Ivanka Trump was among those who pushed her father to make the Twitter video that ultimately got him banned in the wake of the riot, according to a White House official.

In it he told rioters to "go home," but in an off-script moment added, "We love you."
It was again Ivanka Trump key among the aides who pushed the President to issue a subsequent video in the wake of his impeachment, again denouncing any future violence or plots to wreak havoc across the country. There were no words of "love" this time.

The latest move was motivated by fear of potential legal exposure by the President, a source familiar with the taping told CNN.

And according to sources who have worked and socialized with Ivanka Trump and Kushner, their motivation was likely their fear over the state of their beloved moneymaker -- the Trump brand.
Why did Trump denounce the violence (as though this weren't already dreadfully obvious)? Bc others insisted on it in a collective effort to save their asses, and bc he was trying to save his own ass. In case not already dreadfully obvious, he didn't really mean it. He knowingly egged his "low class" supporters on to attack the capitol. Whether he truly believed this would help him overturn the election results I don't know, but to overturn them is certainly something he wanted.

The answers aren't in the specific words he said. They are in the , in how amped up he got people and what he knew they would do with that energy once they reached the capitol. His words are meant to both incite them to this while not being clear enough to be read that way from all perspectives.

If Trump ever meant to bring about a peaceful transition of power he wouldn't have been on his soapbox about election fraud for months and he would have said plain and clear that Biden won.