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Thread: Democrats: What if?

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Democrats: What if?

    (Borrowed heavily from @Aylen's email in another thread,. Not to pick on Aylen, but I have little time to make this point, and Aylen, your points seems representative of many here. So I am working with that to clarify your and others thinking.

    The following in Blue, I think, is what most Democrat's think:

    1. Supposedly, only Trump rigs elections, and Trump was trying to do something tricky to win votes by asking them to vote in person. So Biden is direct and true. More honest, anyway.

    2. Supposedly, people turned out for Biden in droves. They did NOT turn out in droves for Trump. Biden is the American people's pick!

    3. All the Media says Biden won, and they tell us that Americans picked Biden, so, it must be true. The media basically mostly tells us the truth. The media cares pretty much about truth, honestly and integrity!

    4. Trump's plan to encourage voters to vote in person was actually "not well thought out". [Trump is not smart, so, he can't have been onto anything of any significance].

    5. Trump's telling people in NC to vote twice, in person and by mail, to test the system was NOT motivated by Trump wanting people to easily see the truth of Democratic voter fraud! Trump just wanted voters to commit fraud on his behalf.

    6. When Trump complains that the election wasn't fair, he is just a whiner, because obviously there is nothing of substance to this allegation. Nothing happened in this election that is of any of significance to the American people.

    7. Trump doesn't seem upset (Did you notice? I did.) This must be because he is a magical thinker or something. Or he can't process reality and is in some kind of strange happy positive place? Because, after all, what is there to be positive about?

    Okay, WHAT IF? I am asking you, Biden voters, and there are so many of you here at the16T, and @Adam Strange - I wonder what you think becasue I really respect your Socionic opinions if not your politics, and @Aylen -, because I looked at what you wrote becasue I am interested in your thoughts, and I thought it was representative of what other Democrats think, so I used it for this post: What if things are not what they seem right now? What if:

    1. It wasn't Trump but Biden, Harris and the Democrats who truly rigged the election, and it is about to be PROVED?

    2. What if the American people turned out in DROVES for TRUMP, and NOT Biden? What if Trump won American votes by a LANDSLIDE - and he is who America wants, and it can be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt?

    3. What if not only the above is true but the MEDIA was fully aware of the fraud and took an active role in perpetrating it? What if Biden and Harris were proved fully aware of and cooperated with the fraud?

    4. What if Trump asking North Carolina to do the above actually WAS a test of the fraud being perpetrated in the system?

    Re: 5., 6., 7., and ALL of the above:

    What if it is revealed that Trump expected massive voter fraud since he got voted into office and actually did something massively pro-active about it in all these years, using his superior intelligence and incredible drive to put into place the biggest STING OPERATION in the HISTORY OF THE UNTIED STATES?

    What if the reason Trump does not look upset at a "loss" right now is becasue he is completely certain he did not/will not lose? What if it turns that his relaxed demeanor is Trump 'biden' his time, letting the frauds dig themselves in deeper, to make the treason charges stick?


    Does that seem impossible? Because I expect it to happen, and I am not the only one. Many of us are have great hope, and great peace in that hope, that fraud is about to be exposed in full, and that justice will be done.

    So want if this is true? I want to know! What would be your reaction or your response? Would you be surprised? I hope so! I hope naivety/ignorance is what makes people vote for the most radically pro-abortion candidates it the history of the nation. I don't think the majority of Americans went to vote for these truly sick and sorry persons. I think they voted en masse for Trump. I think many blue states went RED. I think we will learn that Republicans won a lot more than the presidency! I can't wait to see the REAL numbers! Because I love it when the truth comes out! And the numbers WILL be real, and AUTHENTIC!

    The media mocks Trump for talking about "authentic votes", but "authentic" is the KEYWORD here and they know it. They know what is coming so they are priming you to think it is something NOT real. Biden and Harris' "happiness" looks FAKE to me, because they HAVE to know they have LOST, and the Media wants them to play this pretend in their usual effort to create division in America. Yet the reality of real, countable "authentic votes" will soon be exposed. I can't stay up to explain more, but the keyword here is watermarks. The long-planned huge sting operation involves watermarks on ALL authentic ballots. The watermarks will expose the actual votes. That is what I have learned, and I believe it.

    I don't have an inside view of the politicians or the media. I am listening to intelligent persons who are experts in their fields and also to people who claim to be prophets of God whom I discern to be truthful. God doesn't let anything big happen without sending his prophets to foretell it. I know that means little to many but it is the truth. What I have heard also fits in my observations. I think Trump is extremely intelligent and amazingly resilient and I think he GETS THINGS DONE like no other president in history. I KNOW he is whom God wants for president because he speaks pro-life and that is what matters, above EVERYTHING. Because without life you don't have ANY of those other things. It starts with the gift of life and without that you have noting. Life comes from God and it is NOT ours to take. Abortion is an intrinsic evil and we have slaughtered MILLIONS of lives in their country, and only by the mercy of God we ahve not felt His justice for that. We killed unique and precious souls that we NEEDED on earth, that earth was robbed of. [Those black lives matter, too! Every black life matters!] It is also an act of violence against the mother. And anyone who claims that Roe v. Wade resulted in LESS abortions has something perversely wrong with their noggin. You can no longer think. Only parrot senseless things.

    God wants America to have a president who will decrease, not increase abortion, and Trump is His man for the job. Millions of Americans have prayed and prayed and prayed for this day, and I believe God will not let their prayers and their votes go in vain. God will act. I believe with God's help, and some very smart people who care about America and care about truth, the truth and all it's rot will be exposed. The Media's ugly core will show, and they will fight extremely hard to stir up strife, division, hatred and violence. That is what they want for America.

    But in the face of that, millions of us are praying for peace. Black, white, and every color - we stand strong in this, and we fight with prayer. We have faith, and heavenly hope.

    Sound crazy? I don't care. But what if I am right?

    So what I want to know is, what if the above is true? How would you feel about your Democratic party, and what the Media tells you to think? It would not be surprising to me. But would it be to you? I would hope so.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 11-10-2020 at 02:24 AM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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