ni>Ne or why he thinks you are Beta>Delta or Alpha?

    To me you seem like a Delta NF who was raised by Alpha parent or and Alpha SF raised by IEE parent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    I can't see myself dualising well with SLE but not cause they're terrible or anything! I have huge respect for them. I just am a quieter energy, content in my own company, going at a "slow" pace, relaxing, trying to make best with what is than aspiring to grandiose plans. I'm boring for them I think, and probably for an LSE too but I don't think they'd mind as much Anyways, I'm also quite overly sensitive. I've had friends and co workers admit that they've not told me some things cause they knew I'd be offended and hurt. Or, that they've been on "best behaviour" around me to not freak me out. Which I'm mortified by! And I think an SLE would feel like they'd need to be "on best behaviour" around me. And likewise I'd feel like I need to be a bit more entertaining and fun around them. I just can't picture it going well.

    Ah, so we're in the same boat in a way, both unsure with the IEI typing. I don't think it's terrible but I just am not really sold 100% on it :/
    I considered IEI for a couple of days, talked to some people about it, said "fuck it" and went back to EIE. I don't hold anything against SLEs either but just knowing myself, I know that I need a more introverted type to mellow me out a bit. So, theoretically, LSI fits better.

    Just so you know, not everyone is sold on their Gulenko typing but it's not vocalized, lest there be more drama. Remember, Gulenko is just a person. A knowledgeable one but still just a man.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Consilience View Post
    Gulenko gave you a well-reasoned explanation of the typing but you still seem hesitant with it because you know something seems off to you about it. I say just go with your gut on this and call it a day. If you were actually comfortable with the typing, I doubt you would have made this thread. Good luck to you!..

    How do you relate to SLEs vs. LSEs? I got officially typed as IEI but couldn't see myself dualizing with an SLE. I have always been drawn to Ti bases.. Kept getting into awkward real-life flirtations with LSIs. Haha
    You’re a damn liar. You NEVER got typed IEI, you conned that typing from Jack and now act like you got typed by Gulenko!! You need to stop leeching off people who officially got typed and lay off gaslighting them to doubt themselves just because you’re jealous they got Beta NF as their result.

    I fucking told you told you for over a month. You’re going to get rekt by being so delusional chasing LSIs aka “Ti bases” after you’ve been dumped by one and crazy enough to believe they’re your duals.

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    @Duschia thank you for the feedback and advice

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    I wasn’t quite sure where to post this thread (I opted here rather than Beta cause I’m not sure I am a Beta type and still questioning so here seemed the better place).

    I’ve been typed IEI-Harmonising by Gulenko a couple of months back. It’s a type I wasn’t seriously considering due to my understanding being that I definitely was not a Se valuer. And I’ve had feedback from other communities like World Socionics that I’d more likely be EII or even SEI rather than IEI. That said, to my knowledge (please correct me if I’m wrong) Model G is not the same as Model A so it is perfectly natural for an individuals to get given different typings.

    Anyways, since I’ve seen my Review video floating around here (which is major cringe worthy but I did consent to it being used by SHS if they wished), I thought I’d share the links to my questionnaire videos I completed in order to be typed.

    If you have any feedback on the typing please feel free to comment, and if you have any questions about the typing service I’ll try to help if I can! If anything, I hope I can give an example which may inform some of you on if this is the best path for you to take or not Question Set 1 Question Set 2 Question Set 2 Part 2 (I had a break in the middle since I had to help organise a takeaway order ��) Reaction To Diagnostic
    Hello! I’ve been typed SEE-N by Gulenko and got results a few days ago!

    To clarify, Model G is simply the reorganization of Model A to being useful by adding weight/depth to it. The rephrasing of functions in Model G is designed to be more intuitive as to visualize how your cognitive stack works (e.g. braking function = exposure to this function makes you stop).

    Please do not let these people prey on your doubts and fears as they’ve not been typed by Gulenko and are only desperately clinging onto their wrong self-type by gaslighting others who have. If you need help understanding your typing, I could help you gain clarity and get better resources in voice chat with other people who have also been typed by Gulenko. They are Betas and Gammas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Consilience View Post
    I considered IEI for a couple of days, talked to some people about it, said "fuck it" and went back to EIE. I don't hold anything against SLEs either but just knowing myself, I know that I need a more introverted type to mellow me out a bit. So, theoretically, LSI fits better.

    Just so you know, not everyone is sold on their Gulenko typing but it's not vocalized, lest there be more drama. Remember, Gulenko is just a person. A knowledgeable one but still just a man.

    Thank you so much for sharing your own experience with this

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    @Duschia thank you for the feedback and advice
    Gulenko has/had regular meetings for quadras and people typed by him, but dunno about your distance to Ukraine and because of COVID they are probably off anyway.

    If he could ask those English-speakers he typed if they want to meet, even just online (discord and alike), that would be great. I guess he could make some money out of that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    Didn't he tell you why he thinks you are Ni>Ne or why he thinks you are Beta>Delta or Alpha?

    To me you seem like a Delta NF who was raised by Alpha parent or and Alpha SF raised by IEE parent.

    the report didn’t break down the reasoning aside from temperament (so Introvert rather than Extrovert, Irrational over Rational, Ethical over Logical, Intuitive over Sensor). I was hoping for there to be a function breakdown but there wasn’t one provided.

    I think my Mum is an Alpha SF actually - I’m not sure if she’s SEI or ESE. Maybe energy wise I’d consider she’s more Fe creative than Fe as a lead. I think my Dad is an ST, either LSI or SLI.

    Value wise I think our family is quite drawn to Alpha and Delta ideals. I personally haven’t related much to Beta values but then again I may have had them all wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Gulenko has/had regular meetings for quadras and people typed by him, but dunno about your distance to Ukraine and because of COVID they are probably off anyway.

    If he could ask those English-speakers he typed if they want to meet, even just online (discord and alike), that would be great. I guess he could make some money out of that.
    yeah I think I would find it beneficial speaking to others. I’m quite a socially insular person so it would do me good getting out my head and engaging with others. And hopefully learn more about typology on the way - a bit like what @Kiana suggested too thank you both for this advice!

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    Thank you for your input! Yeah, I’m not really sure I have a cold concealed rational judgemental attitude under the surface. It’s not something others have noticed about me and personally, I’d say I have more of a warm curious playful attitude underneath my exterior which is a bit more muted and serious. So I guess like the inverse of what you’ve described
    My advice would be to now focus on other people, try to type them and learn how the relationships manifest. It's not possible to understand your own type unless you have compared it with lots of people. It's a type phenomenon and you need to distinguish it from your non-type related personality.

    About duality. It's hard to tell who is your dual type just by imagining, because duality is not based on objective traits, but rather on the "chemical reaction" that happens when the conscious and unconscious functions meet. Duals ARE opposite types, and you won't have anything in common with many of them. Duality is kindof surprising when it happens. On the other hand it's pretty common so it shouldn't be seen as too special. Keep an eye on semi-duals also.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    @Tallmo I completely agree with you. I need to actually interact with people and get that outer world feedback. Thanks for the advice again you’ve been really helpful

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    constantly do have mental imagery and imaginings
    It depends on the type really, SEIs I'd say would daydream about a story that has a revengeful twist maybe. I didn't watch the whole video but I noticed you had a more fluid type of speech that I would typically expect from SEIs.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    @Tallmo I completely agree with you. I need to actually interact with people and get that outer world feedback. Thanks for the advice again you’ve been really helpful
    @Tallmo has a great point. I am always constantly observing my interactions to see how different or similar we are, figuring out commonalities to bond over. It would be cool if you read over the ITR descriptions for both types and see how your past and present interactions fit into the theory. But be careful, you can still be close friends with your conflictors...just probably won't work out well in romantic relationships.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    It depends on the type really, SEIs I'd say would daydream about a story that has a revengeful twist maybe. I didn't watch the whole video but I noticed you had a more fluid type of speech that I would typically expect from SEIs.
    I’ll share actually what type of things run through my mind if it’s any help? I’m copying and pasting from something I commented on WSS recently.

    I tend to drift off onto associative imagery and recollections of subjects that I’ve seen or read about before. One physical thing spurs on a trailing web of thought that seems to be constantly going on in my brain.

    Example; I’m visiting a local forest/outdoors area. While walking through I’m brought to mind of an “enchanted woods” type scene from fairytales - big bad wolves appearing, fairies or ghouls flitting in the sky, an army marching through to get elsewhere...I wonder what I’ll do if I see an advancing army, most usually “the villains of the piece”? Then again the group could be the heroes on a quest. I keep walking and reflect that horses tend to be with the villains and the heroes and are usually found in forests..

    My mind then takes me to a scene similar to Lord of the Rings where the heroes are marching through on a journey together, hiding from danger, settling down to eat around a cosy compare. I imagine I’m walking with a horse too and with someone else or a few others; friends. My imagination roams then to reflect on a scene in the book I’m reading where the heroine is exploring the forest in the back garden of her employers estate, where she’s hiding from the rain with the son of the employer. They find a tower in that story for shelter. I notice there’s not one here.

    Another scene pops into my mind from another book, where this time the protagonist brother and sister are venturing in the fields late at night to find their Nanny who is ascending the stairs of a ruined tower. Their Nanny turned out to be a vampire.

    Thankfully there’s no Towers here, I snap back to the present. I’m out of the woodland area. Now facing busy traffic and fellow pedestrians. I walk along with them and in my head brings to mind the mental imagery of Carrie Bradshaw skipping down the streets of New York. I’m going home physically yet mentally where will I go next?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Consilience View Post
    @Tallmo has a great point. I am always constantly observing my interactions to see how different or similar we are, figuring out commonalities to bond over. It would be cool if you read over the ITR descriptions for both types and see how your past and present interactions fit into the theory. But be careful, you can still be close friends with your conflictors...just probably work out well in romantic relationships.
    That’s what I need to do. This is where my social anxiety and COVID has tripped me up- I have limited to experience with others in a casual setting. This year I was going to travel solo and hopefully mix more in a local theatre group...but nope, none of that came to pass and socialising has been on the back burner.

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    Just a thought, and not meaning to be preachy for any reason in particular, but most people think types fall into quadras and dichotomies and certain preconceptions. If beta seems like a bad fit, but Gulenko thinks you are, then that's more likely to be plausible. I know this seems counter-intuitive and non-sensical (and I guess in a way it is), but to state the obvious, people are not so one-dimensional that typing is 100% concrete or always easy to make sense of and that's also why the forum can and will never agree on anything and why any analysis will always fall short to some degree. And you seem like the type of person that is okay with not having to have answers to everything, which is why I'm saying this.

    So anyway, if in ten years or so, after getting to know a lot of people and thinking about it yourself, if you start to decide on something that feels concrete and real, maybe come back and say what you think, I'm always curious about this stuff for some reason and it's more interesting to see what people learn later on...
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    It depends on the type really, SEIs I'd say would daydream about a story that has a revengeful twist maybe. I didn't watch the whole video but I noticed you had a more fluid type of speech that I would typically expect from SEIs.
    This also crossed my mind. I would have expected more stumbling on words, and "ehh" and "hmm" from a SEI, and also blank stares.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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