At last, I've devised a 100% accurate socionics test. It is completely web-based, free, and is not only far more accurate than any other existing test, it is immensely more convenient and less time-consuming. No more slogging through endless pages of questions with vague and confusing wording. No more wading through poorly machine-translated descriptions to confirm your typing. The test has been so streamlined that it is also suitable for non-English speakers.

Note: the test has been known to malfunction. This is perfectly normal - this is, perhaps, the first test of its kind. You may have to retake it to ensure an accurate result. But the good news is, unlike any other test, you are guaranteed to obtain an accurate result as long as you don't give up prematurely. You heard it here first.

Link to test here.

An Enneagram test has also been devised, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.