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Thread: Types least likely to believe in COVID/the efficacy of masks

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  1. #1
    SlytherinPower's Avatar
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    The best way to prevent getting sick or having a better recovery if you get sick is to take vitamins to help your immune system. Vitamins like zinc supposedly work great for that.

    Edit: I should have concised my posts in one, but I'm exhausted & kept thinking I was going to go to sleep, but then thought of more to add.

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    There is a basis to doubt in higher danger of "covid", that methods to oppose to that danger are reasonable from medical point, reasonable by the degree of harm done to people taking the real medical danger.

    T types lesser trust to medias hysterics and more to reason and facts.

    There is lie, strange and unreasonable said about "high" danger and done in methods to oppose - a strong lack of scientific objectivity. While the harm and illegal actions (incl. censorship) are more evident. So it seems as illegal terror and harm, while governments and other responsible officials betray own nations.

    Even a single fact and clear scientific model value more than all hysterics in medias for a year:
    "Projecting the Diamond Princess mortality rate onto the age structure of the U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%." (link)

    There is no high arise of death number above common, which is expected taking the officially reported high death rates in countries. While a significant part of that arise could be explained by the results of methods to oppose the virus. The known death arise is only 0.1% while death rate is close to 2011 year in RF.

    They now even do not say the reason of deaths. Just count people which died from anything after they contacted with that virus and identify that virus by not perfect test which may give false results.
    Medias and medics got illegal restriction to say publicly anything what not copies the said by government! It's illegal and harmful censorship to discuss the theme and to say factual truth.

    Also there are traits that virus is artificially made and used as explanation for politics agaist interests of most people in all nations. There is a lot to doubt in medical motives in what is done.

    Taking the said, the so called "vaccine", which is illegally forced, probably will do nothing (as vaccines are not efficient for easily mutating viruses alike grippe) or may even do a harm (1, 2). That harm will be covered by the same way as truth about that virus is not very dangerous (at now, at least, before vaccines were used) and that actions said to oppose it make much more and real harm.

    Say goodbuy to good mass education, today level of inductry production, privacy and what the most people have at now in material part. Some tens of years will push most people to hard poverty and feudal slavery. This is done now by fake medical explanations.

    About masks and other "protecting" methods efficiency.
    There is Belorussia which had no restrictions as masks or quarantines. Near it is Poland and RF which had that all. You may compare the result - was in Belorussia significant arise of death rate above common and that arise was more than in other states near. No it was not, as in this case you'd hear about that in medias.

    There is opinion about what happens near this virus from a politician activist Kurginyan. I recommend to look at it.

    "covid" is new variant of classes wars by Marx to harm interests of most people.
    Last edited by Sol; 12-16-2020 at 12:16 PM.

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